So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 196 I made an appointment with Zhang's family to play games with my classmates, but Zha

Chapter 196 I made an appointment with my classmates to go home and play games together, but when I got home, I forgot it and said that I would definitely do it next time

"Ahem, don't mention that, don't mention that..."

Huo Le smiled and waved her hands: "At least our current world is more peaceful than that time...

Cough cough, all in all, since I can't find a chance to ask those Nascent Soul stage bosses, I can only explore the remains left by the Nascent Soul stage.

Combined with the resources that Master left us, we can learn by analogy and find the differences and similarities between the two, so as to walk out our own path. "

"Speaking of this..."

Mu Ling's face showed sorrow: "Brother Shuiran is about to lose control of his realm, right?"

"Ah, yes."

Tulou nodded: "That's why he wanted to use this opportunity to find an opportunity to make a successful breakthrough, so let's give it a go."

"Then he will bring Hei Xiaolong with him..."

Mu Ling's pupils shrank: "Yes..."

"Well, that's it."

Elder Huo Le said quietly: "When Senior Brother feels that there is no hope for ten deaths, and there is no hope at all, I am afraid that he will have to explain the funeral to this disciple...

If the senior brother is promoted successfully, then Xiaolong will still be the honorary elder he promised before, if the senior brother fails...he will be the next water minister..."

Tulou and Muling lowered their heads, silent for a long time.

"Ha, how should I put it..."

Tulou smiled unnaturally: "Xiaolong entered the sect at the age of ten, and now he is at the foundation establishment stage at the age of fourteen, and we have watched him grow up.

As long as he grows up after some time of tempering, being the elder of Shui... shouldn't be a problem! "

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Mu Ling frowned: "Brother is still fine, you just want to curse him to death?!"

"Hey, what are you doing with such a big reaction? I'm not planning for a rainy day. I'm planning for the best and the worst in advance, so as not to lose my position when the time comes, so you put this hat on me?"

Tulou said unhappily: "Then I don't care about this matter, let you do it, let you take responsibility!"


Mu Ling's tone was a little weak, and he beeped softly: "Anyway, Xiaolong's realm is too low in the final analysis. It's too reluctant to be the elder of Shui or something. You should learn more from the side of the senior brother and hone it..."

"That's right..."

Before the elder Huo finished speaking, there was no movement, and the communication spirit stone finally flickered again.


The three of them stood up abruptly, their hearts beating thumpingly: "Connect quickly!"

Elder Huo Le stabilized his mood, activated the communication spirit stone, and the light and shadow flickered erratically, revealing the figure of Shui Ran.

Before the other party could speak, Elder Huo quickly asked, "Senior brother! You finally answered? Where are you now? Have you entered the ruins? Is it safe now? Why is the picture so intermittently blurred? Where is little junior sister? Where are the dragon and the disciples?"

"Junior brother, please don't get excited, my situation is fine now..."

Mizuran's voice is still steady, but it's a little distorted. Judging from the fast-moving shaking screen around him, he should be moving fast now: "I am with most of the disciples. Except for some people who are injured, the rest are still alive. it is good.

As for Junior Sister, she and Xiaolong should not have any major problems together, so don't worry about it. "

"Huh?!! What do you mean!"

Huo Le exclaimed: "Have you separated, why?"

"Let me make a long story short."

Shui Ran quickly said: "Simply speaking, we and the people from Juan Langzong guarded the ruins that were supposed to be good, and the disciples should only face the restrictions of the mechanism traps in the ruins.

But I don’t know why, a third-party force has infiltrated the blocked barrier, and it’s also from the Kraken family. You know, we have been watching the movement over there, but we haven’t been able to find anything wrong!

Now that a third party enters the arena, we suspect that someone from the Juanlangzong secretly leaked the secret, and the Juanlangzong thinks that the inner ghost is here with us. In short, now everyone belongs to no one and doesn't provoke anyone. Let's clean up the third party first and then talk about other things.

Junior Sister and Xiaolong lead a group of disciples, and they have already faced off against the Kraken clan, and they should also have Jindan-level combat power on the opposite side.

