So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 188 I don’t know where the gossip came from, saying that if you make a wish to the sky, your

Chapter 188 I don’t know where the gossip came from, saying that if you make a wish to the sky, your wife will fall

"Damn, slow down, slow down!"

While flying, Elder Huo Le persuaded Hongli beside him: "The outside world is very dangerous, hurry up and go back with the elder!"

"Ah, I have already experienced the dangers of the outside world."

On Xiaohuo's back, Hongli sat with a calm expression: "So I'm on my way back, this is not my home."

"You can regard Zongmen as your home."

Elder Huo Le whispered softly: "Sisters and elders can be your family!"

"No, that's too scary."

Hongli curled her lips: "Really, my aunt is my relative and Xiaoyun is my friend."

"Where is Xiao Huo? Where is Xiao Huo? What does Xiao Huo belong to mother?"

Hongli: "..."

"Silly boy, I don't know how to answer your words..."

Hongli held her forehead speechlessly, and looked at Elder Huo Le aside: "Elder, what position do you hold in the sect?"


Huo Le raised a question mark: "What do you mean?"

"Ah, nothing interesting, don't worry about it."

Hongli waved her hands, and changed the subject in a flat tone: "I seem to have heard that there will be my aunt in the next batch of reinforcements?"

"Ah, yes, Xiaoling is indeed a member of the next batch of reinforcements."

Elder Huo nodded: "Didn't she just come back from the ruins before? Now that she has recovered from her injuries, she has more experience and can give some guidance to the team."

"But my aunt is very good."

Hongli showed dead fish eyes: "I don't want her to hold me back..."

"Young people can't speak so wildly, they must learn to be humble."

"I'm just discussing the matter as it stands, and I'm not allowed to stand up in the face of danger."

Hongli suddenly remembered that Hei Yang was about to be drowned, and at the same time told her that it was okay, and immediately became angry: "Some people, if they insist on being brave, they don't even know that their fate is long gone." It belongs to me, that is the life of many of us. Hmph, there will be absolutely no next time!"

"Uh, why are you so angry all of a sudden..."

Elder Huo was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Ah, it's nothing, just to say..."

Hongli waved her hand: "Just don't make fun of your own life. If you try to persuade her again, use the tricks you used to persuade me to make her not go."

"Ah, have I become a special persuasion......"

A string of black lines emerged from Elder Huo's head, and he turned his head to look forward: "Ah, we've reached the border of the Fire Department, why didn't I notice that the Fire Department is so small before, it will end soon..."

"Ah, ah..."

Hongli pressed her hands on the translucent barrier, stared at the blue sky and white clouds with longing eyes wide open, and almost put her face on it: "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Hahahahaha, I can't take it anymore, elder, please open the barrier!"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Elder Huo Le's mouth twitched as he watched Hong Li paw on the barrier: "Actually, I don't really want to open the door for you, I can't take it for a month..."

"I should say that! Just go out and play for a month, and it's still at the foot of the mountain, what's the big deal!"

A well popped out of Hong Li's head, looked at the passing birds outside, and snorted softly: "Heh, if you don't open the door, I'll go out by myself!"

Instant kill!

The next moment, what happened almost caused Elder Huo to stare out his eyes.

Hongli disappeared in place in an instant, came to the side of Asuka outside, lightly pointed at Asuka with her finger, and smiled: "Thank you!"

Asuka: "?"

Did a person fly over just now, tsk tsk, it's really scary, this place is not clean, slipped away.

Huo Le: "!!!"

"Wait, Xiaoli, you can't fly yet!"

small fire:"!!!"

"Mom, Xiao Huo hasn't gone out yet!"

"Ahaha, the elders will release you—"

Hongli's voice dragged on longer and longer, and she laughed loudly: "Because I, the main criminal, have escaped ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she laughed loudly:

Leaning against the ground, looking up at the blue sky, the air waves are like cotton, trying to support Hongli's body below, but it still can't change the fact that she is falling rapidly.

Her long hair was blown by the wind and disturbed her vision, but Hong Li didn't panic at all.

【Hei Yang: I'm here, right at the foot of the mountain, um, looking up is the entrance to the secret realm of your Ministry of Fire, you can see it. 】

[Hong Li: Ha, I saw you too, catch it, your little cutie suddenly fell from the sky! 】

[Heiyang: ? ? ? 】

"Hahahaha, freedom—"

"This child!"

