So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 193 Movement is absolutely unconditional, while stillness is relatively conditional...

Chapter 193 Movement is absolutely unconditional, while stillness is relatively conditional...


A boa constrictor slowly crossed the wall and landed in the courtyard, swimming and gliding, heading towards its prey.

It is the third child of the boa constrictor family. Although it is still young, the burden of life has already fallen on it. It hunts and hunts everywhere every day from dark to early, and it has to endure exhaustion...

Alas, it's all for living!

A few days ago, I heard that the poisonous snake family next door complained, saying that the current world is getting more and more chaotic, and it is really hard to live. For this reason, I specially wrote an article "The Story of the Snake Caught" to condemn those who covet their poison sacs.

Huh, I can only say that it is not easy!
However, even if things go unsatisfactorily, the boa constrictor has his own pride. At least he is still at a relatively high position in the food chain. Even the terrifying erect ape, as long as he is not a master of body training, he can take a bite in extreme anger. Swallow it, even if you die, you must defend your majesty!

Compared with it, those mice, small fish, chickens, birds, and worms, those at the bottom of the food chain, live in fear!

You ask them why they are frightened, of course it is because of their pythons and other predators, the weak prey on the strong, don't blame anyone if they die!

Of course, those small things also have some advantages, and they can fill their stomachs with very little food.

Hmph, so it doesn't eat, what if those little things destroy the natural environment, it also has a noble and dedicated side!

Of course, the above has nothing to do with what it is doing now, because this time it is an exciting hospital robbery!
Wouldn't it be nice to come to the home of the dreaded Homo erectus, gobble up their livestock and reap the rewards?

Of course, adventure is definitely a risk, but living in nature, which predation is not an adventure?

Get used to it, get used to it, no problem!

However, it was the first time to do such a difficult operation as admission to the hospital, and it would be somewhat inexperienced. Thinking about it, I was a little excited and a little excited!

Spitting, heat sensing, scent hunting, target capture, it's the smell of chicken!
That chicken didn't seem to be aware of the danger coming, hehe, then don't blame it for sneak attack, if you want to blame it, blame yourself for being stupid and unsuspecting!

The rooster pouted its buttocks and secretly watched the little hen not far away. It was his dream love chicken. The other party's gorgeous feathers, sexy figure, noble temperament, and charming charm all made him obsessed in.

Oh, by the way, the other party also has a nice name, which was given by the hostess, and it seems to be called Xiaoyue, ah, how nice it is!
He originally wanted to give himself a name, like Xiaoyang or something, so that he could become a pair with the other party.

But it's a pity that Xiaoyang will collide with the master's child, that's really unfortunate!

However, although he is affectionate, Xiaoyue refuses to say a few more words with him...

That's right, the other party is a noble spirit chicken, smart and high above the ground, and he himself...he is not bad, he is also very handsome when he spreads his wings to wake up the morning, right?

You know, Xiaoyue also deeply admired him, even if it is poultry, he firmly believes that self-confidence is the pinnacle!
But unfortunately, he did a wrong thing, a wrong thing that can hardly be forgiven. At a critical moment, he left Xiaoyue and ran away!
So, he doesn't blame Xiaoyue for not understanding his intentions, because it's all his fault, as long as he can look at each other like this every day, he will be very satisfied!
Eh?Why is it suddenly dark?

That guy is peeking again...

Xiaoyue secretly licked the cock in the corner, full of displeasure, why didn't the other party dare to be bolder if he dared to peek at it?

Although he made mistakes, his spiritual intelligence was still low at that time... In short, how did he know that he did not forgive him?
Although she didn't say it clearly, wouldn't the other party realize it by herself?
Where did the sweet talk go when she was chasing her back then, come on and continue to confuse her with sweet talk!

Well, her current attitude is indeed indifferent, but there are some things, can't the other party take the initiative?

Hmph, coward, coward, if you like you, just say it out loud!

Eh?What is that black shadow behind him?
"Oh oh oh!"

The rooster looked at the boa constrictor behind him, and its heart almost jumped out.


This was his first thought.

I'm going to send it, woo woo woo...

This is the thought that follows.


While the boa constrictor opened its bloody mouth, it tried to squeeze its prey tightly with its body. This was a blow to his confidence, so this chicken can die with peace of mind!


As if knowing that his life was not long, the figure of her in the dream appeared in front of Rooster, and he heard her voice...


The claws of the spirit chicken ruthlessly grasped the python's seven inches, and with a sudden force, the snake's scales were crushed, and the chicken claws pierced into the opponent's flesh and blood.


Unexpectedly, the boa constrictor would be severely injured by the flying chicken, causing it to writhe in pain in the yard, trying to crush the little hen to death with its body!
But the spirit chicken clings tightly and won't let go. She is a chicken who can retreat from a fierce tiger and ignores cliffs and cliffs. If she has seen the world, can she be afraid of you, a little boa constrictor? !

Tightly grasping the opponent's seven-inch part, the spirit chicken showed its sharp beak and pecked: "Aww!"

"Hush, hush..."

The boa constrictor writhed in pain, but it couldn't break free, and its strength was getting weaker and weaker, and it gradually lost its sound.

"Whoa whoa……"

The rooster looked at the soul chicken who had rescued him in shock. The latter landed lightly, fiddled with its feathers, and gave the rooster a glance. Don't get me wrong, she is here to protect the peace of the small yard.

But before she could continue to speak, the rooster suddenly jumped at him: "Ooooooh!!!"

