So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 199 Hongli was awakened by the first chapter of Heiyang, learned from the pain, and worked h

Chapter 199 Hongli was awakened by Heiyang's words, learned from the pain, and worked hard to practice!
"I didn't say..."

Heiyang narrowed his eyes, and urged Hongli dissatisfiedly: "Hey, what are the question marks on your head?

Why don't you hurry up, hurry up, and go to practice right away? "

Hongli: "???"

"You still have question marks? Are there more?"

Heiyang put his hand on Hongli's shoulder: "What's wrong, Lizi, don't give Heiyang this face, right?"

"No, no, what are you, what am I..."

Hongli clasped her hands together and said sincerely: "No, Heiyang, I beg you to be a human being?"


Heiyang showed doubts: "Why am I not a human being?

Hey, I still say the same thing, what I said at the beginning, your foundation building three enters six, I seven enter nine, but now it is only the foundation building four floors..."


Hei Yang put his other hand on Hong Li's shoulder, twisted it straight, and looked directly at her with a serious face: "Come on! I'm with you!"

"no no……"

Hongli froze for a moment, waved her fist and shouted, "You are a ghost with me!"

"Please, my good brother..."

Hongli rubbed her brows, and said speechlessly: "I'm not completely free yet, I only have one month to be with you at the moment, and I have to go to the ruins after one month, can't you let me have a good rest?"

"That's it!"

Hei Yang frowned and said: "It means that you will go to such a dangerous place in a month, so you should improve your strength as soon as possible!

The so-called sharpening the gun in front of the battle means that you will be happy if you are not happy. If you practice a little bit now, you will be safer when the time comes, and the black sun waiting for you at home will be more at ease.

Hey, you don't want to die in the ruins and make Heiyang at home sad, right? "

"Ah this..."

Hongli was stunned by Heiyang's long-winded speech for a moment, and was stunned, her brain spinning rapidly.

"Wait, although I feel that what you said is a bit convoluted, it seems that the matter of "Heiyang is sad" is more important than "Hongli died in battle", but..."

Seeing Heiyang's sincere and concerned expression, Hongli's heart was "pounding", she was moved, she nodded: "But what you said seems to make sense, well, well, you are right, we will start this month Let's practice together!"


Heiyang's eyes widened: "Cultivate together?"


Hongli tilted her head: "Isn't it? It's more efficient this way, as you said, it can make me stronger."

"Ahem, well, practice also requires a combination of work and rest, so as to achieve maximum efficiency..."

Heiyang's eyes flickered: "Well, we divide the labor, you are in charge of labor, I am in charge of leisure, and then you practice alone..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Hong Li interrupted Hei Yang's words: "What do you mean I practice alone? Then what are you doing? Didn't you promise to accompany me?"


Hei Yang nodded: "I'll lie down next to you...cough cough, it's reasonable to supervise you at a parallel angle beside you!"


"Black!!! Yang!!!"

Hong Li rushed forward and grabbed Heiyang's neck viciously: "I think you haven't been beaten and itchy for a while! Give me back my touch, you dog!"

"Xiao Li, calm down, calm down, help, help, can you hear me, is there anyone here to save poor Heiyang..."



The copper snake tensed up suddenly, he heard the master's cry for help!Go to the rescue immediately!


A wing stopped in front of the copper snake, Xiaohuo asked suspiciously: "Big snake, what are you doing, you just left halfway through the point?"

"Sha...cough cough."

The copper snake shook its body, and said anxiously: "Heiyang is calling for help, didn't you hear it?"

"I heard it."

Xiao Huo was unmoved: "But Dad called for other things besides saving lives!"


The copper snake was dumbfounded.

"Ahem, he even yelled..."

Xiao Huo arched her wings in the shape of a trumpet and put them in front of her beak, tweeting: "Xiao Li! Xiao Li! Let go! Don't dare!"

"Yes, it is like that."

Xiaohuo nodded: "It is concluded that the perpetrator is the mother, so we don't care, breaking in will make them unhappy!"

Copper Snake: "?"

He could not understand, but he was greatly shocked.


"you you……"

Heiyang pointed at Hongli tremblingly, "You can't be considered a real hero for a sneak attack!"

"Ah, yes yes yes."

