So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 200 Let Heiyang lie down for a while, let the elders fly for a while...

Chapter 200 Let Hei Yang lie down for a while longer, let the elders fly for a while longer...

"Remember, if you feel uncomfortable, you must speak up in time."

Hongli lightly tapped Heiyang's forehead with her index finger, unable to let go of the corner of her mouth: "Don't be too aggressive to save face, why are you being polite to me, right, whoever we are with whom!"


Heiyang stared at Hongli, his eyes full of threats.

【Hei Yang: What's wrong with me? 】

[Hei Yang: I don’t feel well if I don’t beat you up! 】

[Hei Yang: Xiaoli, I was wrong, can I practice with you? 】

[Hei Yang: Wait, you wait for me, I must make you look good! 】

"Hey, why are your eyeballs so big!"

Hongli curled her lips, looked at Heiyang unhappily, covered the other's eyelids with her two small hands, and gently waved down to help him close his eyes.

"Ah, Hei Yang, rest in peace!"


Rubbing her chin, looking at Hei Yang's serene face, the more Hong Li looked at it, the more she wondered why this guy was so good-looking?


The nose is the nose, the eyebrows are the eyebrows...

Hiss, this guy looks exactly like her ideal perfect partner, how could it be such a coincidence? !
Oh, it turns out that her ideal looks like Hei Yang, that's okay!
[Hei Yang: Hello?Hey?Hongli, are you there, Hongli?Say something, I'm so scared. 】

[Hei Yang: Hello, hello?Hello?Nice to meet you? 】

"Okay, don't bark, I'll be right next to you, ready to practice."

The corner of Hong Li's mouth curled up, looked at Hei Yang's cheek, and smiled: "But before that, hey, let's get motivated! Mua!"

[Heiyang:! ! ! 】

[Hei Yang: Hey, hey!You are a forced act without permission, it is indecent! 】

"To shut up!"

Hongli snorted softly: "Huh! The power is coming! Start working!"

[Hei Yang: Woohoo, Hongli, you are not human, you have no conscience! ! !woo woo woo...]

"Scream, no one will hear you if you break your throat..."

Hongli has no distracting thoughts in her heart, only joy, her thoughts are clear, and her breath is smooth.

The function of the practice secret room is that besides the richer aura, it is also relatively strong, which can isolate external disturbances and allow practitioners to better enter a state of meditation.

However, for some extremely gifted practitioners, they can achieve the state of being far away from the center even though they are in the busy city, without being disturbed by the outside world, and keeping a clear mind at all times.

For Hongli, the only things that can make her feel at ease are home and family, as well as Heiyang.

For her, Heiyang said that her family has no problem at all, and that where Heiyang is is home, she concluded that at this moment, Hongli is in the best condition, because Heiyang is lying peacefully beside her!

【Your contract object (Hongli) is practicing seriously, making rapid progress...】

【Your contract object (Hongli) is practicing seriously, making rapid progress...】



Hongli kicked Heiyang lightly: "Why don't you keep shouting, keep going!"

[Heiyang: ? ? ? 】

[Hei Yang: What's wrong? ! 】

[Hei Yang: Didn't I see that you started to practice, and I wanted not to disturb you, so I calmed down? 】

[Hei Yang: Then you?ah? ? ! 】

"It's okay, just say it, don't worry about disturbing me!"

Hongli said confidently: "Aren't you going to supervise my practice? Then how do I know if you have fallen asleep secretly?"

[Hei Yang: You frankly lifted my eyelids, wouldn't you know if I opened my eyes? 】

"No, no, no!"

Hongli snorted softly: "Anyway, please continue to yell at me, don't stop, if you stop, it means that you are slack and lazy, and you have not played the role of supervising me!
At that time, if my realm is lowered due to my lack of seriousness in cultivation, and I become desolate in the ruins, you will be a sinner through the ages, do you understand? ! "

【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hei Yang: What the hell are the top ten tortures? Good sister, Xiao Li, wife, please stop torturing me, okay? 】


Hong Li's heart skipped a beat: "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

【Black Sun: ... 】

Heiyang understood in seconds.

[Hei Yang: My lord!Mrs. wife!Mrs. wife!spare my life! 】


Hongli supported the wall next to the bed with one hand, and covered her heart with the other hand, only feeling the buzzing in her head: "Huh, huh, huh, too, too exciting, I, let me slowly... ...Hoo, hoo, hoo... ah... hoo..."

It took a long time for Hongli to recover.

"Huh...cough cough!"

Hongli coughed twice, then snorted and said, "Well, since your mouth looks like it's been smeared with honey today, I'll show you a favor and let you talk every ten minutes. Is that okay?"

