So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 194 No matter if it is a good child or a bear child, they are bothered when they cry, one ne

Chapter 194 No matter if it is a good child or a bear child, they will bother when they cry, one needs to be coaxed, and the other needs to be spanked

The eyelashes fluttered slightly, and the morning light coming through the window made Hong Li frowned, and opened her eyes in a daze.

Hei Yang, is there something wrong with him, he doesn't even draw the curtains when he sleeps...

"Well, but then again..."

Hong Li remained motionless, looked at the ceiling quietly, and hummed: "I actually woke up so early in the morning, it's amazing."

"Is there a possibility..."

A weak voice came from the other side, Heiyang looked at the ceiling in the same posture, and said with a blank expression: "This is not the morning of the second day, but the morning of the third day, or even the fourth day or later ?”

"Ah, you bastard, don't you know if you see through it or not..."

Hong Li sighed: "It must be like this, use cold words to break the girl's beautiful fantasy?"

"Compared to that, what I want to know more is..."

Hei Yang felt the hardness of his back, and a small well appeared on his head: "Why am I lying on the ground!"

"Ghost knows..."

A small symmetrical well popped out of Hongli's head as well: "Didn't you see that I'm also lying on the ground?"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

Hei Yang: "As long as there is a bed in my heart."

Hongli: "I can lie down anywhere."

Hei Yang: "Just fall under the bed."

Hong Li: "Currently move upwards."

Hei Yang: "Just abandon the brain."

Hong Li: "How wonderful the world is."

Hei Yang: "So speaking of this kind of thing, why is it lying on the ground..."

Hongli: "It's not important at all, don't care about it, just sleep again..."

Hei Yang: "Yes."

Hongli: "Hmph."

Hei Yang: "Too lazy to think about it."

Hong Li: "It doesn't matter."


"That's weird!"*2
Heiyang Hongli stood up abruptly, and faced each other with bared teeth and claws!
"Why do I lie on the ground when I wake up!"

Hei Yang couldn't help but shouted: "What kind of giraffe are you, you can't fit me in such a big bed, right?"

"Why don't you leave it here, the villain will sue first, okay?"

Hongli said angrily, "You didn't kick me out of bed? I was preventing you from resting on the bed, right?"

"Oh, what the hell did I lie on the ground, and then I stretched out my arms and legs and climbed onto the bed to kick you off, right?"

Heiyang gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of creature am I, a rubber fruit capable person or a slender ghost?"

"Who knows if you kicked me out of bed first, and then lay down again pretending to be innocent!"

Hongli's eyes lit up and said: "You know, I just woke up, but you were already awake when I woke up, so you have time to commit crimes!"

"So to say……"

Heiyang took a step forward and approached Hongli: "You don't admit it!"

"You should admit it!"

Hong Li didn't show any weakness, and greeted Hei Yang: "I deliberately picked things up!"

Black sun (‵ ′) VS (‵ ′) red glass
The two angry faces kept approaching.

"Ha, mom and dad, Xiaohuo will take you flying!"

A gust of wind hit, blowing the hair of the two of them.


Heiyang Hongli turned her head at the same time, leaned forward involuntarily, and leaned against the opponent.

Then they saw a flamingo that almost occupied the entire bed, waving its wings and talking in sleep on the bed, and the wind and waves driven by it made the room rattle.

"So Xiao Huo did it..."

Heiyang blinked his eyes.

"The wings are so big, you don't even need the Huo Zhongxian to carry people!"

Hongli couldn't help but sigh.



Xiaohuo in loli form was sitting on the bed, crying: "The main body is bigger than after the transformation, so how can I still be in my mother's arms in the future! Woohoo!"

"Okay, okay, mom is here, don't cry."

Hongli stretched out her hand to hold Xiaohuo into her arms, patted her on the back lightly, and looked at Heiyang helplessly: "Hey, although I thought that Xiaohuo would grow up one day, but this is less than a year old. year."

"Well, probably because it broke through to the foundation building stage, it grew a wave."

Heiyang stroked his chin and analyzed: "But it looks like it's still Xiaohe's period now, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Well, that is to say..."

Hongli sighed, "Will it grow even bigger in the future?"

small fire:"!!!"

"Small fire, don't grow up! Small fire, don't become big fire! Don't even become old fire! Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

After hearing the analysis from his parents, Xiaohuo cried even more fiercely: "At that time, Xiaohuo will grow bigger than the house, and then he will not be able to live in the house, and then he will be kicked out by his parents, wow, wow, little Don't be driven out of the fire!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang and Hongli looked at each other with helplessness.

"Okay, okay, why did I drive you out?"

After a pause, Hongli sighed and comforted her: "Although mom... seems to be kicked out of the house with dad by parents now, but we can build a big house by ourselves, big enough to let Xiaohuo be as free as before. A house that flies freely!"

[Hongli: Well, what's wrong with being bigger...]

【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hei Yang: Grass, be more serious and coax the children! 】

【Hong Li: How could Xiaohuo want to be kicked out? How could I be willing? Do children always like to think about these impossible worries? 】

[Hei Yang: Tch, don't talk about children, I think everyone can get into a dead end sometimes, okay! 】

【Hongli: Makes sense...】


Hearing Hongli's comfort, Xiaohuo stopped crying, raised his head and fell into thought: "A big house..."


