So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 195 Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, just watch the flowers bloom and fall in f

Chapter 195 Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, just watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court
The autumn was crisp and the sun was shining brightly. In the small courtyard, two reclining chairs were set up close together, and Heiyang and Hongli lay comfortably on them.

At the other end of the small courtyard, Xiao Huo was sitting upright, listening carefully to the Copper Snake explaining the magic power to her.

"I won't say anything if a little crane and a big snake play together, after all, copper snakes are not part of the serious food chain..."

Hongli's voice was soft as if she was talking in sleep, but she was sure that Heiyang could understand it, and if she didn't understand it, just pretend she didn't say it: "But the question is, can Xiaohuo learn it? Did you cry harder..."

"I think she's listening seriously now, isn't it good?"

Hei Yang hummed: "At least he must be much more diligent than you."

"When someone says this, can you take a look at yourself first?"

Hongli said speechlessly: "Besides, hard work may not be able to learn it, what if it is the racial talent of the copper snake or something, and it is not suitable for Xiaohe to learn?"

"Then when the time comes, you will be needed."

Hei Yang said casually: "You work hard, first learn the moves by yourself, and then use your brain to modify them to suit Xiaohe's learning."

"Grass, what kind of devil are you!"

Hongli couldn't help cursing: "Why don't you learn, let me learn?"

"You're a mother."

"You're still dad!"



The sun shines on the face, warm, making people squint comfortably.

"My life is perfect as long as I lie down like this."

Hong Li sighed with satisfaction: "It's just that the sun is a bit dazzling... um..."

Raising her head slightly, Hongli pushed her long hair forward and covered her face: "Well, only at this time, this long hair will be effective..."

Heiyang glanced at the words, and couldn't hold back immediately: "No, sister, people wear long hair for the sake of beauty, and you make it look like a ghost here, it's true..."

"what is it?"

Hong Li said in a displeased tone: "What's wrong with me being like a ghost... Huh, anyway, no matter what I look like, you must like me.

Besides, if you think about it like this, there is nothing you can do, huh! "

"Ah, yes, yes, you are the most beautiful in my eyes..."

Heiyang curled his lips: "I want to bask in the sun, but I also think it's dazzling. I really don't have long hair, but... um..."

Hei Yang took out the small four-fold gift box for foundation building, put it on his chest, clasped his hands together: "Ah, sunglasses, thank you!"

Gently push open the gift box.

Item: couple sunglasses*2
quality: green

Effect: beautiful and handsome, cool and practical.Anti-ultraviolet, anti-glare, anti-glare, anti-reiki microwave, anti-magic light...

Introduction: Some people use it as a decoration, but for some guys, it will seal their appearance and witness the difference in the world...


Patting Hongli on the shoulder, and brushing her hair away, Heiyang handed over one of the sunglasses: "Your."


Hei Yang put on the remaining pair as a demonstration: "Mine."

"Huh, how should I put it..."

Hong Li put on the glasses expressionlessly, and said in a flat tone, "There's nothing to say, I don't even bother to pretend, right? You probably have something with the God of Luck or something. To be honest, is he a man or a woman? Yes Didn't you look down on me?"

"Oh, it's just green quality, don't care about those details."

Hei Yang didn't do anything wrong, and wasn't afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, so he said calmly, "God of luck or something, I'm not familiar with it.

It is not certain whether there is such a big boss, maybe there is an existence that the two of us can't understand?
Anyway, I love you wholeheartedly. "


Hongli nodded lightly: "This is the truth."

He swung his arms, put one on his stomach, and the other unceremoniously on Heiyang's chest: "I really feel much better, now my life is really complete."

"Throwing your arms around, you have no sense of public morality..."

Looking down, seeing the slender arms hanging on his chest, Heiyang curled his lips, a big hand directly covered Hong Li's small hand, he could feel the latter stiffen for a moment, and then instantly relaxed, adjusting his palms, palm to palm fit together.


A comfortable voice came from the throat, Hongli and Heiyang: "Happiness——"


Xiaohuo looked at the copper snake with some uncertainty: "Chirp?"