[Hei Yang: Is it okay every ten hours? 】

[Hongli: Do you think it will work every ten seconds? 】

[Hei Yang: Cough cough, ten minutes, just ten minutes! 】

"That's about the same, hahahaha!"

Hongli feels that today should be included in the top five moments of her peak moment, holding Heiyang in the palm of her hand, it's simply not too cool!
Thinking that such a day could last at least three more days, oh ho ho ho!
On one side is Hongli with a little flower in her mood, and on the other is Heiyang who is becoming angry from embarrassment.

[Hei Yang: Hmph!Now I will supervise you!Hurry up and start practicing for me!No slack, no distraction, no chatting, no rest! 】

"Okay bro!"

Hongli hummed happily: "Listen to you!"

[Your contract partner (Hongli) is emotionally agitated, emotionally sublimated, enters a state of epiphany, and is promoted to the talent of great wisdom (blue) and the talent of supernatural wisdom (purple)]

Innate supernatural powers: extreme wisdom
Quality: purple

Effect: Increase the talent owner's practice speed by ten times (originally [-]%), greatly improve the comprehension ability, and greatly increase the chance of entering the state of epiphany.

You can know a thing or two about the secret book method at a glance, and you can master it once you learn it. If there is a practice secret that you can't understand, it must be because the author made a mistake!

Introduction: You have reached the pinnacle of cultivation talent in the travel world. When other talents are complacent because of a certain Taoist body and a certain spiritual body, you start to name and interpret the so-called top talent after yourself.

Your cultivation talent has reached the pinnacle of this world, and every improvement in the future will create the history of the world!

[In the role of extreme wisdom (purple), your contract object (red glass) has a deeper understanding of skills than me (blue)...]

【Your contract object (Hong Li) has a deeper understanding of the skill Shatter Reality (Blue)...】

【Your contract object (Hong Li) has a deeper understanding of the skill high-frequency fighter (Blue)...】

[Your contract partner (Hongli) frowned, feeling that the swordsmanship and spearmanship handed down from the five-color family have many improvements, and they have a deeper understanding of swordmanship and spearmanship...]

[Hei Yang: Report!I'm alive! 】

[Hongli: Very good, keep working hard! 】


"Elder, are you looking for me?"

Hong Ling looked at Elder Huo curiously: "Is there something going on? Well, something about the ruins?"


Elder Huo nodded, and sighed: "Because I really can't find anyone to talk to, I want to ask you what you think of this relic incident?"

"Uh... isn't there other elders, ask me this disciple..."

Hongling was a little confused, but still said: "Elder, don't worry, I'm fully prepared for the next batch of assistance missions. If you are worried about Xiaoli, I can also..."


Elder Huo lightly raised his hand, interrupted Hong Ling's words, and blinked his eyes: "That...can you do me a favor?"

"Ah? Elder, tell me!"

"You go……"

Elder Huo showed an embarrassing expression, and said in a weak voice: "Go, go down the mountain, and inform Xiaoli for me, tell her that the support mission has been cancelled, and just wait for the news of the ruins ahead... Well, that is to say, Fengshan I'm not sure how much the time will be extended, can you send a message for me?"

"Oh, I understand!"

Hongling narrowed her eyes, revealing a sneaky expression: "You mean, let's lie and trick her into staying in the sect, so that she doesn't have to face danger..."

"It's not a lie..."

"Ha, Elder Huo, you have entered the state now, I don't see that you still have the talent to lie! Disrespect and disrespect!"

"It's not a lie..."

"Hey, I understand, I understand, I understand everything!"

"You know a lot...cough cough, let me tell you very seriously..."

Elder Huo sighed helplessly: "This is the real thing. I'm just notifying you first. After a while, everyone who receives news of the reinforcements will probably know about it. There are sea monsters..."

"Ah this..."

Hong Ling asked in a daze, "Did you lie to me?"


"So you asked me to..."

Hongling smiled stiffly: "Tell Xiaoli: It's over for you to go for reinforcements, and the unblocking time is still unknown?"

"Cough cough..."

Elder Huo coughed twice, smiled and showed his well-maintained white teeth, and stretched out his thumb: "You can say this! It's very straightforward!"


Hong Ling's voice was flat, she turned around and said, "Hello, Elder, goodbye Elder."

"Hey, don't rush away!"

Elder Huo was startled, and hurried forward: "You don't think about it?"

"What are you thinking about? Make me a villain?"

"It's just an announcement..."

"Then go, elder."

"I'm busy……"

"Then the elder sent someone else."

"Others are not as good as you, you are Aunt Xiaoli..."

"You also know that I am her aunt, and you still make me a villain..."


In the northwest sea area, Shui Ran quietly stood on the top of the hundreds of feet of waves, looked at the two streamers of light in the distance, and smiled: "Here we come."

(End of this chapter)

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