So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 201 I once dreamed of walking the world with a sword and seeing the prosperity of the world,

Chapter 201 I once dreamed of walking the world with a sword and seeing the prosperity of the world, the young heart is always a little frivolous...


As night fell, the bedroom door was opened, and Xiaohuo quietly stuck out his little head.

She saw her father lying on the big bed with a peaceful face, as if dead, and her mother sitting cross-legged next to him, presumably... in cultivation? !

Xiao Huo rubbed his eyes, reconfirmed that he was right, and immediately felt like he had seen a ghost, and wanted to shrink back in fear...

But she also saw that there was an empty seat left on the far right side of the bed, and she was startled: it must be the empty seat specially reserved for her by her parents!

Thinking of this, Xiao Huo couldn't help feeling a little moved, how lucky to have such parents!
Little feet tapped lightly, and Xiaohuo climbed onto the bed as silently as possible—if she had just flown up when she was young, why would it be so troublesome!

Harm, but the main body is too big now, flapping its wings in the room is a disaster, that's the only way to do it.

Gently lying down on the right side beside her mother, Xiao Huo stretched her head towards her mother again, felt the temperature around her, and immediately felt relieved.

No matter how old you are, your mother's arms can accommodate you.

Mom and Dad were quiet, as if they didn't notice her coming back, so don't disturb them.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Huo whispered softly: "Good night, Mom~ Good night, Dad~ Xiao Huo is asleep~"

After a while, there was only the sound of even breathing in the room.


With her eyes closed, Hongli pulled the quilt stacked on the head of the bed with one hand, unfolded it, and gently wrapped Xiaohuo under the head, and then Heiyang covered them with the quilt.

Another week was completed quickly, Hongli opened her eyes, touched Xiaohuo's head, smiled and said softly: "Good night, Xiaohuo."

However, has Heiyang not reported to her for ten minutes?

Hongli frowned, good boy, you secretly slept, right?

【Hei Yang: I'm still here. 】

[Hei Yang: It's getting dark, I heard Xiao Huo saying good night, can sleep if you want to.

Woke up early in the day, didn't sleep well in the morning, rested for a while before practicing? 】

[Hongli: Oh, I think you want to be lazy, right? 】

【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hei Yang: It’s so kind to be a donkey’s liver and lungs. If you want to practice, then continue to practice. 】

[Hongli: Well, work harder for a while, until the middle of the night... sleep if you want to sleep! 】

[Hei Yang: Hmm...that's fine, I'll be with you...huh?what are you doing? ! 】

Hongli gently helped Heiyang open his eyes, adjusted the angle with both hands, and let Heiyang lie on his side, smiling.

[Hongli: Alright, then you can watch me practice, hehe! 】

【Heiyang: Ah this...】

Before Hei Yang could say anything else, Hong Li consciously started practicing this time. The spirit stone in the storage bag at her waist was slowly consumed, and the spirit power flowed on her body. Hongli's small face.


Heiyang froze for a moment, that was the expression he remembered that Hongli would rarely show—occasionally she would show this expression when she was fascinated by reading a book.

But most of the time, she always complained to Heiyang beside her while watching.

Naturally, Hei Yang seldom had the chance to see that red-glass limited-edition expression—concentrating, concentrating, so focused and serious that he almost thought he saw himself in a previous life.

However, it was different. In his previous life, the corners of his mouth were not raised like this, nor would he have a happy smile on his face.

Heiyang looked at Hongli quietly, his eyes were full of tenderness, he couldn't get enough of it for more than ten years, and he couldn't get enough of it for hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of years.

Although Hei Yang's life experience can hardly comprehend and imagine such a long time span, but he stubbornly believes that this is the case, as long as he looks at her, all the haze in his heart will recede.

[Hong Li: Asleep? 】

[Hei Yang: Report, Xiao Li is very beautiful. 】

[Hongli: ... I know. 】

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Heiyang always feels that Hongli's cultivation speed is a little faster...

Time passed quickly, supervising Hongli's practice was much easier than Hei Yang imagined, this night was a bit short...

Before he knew it, it was midnight, Xiaohuo didn't know how to fix it, and tied himself inside with a quilt when he was sleeping.

【Your contract object (Hongli) is promoted...】

【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hong Li: Huh!Small breakthrough one hand, sleep! 】

Hongli opened her eyes, stretched her waist, glanced left and right, smiled, lifted a corner of Heiyang's quilt, got in with a "swish", spread her limbs and hugged Heiyang tightly.

[Hongli: Heiyang pillow, good night~]

[Heiyang:! ! ! 】

[Heiyang: Hey, what is a Heiyang pillow!I am alive, alive! 】

[Hei Yang: Just take advantage of the fact that I can't move, so I have the guts to strike hard, right? If you have the ability, let me recover, do you dare?Hello! 】

[Hong Li: Long-winded. 】

A hand slowly stretched out to help Heiyang close his eyes: "Good night, you!"

【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hei Yang: Good night. 】



Hong Butian quickly shuttled through the woods, turning his head to look at it from time to time, and saw two black shadows floating behind him, hanging tightly behind him.

Hong Butian: "..."

"Dad! Uncle! Stop chasing you two! It's the middle of the night, it's bad if you fall and bump into each other!"

