So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 192 Actually, when it seems to be in trouble, wait for the first class, maybe it will be fin

Chapter 192 Actually, when it seems to be in trouble, wait a while, maybe it will be fine

"Can you stop being so mean to me!"

Ring said angrily, "I'm..."

"I know."

Hong Butian spread his hands: "You are the first elder of Yaowangzong, I, a brat, should respect you a bit, right?"

"You are very skilled..."

The line of the ring was robbed, and he said speechlessly: "I know you still treat me like this."

"I said it before."

Hong Butian spread his hands: "If you can't stand me, you just leave. Besides, you left in a fit of anger before, but you came back by yourself after less than half a day."

"Then I can't help it."

Ring was full of helplessness: "After I left you that day, I quickly found a young man who looked good.

In the end, I didn't reveal my identity, but I just said "You have a fairy fate", and then he drove me away with a look of horror, and insisted on taking me to report to the police or something. "

"It's quite normal. It shows that the anti-fraud awareness of young people in our city is relatively high. This is a good thing..."

Hong Butian sat on the chair, took a sip of boiled water leisurely, and showed a satisfied expression: "When I first saw you, wasn't I also surprised that the ring could talk?"

"It's not what you said."

The ring was full of helplessness and said: "Afterwards, I searched for a few more, but they all changed their faces when they heard the word Xianyuan. It seems that they were not shocked just because I am a ring now...

Well, now the young people in Five Colors City have spread the word that there is a ring monster running around, trying to harm people, so be careful when you encounter it. "

"Oh, dare you go out and be wanted, right? Then come back to me for refuge?"

Hong Butian continued to drink water slowly: "Then I probably know why, it was because of the incident last year, just that weasel, who used the so-called fairy fate to deceive many young people in every household here.

Now the word Xianyuan is almost becoming an unlucky word, as if saying it is cursing someone to die. "

"It's a bit weird on your side."

The ring complained: "I used to scramble to chase after each other, but now I'm afraid I can't avoid it. I don't have a firm heart to seek the Tao in my practice. When I encounter danger, I just want to escape. How can I achieve great achievements?!"

"That's not necessarily..."

Hong Butian covered half of his mouth with a water cup, and said casually: "Also, is there a possibility that the people who were seeking immortality before are not the same group of people who are running away now?
After all, many people died tragically, like you, didn't you also end up like this? "

After a pause, Hong Butian's eyes were firm: "Of course, I will never give up. My heart of seeking Tao is as firm as a rock!"

"Then you still don't listen to me telling you the chance!"

The ring couldn't help but said: "Can you stop clinging to your Five Elements Sect every day, what's wrong with my Medicine King Sect?"

"Then I've said it all..."

Before Hong Butian finished speaking, the door was knocked suddenly, interrupting his words, and the ring that was floating on the table fell instantly, squeezed into a corner and pretended to be dead motionless.

"Butian? Is Butian there? Open the door, if you have something urgent, please!"

"Hey, Dad, here we come!"

Hong Butian hurriedly opened the door and invited his father Hongzhen's family in. Before his father sat down, he couldn't help but excitedly said: "It's about the news about the Five Elements Sect!"


Hongzhen's family was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, Butian, do you already know?"

"Phew, sure enough, I was notified at this time last year, and a year has passed before I know it!"

Hong Butian raised his head, with an uncontrollable smile on his face, but moved tears flowed from his eyes: "Is it finally my turn, can I finally join the Five Elements Sect..."

"That, Butian..."

Hongzhen's family had a strange expression: "Actually, Dad wants to say..."

"Dad, I know, I know everything!"

Hong Butian hugged his father tightly, and patted his back: "I know, you have endured a lot of pressure for me this year, I know, I know it all!"

Letting go of his father, Hong Butian patted his heart, and said solemnly: "I will remember everything you have done for me here!
Don't worry, when I come back from my studies, I will definitely come back to shine on the lintel. You don't have to worry about me, I will definitely have a good life there! "

"That, my God..."

