Chapter 824, look forward to

The astrologer said with emotion: "The previous administration told us that the earth is a huge sphere, but many people didn't believe it, and we didn't believe it at the time either. After all, everyone can see it, and the earth is obviously flat.

But over the years, as my knowledge has deepened, I have gradually discovered that this may be true. Over the years, even if there are many examples that can prove that what the government said is true, the eyes may be deceiving.

But there are still many people who don't believe it. Now that we have traveled around the world, we have really come from the east to Tianzhu in the west. Now no one will refute this truth! "

Then he said excitedly: "We may go down in history because of this discovery, because we are the first to complete the voyage around the world and prove that the earth is spherical."

Zhen Xing was not excited at all, he even felt that there was nothing to be excited about. "How can ordinary people care about this kind of profound knowledge of Yangchun Baixue? If it weren't for the fact that this statement was made by the ruling party, I'm afraid you people would not study it even if you study it!"

"Back then, the great Confucian Zhang Heng proposed the harmony between heaven and earth, but even if a big man like him said such a thing, who would care?

Ordinary people don't understand that people at his level are studying Confucianism.As long as the common people put forward such a statement, everyone just thinks it is a fool's dream! "

It was obvious that he was going home soon, Zhen Xing was in a good mood, and was still in the mood to tease him.

The astrologer had no choice but to realize that what Zhen Xing said might be true, such a great geographical discovery, so few people really care about it.

It's just a pity for him, in the end he still failed, and the only gain may be to bring some letters from the Roman emperor.

He approached Zhen Xing and said, "You are so lucky that you came back alive. Do you know that your father offered a reward of 1 million for knowing about you?"

At the same time, the news that Zhen Xing and the others traveled all the way east to Tianzhu, and they were about to complete their round-the-world travel, began to spread in Dagan.

This needs to be developed, and it will bring tens of billions of wealth to big money in a few years.

These sailors told the truth, especially when they showed them the rubber tree leaves, and there are people who have seen rubber trees on the island. After proving this, everyone has to believe that the land that looks flat is actually spherical. , There are really people who can go east all the way to Tianzhu in the west.

Zhen Xing nodded, this trip around the world was the most adventurous in his life, and he dared not go through such an action again.

And not long ago, a more sensational news came. A silver mountain was discovered in the south of the New World, which was said to be bigger than the original New World Gold Mountain.

Not long after, the ship docked at the pier on Gem Island.

If you refute him that gold and silver are too soft and it is impossible to use a hoe pole, they will swear to refute you, the New World is full of savages, there is no iron and gold and silver, why use stones?

"Thank you General!"

They have traveled the following channel many times, and they will be able to return to Jidu in at most one month.

In this way, Zhen Xing and the others made a short stay on Jewel Island. After repairing the boat and buying supplies, they continued on their way home.
Daqian's current carrier pigeon system is extremely developed. A few days later, Zhen An found out that his son was alive, and he immediately cried with joy.

These sailors vowed that they came from the New World, crossed the ocean to the east of the New World, and then crossed a continent and sailed for hundreds of thousands of miles, and finally they returned to Tianzhu.

Yan Liang said: "Ben sent Feige to Jidu to let your father know in advance that you are still alive."

Yan Liang said: "From now on, I will serve my old father with peace of mind at home, and don't do any more risky things. If you really want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person, I'm afraid your father will not be able to bear it first."

Of course, the senior management of Dagan knew that this was nonsense. The area of ​​the New World was not much smaller than the continent where Dagan was located.

Zhen Xing said ashamedly: "Is it because I have dragged my father down?"

The high-level executives of Daqian are more looking forward to it. The New World is a vast land of treasures. They have been digging for several years, but the area of ​​​​the New World has not been fully explored.Not much is known about the New World.

After the soldiers stationed here personally said that this is Tianzhu, Zhen Xing and the others were relieved, they really came back.

I can finally go home.

"Sure enough, the world is still dominated by mediocre people. I believe that the ruling party will understand our great discovery."

The potential of the New World has been fully demonstrated in front of them. They can earn tens of billions of money in the New World every year, and the court has billions of dollars in taxes alone.

Now there are many anecdotes and rumors in Jiji, saying that farmers in the New World use gold hoes to cultivate the land and silver poles to carry things.

But many simply don't believe it.

In such a vast continent, it is quite common to find a few mountains of gold and silver. What they care about is the market opened up by the New World and the special products of the New World, although it is only gold and silver now.

Because of the successive discoveries of mountains of gold and silver, the New World is now a land of gold and silver to the people of Dagan.

Ordinary people just regard such news as anecdotes. The earth is a round ball, which is indeed a bit counterintuitive, but what does it have to do with their own lives? Everyone just sighs that Zhen Xing is so fateful that he is still alive after disappearing for three years return.

This matter even aroused Yan Liang's interest.

And this matter is too big and not a small hot spot in the big work. Among the disappearing teams, only their family has such financial resources.

Yan Liang also knew about Zhen Xing, because besides trying to find ways to ask people to help find out about Zhen Xing's news, Zhen An also spent 1 million rewards for any news about Zhen Xing.It's a pity that he found nothing, because he mainly went to the New World to search, and he never thought that Zhen Xing would appear from Tianzhu.

The people on the Gem Wharf were shocked when they heard that they were explorers looking for rubber trees. They actually came all the way from the east to the west of Tianzhu.

It's good to live.

The high-level executives of Daqian found that it is difficult to do business in places with a country, just like Tianzhu in the past. Although they also need silk, tea, and porcelain that cost a lot of money, they are more concerned about the loss of gold and silver in their own country.

The rulers of these countries will try their best to limit the scale of trade, but there is no such restriction at all in the new continent of the South China Sea that Dagan himself developed.

In a few years, the trade in the New World has exceeded tens of billions, and the South China Sea has reached hundreds of billions. Considering the South China Sea as a country, the South China Sea is actually the largest trading country in Daqian.

Now that Zhen Xing came back from an unknown waterway, will this waterway discover a new country?New continent?
It can be said that Zhen Xing and his team's discovery determines that Dagan will gain several new raw material production areas and commodity markets

(End of this chapter)

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