Copper Snake nodded, and dutifully demonstrated: "Shusha!"

Well done and talented!
The breeze blows the walnut leaves and shreds the sunlight, but there is also a place that is not harmonious. There is a branch in the east, and the leaves on it are about to be eaten up by the horse.

Poor leaf, it only knows that in autumn, when humans have no food to eat, they will grab the little walnuts and eat them, but it doesn't expect that it will not escape the fate of being eaten...


In some dim huts, the light from the Lingshi made Huole's face more three-dimensional, with half of his face hidden in the shadows, and a slight amount of spiritual power emanated from his two slightly old rough palms: "Lingshi, Lingshi, tell me What am I, the most talented disciple in the sect doing!"

Lingshi: "..."


Tulou drew back the curtains, and the shadows receded.

"Hey, brother is back to his senses."

Mu Ling sat on the side with her long legs crossed, glanced at Elder Huo, and said speechlessly, "Brother, let it go, it's just an ordinary communication spirit stone, and it's not an ancient artifact, so I can't let you spy on it." Girls are private."

"Hey, don't talk so harshly, what is voyeurism!"

Elder Huo Le had a well on his head, and couldn't help saying: "I just feel itchy in my heart. I always think that Xiaoli can turn away from the dark and turn to the bright, so I turned around and said that I will work hard and revitalize the sect!"


Mu Ling didn't turn his head, trimmed his nails carefully, and said casually: "You just think about it, in fact, you are very contradictory, right?

While not wanting to make the disciple sad, at the same time thinking about revitalizing the sect...

To be honest, brother, you have done a good job these years, and everyone has seen it in their eyes and kept it in their hearts.

Even in the face of Master, you are the one with the most clear conscience, and Master will feel relieved for you. "


The tulou leaned on a certain shelf, spread his hands and said, "We blocked it once before, and everyone has seen the final result.

Cultivation also pays attention to the smoothness of the heart, the mind is difficult to calm down, and the spirit is difficult to settle. Not to mention progress, it is good not to go crazy! "

"I know, I know all of this."

Huo Le sighed and said: "But the thunder calamity when Jindan was promoted to Nascent Soul was so terrifying, through the ages, countless talented people were wiped out under it.

Even the master specially instructed us before leaving, not to try to touch the Nascent Soul without complete assurance.

But the old man didn't say, to what extent is he completely sure? "

"Well, I think about it..."

Tulou Muling's gaze moved upwards, recalled.

[Ah, when you think it’s okay, it’s okay!Well, the right time! 】


"Master he..."

Black lines appeared on the top of the earth building.

"It's the same as not saying..."

Mu Ling held his forehead speechlessly.

"Think about it, the Nascent Soul stage in the practice world..."

Huo Le snapped her fingers: "Reverend Gu Jian from Wujingjianmen, Shanxing elder from Puxingchen sect, Daoist Dingjiang and Daoist Dinghai from Qiuxian sect...

I want to ask for advice, but either Shenlong sees the head but doesn't see the end, or is burdened with heavy burdens, and I can't find the opportunity at all. "

"What's the use of asking for advice? Isn't Master's realm higher than theirs?"

Tulou said nonchalantly: "In the end, he didn't tell us much, we still have to figure it out on our own."

"I heard that the former monks did not call it a thunder calamity when they encountered a thunder calamity when they broke through the Nascent Soul Stage..."

Mu Ling stretched out her finger and sighed: "Everyone calls the thunder calamity the blessing of the heavens, and regards the thunder calamity as a blessing from the heavens, thinking that it was the gods who came to help them split the golden core and complete the final sublimation. Scared, but still looking forward to it. As a result, in our current practice world..."

Ancient monk: Huh?Isn't it true that people can still die after being promoted to the Nascent Soul stage?Tian Lei has to be slapped twice if he passes by, okay!Punch me first before talking!
Now the monk: Woohoo, friction with other sects, it’s terrible, close the mountain quickly, so as not to intensify the conflict, Woohoo, don’t let the disaster fall on me!
Tulou: "..."

Huo Le: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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