So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 190 The real chapter name shouldn't appear, because it's too long so I can't

Chapter 190 The real chapter name shouldn't appear, because it's too long so I can't think of it!
In the cramped, damp and dark dungeon, a half-dead monk huddled in a corner, limp and powerless like a trash bag that had been discarded at will.

The pieces of paper on the wall recorded the information of these prisoners in detail.

Name, date of birth, identity, cultivation level, maximum luck value, time of last plundered luck, estimated recovery time of luck, estimated number of times it can be used...

They are like the goods on the shelves in the mall, placed here without dignity, waiting to die and decay.

The air is filled with a faint smell of decay, although it is not a stench, but it will not make people feel good.

To be honest, after Heiyang controlled the disciples of Suantianmen to take over the dungeon, he paid close attention to these prisoners, which made them live until now.

But before Heiyang discovered this place, who knew how many bones were buried here!
Because of the existence of Ding Bu before, even if Hei Yang saw the miserable conditions of these monks, at most he could only suspend them so that they would not die. After all, this is still the old nest of Tianmen, and they cannot be released directly.

After finishing this lair, it is impossible for Heiyang to leave them alone, but it would definitely be unrealistic for Heiyang to take over and take care of them.

And just one turn away from the door is the rightful master of the Five Elements Sect, so Hei Yang naturally chose to make a small report directly.

As for the disciples of Suantianmen, when Heiyang and the others came with Elder Huo, they had already slipped away ahead of time.

After all, if Elder Huo blows up one or two of them, the loss will be black sun.

But although Elder Huo's face is as black as Hongli's secret soup, it is obvious that there are more important things waiting for him to deal with.

Huo Le stirred up the spiritual power in his body, pinched Fa Jue, and a cloud of flames floated out from his heart, filling the entire dungeon.

When these flames touched everyone, they did not produce any burning sensation. Instead, they continued to burn the spiritual energy in the air, roasting the people in the dungeon, injecting a little bit of spiritual energy into the bodies of these people, making their faces no longer so ugly.

This is Huo Le's move based on the unquenchable heart fire. It is somewhat similar to the resurrection nature of Nirvana Fire. Although the effect is far inferior to Nirvana, the advantage is that it can be used on others and is relatively gentle.

To put it simply, Huo Le threw a few balls of flames on the blood-skinned people to add some blood to them.

Huo Le and Hei Yang rescued everyone from the dungeon, temporarily placed them in the room where the former Tianmen disciples were, gave them some water, and let them talk slowly.

After arranging the last surviving monk, Elder Huo Le walked out of the room, sighed long, looked at the family of three next to him, and said sincerely: "Thank you for your help and for letting me know. I will definitely do what I promised. It is not difficult to move Xiaohuo's household registration..."

"Oh, that doesn't matter for now."

Hong Li touched Xiao Huo's head, and shook her head: "So what are you going to do next, Elder?"

"Of course the people in Zongli should be notified, and they should be put together and recuperated first!

After that, send people to hunt down and kill those who are considered to be the remnants of the Tianmen..."

Elder Huo spoke without thinking, but stopped halfway, his face became a little ugly again, and he couldn't help but curse out loud.

"Damn it, I almost forgot that now that the mountain is closed, even the people in Pai Zongli can only send some people. This rule is really annoying!"


Hongli tilted her head: "Can't special situations be treated specially?"

"In the agreement between the two parties, special circumstances refer to a major disaster in Five Elements City or surrounding cities, and monks from the sect can come to the rescue..."

Elder Huo shook his head and explained: "But obviously, this situation is not included in major disasters."

"There are so many rules..."

Hei Yang couldn't help but rejoice and said: "Fortunately, I didn't join any sect, otherwise I would be bored to death!
Besides, Hongli, what kind of eyes do you have, I didn't catch you to the sect..."

"whispering sound……"

Hongli turned her head away, feeling a little upset.

"In order to avoid all possible frictions, we stand from different angles and naturally have different ways of thinking about problems. There is nothing to explain about this..."

Elder Huo adjusted his mood and sighed: "No one wants to break the hard-won stability of the practice world over the years."

"This is true."

Heiyang nodded.

"Long live the peace!"

Hongli agreed.

"Although I've already said it once..."

Elder Huo emphasized solemnly: "But this time, I am really grateful to you, Heiyang!

Even the remnants of Tianmen sect are extremely secretive, we even thought that these disciples had either gone out and not returned, or died unfortunately, but we didn't expect to be caught in this kind of place to suffer!
However, some missing disciples have been found here, but I have not been able to see some faces, and I don't know if they have not been caught, or..."

"Hey, that, that's the one..."

Heiyang suddenly thought of something, and asked with his hand gestures: "Didn't you say that those great sects of the immortal sect have such things as soul lamps and fate jades, can they know whether a disciple is alive or dead? Five Elements Zong hasn’t installed new equipment here yet?”