Hongzhen's family couldn't bear it and said: "What Dad said next may be too exciting for you, but you must hold on."

"Don't worry, Dad."

Hong Butian straightened his body, his eyes were piercing: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"hope so……"

Hongzhen's family took a deep breath, but still didn't hide anything: "The latest news is that the Five Elements School suddenly closed the mountain for some reason, and it is very likely that there will be no airships to recruit disciples this year.

I heard people say that it seems that they have to wait until the closure of the mountain is over before recruiting again! "

Hong Butian: "..."

"How are you, son? Hold on, son! Don't scare Dad! Take a deep breath, huh, huh, yes, take a deep breath, take your time..."


Hong Butian sent his father out of the house, and repeatedly promised that he would be emotionally stable and would not do stupid things.


Hong Butian leaned against the door, slid down slowly and fell limp on the ground, his eyes glazed over.

"Why do you always come to me, and something goes wrong...

The mountain is closed... who knows how long it will be closed... one year?two years?or longer?
At that time, am I still of the right age...

Maybe it's time to give up..."

"Oh hoo~~"

The ring floated over lightly, with a low voice: "Look what I found? Oh! A boy who lost his dream!

Oops, just now I said that I have a strong heart to seek the Tao, but now I think about giving up? "


Hong Butian looked up at the ring, the circles of his eyes were slightly red, he turned his head away: "Ah, the reality is like this, I can accept it, what's the big deal...

Well, now you can laugh at me, at my unrealistic dreams..."

"Laugh at your head!"

The ring bouncing on Hong Butian's head and smashed his head, hating iron for not being strong: "Don't you still have me, I am..."

"Elder Yaowang Zong..."

Hong Butian dragged his long voice, and said weakly: "So what, aren't you a scam gang..."

"You are the scam gang!"

The ring hit Hong Butian's head harder: "Let you listen to me! Finish! You just don't listen! Can you listen to me now?"


Hong Butian sighed, waved his hands and said, "You can do whatever you want..."

"Listen well, didn't I just say, why can a weasel transform into a human form during the Qi refining period?"

The ring coughed twice, trying to get Hong Butian to focus: "Actually, he accidentally entered the test of the ruins left by an alchemy master.

However, because he is a demon, it is almost impossible for him to walk an inch in the relics left by our human race. Under heavy restrictions, he only took away a few partial skills and a transformation pill, so he was able to sneak into the city . "

"How did you know?"

"At that time, I had already turned into a ring and was carried by him."

"Then why don't you let him help you recover?"

"Heh! Shall I help a demon with evil intentions?"

Elder Yao Wangzong said proudly: "Help him grow up, let him harm others? Even if I die, I won't do that kind of thing!"


Hong Butian took off the ring from his hair, put it in the palm of his hand, and sighed: "Now I kind of believe that you are the great elder of Yaowangzong."

"It was!"

The Great Elder snorted softly: "His weasel can't deal with those restrictions, can't you deal with it with me guiding you?

You know, that master of alchemy seemed to have crossed paths with my Medicine King Sect before his death.

In this way, it is more convenient to break the restriction left by the other party.

How about it, aren't you afraid that you will be killed if you go to the Yaowangzong, and you won't be able to go to the Five Elements Sect?
Then we will each take a step back, and I will take you to obtain the treasures in the ruins, teach you how to practice, help you break through the Qi refining period, and show your sincerity.

After that, you can decide whether you want to take me to the Medicine King Sect, how about that? "

"Aren't you afraid that I will take advantage and not do things?"

Hong Butian looked at his own reflection on the ring, and said softly: "At that time, you will be short of money and human resources, and you will lose a lot."

"Let's take a gamble."

The Great Elder's voice became relaxed: "I only believe you once. After getting along so well, I think you are an upright person."

Hong Butian: "Know people, face, but not heart, if you admit the wrong person, you will be lost forever."

"One hundred good and filial piety come first."

The Great Elder said quietly: "I saw it and heard it."



"it is good."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll lie to you this time?"

"It's a gamble."

(End of this chapter)

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