Ah, she suddenly became enlightened and became more active. She admitted that it is really hard not to be recognized by a beautiful woman who saves a hero, but she just killed a boa constrictor, and her physical strength is a little lacking, so she pounced on it like this, would it be...

This is the second son of the boa constrictor. Today is the first time for the third son to go out to rob the hospital. We feel that it is full of confidence, but we still have some worries in our hearts.

So, I had to hang behind it far away, in case of accidents...

Well, the third child is on, it's great, that's it, this is another breakthrough for you, you...

ah?What about my third child?
With my stupid kung fu, my third child is gone?
The boa constrictor's eyes were red, and while the spirit chicken was not paying attention, he suddenly picked it out from behind her and killed the snake to pay for its life. It killed the female first, and then the male!

"Oh oh oh!"

The rooster showed its sharp and sharp claws, and grabbed the seven-inch part of the python behind the spirit chicken. For her, he practiced the chicken claws hard, just to be able to protect her, just today, at this very moment!

"Swipe, swipe..."

The chicken's paws scratched the snake's scales, leaving white marks, but failed to penetrate the enemy's armor.

Ah this...


Sure enough, the hard work was not enough, and I sent it again...

The second son of the boa constrictor: "..."

It was so frightened that it was so powerful.

Lingji: "..."

This time he didn't run!He rushed up!I am very touched!

The spirit chicken took off again, and suddenly felt infinite power in its body again, this time it grabbed at the three-inch part of the python: "Ka da!"

"Oh oh oh!"

When the rooster saw the spirit rooster pounced on him again, the big red crown on its head was instantly bright red, the blood of the rooster was surging, and it scratched wildly: "Ohhhh!"


In an instant, the white marks continued to pile up and deepen, until the fragile flesh and blood were exposed!
At the three-inch and seven-inch positions, the rooster and the spirit chicken stick out their long beaks: "Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"


The boa constrictor stopped struggling.

The spirit chicken and the rooster landed gently, looking at each other, as if a small love had formed between them...

Eh?Why is it dark again?
"Hey! Hiss!"

A boa constrictor larger than the two just now suddenly appeared, yes, it is the boss of the boa constrictor, the reason for its appearance is the same as above...

In short, it wants to kill this hateful pair of chickens, and then swallow this family to avenge blood!
"Oh oh oh!"


The chicken and the rooster's legs softened, and they hugged each other tremblingly, looking at the big mouth of the python boss, their eyes were full of horror...

Then, the knife flashed, and the head of the python boss flew high.


Qing Yiyi took back the kitchen knife and looked at the three boa constrictors in the yard with a puzzled look on her face: "What's the matter today, the three pythons ran into the house? It's pretty bluffing..."


Suddenly, Qing Yiyi turned her head abruptly, and looked at the wall, a boa constrictor had just turned halfway in...

Then retracted again...

This is the boa constrictor mother, don't talk about it, it's important to escape!


"Eh? Mu Guang, you're back. We got three boa constrictors in our house, and one of them wanted to come in. I found out and chased and killed it for three streets..."

Qing Yiyi frowned and looked at her husband who just came back, with her hands on her hips: "This is a big deal, our family has lived here for so many years, where did we get this kind of thing? I almost ate Xiaoyue and the others, I am afraid after thinking about it. .

Hey, are you listening to me? Also, my dad said to keep my sister away from disputes, and let her come to live with us in a few days, and Xiaoyang and Xiaoli also said they would come back. A python or something, what about the safety of the children?
Aw, even if Xiaoyang and Xiaoli are strong and strong, they are not afraid, but when they have a baby in the future, if the child is crawling and playing in the yard, a boa constrictor suddenly comes... Oops, I don't even dare to think about it!
Hey, Hei Muguang, are you listening to me? "

"Ah, listen, listen..."

Hei Muguang rubbed the center of his eyebrows, smiled helplessly, and hugged Qing Yiyi into his arms.

"I'm having a headache right now. It's not just our family. Recently, there have been a lot of similar incidents in the City Lord's Mansion. They guessed that it was the breeding season, or some other accident happened.

No, then this investigation task was handed over to brother Xiaochen, and I was responsible for helping, but now I can't figure it out! "


Qing Yiyi tilted her head, and was stunned for a moment: "Then why did you come back at this hour, did you learn from Xiaoyang badly, and learned to be lazy?"


Hei Muguang sighed and smiled wryly: "Brother Xiaochen suddenly received a message from his brother saying that Bu Tian had left home suddenly, so he left a note on the table, and he was anxiously looking for him." Woolen cloth.

Well, some people suspect that the group of human traffickers from back then has re-emerged! "

"Hey, a boy as big as Butian, who is strong and strong, which human trafficker dares to hit him? What's the use even if he is caught?"

"Then we can't say for sure. There are many indiscriminate methods for drug use and poison. Maybe it's the right way."

Hei Muguang shook his head: "Should I be vigilant first, why don't I hurry back and inform our family, don't let something happen to Huihui."

"Hey, he'll talk nonsense."

"Damn, there are so many things going on recently, and I still think that the child is not at home, so I can relax for a while..."

"You despise my Xiaoyang? I knew you had no good intentions in letting Xiaoyang move out!"

"Hey, you say this, what is your Xiaoyang, that is our Xiaoyang.

Besides, what do you mean I have no good intentions? Shouldn't the child be independent when he grows up? "

"Yes, yes, you are right!"

"Damn, I figured it out. The child feels worried and tired at home, but when the child goes out, he has to worry at home involuntarily, which is even more tiring!"

"I agree with..."



At this time, children.

Heiyang, Hongli, Xiaohuo: "Zzzzz..."

(End of this chapter)

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