I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 781, Acknowledging the ancestors and returning to the clan

Chapter 781, Acknowledging the ancestors and returning to the clan

Under the leadership of the staff, they quickly came to the hall of Xu Wei's home, and then an orderly served them tea and told them that the ruling party would arrive soon.

"Does anyone know what the ruling party wants us to do? When the order was sent, it only said that there were some historical questions about the rule of three generations to ask me?
But with such a long history, I don't know much about the knowledge passed down from my family. "Fu Wan asked a little nervously, he was afraid that this great opportunity would be wasted.

"The government has always said that ordinary people are the creators of history. His view of history is completely different from mine. This time, he summoned us suddenly on a whim. I am afraid that it has something to do with what is happening now in Daqian." Xu Shao thought for a while. thought.

Huang Yancheng said: "That should have something to do with the New World. I went to the New World some time ago and found that the folk customs of the New World are very similar to those during the Three Generations Reign. This custom is still preserved there.

Moreover, the power of their sacrifices is also very strong, even greater than the power of the leader, but it is strange that their state has been passed down for thousands of years, and they have always been in the form of a tribe. There is no country. It doesn't appear, which is very strange? "

After the emergence of the New World, it became a hot spot in the academic circle. Because of Zhuge Liang's relationship, Huang Yancheng's family was also rich, so he lived more chicly and richly than others.

He wanted to learn about the customs of the New World, so he simply chartered a sea boat and went directly to the New World. He was unparalleled!
"Maybe the New World can become the place where my Confucianism can be revived!

Although the savages here are brutal, they are also simple. As long as they are educated, they will definitely become my loyal believers in Confucianism. The most important thing is that the potential of the New World is not inferior to that of Daqian. We must seize the opportunity to occupy the New World first. "

How to revive Confucianism has been what these great Confucians have been thinking about for more than ten years.

"But the savages of the New World are different. They are almost exactly the same as us. If they learn our language and wear our clothes, other people may not be able to tell whether this person is a savage from the New World or someone from me.

Sima Jing thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid there is something that needs us, so the ruling party invited us here!"

The others naturally got up and said politely: "The ruler is being polite, the old man and others have just arrived here."

They also did this kind of thing back then. During Emperor Wu’s period, the reason why Confucianism was able to dominate and eradicate a hundred schools of thought and only respected Confucianism was because the power of Confucianism in the inner period was already unstoppable. Many great Confucianists cheered for them. Seventy percent of the world's sons studied Confucianism, and it was because they were so powerful that they could defeat all schools of thought at once.So now they also want to learn the old wisdom of their ancestors and accumulate strength locally.

Xun Yue said in surprise: "The people who come here seem to be more interested in the New World!"

Xu Wei didn't mean to play charades with them, but continued: "After opening the sea, everyone's horizons have been broadened, and they know that besides our great civilization, there are countless prosperous civilizations in the world, such as the Tianzhu civilization , Tianfang Civilization, Great Qin Civilization!
There are also various races, like the savages in Nanyang who are short and dark-skinned, completely different from our Dagan people. There are also Tianzhu people with three-dimensional facial features and darker skin color than ours. People from the Western Regions have white skin, golden hair, and eyes Green, and Dingling people who are tall, they are burly and brutal, it can be said that these people are completely different from our Dagan people. "

He understood: "It should be like this. It's just that he may want to ask about our New World when he is in power."

It's a pity that they can't see such a trend in Dagan.Therefore, many Confucian scholars began to diverge. They occupied Nanzhong, Nanhai, and even Tianzhu and the Western Regions. They wanted to use this method to continue the inheritance, survive this period of crisis, and wait a few decades before entering the Central Plains.

Xu Wei did not continue to be polite, but immediately said: "I think you all know about the things in the New World. Do you think that the customs of the New World are similar to our customs?"

Then Xu Wei gave them an example and said: "When King Wu was crusading Shang Zhou, it is said that there was an army of more than 5 large merchants in the Huainan area, and this army disappeared without a trace after the collapse of the great merchants. trace!
Do you think there is a possibility?
This army saw that their country was destroyed by King Wu, they didn't want to take refuge in King Wu, so they took a sea boat and drifted to the New World. After so many years, they also forgot the history of their birth, and then became the New World the savage. "

Xun Yue and the others suddenly looked at each other when they heard this, not knowing what Xu Wei meant.

Just when they were hesitating, Xu Wei came here and said: "I'm sorry, something has been delayed, I kept everyone waiting for a long time!"

The savages in the New World are so similar to us, so is there such a possibility that they were originally our people, but they just migrated there in ancient times, and tens of thousands of miles of sea cut off their connection with their homeland! "

The people present were all smart people, and Xu Wei said it so clearly, they immediately understood what Xu Wei meant.This is to create an ancestor for the savages in the New World, so that they can recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors so that they can easily rule the New World.

Then he asked strangely: "It's just that he shouldn't have first-hand news about the New World, why would he need to ask us?"

Huang Yancheng thought for a while and said: "This is a bit difficult. I have preserved a lot of bronze wares from the Yin and Shang Dynasties, and there are many characters from the Yin and Shang Dynasties on them. I have been to those tribes of savages, and their characters are not at all Yin Shang The appearance of the Shang Dynasty.

Moreover, their level of civilization is extremely low. There are no bronze wares, no cars, and the daily utensils are completely different from ours. Even their system is completely different from that of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. They have forgotten too many things, and it can even be said that civilization has been cut off, so we bite the bullet and say that these savages are descendants of Yin and Shang, I am afraid that people will laugh at them generously. "

Although Huang Yancheng knew that Xu Wei wanted them to compile history, so that the savages in the New World could recognize their ancestors, but as a scholar, he still found it difficult to do such an act.

If they go along with the ruling and make up history, they will be ridiculed by the world if it is spread, and their names will be infamous for thousands of years, especially the latter point, which is difficult for Huang Yancheng and others to accept.

(End of this chapter)

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