Hongli and Heiyang looked at each other, let out a sigh of relief, it was resolved!

"Wow! Even if it's a big house, the furniture and daily necessities inside won't get bigger, and Little Huo won't be able to hide and play hide-and-seek inside.

Woohoo, that still can't go back to the past!woo woo woo..."

Xiao Huo thought about it carefully, and cried out again: "I don't want to grow up!"

"Ah this..."*2
Hongli glanced at Heiyang, her eyes were very simple, it's your turn.


Returning a helpless look, Heiyang squeezed out a smile: "Then Xiaohuo can turn into a human form to play hide-and-seek, no matter how big the human form is, it won't be too big!"

"The human figure can't hide behind the teacup! Woooooo..."

Hei Yang: "..."


Heiyang scratched his hair, showing determination on his face: "Then enlarge the teacup... and other furniture in the same proportion!
In this way, Xiaohuo can regain the feeling of the past! "

"But in that case..."

Xiaohuo pouted, and looked up at Hongli Heiyang: "That would be very inconvenient for mom and dad, what if the drinking water fell into the teacup and drowned! Huh, huh, it still doesn't work!"

"Ah, don't cry, don't cry, dad will find a way!"

Beads of sweat ooze from Heiyang's forehead: "That, this, mom and dad can become giants, and then the residents of Five Color City build high walls, and then attack mom and dad on the back of the neck...

Hey, what am I talking about, hey..."

[Hongli: Don't be ashamed in front of your children. 】

[Hei Yang: But, woo woo, Xiao Li, help me, children are so scary, so it’s better not to have children in the future, one little fire is enough, woo woo...]

【Hongli: Tsk, that... I'll talk about that later...】

[Hong Li: Let Xiao Huo stop crying right now, um, she was always very good before, why is she crying so much today...]

[Hongli: The control variable came to a conclusion, it must be that the bad boy breath on you has infected Xiaohuo! 】

[Hei Yang: No way, this can reach me too? 】

[Hei Yang: I don’t want to grow up, isn’t this a big worry for children, including us! 】

[Heiyang: And Xiaohuo's body shape changed more than humans when he grew up, so it's normal to have this kind of discomfort reaction now, right? 】

[Hei Yang: Think about it, when you wake up, everything around you becomes so plausible, even yourself seems to be a stranger, this feeling must be uncomfortable! 】

[Hongli: you think about your childhood again, I'm sorry...]

[Hongli: You said you'd come out, but you still remember, you lied! 】

[Hei Yang: Ah, I don’t have anything, I just saw Xiao Huo think about it like this, there is no negative emotion, really! 】

[Heiyang: A long illness has become a good doctor. I have experience with similar symptoms. Let’s understand it by analogy! 】

[Hongli: Then what is your solution? 】

[Hei Yang: Find a way to adapt, after all, I can't change the whole world, so I can just change into your shape. 】

[Hongli: God, my shape, what you said is not level... 】

[Hei Yang: Well, there is! 】

[Hongli: Ha, I knew you were the best! 】

"Ahem, Xiaohuo, don't cry, I have a solution!"

Heiyang smiled: "The real solution is not the kind that treats the symptoms but not the root cause!"


Xiao Huo stopped crying, but still choked up and said, "Dad, tell Xiao Huo quickly... Xiao Huo needs to know... know how to do it!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, this matter can't be rushed."

Hei Yang waved his hand and said with a smile, "Preparationally speaking, the copper snake has a way!"

Taking a deep breath, Heiyang shouted out the door: "A Tong, are you there A Tong, Le Di... Bah, Hei Yang needs your help!"

"Think about it, the Copper Snake can grow so big, and then become so small..."

Hei Yang gestured and explained: "Maybe he can teach Xiao Huo!"

"Ah, let's not talk about whether you can learn this question..."

Hongli kicked Heiyang lightly with her bare feet, and said speechlessly: "You open the door for others, is it your attitude to ask snakes to do things?
Don't ask me why I don't go, I'm holding a small fire! "

"Ah, this, that, because there is no door for people to enter and exit..."



Heiyang pointed to a small hole under the wall, and said numbly: "The bronze snake comes in and out of the gate to avoid being stepped on, so I opened a small door for him...

However, although it looks like a snake, it is actually different from the kind of snake that can regulate its own temperature and cold-blooded animals.

For example, the copper snake has no blood at all, which fundamentally solves the problem of being bloody and difficult to interrogate... Bah bah, I mean, he doesn't like the temperature in the room very much, so he usually sleeps coiled outside the hole. "

"Oh roar?"

Hong Li raised her eyebrows: "You not only crushed the tiles in the courtyard, but also dug a hole in the wall, right? You really have no quality tenants!

When will Xiaolong's family want to come and live here, only to see the ruins you left behind? "

"Ah this..."

Heiyang turned his head away guiltily, and said with a sneer: "Well, before I leave, I will definitely restore him, restore..."

(End of this chapter)

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