Zhang Liao also heard about what Liu Bei did in Tianzhu, but because Lu State is deep in the south, central and inland, and the relationship with surrounding countries is poor, the news about Tianzhu is not as good as Cao Cao in Crab Island!

Cao Cao said in admiration: "Xuande is old-hearted, he has fought for 10 years, and he has really built a big man in Tianzhu. This old man admires him!"

Zhang Liao also said in admiration: "The general is indeed a hero, he really conquered Tianzhu, which has a population of tens of millions. If there is a general, the great man will never perish!"

But Cao Cao quickly sighed and said, "Although Xuande is a hero, he doesn't know how to endure. He has added a little trouble to his hegemony for no reason! Do you know why Lei Gong summoned you to Jidu this time?"

Zhang Liao said: "Lei Gong established the United Senate, saying that in the future, all disputes in the world can be resolved in the Senate. Even if they can't be resolved, they must be settled with certain rules and force, instead of mass killings like before. .Yi Liao thinks that this is the etiquette that Lei Gong wants to establish, just like the Zhou Ritual established by Zhou Gong back then!"

In fact, Qianli has already begun to be tried out in Nanzhong.

Although there are hundreds of countries in Dagan in the South China Sea, there are not many disputes among these hundreds of countries. After all, each of them is an island, and the population is small, so it is very difficult to have disputes!
But the situation in Nanzhong is different. Although there are only three or four small countries here, it covers a vast area, and all of them have borders. In addition, several parties have conflicts. In this way, it is impossible to have no conflicts. up!

Among them, Lu Guo can be said to be the little overlord of Nanzhong. Lu Bu conquered Nanzhong and no country was his opponent, so that several Nanzhong countries united against Lu Bu, and at the same time sent envoys to Jidu from time to time to cry against Lu Bu. The arbitrariness, I beg the court to call the shots!
And Xu Wei accepted someone as his younger brother, so it was naturally impossible for him to watch his younger brother get into disputes like this.

So he used the method of the princes in the Spring and Autumn Period to ease conflicts in Nanzhong, combined with the method of organizing and preventing wars in modern times, and established a set of rules for the war between princes and small countries in Nanzhong.

One is the "Great Civilized Warfare Act", which probably means that you can't massacre cities, you can't slaughter captives, you can't burn the enemy's crops, and there are rules for each of them to fight. It can be said that the "Dagan Civilized Warfare Act" is completely in accordance with "Sun Tzu's Art of War" It was formulated in the opposite direction, and the emphasis was on integrity, and many places even directly quoted the rules of the Spring and Autumn Period.Because Xu Wei found that the rules of war in the Spring and Autumn Period were much more civilized than those of later civilizations.

After all, those so-called lighthouses in later generations are just robbers with a layer of civilization. They have done too many things to abuse captives and slaughter ordinary people, so it can be said that they are not doing human affairs.

The second is the "Prisoners of War Act", which probably stipulates that prisoners should not be abused, and wounded soldiers must be treated, a bit like the Geneva Conventions of later generations.

Don't think that this is a woman's benevolence. If it is a war to unify the hegemony, it will naturally use all means, but most of the wars in Nanzhong are due to conflicts between Lu Bu and the upper echelons of other countries. It is a bit too much to kill and kill, or even to destroy the country and the city.

In fact, the emergence of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" represented the complete collapse of Zhou Li, and the princes of the world began to stop paying attention to the rules of war, but began to compete offline.In fact, such rules of war are not a good thing for the upper echelons.

War in the Spring and Autumn Period was like a sports meeting, a stage for princes and nobles to show their strength, but when it came to the Warring States Period, the upper echelons of each family were not safe, and if they were not careful, their families would be destroyed.

And the dry ceremony formulated by Dagan is the international law that everyone must abide by in the future. Anyone who dares to destroy the Qianli will be suppressed by the Dagan army. At this time, Lu Bu obviously does not have this strength.

Therefore, the chivalry promoted by the West in later generations is actually because they lack a first emperor, and they can only use this method to keep their upper class safe.Their so-called chivalry is not as good as our Spring and Autumn Rituals, at least the Zhou Rituals still retain the interests of the soldiers at the bottom!From the scope of popularization, Zhouli is more extensive!

But now that the war in Nanzhong is a matter of spring and autumn, general Zhennan will find a way to bridge the conflict between the two sides. If the conflict cannot be resolved, let them agree on the number of troops and the battlefield. If the two sides fight, the winner will be reasonable side.

It is because Zhang Liao has seen too many Qianli in Nanzhong that he thinks that Lei Gong's experiment in Nanzhong has been successful now, and he wants to spread Qianli to the entire sphere of influence of Dagan!
Cao Cao said regretfully: "This is not a mistake! The territory of Dagan is too wide, and it is difficult for a unified system to rule such a huge country, so Lei Gong had to entrust his heroes to guard the South China Sea, Nanzhong and New Continent. , and he also needs a dry ceremony to unify the power of the entire Daqian!"

"But Lei Gong's Senate would not have been opened so early. The South China Sea has not yet fully grown, and the New World has just been developed. Now many regions are called countries rather than small cities! It's a pity that Xuande proclaimed himself emperor and Lei Gong couldn't do it. Do not open the Senate in advance!"

Zhang Liao was surprised: "What does this have to do with the general!"

Cao Cao said with a wry smile: "Of course it has something to do with it. It's the same as in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The Duke of Zhou has established Zhou Li to rule the world, but Wu Geng wants to rebel and establish Yin Shang. Do you think Duke Zhou will destroy Wu Geng?"

Zhang Liao said with a wry smile: "The general is different, he built a big man in Tianzhu! This has nothing to do with Daqian!"

Cao Cao said helplessly: "Maybe I don't care about the establishment of the great Han Lei Gong. After all, the old man even sat on the dragon chariot, but it is difficult for Xuande to call himself emperor Lei Gong. Following Lei Gong? Xuande's proclaiming the emperor means that he still wants to compete with Lei Gong for the position of boss, which makes Lei Gong have to destroy the country Xuande established in Tianzhu!"

"If the old man's prediction is correct, you are here not just for a meeting, but just dispersed like this. Lei Gong will definitely kill the chickens and monkeys, and let the world see the end of the challenge, so maybe Lei Gong will invite you to the Western Regions Let's see how Dagan taught Xuande a lesson! If Lei Gong comes out, the old man is afraid that Xuande will be in danger!"

After Zhang Liao heard Cao Cao's words, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense. After all, these small countries had a population of less than one million. Even if one of them became emperor, Lei Gong would probably treat it as a joke and send an envoy to reprimand him.

But Tianzhu, where the general is located, has a population of more than [-] million and is the second largest country in the world. Moreover, Tianzhu is not as rich as a wild place like Nanzhong. Such a country can naturally challenge Daqian's status.

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