Almost at the moment Hong Li went out, Elder Huo Le waved the token, opened the barrier, and rushed out together with Xiao Huo, and after they left, the barrier closed again by itself.


Elder Huo chased the opponent faster than Hongli's falling speed, Jin Danqi's strength was real.

It's just that, although Elder Huo is very fast, there is a little crane with natural wings that is faster than him!
A fiery red shadow passed him straightly!

Elder Huo's eyes widened suddenly, and he blurted out: "In the foundation building period, the earth-level supernatural power Huo Zhongxian???"


The loud and clear chirping of flamingo echoed under the blue sky, attracting everyone's attention.

"Ah... I didn't think enough..."

Hong Li looked up at Xiao Huo who was rushing towards her, and smiled helplessly: "I forgot that this child is still worried about me, what an irresponsible mother, she just said that Heiyang makes others worry ..."


Hongli squatted on Xiaohuo's back again, and said apologetically, "Well, I'm sorry... Mom was wrong, I won't dare next time..."

"Tch, mom is always like this..."

Xiao Huo complained a little: "Xiao Huo is used to it."

"Sorry sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Hongli clasped her hands together: "Xiao Huo loves me again."


Xiao Huo tilted his head: "Where are you going to fly?"

"Ha! Due east!"

Hongli regained her spirits, her long hair fluttered backwards along the wind, she stretched out her finger and pointed downwards: "Did you see that man in front of that big tree?!"

"Oh hoo."

Xiaohuo swooped down: "Got it!"


Hei Yang on the ground looked up at the red dot that was getting closer and closer in the sky, and couldn't help but sigh: "Is someone else's girlfriend the same as raising a child..."

How should I put it, although the golden core stage can only fly, but Heiyang and Hongli are only at the foundation stage...

But recreating the situation where they used the backstab skill to jump up from the bottom of the cliff, now that the two people have the teleportation function, theoretically speaking, it is possible to realize the magical operation of stepping on the left foot and ascending to the sky with the right foot.

For example, Heiyang jumps suddenly, Hongli teleports directly above him and jumps on his arms, Heiyang teleports and jumps again, spirals into outer space and so on—if there is outer space in this world.

Of course, that only exists in theory. After all, if you want these two guys to jump into the sky thanklessly, it is probably something that can only be realized in a dream...

Heiyang and Hongli are most motivated when they are separated, and the magnetic force between the two begins to push them crazily closer. When they get together, it’s not just twice as salty...

"This height is always fine!"

Hongli had already seen that Heiyang raised his head and waved at her, lightly patted Xiaohuo on the head, smiled, and jumped out again: "Your cutie fell from the sky again, here I come again, take care of it!"

Hei Yang: "..."

You forget it if you fall to death.

Smiling and taking two steps forward, Heiyang stretched out his arms.

Hongli's weight is not heavy, but the momentum must be counted when falling.

Heiyang only felt his arms sinking suddenly, and his girl fell into his arms. The latter didn't hesitate at all, and directly hugged Heiyang's head with both hands, facing his cheek: "mua! Kill me! Hahahaha!"

"A surprise attack again..."

Feeling the touch on his face, Heiyang smiled slightly, and looked towards the sky: "There is one more!"

"Come on, come on!"

Hongli opened her arms and laughed loudly towards Xiaohuo in the sky: "Little cutie, let mom hug me!"

"Little cutie fell from the sky!"

Xiaohuo laughed, and rushed forward, the red feathers turned into clothes, and a red-haired little loli jumped down, and just fell into Hongli's arms, embracing her mother's arms with her newly acquired pair of hands , facing her cheek: "mua! Xiao Huo is here!"


Hei Yang looked at Hong Li who was being hugged by the princess, who was holding Xiao Huo, and beeped softly: "Are you elders following behind?"


Hong Li hurriedly urged: "Run, run, I'll catch up to him in a while!"

"Where are you going!"

Elder Huo's beard fluttered, looked at the family of three below, and shouted: "Your cutie fell from the sky!"

Hei Yang: "Then who? You are so cautious!"

Hong Li: "I don't know, I don't know."

Xiaohuo: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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