And I am leading relatively weak or weaker disciples to withdraw from here first, and then go back to support!
In short, you must stabilize the back first, and everything else is easy to talk about, um, that's it. "

After hearing Elder Shui finished speaking in one breath, the three people present all showed astonished expressions, digesting the huge amount of information.

However, Elder Huo was more concerned about another matter: "Xiaolong also followed? How can it be!"

Elder Huo was a little emotionally unstable and said: "With Xiaolong's celestial appearance, he will definitely be able to advance to Jindan in the future, but now you let him fight with alien races with the strength of the foundation stage, and face the danger of falling. This kind of thing... you are not Said to let Hei Xiaolong stay by your side forever?!"

"He should have done that earlier, shouldn't he?"

Shui Ran's voice was calm: "Huo Le, um, Junior Brother, you protect the sect's disciples, especially those genius disciples, very well."

"Isn't the duty of the elders to protect the disciples?"

Elder Huo didn't even think about it, and said directly: "They are the hope of the sect, the future of the sect!"

"It's because you protect them too well that they are not good now!"

Shui Ran's voice gradually became a little heavy: "If these disciples have grown through experience, how can I protect them from fleeing?
If they are used to seeing blood, how can they care about minor injuries? Not only will they not run, but they will turn their heads and rush to those sea monsters to fight them!
Huo Le, you raised them into sheep, you can protect them for a while, but you can't protect them forever.

When they encounter danger or are captured one day, apart from yelling, they may only have a blank mind and be at a loss.

Perhaps, a mere fence can lock them up, and none of them can escape!

Fences can keep sheep, but they can't keep eagles, wolves, or beasts with fangs!
I will not force these disciples to do what they do, but Xiaolong is my disciple, I have to be responsible to him, he should be a dragon, not a sheep. "

"What beasts are not beasts..."

Elder Huo Le murmured: "You can lock the barrier if you set it up."

"Yes, and then they all became sheep."

Mizuran changed his usual silent appearance, obviously he was talking long and short, but now he didn't stop at all.

"Look at the mission hall, what were the previous missions, hunting monsters, snow mountain experience, jungle adventure... now, helping people feed spirit beasts, helping people grow spiritual plants...

Of course, I'm not saying that this change is necessarily bad, after all, the life of sect disciples is indeed better than ours before, but..."


The spirit stone finally exploded and shattered unbearably, the screen disappeared, and debris flowed from Huole's palm.

At this moment, his mind is full of the tragic situation of the disciples who were taken away by Suantianmen...

They were imprisoned with the casual cultivators, but they couldn't do better than the casual cultivators. Even the spiritual outlook and recovery speed of many casual cultivators were much better than the disciples of the Five Elements Sect...

"Senior Brother? Senior Brother!"

The voices of Muling and Tulou brought Huole back to reality, and he looked at them suspiciously.

"The plan should be adjusted."

Mu Ling calmly said: "Before it was said that I would lead the team and set off with the next group in a month, but now..."

Mu Ling and Tulou looked at each other, the latter nodded, and said affirmatively: "Now, we should go to support the senior brother immediately, and the disciples should not send them for the time being, and add me instead.

Mu Ling and I, together with our junior sister and senior brother, have the five elements in order to be safe! "

"Are you all going?"

Huo Le stared wide-eyed, pointing at herself: "What about me? Me?"


Tu Lou and Mu Ling looked at Huo Le solemnly, and said seriously: "The sect cannot do without you, only if you are in the sect, can the two of us go out with confidence!"

"Well, it's not too late..."

Tulou nodded, changed his usual hip-hop style, and directly opened the door to go out: "We're leaving now."

"Well, brother, take care!"

Mu Ling clasped his fists in a salute, turned around and went out: "The sect is up to you, the biggest formation token of the Five Elements Sect, you should know where to put it, we will go ahead! Remember to be steady——"

Huo Le froze in place, just now...he is the only one left to support the sect?
The ruins, the sea monster, the brother is about to break through, counting the remnants of the Tianmen, the injured disciple...

Elder Huo Le only felt that one head was two big, and he rubbed the center of his brows. He suddenly thought of Hongli, and thought that the other party said that he could compete against Jindan, but, but...

"She didn't know about it yet, she thought she was going to leave in a month..."

Elder Huo lowered his head and murmured, "Then what the hell, do you want to tell her?"

(End of this chapter)

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