So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 189 Catch the traffickers tightly and never let go to attract the attention of passers-by

Chapter 189 Catch the traffickers tightly and never let go to attract the attention of passers-by

Elder Huo popped a well on his forehead, and couldn't help shouting: "You guys, I warn you! Don't go too far!"

"What's the matter..."

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes: "This old man has a very bad temper."


Huo Le was furious: "You go and ask, everyone doesn't know that I am the elder with the best temper in the Zongli!"

"so what……"

Hongli showed dead fish eyes: "Do you still want us to catch you too, hey..."


Huo Le gritted her teeth: "You are slandering unilaterally, old man, I can fly myself!"


Xiao Huo turned his head to look at his parents, imitating his dead fish eyes: "You actually yelled at the children, Grandpa Huo is a big villain!"

"Ah this..."

Huo Le was stunned for a moment, and his old face blushed: "Don't be angry, Xiao Huo, it's Grandpa Hu who made a mistake, isn't it okay?"


Xiao Huo hesitated for a while, then nodded: "I'll just forgive Grandpa Huo as hard as I can."

"Hey hey."

Huo Le smiled brightly: "Xiao Huo is so kind, she is really a considerate little girl."

"Don't do it again!"

"It must be... huh?"

Elder Huo Le frowned, and found a blind spot: "What and what, this is not the key at all, okay!"

"I just want to ask..."

Elder Huo Le gritted his teeth and pointed at the three of Hei Yang: "How long are you going to hug each other!"

"Ah this..."*3
Heiyang exchanged glances with Hongli and Xiaohuo who were in his arms...then the three of them separated at the speed of light!

From high to low, Heiyang, Hongli and Xiaohuo stood in a row with their heads bowed and their cheeks flushed.


With her hands behind her back, Huo Le looked at the three bowed heads in front of her: "Stop hugging? Stop hugging?"

"Well, it's not..."

Heiyang beeped softly: "I was excited for a while, but I did it subconsciously..."

"That's right, what's wrong with us hugging..."

Hongli beeped softly: "Wait until there is nothing in the way when you go back, then continue hugging!"

Hei Yang: "I want what I want."

Huo Le: "..."

Who is he, where is he, what is he doing?
Why do I suddenly feel that I have become the villain, isn't it right?

"its not right!"

Xiao Huo suddenly raised his head and came to his senses: "Xiao Huo is a child, why should a child be hugged by his mother?!"

Thinking of this, the barefoot Xiaohuo jumped into Hongli's arms again: "Mom hug!"

"Ah, good good!"

Hongli hugged Xiaohuo, looked at the little loli in her arms, and then took a sneak peek at Heiyang next to her, for a moment she had an illusion, as if the child was really her own.

However, although the appearance changed from a crane to a human, from the voice and the familiar color, and the red hair on the top of the opponent's head that was the same color as Xiaohuo, Hongli could tell that this was indeed Xiaohuo.

Of course, even though she was not her own, in Hong Li's eyes, she already was.

Rubbing Xiaohuo's red hair, Hong Li thought wildly about the difference between this hair and Xiaohuo's feathers, and sighed: "I was like this when I was four or five years old, right?"

"to be frank……"

Hei Yang corrected in a low voice: "When you were four or five years old, you were much taller than Xiao Huo now."


Hongli was shocked: "Did I grow that tall before?"

"Hmm, even taller than me for a while."

"Then how do I explain it now?"

"It seems that in a certain year, you suddenly lost your height. I forgot the exact year. Anyway, you suddenly felt that you became shorter."

"Ah, that was really a dark year..."

Huo Le: "..."

He's standing here... isn't it a bit redundant?
Of course, Hei Yang would definitely not ignore Elder Huo, he looked at Elder Huo, and said sincerely: "You must be Elder Huo, right? Thank you for taking care of Xiaoli these days in the sect!"

There is one thing to say, but Elder Fanhuo is a little old man with a weird temper. It is probably even more difficult to get him to agree to Hongli's conditions. In the end, there will be some unpleasant things for everyone.

Therefore, Hei Yang respected this Elder Huo very much.

Of course, the premise is that Elder Huo agrees to let Xiaoli go home!

"Ham, I can't talk about taking care of my disciples. After all, although I care about my disciples, if there are too many people, it's impossible to take care of all the disciples..."

Elder Huo waved his hand, he didn't want to say anything about whether to take care of it or not. Those were false. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Hei Yang: "Compared to it you kid? It's you kid who made our genius small Li abducted?"

"What is your little glass!"

Heiyang's eyes widened, and he blocked Hongli behind him: "This is my Xiaoli, well, she has been here for less than twelve months, but we have known each other for more than twelve years!"

"That's it!"

Hongli poked her head out and said angrily: "The Zongmen treats me well, more than half of it is because of my talent.

Heiyang treats me well just because I am Hongli!
Even if you go to check my household registration, I am also the eldest daughter of Hong Xiaochen from the Hong family of Wuse City, and I will be Hongli from the Heiyang family in the future, so I am not a genius disciple of the Five Elements Sect! "

"Well said!"

Hei Yang nodded: "Hmph, my household registration is also the eldest son of Hei Muguang from the Hei family in Wuse City, and I will be Hei Yang from the Hongli family in the future!"

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo was suddenly shown a face.

"not good!"

Xiaohuo suddenly exclaimed: "Xiaohuo is Xiaohuo, the spirit beast of the Fire Department of the Five Elements Sect! What should I do, how can I become a naturalist in the City of Five Colors?!"


Elder Huo's eyes lit up suddenly. If I remember correctly, this child was born less than a year ago, and it turned out that he was able to reach the foundation stage just now. Even with the inheritance of spirit beast blood, this talent is terrifying!

If this child can be allowed to stay... the suzerain of the Five Elements Sect doesn't necessarily have to be a human...

Hei Yang: "!!!"

Hongli: "!!!"

Heiyang and Hongli's radar sounded instantly, and the two quickly covered Xiaohuo, showing vigilance.

"Hei Yang, that familiar gaze just now..."

Hong Li felt like facing an enemy: "Did you feel it?"

"Ah, yeah..."

Hei Yang's eyes were sharp: "When I was a child, I met traffickers who abducted and sold children. That's the look!"

Huo Le: "???"


Numerous tic-tac-toe popped out of Huo Le's head, and she couldn't help roaring: "I'm just thinking about it, and I haven't taken any actual action yet. Do you need it?!"

Hei Yang: "???"

Hongli: "???"

"He still wants to act!!!"*2
Huo Le: "..."

"Ahem, okay, okay, the alarm has been lifted, and the misunderstanding has dissipated."

Heiyang coughed twice, and clapped his hands: "Since Elder Huo has agreed to move our household registration for Xiaohuo, I believe he will keep his word..."

"and many more……"

Elder Huo's eyes widened: "When did I agree, why didn't I know?!"

"Ahem, that's not the point..."

"That's very important, well, when did I agree?!"

"Listen to me first."

Hei Yang sighed, waved his hands and said: "Actually, speaking of human traffickers, I just broke up a group of human traffickers, and rushed over here in a hurry."

"Huh? Act bravely when seeing what is just, and be a chivalrous man?"

Elder Huo frowned and gave a thumbs up: "What a boy! But what does this have to do with what we are talking about? Why, you still want to dismantle our Five Elements Sect human trafficker group?"

"You admit that the Five Elements Sect is a group of human traffickers?!"

"Bah, I didn't, who said that, don't talk nonsense!"

"Cough, that..."

Heiyang scratched his head: "The key point is not this, the key point is that many of those kidnapped are disciples of the Five Elements Sect, haven't you noticed..."

(End of this chapter)

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