So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 211 No matter how powerful you are in the game, you are still a fake. If you want to become

Chapter 211 No matter how powerful you are in the game, you are still a fake. If you want to become real, you must become a VIP!

"Well, this, it's so bright, is this the heaven my brother mentioned..."

Hei Xiaolong shook his drowsy head and opened his eyes in a daze, but he couldn't see anything except a white light...

"A piece of advice, don't just believe what Heiyang says all day long, you will be fooled."

A flat voice sounded beside my ears: "I'm hopeless, you're still young."


Hei Xiaolong rubbed his eyes, looking at the vague figure in front of him: "Yes, an angel?"

"Forget it, if I didn't say it, this won't be saved."

Hongli glanced at Hei Xiaolong who was being carried on a stretcher, and shook her head: "Also, call me sister-in-law."

The thunder was still roaring, and Hongli and the crowd were facing the opposite direction.

She walked slowly to the ice wall, and a little flame quickly melted it, turned into water and rose up, and the waves supported her to keep moving forward.

The sea area that was still crowded just now was silent at this time.

Hong Li looked at the place where the Destruction Mushroom landed. There was a large black hole there, which seemed to have blasted the space open, and now the sea water was pouring into it.

"Well... it should be..."

Hongli looked away with some guilt: "It should be automatically repaired after a while..."

If you want to blame, if you want to blame, blame the hateful siren!
You are an inherently evil brat of the sea monster family, I just...cough cough...

"It's a pity, I managed to prescribe such a high-quality item, and I still want to use it on more important occasions..."

Hong Li sighed with regret, the sea water supported her to move forward at a high speed.

At first, she wanted to make stewed snow-mountain flying pigeons with destroying mushrooms, thinking that with such high-quality ingredients, the food she made must be amazing, but Heiyang refused...

Then I thought about it, why don't I wait until the day of the wedding to make a scene or something, and use it as a firecracker?

It will probably be very grand... huh?

In the end, Heiyang refused her again, saying that he didn't want to be lively, but he wanted to be quiet!

Tch, what does the little black boy know, he hasn't traveled far, okay?
She Hongli has seen snow mountains, has Heiyang seen them?
She Hongli has seen the sea, has Heiyang seen it?
Hmph, the ignorant little brat is still pointing at her...

Thinking wildly in her mind, Hongli looked around and suddenly paused: "Well, I found it."

The next moment, she appeared in the distance, with her head raised and her arms stretched out.


The precarious silver-haired girl fell from the sky and was just caught by Hongli.


Jin Xiu looked palely at the somewhat familiar face in front of her, and didn't remember it for a while: "Who are you?"


Hongli suddenly showed a funny face, and she flicked it up with a bang, crisp and loud.

"Hey, let you kill me before, this trick is called, instant brain collapse of the instant killing series!"


Jin Xiu's eyes widened suddenly, and bad memories popped up in his mind: "You? Hongli!?"

"Aha, are you awake..."

Hongli looked into the distance without confusion, and several Jindanqi were lying on the sea, controlling the current to carry them to the distance.

"Is it because you are afraid of being embarrassed by people from other sects if you fall, so you hold on..."

"You you you you! Let me go!"

Jin Xiu's eyes widened: "Who told you to touch me like this! You beat me crazy!"

"Hey, who wants to hug you? It's far worse than a man."

Hongli snorted coldly, let go of her hand, turned her head and left.


Jin Xiu fell into the water in response. Before she could get angry, a storage bag was thrown over. The latter caught it and was stunned. He opened the storage bag and looked inside. It contained a bunch of healing pills.

"Well, this is me, do I owe you a favor..."

Jin Xiu touched his forehead and shouted at Hongli, "Where are you going?"

Hong Li pointed to the sky with her back turned to her, then waved her hand again, but didn't say much.



Jin Xiu froze for a moment, the thunder that exploded in her ears again made her furious subconsciously, it seemed that it wasn't that Hongli didn't speak, but that her ears were ringing from the shock.

"and many more……"

Jin Xiu suddenly realized: "Senior Brother! Senior Sister!"

"I'm here to save... hiss..."

The wound was tearing, Jin Xiu plunged into the water, and it took a long time to come up: "Ahem, that, I will save you when I recover..."

