Chapter 823, Heroes of Rome

In order to obtain the cannon manufacturing process, the Roman emperor lured the sailors under Zhen Xing to stay in Rome with money and aristocratic status to teach Rome how to make cannons.

These sailors risked their lives to come here for money, but now the emperor of the Romans not only gave them money, but also gave them the status of nobles. This is what the sailors have to say. Many people immediately took refuge in the Roman emperor.There are also some who have not taken refuge. Although they have such thoughts, they are reluctant to part with their family members and resist the temptation!

Even if Zhen Xing knew about this matter, he had no choice but to bow his head under the eaves. If his subordinates did not join the Romans, he might be the one who would stay.At the same time, Zhen Xing had to teach the Romans the formula of gunpowder, otherwise, he didn't know if he would be able to leave here!

After all, compared with sailors, Zhen Xing has been taught by Xu Wei for many years. At this time, he is not comparable to ordinary Roman scholars in terms of depth and breadth of knowledge.

He can discuss mathematical knowledge such as geometry and algebra with scholars in Rome, engineering with craftsmen, and military knowledge such as formations with generals. Dagan's civilization level is now one level higher than that of Rome, let alone Zhen Xing. Xu Wei has taught this plug-in.And Zhen Xing caused a sensation in the whole city of Rome because he discovered the lead poisoning incident of the Roman nobles.

After more than a month of fermentation, Zhen Xing's reputation in the city of Rome was already great. At this time, a scholar who admired his knowledge gave him a bottle of wine. It was nothing at all, but Zhen Xing was surprised. It was discovered that the wine was actually bottled in lead.

This shocked Zhen Xing, thinking that the scholar wanted to kill him, so he immediately went to the Roman emperor and asked the Roman emperor to uphold justice for him.

The Roman emperor asked the two sides to confront each other. At this time, Zhen Xing discovered that the entire Roman Empire did not know that lead was a poisonous metal.

Then he suddenly realized that Dagan people had this understanding in the past few years, and it was still popular science in power.

At that time, Dagan wanted to build a canal system to transport mountain spring water to Dagan city as domestic water. In order to facilitate the construction, the craftsmen at that time found lead and other easily meltable metals as water pipes. This was immediately stopped by Xu Wei. After reading thousands of novels, how could one not know that lead was one of the murderers that led to the fall of the Roman Empire.

So he experimented with rabbits and chickens, and let the people in Dagan see how the rabbits and chickens that ate the lead skin were poisoned to death little by little.The concept that lead is poisonous was widely known to the common people in Dagan!

Obviously, the Romans still don't know this, so Zhen Xing can only educate them about it.

The Roman emperors and scholars were terrified when they heard the news!Can't even believe it!

Lead is a very fine metal.Lead is rich in reserves, low melting point, high ductility, soft enough, easy to refine and process, and the bluish-white luster is also very beautiful.

Moreover, they had abundant reserves of lead mines in Rome, so they widely used lead in all aspects of life-toys, statues, rings, coins, cosmetics, pigments and even medicines for curing diseases.Lead materials are also widely used in various tableware, kitchen utensils or containers.It can be said that they are in contact with this metal all the time in their lives, especially the water pipes in the city of Rome are made of lead skin. If this is true, then the people in the whole city of Rome are in a state of lead poisoning.

Zhen Xing knew that there were a lot of lead objects in the city of Rome, and even the water was transported by lead pipes. He could only admire the Romans' ability to resist poison, and they were not poisoned to death!

But in order to prove his words, he also experimented with rabbits and chickens, and this experiment caused a sensation in the whole city of Rome. The people of Rome were so concerned about whether they were poisoned, so that these test objects were brought to the Roman Forum, Let all watch.

Then the Roman emperors, elders, scholars, and common people saw these experimental products languishing day by day, their eyes turned bloodshot, and finally died suddenly in less than a week!

When the last rabbit died, the whole city of Rome was shocked, and everyone threw away everything related to lead in their homes, digging out the lead pipes and throwing them away.For a while, lead became something that everyone in Rome called for beating!

After this incident, Zhen Xing became a hero of the Romans. At the same time, Zhen Xing's knowledge shocked the Romans. The Roman emperor recruited him, and even used a beauty trick to keep Zhen Xing in the Roman Empire. , Serve your own empire.

It's a pity that Zhen Xing has the pride of belonging to Dagan. Even though the Roman Empire is the most powerful country he sees besides Dagan, he still doesn't want to stay in Rome.

After his intention was known by the Roman Emperor, although the Roman Emperor was not happy, he did not make things difficult for Zhen Xing. First, Zhen Xing now has a high prestige in Rome, and second, for the Roman Emperor, the most important thing now is to Open up business routes with Daqian to solve Rome's economic problems!
Of course, after Zhen Xing and the others stayed in Rome for a few months, the Roman emperor found that he could not persuade Zhen Xing to stay, so he could only take out a letter and hand it to Zhen Xing.It was said that it was brought to the Seresian emperor, and at the same time he also expressed his desire to open up to the Seresian country.

Zhen Xing wanted to leave the city of Rome a long time ago, so he immediately took the letter from the Roman emperor, saying that he would definitely deliver it!

In the end, Zhen Xing left Rome with his own ship, and continued to advance to Africa, but they did not go well this way. Rome still has civilization, but the place behind it is worse than the New World, especially the people here. Malaria caused most of their few sailors to die here, so that Zhen Xing had to capture some savages here as labor to supplement his own shortage of manpower.

In this way, they sailed for tens of thousands of miles, and finally returned to Tianzhu!

Zhen Xing was currently dressed in rags, his hair and beard almost completely covered his face, his whole body was extremely dark and unintentional, and his face was also sluggish.

But when he heard that Tianzhu was approaching, he was shocked and said, "Is it really Tianzhu? Isn't this a deserted island?"

"There can be no mistakes. I have been to Tianzhu several times, and the calculations from the latitude and longitude cannot be wrong!" the astrologer said firmly!

At this time, the observing sailor exclaimed excitedly: "I saw the flag of the Dagan Navy. It is unmistakable. We have really arrived in Tianzhu! We are going home!"

"Go home!" The words brought tears to everyone's eyes. After more than three years, they are finally coming to an end of this endless voyage.

"I'll never be a shitty sailor again!"

(End of this chapter)

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