So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 210 In the brave cry of this bird, the dark cloud hears joy

Chapter 210 In the brave cry of this bird, the dark cloud hears joy
The long-horned Nascent Soul is named Sha Dou, and is the leader of the Kraken Clan in the Northwest Sea Region. It is indeed premeditated to take all the younger brothers out this time.

What Nascent Soul Relics is also a bait created by his conspiracy with others, the purpose is to lure the elder disciples of Juanlangzong, wait for the opportunity, and catch them all!
As for why Juanlangzong was targeted, the reason is very simple: every time the Kraken clan goes ashore to plunder and kill humans along the coast, they will stop them, which is very obstructive, and he can't wait to kill them all.

But what's even worse is that, as a Nascent Soul boss, he can't even show his face in the territory of human monks. As long as he appears, he will be targeted by a group of human Nascent Souls immediately.

The middle and lower level combat power is restricted by Juanlangzong, and the high-end combat power is restricted by the Nascent Soul monks of the three holy places. As a result, the performance of the Kraken clan has been declining day by day, the economy has become more and more depressed, and the poor at home can't get rid of it. .

As for homegrown...

He can only say that not all races can live like the human race, and the Kraken race with low productivity has never known how old they are, and they have been relying on robbery to survive.

Among the leaders of the past dynasties, it is not that none of them wanted to change this point, but unfortunately they all failed.

They said that there is no comfort in using their own things from robbery, and they would rather die on the road of robbery than use their brains to study production.

It's a great honor that Sha Dou, as the new leader, is the one advocating aggression. He has long wanted to attack Juanlangzong!
However, before the conspirators came to him, he hadn't found a chance yet.

This time, through all kinds of schemes and forbearance, he finally lured the other party in with him.

When the disciples of the Qi refining period and the foundation building period came to explore, he held back.

When one or two Golden Core Elders came, when a bunch of Golden Core Stages came, he still held back.

At this time, the vigilance of the monks of the human race will be significantly reduced: if something happens, it will happen long ago, and this sea area is actually part of the territory of the human race, so it is not a big problem!
In fact, they were right to think so, if Sha Dou stayed here for too long, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

But this time it was arranged in advance and covered by thick fog. By the time the Nascent Soul Stage of the human race noticed him, he would have killed people and run away.

Don't want to directly destroy the Juanlangzong, just kill most of their high-end combat power, let their vitality be severely injured, and they have no spare energy to take care of other things, and the future looting will be much smoother.

Well, that's right, at the beginning he didn't think that even the Five Elements Sect was involved in the calculations, and the Five Elements Sect was a windfall for him.

But people are coming, so don't leave!

A golden core stage monk is also a great supplement to him!
It's just that Sha Dou didn't expect that an accident happened before he had any harvest.

"It's amazing that I almost hid it from me."

The female Nascent Soul on the side smiled and looked at Shui Ran with admiration in her eyes, as if she didn't care about Tulou and Muling who were on the side with vigilant faces.

"However, at the Golden Core stage, I have dabbled in space, and this supernatural power... What a surprise."

The woman stood leisurely in the air, as if she had no intention of helping.

As for Sha Dou, at this moment, he felt as if an iceberg had fallen from his back. It was not an ordinary low-temperature quality, but a coldness and heaviness vaguely acting on the soul.

Without hesitation, Sha Dou transformed himself into a giant [-]-meter-long shark, opened his mouth wide, and rushed towards the water above!
The densely packed fangs in his mouth gleamed coldly, and the giant shark's eyes were full of killing intent. At that moment, if he was really hit unprepared, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

This guy really wants to kill Nascent Soul!


If he is rebelliously attacked by a mere Jindan stage monk, he won't have to hang around in the Nascent Soul circle in the future, and he can just change his face and start qi refining again.

Oh, there will be no future after being hacked... That's okay!
However, there is no if!
The giant shark bit hard on the Xuanming phantom that was gradually staring at it. Well, it has a bit of teeth, but it can be crushed!

With one bite, the giant shark bit off Xuanming Xuying's tail, as for the head... don't let it bite!


With just one bite, most of Xuan Ming's body was crushed, Shui Ran snorted softly, and pinched Fa Jue again, arousing the chill in the giant shark's soul!

Ju Sha's body froze suddenly, his thinking was sluggish, and then in a short while, he violently broke the supernatural power of Shui Ran. The latter's mouth overflowed with blood, but he remained calm.

In an instant, there were too many things that could be done, Tulou looked dignified, and suddenly raised his hands!


The seabed mountains stretched upwards crazily, as if pulling the seabed up. Countless thick soil thorns protruded from the ocean, and ruthlessly pressed against the belly of the giant shark, trying to pierce it!
"heavy water."

Shui Ran took a deep breath, and poured out the smell of rust from his lungs.

A small injury, not a big problem!
Stirring the Fa Jue, Shui Ran's figure shortened and melted into the mysterious shadow.