Hong Li twisted her wrist, looked down at Hei Yang lying on the ground, and snorted coldly: "Then, will you practice with me?"

"Don't think about it!"

Heiyang tilted his head, let out a cold snort, and relaxed his whole body: "If you've been beaten, then break the pot and smash it, it will kill you, come and get it!"

"Playing rascal! Despicable!"

"I am defending my rights to catch fish reasonably!"


Hong Li frowned, and finally sighed: "Okay, okay, I admit defeat, I can practice cultivation, right?"

"I still want to lie down next to you and supervise!"

"What are you..."

Hong Li forced her breath back, showing a smile: "Okay, what do you say, what is that, my good black sun!"

Hei Yang: "?"


Heiyang looked at Hongli's smile, and felt a little thumping in his heart, isn't that right, the child was fooled by anger?

"How about I stand?"

Heiyang tentatively asked: "Standing to supervise you?"

"No need! Just rest!"

"Wait, what do you want to do? I'm warning you, Hongli, domestic violence is not a good behavior, that..."

Hei Yang wanted to talk, but suddenly his whole body froze, although he could breathe, but he couldn't speak, his eyes rolled, looking at Hong Li who was squatting in front of him.

I saw Hongli was holding a small wooden figure in his hand, and in a daze, the wooden figure turned into his black sun!
[Hei Yang: Hey!goblin!What kind of evil method was cast, why can't I move! 】

【Hongli: Hey [picture]】

Hong Li told Hei Yang the information about one, two, three, the wooden man: "How about it, isn't it interesting?"

[Hei Yang: Ah, this... Indeed, if it were me, I wouldn't even tell you the time limit, making you think it would last forever...

Cough cough...well, I didn't say anything...]


【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hei Yang: Xiao Li, I was wrong, let me go! 】

"You are right, this is my task."

Hongli clapped her hands, put the wooden man away with a smile, and looked at Heiyang with a funny expression.

"Just rest well, don't think about anything, don't do anything, your lovely girlfriend will take good care of you!"

【Black Sun: *************】

[Hei Yang: Don't fall into my hands! 】

"I've heard this sentence many, many times!"

Hongli gently helped Heiyang close his half-open mouth: "Well, shut your mouth, don't fly into dirty things, how about it, I'll be considerate!"

【Black Sun: ********】


Touching his chin and looking at Heiyang, Hong Li thought for a while, then nodded, lifted his feet with one hand, and put his other hand on his back: "Get up!"

【Hei Yang: Hey, what are you doing, hey, stop! 】


Hongli stood up and looked at Heiyang in her arms with dissatisfaction: "What's wrong with me hugging you. Isn't that how you hugged me back before?"

[Hei Yang: But, but, that... how can you hug the princess!You can carry me too!This is simply, very wrong! 】

"Brother, although you don't want to admit it, you are indeed taller than me."

Hong Li showed dead fish eyes: "You asked me to recite your words, did you drag your body on the ground? I'm not a murderer dragging corpses..."

【Hei Yang: But...】

"Okay, don't do it!"

Hongli walked out of the living room and walked to the bedroom: "Let's go, watch me practice hard!"

【Black Sun: ... 】

【Hei Yang: ╯﹏╰】


"Look, let me just say..."

Xiao Huo put his wings by his ears, listened carefully for a while, then nodded, and looked at the copper snake: "Look, there is no movement now! Let me just say, they must be joking!"

"Yeah, that's how it is!"

The copper snake was amazed, and learned a lot of human skills!

Da Ma was chewing carrots, glanced in the direction of the room, and there was no movement, so Hei Yang must have died...

Alas, after his death, he has to find another place to live, alas...

Ma Sheng, that's it, full of accidents and wanderings, no matter what happens in the future, it has nothing to do with him now.

At least, before that, he should enjoy the taste of the carrot in his mouth, um...heiyang said before that he would eat eggs tomorrow, and he didn't know if he could still eat it, which really made Ma sigh!

"Well, I'll give you a big soft pillow."

Hongli carefully laid Heiyang flat, straightened his arms and legs naturally, then gently lifted Heiyang's head, and put a pillow under it.

Hong Li kicked off her shoes, sat cross-legged next to Hei Yang, and said with a smile, "Tell me, is there anything uncomfortable?"

(End of this chapter)

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