Hongli also showed a puzzled expression: "Why haven't we heard of registering soul lamps and the like?
That is, when a person dies, the lamp goes out, or when a person dies, the jade slips are broken or something. "


Hei Yang nodded again and again: "Then the unlucky master or elder will be shocked and furious at this time!"

"Zhuzi Ganer, who is it? He actually killed my beloved apprentice!"

Hongli imitated her tone, nodded and said: "Then start chasing and killing the murderer."

"Uh, you two..."

Elder Huo had a strange expression: "Have you read too many biographies of Xiuxian?"


Hongli and Heiyang looked at each other: "But we are cultivators!"

"Cultivating immortals is not based on imagination."

Elder Huo spread his hands: "Cultivating immortals also requires a sense of reason, so you can do whatever you think of, right?

Of course, there are quite a few wonderful ideas, which are inspiring to us practitioners. For example, the communication spirit stone I used for the test before, after being perfected and stabilized, it may allow the disciples who go out to keep in touch with the sect at any time! "

"Oh, right!"

Elder Huo looked around and lowered his voice vigilantly.

"Let me tell you another piece of internal news in the cultivation world, the research on the conceived teleportation circle has also begun!

The personnel are in place, the investment is full, and there are only a few Nascent Soul stage bosses who are willing to cooperate to help overcome the problem of space! "

"I don't understand, but I'm shocked..."

Hongli blinked.

[Hongli: O God of Black Sun who knows everything, come and explain to me. 】

【Hei Yang: When did I have such a strange setting...】

[Hei Yang: But this situation is normal. The mainstream in my previous world was knowledge called science and technology, and many scientific inventions were first enlightened by science fiction...]

[Hongli: Oh, how about I write a book "Miss Hongli's Bad Life", to guide the direction of life for the little salted fish of future generations...]

[Hei Yang: Great idea, hurry up and write, I suggest a million words a day! 】


[Hongli: Forget it, the real bad book should not appear, because it has already been given up at the conception stage...]

[Hei Yang: One thing to say, one thing to say, indeed! 】

"The teleportation circle or something, I always feel that it is still a little far away from us, the key is that I don't go out very much..."

Heiyang laughed twice: "But having said that, can you give us a few pieces of the communication spirit stone you mentioned after the research is completed, so that it will be convenient for family members to contact each other in the future..."

Well, when his mother wakes him up again, he can directly face Lingshi without getting out of bed: "Ah~ I'll just sleep for a while~"

Wait, it seems that Dad said that he can move out when he gets back, which means that no one will come to wake him up? ! !


Hongli tugged on Heiyang's cuff, and beeped softly: "The spirit stone is easy to destroy the harmony of the family, I think it's better not to have it?"

"And this?!"

"Well, I saw that it is easy to explode, if it blows up my parents, hey, wouldn't the two of us be finished..."

"Hey, it's so scary!"

Xiao Huo raised her head, looked at her parents whispering in confusion, she was starting to lose track of the can this work? !


Elder Huo Le was speechless, and it was a small problem to communicate with the Lingshi. Just because of this kindness in helping to rescue the disciples of the Five Elements Sect, he could arrange a carriage for Hei Yang to transport over there!
What?You said there is a storage bag? !
Cough cough, direct transfer of money is different from carrying a box of banknotes, it seems that his gratitude is heavy...

"Those are small problems, but I still have a doubt..."

Elder Huo looked at Heiyang suspiciously: "These remnants of the Tianmen Sect are as cunning as foxes, how did Xiaoyang catch their tails?"

"Ah, that ah..."

Hei Yang stretched out his hands in the shape of claws, and said in a low voice with a gloomy face: "To tell you the truth, in fact, I can manipulate people's hearts and disintegrate them directly from inside the Suantian Gate!
Heh, this is just an appetizer, next I will manipulate Hongli to divide the Five Elements Sect! "


Hongli swayed violently, shook her head and said, "I've been manipulated, what a terrifying trick, I'm about to be used to complete an ulterior evil plan!"


Not to be outdone, Xiaohuo closed his eyes and raised his head: "Little Huo has also been manipulated, and the goal is to divide the Five Elements School from within!"

"How is it, are you afraid?"

Hei Yang looked at Elder Huo proudly: "If you are afraid, hurry up and drive Hongli Xiaohuo out of the Five Elements School!"

Huo Le: "..."

"Okay, okay, don't say it if you don't want to say it..."

Elder Huo sighed speechlessly: "This child, there is no truth in his mouth."

What?Could what Hei Yang said be true?

Oh, impossible, absolutely impossible!
Manipulating people?Just relying on this sand sculpture of salted fish?

Do you believe it?Anyway, I can't believe it!

(End of this chapter)

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