A heavy feeling as if the sky was falling fell on the giant shark, and it fell down again regardless of the opponent's roar!

Sha Dou couldn't help cursing, but turned back into a human form, trying to escape from the upper and lower sides of Shui Ran and Tulou.

But what he didn't expect was that the two of them seemed to have predicted in advance that he would use his human body to get out of trouble, and they used all their strength at the same time, and the smashed Xuanming and the pierced mountain range quickly approached!

The mud and water splashed everywhere, and the female Nascent Soul frowned, took a step back slightly, waved her sleeves, and blocked the mud and water in front of her.


Turning her head to look in the direction of Sha Dou, the woman couldn't help sighing: "It's spectacular, I haven't seen a battle of this level for many years."

"Are you still going to stand by and watch!"

The sound of shark fighting came, and he used his hands and feet to open a gap, struggling frantically under the pressure of the two.

But at this time, his clothes were torn, his face was covered with blood, and he didn't have the arrogance he had when he first appeared on the stage: "If you don't make a move, I will die here!"

At this time, Sha Dou doesn't care about the dignity of the strong, he couldn't help but roared angrily: "You two monsters can also reach the Golden Core stage? I've never seen such an outrageous Golden Core stage!"

"I see……"

Shui Ran's eyes were slightly bright, and he murmured softly.

"If someone like you can reach Nascent Soul, the so-called catastrophe seems to be easier than I imagined..."

Shark: "???"

"What did you say?!"

Sha Dou couldn't help roaring angrily: "You say it again?!"

Damn, it's crazy, he hasn't lost yet, and that guy actually uttered wild words like this?Can't bear it!

If you have the ability to let him go, they will go heads-up!

"Heh, Fellow Daoist, it looks very ugly."

The woman sneered, and the spirit surged in her body: "It seems that I have to make a move."

"Don't think about it!"

Mu Ling, who was always on guard against her, let out a cold snort, and pinched Fa Jue. Countless sea plants and trees around her gathered and gathered around her, turning into a [-]-meter giant, roaring and shaking his fist at the opponent.


The woman raised her eyebrows, opened her palms, and clenched them tightly!

The giant's fist exploded, its entire arm began to collapse, and countless plants and trees fell into the water again, floating powerlessly... suddenly turned into hundreds of grass snakes, biting at the woman!


Mu Ling snorted coldly, while the other party was dealing with the grass snake, the one-armed giant rushed towards the woman like crazy!

When it was about to touch the opponent, the giant's body suddenly showed a strange twist, and it spread out suddenly, and countless grass blades slapped on the opponent's body shield, drawing ripples.

But immediately after, the blades of grass gathered for the second time. At this time, they spread all over the woman and rushed towards each other at the same time, wrapping her inside, forming an airtight spherical wooden cage.


Mu Ling grasped it far away, and in the dark wooden cage, countless wooden thorns, vines and poisonous gas appeared instantly, besieging the woman trapped in it!

"Pfft! Pfft!"

The dense wooden thorns stretched wildly, pierced the wooden ball, and drilled out from the other side.

There is still a faint green light shining on the top of the wooden thorn, which makes people feel frightened when they see it, but it is obviously contaminated with poisonous poison.

A move is a killer move, Mu Ling and the other two elders are equally decisive.

However, the moment the wooden ball was pierced, her complexion changed wildly, and she moved quickly on instinct!

The space where Mu Ling was originally standing was like an overturned mirror, with countless cracks appearing and suddenly shattered!
"The response is very fast."

A woman appeared in the air not far away, and looked at Mu Ling with a smile: "You need two people to deal with Fellow Sha Dou, so why do you think you can deal with me alone?"


Mu Ling's face was ugly: "Are you also a siren family?"

"Sea monster?"

The woman showed a mocking smile: "This Daoist name is the Son of Heaven."


Mu Ling's pupils trembled suddenly: "Are you still alive? Are you the head of Tianmen? How is it possible!"

"This way is a person with great luck, how can he die so easily?"

Suan Tianzi shook his head with a smile, and sighed: "Of course, I paid a lot of price, and even fell to this point. It's really hard to calculate my destiny."


Before Mu Ling could speak, she suddenly retreated violently again, a long and narrow spatial crack chasing her for thousands of meters, before it stopped!
"It seems..."

Mu Ling's heart twitched crazily, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead, but he still sneered and mocked: "Your spatial attainment is not very good, you can actually make me, a little character in the golden core stage, avoid it again and again."

"Ah, I am really not good at fighting with people."

Suan Tianzi gently pinched Fa Jue: "But your senior brother and the others have no cover."


Mu Ling's complexion changed, and he quickly turned around to block, but the emperor had already made a move.

"Cut luck!"

Suan Tianzi's eyes flashed with golden light, and he waved down with one hand: "Slay the turtle and snake! Slash the genus!"

