Chapter 782, heir
Xu Wei didn't expect that Confucianism would be ashamed.Then he couldn't help laughing, this has something to do with himself, although he severely cracked down on the influence of Confucianism, he only eliminated them from the officialdom.

This is completely different from the blows they received in history. Wu Huluanhua directly wiped them out of their bodies. Of course they can only be dogs under the butcher's knife.

The next two Hu people invaded the Central Plains for almost the same reason, and even because they knelt too much, they didn’t think there was any problem. It can be said that these three Hu people’s invasions greatly lowered the bottom line of Confucian morality and directly The backbone of Confucianism was broken.

But now that Xu Wei has turned Confucianism into an opposition party, they are more concerned about their own reputation, because apart from this reputation, they really have nothing, and the hard-backed Confucian scholars have not been killed yet, so they still have a bit of backbone.However, he was influenced by the prejudice of later generations, thinking that the bottom line of Confucian morality in this era is extremely low.

Xu Wei said with a smile: "I just gave an example. I don't necessarily mean that these savages are from the Yin and Shang period. My civilization has been passed down for thousands of years. Couldn't these savages be from the period of King Suiren and the period of Fuxi?" of.

Judging from the information I got, it's not like these savages have nothing in common with us. Just because we have the same appearance, we can be sure that we have the same ancestor.

Huang Yancheng and the others nodded. They agreed with this point. Although the world is vast and there are many civilizations and nationalities, there are almost no people like them. The Nanzhongnanhai area is only a few thousand miles away from them. The savages are completely different from them. On the contrary, they are tens of thousands of miles away, in another area isolated from the world. The savages on the mainland look exactly like them. If they say that they are not from the same ancestor, they themselves don't believe it.

Seeing them nodding, Xu Wei continued: "Just say that they worship the Feathered God Snake. Don't you think that this is exactly the same as the Yinglong in our myths and legends. These savages worship the sun god. In our legends, Isn't Emperor Yan the incarnation of the sun, if you put it this way, maybe this is a savage, and he used to be a member of Emperor Yan's tribe."

After thinking for a while, Xu Wei said firmly: "It should be Chi You's people. Chi You was also a member of Yandi's tribe at the beginning. After they were defeated in the battle, they went all the way north, crossed the strait in winter, and finally fled to the new continent for thousands of years. Over the years, it has multiplied and formed the current Savage."

The great Confucianists present were dumbfounded. The ability of the ruling party to make up stories was beyond their imagination. With just two or three similarities, they actually made up such a grand story.

Xu Shao said firmly: "What the ruling said is very reasonable. I am willing to assist the ruling, so that these survivors of the great cadres will recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors."

They have always regarded Xu Hao as Xu Wei's successor. If you don't talk about politics, you should at least join the army.

But Xu Shao thought for a while and said: "Just please correct me and send a fleet to lead the old man and others to the New World, and at the same time send an army to protect the old man and the others, so that the old man and the others can have a deeper understanding of the history of these tribes. So that we can more truly compile hereditary migration trees for them!"

Xu Shao looked happy when he heard this. The Sun Wu-class warship has a volume of [-] shi and hundreds of cannons. This warship is the most powerful and strongest warship in Daqian. With such a strong warship, their safety is guaranteed .

It must be more realistic if it is to be faked. If it can be exposed casually, his reputation will be ruined. Xu Shao also has face, so he plans to go deep into the tribes of the New World to collect more information to compile history.

Xu Wei was still trying to figure out how to get primitive people to recognize their ancestors.

The actions of these people made Xu Wei a little helpless. After Xu Hao finished high school, Xu Wei wanted him to take over his class, go to a university first, and then find a way to do scientific research.

They are the best novelists at making up stories, so Xu Shao accepted this task without hesitation.

They have prepared the military force of the Dudu Mansion, and now they are going to choose a captain to rule this force.

Jidu, General Staff.

But Xu Hao can, because Xu Hao is the successor to the ruling that the entire senior military and political leaders are optimistic about, and everyone will give him face.

Wang Ge and Li Gang are already planning how to rule the New World.

When the two of them were selecting the captain to guard the New World, the first thing they thought of was Xu Hao.

The person who came was Xu Wei's son, Xu Hao.

"Chief of Staff, my subordinates have such low qualifications, I'm afraid it will be difficult to guard the New World!" Xu Hao felt a little unsure.

But as far as Xu Wei said, everyone can't say that there is no such possibility at all, because they know that although the New World is tens of thousands of miles away from Dagan, it is less than a hundred miles away from the nearest strait. Even the sea route will be frozen, so it makes sense to reach a strange continent from land.

Shanyue in the south probably didn't know that he had a group of compatriots in a strange continent tens of thousands of miles away.

After all, there are so many arrogant soldiers who want to go to the New World to build a country, even if they go, they may not be able to deter these people.

Xu Weixi said: "Of course, the imperial court will arrange the strongest Sun Wu-class warships to protect you to the New World! At the same time, thousands of troops will be arranged to protect your safety in the New World."

However, this idea was opposed by the senior management of the entire Daqian, and even Xu Wei's wife Zhang Ning.

And even if you become an academician in university, you are just a craftsman. How can this possibly succeed the class in power.

So under the mobilization of Zhang Ning, Xu Hao, who was only 16 years old, put on the military uniform and became a soldier. After joining the army for one year, he was admitted to the military academy, and then he studied in the military academy for three years, and won the first place. , was exceptionally promoted by the staff to become a military marquis, and became an intern officer on a Weiqing-class warship.

At the same time, if they want to grow up quickly, going to the frontier is the best choice, so that they can continue to promote Xu Hao's position.

Under the operation of Li Gang and the others, Xu Hao has been fighting pirates to guard the frontier along the coast of Dagan for the past two years.

That is to say, Xu Hao has joined the army for less than six years, and under the care of Li Gang and the others, he has already become Qianshi's army commander, only one step away from the school lieutenant.

Don't look at the official position of Army Sima, which didn't even appear in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but it is already considered the top among mid-level officials. If it is promoted to another level, it will be 2000 Shi Xiaowei, which can be regarded as stepping into the top ranks of the military.

The ranks of the Dagan military system are clear, and those who have merit can naturally be promoted in an exceptional manner. The promotion is very fast, but if they have no merit, they can only accumulate seniority step by step. Now that the world is peaceful, even Xu Hao, the son of the ruler, has to accumulate step by step. rise up.

(End of this chapter)

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