Hong Butian frantically yelled behind him: "Obviously I set off early, and I walked on a remote road, and didn't leave any traces. Why are you still able to catch up!"


Some disdainful snort came from behind, Hongbutian's father Hongzhenjia's tone was a little angry.

"You said that no trace was left, so there was no trace? Your father and I went into the mountains and forests with your Uncle Xiaochen since we were young, would we not be able to see your little disguise?!"

Hong Zhenjia adjusted his breath: "Xiao Chen."


Hong Xiaochen didn't talk much at this time, when he heard his elder brother calling him, he suddenly pulled out the shorter off-road version of the long gun behind him, aimed at the target, his eyes flashed, and he threw it hard!


Hong Butian's hair, who was running for his life, exploded in an instant, and there was a sound of piercing through the air, brushing past him, and ruthlessly piercing a giant tree in front of him!

The giant tree fell in response to the sound, and slammed in front of Hong Butian, making his body stagnate immediately.

"No, what about it?"

Hong Butian was just stunned for a moment, and then continued to escape across the giant tree, but because of a pause, the two black shadows behind him instantly shortened the distance to Hong Butian!

"Dad, Uncle, you two don't have to fight like this, really!"

Hong Butian wanted to cry without tears: "As for it, even if I'm guilty, the big tree is innocent, it's easy to grow up so big!"

"You also know that it is not easy for me to raise you so big!"

Hongzhen's family said angrily: "Then you just ran away from home without saying a word?!

If you can't enter the Five Elements Sect, let's think of a way. If it doesn't work, you can still go to the capital!

As for the capital...

Hiss... It seems that Wangdu's family can't send you to the Five Elements Sect...

oops!In short, you go back to me first and then talk!

The thing is that dead people are alive, if one road fails, we will change another road, and we will always find a way!
As long as you don't say give up, when did your parents stop you?Obedient, come home with me!Don't make your father angry with me!

And your mother, she must have been up all night now, do you believe it?Come back with me! "


Hong Butian's heart trembled, and he almost wanted to turn his head and surrender. He gritted his teeth and said decisively: "Dad, I did this wrong, but this is also my choice... I am old enough to let go !
Moreover, I didn't leave without saying a word, I left a letter, I'm going to seek immortality!

In short, now that you have made up your mind, you must move forward without wavering, otherwise what is the ideal goal!
It's almost dawn, you and uncle hurry up and go back the same way!Don't worry mommy! "

"You bastard! You are the one who is worried!"


Hong Butian gritted his teeth and remained silent, and suddenly asked the ring he was carrying: "I don't know if it's true or not, the Great Elder, what can you do?"

"You ask me, I don't even want to talk..."

The ring is self-closing, and finally persuaded Hong Butian to take him on the road of cultivation...

In the end, who knows that the biggest resistance is actually the other party's parents?
It's outrageous!
Looking at the current situation, Hong Butian will be caught up sooner or later...

"You really make me feel like I'm a criminal who lures teenagers..."

The voice of the ring was helpless: "It's really you, you can fail if you run away from home!"

"Anyway, they are all on your thief ship..."

Hong Butian turned his head to look back, his body tensed instantly, and he accelerated again: "It's too late to say anything now, so is there any way for you to let me run away, or I will be arrested and beaten!"


What are you... what am I...

It's true that he won't be able to fix it!

"Phew, my remaining strength can sustain my existence for about two years..."

The ring struggled and said: "But if you want to make a move, the remaining power may only be enough for three months..."

"Ah this..."

Hong Butian was stunned, and suddenly hesitated: "Either, let's surrender...well, at least let you enjoy your old age..."

"You will enjoy your old age in peace! I will not sit still!"

The ring couldn't help roaring: "I'll still help you today. If you don't find a way to renew my life in three months, I won't let you go even if I die!"

"Uh, aren't you already dead, not a soul now?"

Hong Butian beeped softly: "If you die again, your soul will fly away, why don't you let me go..."


"Then I will condemn your conscience for the rest of your life!"

Ring was furious: "I'm going to do it, you are ready!"

"Ah this..."

Hong Butian hurriedly said: "Don't hurt my father and my uncle!"

"How many times have I told you! This old man is a decent, positive character!"

The ring snapped back, flashing white light suddenly, and the spiritual power surged!
In an instant, countless vigor exploded, and countless trees blocking Hong Butian and Hong Zhen's family broke at the same root, and piled up in front of Hong Zhen's family and Hong Xiaochen!


Hong Xiaochen and Hong Zhenjia suddenly stopped and looked at each other: "???"

"Don't worry, dad!"

Hong Butian's voice came from a distance: "Even if I climb, I will climb back!"

Hongzhen's family and Hong Xiaochen were silent, Hongzhen's family looked at the direction where Hong Butian was leaving, but Hong Xiaochen turned around and looked into the distance, that was the direction of the Five Elements Sect...

"elder brother."

Hong Xiaochen said suddenly: "It's dawn."


Hongzhen's family sighed: "I can't hear the rooster crowing anymore, the forest is so quiet."

"Yeah, it's really quiet, where are the beasts on weekdays..."

Hong Xiaochen had a complex expression and was lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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