The faces of the two who were trying their best to suppress the Shark Dou suddenly changed, and a mouthful of blood spewed out with a "poof"!


The giant shark reappeared, swung its tail to level the mountains, and bit the turtle and snake with blood: "You two, die to me!"


Shuiran and Tulou flew upside down, and two vines dragged them back to Mu Ling. The surrounding vegetation quickly withered, turning into vitality and injecting them into their bodies.

"sorry, I……"

Mu Ling showed guilt: "I couldn't stop her."


Shui Ran said softly: "Just do your best."

"Bah, how cruel..."

Tulou spit out blood, wiped his mouth and smiled, "Grandma, I didn't suffer this kind of grievance when the elder brother left, so I must call back!"

"He's gone, I'm the big brother now."

Shui Ran raised his head calmly and looked forward. The woman and the giant shark looked down at them: "I will solve it alone."

"Brother, you..."

"Mizuran! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Tulou Muling Pupil Earthquake.

"What is that man doing?"

The giant shark's voice was low.

"He said he wanted to solve us alone."

The woman teased.

"Got crazy."

"Perhaps there is something hidden?"

"Then fight quickly."

"Just to my liking."

The communication was completed in an instant, and the two Nascent Souls made a move together: "Go to hell!"


Shui Ran burst out laughing suddenly, shook his sleeves, and greeted the exclaimed voices of his younger brothers and sisters: "Come on!"


Dark clouds cover the sea, and Xiyue is not seen.

The purple thunder pierced through the sky and exploded in the ears.

A huge roar spread, and no matter whether it was a sea monster or a human, the heart trembled and twitched at the same time, and the movements froze for a moment.

Under this thunder, the deafening shouts of killing before were so peaceful.


Another thunderbolt struck, reflecting everyone's pale face, as well as the ghost-like expressions of the two Nascent Souls.

"Is that so..."

Shui Ran knew it clearly: "It seems that my Thunder Tribulation is better than yours at the beginning?"

"Forget it, count the emperor, what's the situation?"

"It can't be calculated, it can't be said, in my opinion, but, it's just that!"

"Ha, it really is scary, let's go up and kill him!"

"Fellow Daoists go first!"

"You should go first!"


"Is this the Thunder Tribulation Master said to be careful..."

The purple thunder struck Shuiran heavily, causing his internal organs to burn a bit, and his face was paralyzed again at this time.

"I wanted to say goodbye with a smile, but it seems I'm still not used to it."

Lightning flashed from Shui Ran's body, stepping on the rising waves and rushing towards the two enemies: "Then I will be your robbery!"


"Tulou, let's rush in!"

"Under the thunder calamity, our senior brother will be more dangerous if we go in..."


"Go to hell!"

Jin Xiu roared angrily, and she crushed the skull of Jindan in front of her with her claws. Her long knife stabbed someone who was unlucky, but it didn't matter, because this was the last one.


Jin Xiu looked at the cloud, her tiger eyes against Zimang: "Is it senior brother?"


"Xiaolong, continue to retreat!"

"Xiaolong, follow!"


Hei Xiaolong pulled out the broken spear on his leg, blood spattered and condensed into frost.

Listening to the roar in his ear, he roared hoarsely: "Go, I want to go back, I want to go back!"

"Xiaolong, what are you doing?"

"I, I don't know, but I, I just want to go back!"


The Five Elements Sect disciples, who were almost all injured, looked at each other, and several senior brothers stepped forward and dragged Hei Xiaolong away: "Xiaolong, you are tired, take a rest."

"I don't! Let me go! Let me go back!"


"It's thundering."

Hongli let out a long breath, and shouted towards the cabin: "Elder, it landed, and if you fly forward, you will be struck by lightning!"

"Ah, yes."

Hong Li looked at the ice layer below, and nodded affirmatively: "That's right, just land directly, don't worry, it's no problem!"

Below the airship, there is a rock platform climbing up, and a grass bed is set up.

A disciple of the Five Elements Sect waved and shouted at the airship in the sky.

"Hey! Why did you come here!"

"That's right, you're slow to die!"

"Relax and land! Let's continue!"

"Come and take these wounded away, it's too much of a hindrance!"

"Didn't you release my pigeons first..."

Hongli replied in a low voice, staring down quietly with dead fish eyes.

She saw the solid and tall ice wall, the sea monster with its teeth and claws open, and the scarred comrades below.

"That kid Hei Xiaolong is injured like that, Heiyang will be angry if he finds out."

Hongli curled her lips, stretched out her thumb, aimed at the sea monsters, and swung her arm fiercely: "Boom!"

Item: Destruction Mushroom
Quality: blue

Effect: After the destruction mushroom explodes, a mushroom cloud will be generated, destroying all monks of Golden Core stage and below in a large area.

Introduction: "You are very lucky - just because I am on the same side as you", Destroyer Mushroom said: "I can destroy anything you fancy, it's a piece of cake."

(End of this chapter)

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