I am not an ant thief in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 831, the remnants of the great man

In order to make these messengers familiar with the process of the parliament, but also let them understand the power of Daqian!So this big parliament invited them to watch first!

At the same time, this is also a kind of demonstration, to let the envoys of these small countries in the South, Zhongnanhai, understand the power of Daqian, and let them not learn from Liu Bei and have any ideas that they shouldn't have.

The content discussed at the Dagan meeting was extremely shocking to these small countries. The financial revenue of Everbright Qiang was more than 870 billion yuan. This figure shocked everyone!

Even Cao Cao, who was on the sidelines, was shocked when he heard this figure, and the pride in his heart because Crab Island had an income of 20 billion yuan was completely extinguished.

He shocked and said: "Back then, the late emperor pretended to be crazy and acted stupidly, buying and selling officials, and he made more than 20 billion yuan, but now the income of working hard for a year is dozens of times that of the big man!"

Cao Cao's father was also a big farmer in the period of Emperor Ling, and he was in charge of the financial revenue of the entire Han Dynasty. He knew how tight the financial revenue was in the period of Emperor Ling, and there was a huge deficit almost every year, and Emperor Ling tried his best. There is a way to make up for this shortfall, which led to continuous rebellion at the end of the Han Dynasty. If there was one-tenth of the financial revenue of the Dagan during the Han Dynasty, the Dahan would not perish.

These years he was in Crab Island, although he also understood the strength of Daqian, but after he really heard the financial figures, he realized how powerful Dagan was. The 10 big men back then might not be as powerful as Dagan now.

Zhang Liao was even more shocked. The country of Lu he was in was not even comparable to the country of Izumo. Lu Bu had a strong income in the military, but he didn't have much ability to govern the country. That is because the country of Lu occupied a fertile plain. In this era, the price cannot be sold. Lu Bu has a country in his income, but his income is not as good as that of a big businessman!
Then there is the steel data produced in a year, the road mileage, the length of the rails, the number of canals, etc., and the basic construction of people's livelihood!

These data surprised Cao Cao and the others even more. Such a powerful infrastructure capability, let alone the Eastern Han Dynasty, was incomparable even in the most powerful Western Han Dynasty.

The water conservancy facilities built in one year by Dagan far surpassed that of the Dahan, even Cao Cao's ideal Western Han Dynasty was not comparable.

And people like Zhang Liao are even more clouded and incomprehensible.But they know that Dagan can build so much infrastructure, which is amazing.

Then these envoys watched how the representatives from various places in Daqian exercised their power, and how this parliament was held!
When the Great Council is over, the Joint Council of Elders begins.

At the very beginning, it was to formulate the rules and regulations of the Grand Council of Elders, the decrees of exchanges between countries, the laws of war, and how to select the seats of the Council of Elders!
As for the quota of elders, there is one quota for each country, and countries with a population of more than one million can get one more quota for every one million more people.

According to this rule, each of these small countries has a quota, and Dagan has 93 quotas in the Senate, accounting for almost half of the quota.

Of course, even if they don't have half of the quota, these younger brothers dare not disobey the order of Dagan.

When Dagan proposed these decrees, these younger brothers voted with a show of hands below, and they all passed these decrees unanimously. From then on, Dagan has legal dominion over all countries.

When all these decrees were passed, the representative of the Kingdom Army Dagan said angrily: "Liu Bei is the remnant of a big man. He was pitiful when he was in power, so he let him go! But he is so ambitious that he actually proclaimed himself emperor in Tianzhu, and even sent troops. To seize the land of Dagan, Liu Bei of Zhu Han has become the biggest threat to our Dagan civilization. Only by eliminating Liu Bei, can our Dagan civilization be stabilized! All countries can be safe, so I decided to form a coalition to capture Tianzhu. Eliminate Liu Bei, the rioter!"

Everyone else raised their hands and shouted, "Agreed!"

The first military proposal of the Council of Elders was unanimously passed!
All countries agreed to send an army of no less than 500 people or tens of thousands of shi of grain, a thousand sets of armor, etc. In short, all countries have the money to contribute money and power!

For the South and Central countries, they have long disliked Liu Bei. They are all born in big cadres. It is their great enemy, the two sides have fought for decades, but Liu Bei has established a powerful empire with a population of tens of millions, and Tianzhu is even richer than their South China Sea.

These island owners in the South China Sea are envious and jealous of Liu Bei who occupies Tianzhu. At the same time, they are a little scared in their hearts. Liu Bei is not against them, but such a powerful empire is hostile to them. Liu Bei wants to deal with them. , Dagan didn't even have time to rescue them!

And now that Liu Bei is going to destroy Tianzhu, everyone is very happy. First, one enemy can be reduced, and second, with Tianzhu's wealth, there will be a lot of spoils in this battle. With a huge amount of wealth, even if they rob tens of thousands of people to come to their own country, they can reduce their ten years of construction efforts!The population of Tianzhu has always been a high-quality property.

So Liu Bei of Tianzhu became the first powerful enemy since the establishment of the Senate!

Hundreds of countries have formed a huge army of more than 10 people. The commander of this army is Xu Wei. After the formation of the coalition army, the soldiers will be divided into two groups, one will attack the coastal Tianzhu land by sea, and the other will attack from the western regions by land. Northern Tianzhu!
After the meeting of elders is over, it will take more than half a year for the coalition to form, so there is no rush for the second battle!

Did these envoys come to Jidu? Everyone cherishes this good opportunity and invites friends to shop in Jidu.Strolling in the lively Jidu for a while, I felt the prosperity and excitement of the capital.

And Cao Cao invited Zhang Liao to eat at the most expensive hot pot restaurant in Dagan.

Zhang Liao didn't behave politely with Cao Cao, he took a lot of meat from the buffet and started eating.

Cao Cao laughed dumbly and said, "Wen Yuan is physically strong, and he can eat large pieces of meat at will, unlike the old man whose body has completely collapsed. The genius doctor Hua Tuo has ordered him not to eat meat like this again."

Zhang Liao said: "Lü Guo, the country is small and the people are poor, if it weren't for Mr. Cao, it would be very difficult for Liao to eat such delicious food!"

Cao Cao said helplessly: "I didn't expect that the old man would become Xuande's enemy in old age!"

If there is a choice, Cao Cao doesn't want to become an enemy with Liu Bei, but he is the remnant of a big man. If he disagrees, he is afraid that he will be the first to destroy his Izumo country, so the messenger of Izumo country Instead, we must actively send troops to deal with Liu Bei, so as to clear up the relationship with Liu Bei, so that everyone will not think that they are the remnants of the big man!

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