So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 197 The first hard blow is the watershed of the success of the war - Gore Smith

Chapter 197 The first hard blow is the watershed of success in war - Gore Smith


Heiyang closed his eyes, holding Hongli's little hand in his hand, and his body was extremely relaxed.


Why can't I sleep?

Doubts arose in Heiyang's mind.

Is he flustered now?
Isn't he relaxed enough now?
Or is he insecure now?


That is because he slept too much, so he is not sleepy anymore?

Or do you have any concerns in your heart?
That's even more impossible!

So why can't I sleep?

Hei Yang could feel it, I don't know why, although his body was very relaxed, but his heart kept beating non-stop?

Ahem, of course, the heart should be beating, but the frequency is obviously too fast now!

What does this indicate?
It shows that he is about to die suddenly!

Bah, the sudden death of a monk in the Foundation Establishment period is too outrageous!
So why?strangeness……

Calm down, calm down, according to the classic control variable method...

Can't get out!Grass!

Feeling that the heart is beating faster and faster, the brain is a little hot, and Hei Yang can even feel his own qi and blood boiling hot, what the hell is this?

The originally peaceful heart was a little overwhelmed by this change, and Heiyang couldn't help being a little irritable.

Damn it, stop jumping, grass!

The spiritual power in Heiyang's body surged, suppressing it towards the heart!

give me, stop!
Then, with a "click", Heiyang stretched out his tongue, kicked his legs, his whole body went limp, his neck tilted, and his heart stopped beating.


After about two or three seconds, the heart began to beat slowly again, and Hei Yang began to pant heavily, as if being crushed by a ghost.

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha..."

It was so scary, Heiyang seemed to see Grandma Meng just now, but Grandma Meng waved to him with a look of disgust, telling Heiyang that he was no longer under the jurisdiction of the underworld, let him die, don't hinder other people's reincarnation... …

I'm not dead!
I was

People will die if they don't breathe, and they will die if their heart doesn't beat...

But ordinary people can hold their breath for a long time, so it is reasonable for him to let his heart rest for a while, right?
Yes, very reasonable!Very reasonable!
After about ten seconds, Heiyang gradually regained control of his body, feeling a little numb in his limbs, and the hand holding Hongli felt itchy... huh?

Hongli was drawing something on his palm with her fingers, um...

Heiyang frowned, thinking for a moment, and felt what Hongli wanted to convey to him with his fingers, it was... it was... a question mark!
Hei Yang: "?"

Hong Li was drawing question marks on the palm of his hand with her fingers... Grass, what do you mean!

So, this girl hasn't slept yet?

Then since he was awake, why didn't he speak, and put a question mark on him here...

Heiyang squeezed Hongli's hand tightly to stop her uncivilized behavior of asking question marks.

And at the same time that Heiyang pinched Hongli's hand violently, he felt that the other person's body froze suddenly, hehe, you were frightened by him, do you dare to put a question mark on him?
Then, Hei Yang realized that his leg had been kicked.


No, if you don't change your nature, you will intensify it, right?
Heiyang frowned, can he get used to it?

He immediately kicked back!
It seemed that the other party didn't expect that Hei Yang would dare to fight back, and was so shocked that he fell silent.

Oh, don't dare, relieve your anger!

Without waiting for Heiyang to be proud for too long, Hong Li directly kicked three times in a row to retaliate. The damage is not very harmful, but the insult is extremely strong!
Are you still in good spirits?
OK, I'll fight with you!
Heiyang hummed softly in his heart, and immediately responded with continuous kicks, but this time the opponent was already prepared, and the continuous kicks were kicked back and blocked by her!

Hei Yang: "!!!"

"Fall, blaze, blah blah!"

"Fall, blaze, blah blah!"

The two feet kicked out afterimages in the air, but the recliner under them did not move at all. This is not because the quality of the recliner is good enough, nor is the floor flat enough. This is because of the perfect control of the balance of strength and angle, because the two recliners are placed together , This kind of control requires enough tacit understanding!

Grass!It's on fire!

"Yuuuuuuuuuuuh...doesn't move?"

Heiyang wanted to move his legs and feet, but then he found that his foot was hooked by the other party...or he also hooked the other party, and the result was that neither of them could move their feet, unless one of them voluntarily backed down, but how could this be possible? !

That's right, this is a kind of grappling technique, a deformation of the joint lock, it is...

Ahem, in short, the general with his right foot was temporarily restrained by the opponent!

But it doesn't matter, he still has a good general available!

The left-footed general, although the position is not very convenient, as long as you adjust it a little, that's right, that's it... Heh, you would never have guessed that I have another foot, right?


It's a pity that the opponent obviously thought of it, and also performed the same action, but it doesn't matter, the loss of the right-footed general was due to underestimating the enemy, and this time the left-foot will never make the same mistake again!
"Yeah, oh, oh, oh!"

"Yeah, oh, oh, oh!"

Very good, it seems that the opponent has also improved, his kicking skills are obviously stronger than before, but his black sun is not bad!

As a result, the left-footed general was also trapped...

Hei Yang: "..."

A well appeared on his forehead, and Heiyang stretched out his hand, hooked Hongli's shoulder, and turned it to himself: "Good guy, what is this for!"

Hongli: "..."

The sunglasses slipped off the bridge of the nose slightly because of the shaking, revealing the bewildered eyes below.

Heiyang froze for a moment, and gently took off his own and Hongli's sunglasses, only to see Hongli's blushing face, staring at Heiyang with flustered eyes.

He rarely sees... No, or, in his memory, has he ever seen Hongli like this?

Heiyang couldn't remember, because his mind was blank at this moment, and he was also a little flustered, but his palm subconsciously rested on the back of Hongli's head, and the latter trembled and blinked his eyes.


Hongli's eyes widened, and her eyeballs moved down, looking at the lips printed on her own lips...




Behind the walnut tree, Da Ma poked his head out in shock, then shrank back abruptly.

Xiaohuo's head protruded from behind the ridge of the roof, covering his eyes and opening his fingers.

A section of the snake's tail flicked across, finally completely blocking her sight.

It has been said that ordinary people can hold their breath for a long time, let alone a monk in the foundation period? !
And even if the center of gravity is shifted, the recliner still stands upright. This is what the monks are proud of. The precise control of the strength and the proper benefit of the angle are the powerful practitioners!
The wind blew gently, and a ripe walnut finally fell to the ground, and immediately after that, another walnut fell on top of the freshly landed walnut. Obviously, the skydiving locations they chose coincided.


The two walnuts bounced off after hitting each other, rolled to different places, and stopped.


A horseshoe gently pushed one of the walnuts, causing it to start rolling again, at first fast and then slow, and then unable to stop, it was next to another walnut...

(End of this chapter)

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