So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 191 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Chapter 191 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Although it was a little troublesome, the Five Elements City was also the site of the Five Elements Sect. Elder Huo quickly moved and resettled everyone, and at the same time sent someone to take care of them, so that they could recover from their injuries with peace of mind.

As for those casual cultivators, I believe that the Five Elements Sect will also make arrangements, and the next thing has nothing to do with Hei Yang.

"You live so close???"

Elder Huo Le stared wide-eyed, looking at the small courtyard of Heiyang's house.

Da Ma was still trying to climb up the tree to eat walnut leaves, and the copper snake lay coiled in the shade, as if it were dead.

As the autumn wind blew, Hei Yang couldn't help but yawned: "Otherwise, didn't everyone say that I am Hei Xiaolong's parent, and it's normal to live here, right?"

"That's what I said..."

Elder Huo choked: "But..."

"But why did you follow us here?"

Hongli revealed dead fish eyes: "Don't you need to take care of the wounded, don't you need to hunt down the murderer of the Tianmen, don't you need to manage the sect, don't you need to stay in the small room and wait for the disciples to come to consult?
What about Elder Huo’s psychological counseling, which was agreed to be open [-] hours a day?
As a result, I have been shopping outside for most of the day now, and I have enough reasons to suspect that this is a conspiracy purely aimed at me! "

Hongli frowned, sensing that something was wrong: "Is it only when I go to find you that the [-]-hour sign is displayed?!"

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo blinked: "That, this..."

"I know this……"

Heiyang squatted down, leaned close to Hongli's ear and whispered beeping: "After receiving the task, after the plot, and the player leaves that map, that map will crash, so as to save the running memory and open a new map, saying Elder Budinghuo's house has collapsed now!
Then when he goes back, he will find that the house has been built again, and when the house cannot be seen, the house is in an unknown state of life or death..."

"Oh, you said this, yes, yes..."

Hongli scratched her head, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Schrödinger's house!"

"As expected of you, you still remember."

"Hey, that's for sure."

Hongli came back to her senses and frowned: "So I'm still being targeted, right?"

"In a sense, yes!"


"Ahem, err, I just came to take a look, to know the way..."

Elder Huo laughed twice, flew into the sky, and waved his hands: "Well, I won't bother you anymore, I'm leaving first, have fun, have a good time!"

"Huh? Don't you want to stay for a meal?"

Heiyang shouted hypocritically: "It's okay to go into the house and drink water~~"


No one answered.

Hei Yang: "Going away?"


Hongli nodded confidently: "Elder Huo is out of our sight now, and he is also in an unknowable state of life and death!"

"No more beeps."

Hei Yang raised his eyebrows: "Elbow, follow me into the house?"


Hong Li held Xiao Huo's hand, and the corner of her mouth twitched: "That's exactly what I meant!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of doors and windows being closed attracted Da Ma's attention, but the fresh and juicy walnut leaves in his mouth obviously attracted him more. He glanced at the room, turned his head away, and no longer cared.

He's just a tall horse with no feelings, and no such thing.

The last time Heiyang came over and told him to break the law and then make a law, saying that those bones and skeletons can grow blood and flesh again through the growth of yang energy, then turn him into a skeleton horse first, and then give him a quick fix, will it be okay? Can it be restored to original condition?
At that time, seeing Heiyang's knife-sharpening expression, Da Ma refused in horror. As long as he lives a carefree life like this, he is already very happy, and there is no need to do such risky things!
Later research found that people's bones can grow blood and flesh because their souls are still intact.

And the soul of Malaysia has long since gone, and it needs to be repaired before it can be reborn.

Phew, luckily I didn't listen to Heiyang's slander, otherwise my death would be for nothing!
Without 100% certainty, he will not do it.

The enthusiasm of youth has long since dissipated, and he is already a mediocre horse, forced to abandon his desires, repeating the monotonous work day after day like clockwork...

But for some reason, he was suddenly dragged out from there. Do you know that Ma Sheng could still stop for a while?

He didn't know why the men and women in the room had such special personalities, but he felt that the current life is not bad, but it is still his habit to exercise occasionally, maybe he is born to work hard...

Thinking about it, Da Ma stood and fell asleep.

The copper snake curled up. He heard from Heiyang that he was dragged to Naihe Bridge again in his dream—he knew that place very well!
I don't know if I can go back there in my dream, and then show off to other copper snakes and iron dogs: Look, I have come out of the Wangchuan River, and someone is willing to take me in!
Then watching them grin their teeth with envy, jealousy and hatred, waking up from the dream with a smile, that must be very cool!


On the big bed, Heiyang Xiaohuohongli was paralyzed one by one, lying on his back on the bed, with his eyes closed showing a comfortable expression.

"Finally...can rest..."

Hong Li's voice at this time was soft: "Sleep until you wake up naturally, big soft bed, swallow me up!"

"So, in a month's time..."

Heiyang said weakly: "Don't you make some preparations in advance..."

"That kind of thing, let's talk about it when we wake up..."

Hongli was too lazy to move the muscles on her face to make an expression, her voice seemed to crawl out of her mouth.

"As long as you wake up before then... probably it will be fine..."

"makes sense……"

The concern in my heart is now by my side, and Hei Yang is already in a state of wanting nothing.

"Good night."

"Good night."



Xiaohuo opened his eyes suddenly, looked at his mother with his mouth curled up, and then at his father, why couldn't he fall asleep?
Is it because you are not in your own nest, so you don't feel safe?

Sitting up, scratching his head, Xiao Huo saw the quilts piled up beside the bed, his eyes lit up, there it is!

There are several quilts, Xiaohuo thought about it, and gently pulled out the biggest one, like building a roof, carefully unfolded the quilt, covering one side of his father and one side of his mother, leaving a hole in the middle, Let her get in.

Immediately, his eyes went dark, and the sound of even breathing came from the top of his head, and Xiao Huo smiled, so the sense of security came!

In his sleep, Hei Yang frowned with soothing brows, subconsciously grabbed the corner of the quilt, and pulled it towards him, but suddenly stopped moving halfway through?

Hongli frowned, thinking in a daze, how dare this quilt resist?

"crunch, crunch..."

Xiao Huo opened his eyes again, looking at the stretched quilt in front of him in confusion.


small fire:"?"

The quilt was divided into two, so that both Hongli and Heiyang could cover their whole bodies.

small fire:"???"

What about her?She is exposed!

Puffing up his cheeks, humming softly, Xiao Huo jumped up suddenly, transformed into a little crane again, and crawled into the bed again, as expected, he was still so comfortable!

In the house, there was no movement other than panting.


"Let me tell you, general spirit beasts, monster beasts, or ferocious beasts can only take shape during the foundation building period!"

The ring whispered in Hong Butian's ear: "But that weasel can transform itself during the Qi refining period, don't you think it's strange?"

"So it's your fault?"


(End of this chapter)

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