The first step is that she needs to come out of the sea first. Thanks to her being a golden core, otherwise the wound has been soaked in sea water and it is no joke!

"Not confused."

Hong Li looked up at Lei Yun, and could clearly see that a man was chasing a man and a shark all over the sky, and he was chasing after a series of terrifying-looking Jie Lei.

At the side, there are Tulou and Muling floating in the air anxiously, wanting to help but not knowing how.

While spitting blood, Shui Ran, who was chasing Suan Tianzi and Sha Dou running all over the sky, saw Tulou and Mu Ling who didn't know how to escape, and couldn't help shouting: "You two, hurry up!"

"You tell us to go and we go?"

"That's right, who are you!"

Mizuran: "???"

"Are you still elders? The disciples are still waiting for you to save them!"

Shui Ran roared angrily: "If you don't leave, I'll hack you two together!"

"come on!"

"That's right, come hack if you have the ability!"

On the other side, even Tianzi's fair skin had already turned dark, and the giant shark beside him smelled like a burnt smell!

(As a Nascent Soul, Sha Dou has a perfect urinary system, so he won't let his flesh turn sour! He really... I'm crying to death!)
"Hoo, hoo, this lunatic!"

The giant shark gnashed its teeth and roared. It is more difficult to become a prototype, but it is too big to be struck by lightning, and it is too fragile to be transformed into a human form: "For the emperor, think of a way!"

"I, what can I think of?!"

"Don't you know how to cut luck, cut him!"

"I'm afraid you are not stupid. I only kill people when I cut luck. You want me to cut the thunder and the sky? I'm not alive anymore?!"

"Then you go and kill him!"

"Oh, let his luck be worse, and the catastrophe will be more fierce!"

"That's all right, let's keep running..."

"Wait, there is!"

Heitanzi's eyes lit up, and he turned to look at the duo on the sidelines: "Let's run after those two!"

"good idea!"

The giant shark turned around sharply and stared at the spectator duo.

Muling and Tulou: "..."

Lei Jie: "Boom!"

Mizuran: "Stop!"

Heitanzi, Delicious Shark: "Don't run away!"

Muling and Tulou: "Idiots don't run away!"

Hongli: "..."

This kind of elders, let them fend for themselves, obviously they don't know that the disciples have been rescued...

There is no harm without comparison, did she really blame Elder Huo...

"No, no, the elders must have a deep meaning in doing this!"

Hong Li quickly shook off the distracting thoughts in her head, she found that even with the supernatural power of no confusion, she would still have doubts...

Probably because of feelings, human beings are always made to do some contradictory behaviors that are not the optimal solution?
"Oh, he's dying!"

While flying, Heitanzi was paying attention to the situation of the water staining behind him, and found that the opponent's clothes were soaked in blood, and his breath was also precarious.

"If he faced this lightning calamity in his heyday, he would probably be sure of everything..."

Feeling that the victory was decided, Ju Sha couldn't help sighing, and evaluated from the perspective of a simple monk: "To be honest, if he is a Nascent Soul, I would turn my head and run away when I saw him."

"With such a big body, it must be difficult to turn your head..."

"Indeed, huh? Who!"

The giant shark stared at him, and before he could react, a long spear pierced his back fiercely, and then there was a piercing pain!

"Instant kill!"

Hong Li suddenly appeared on the back of the giant shark. The petite person and the tiny gun seemed unable to cause any damage to it...

"the other side!"

The gray mist crazily poured into the giant shark's body, and the soul that had been frostbitten by Xuanming had a tendency to be pulled out.


Supernatural Powers: Shattering the Void (Shatter reality!)
Quality: purple

Effect: space shattering, space cutting!

Introduction: Secondary [-] will never graduate!Exile from this world! (fog)

From the tip of the spear, a spider web-like crack stretched out, spreading wildly, cutting this incomparably huge body!

As for Suan Tianzi at the side, more than a dozen black shadows have already troubled her.

Hong Li is not a random beater, she is not confused about supernatural powers, she is well-trained and prepared!

The moment she saw these two, she knew their strength, weakness, identity information, etc. clearly.

"Hey! Who! Who are you!"

Suffering such a severe injury suddenly, Sha Dou almost collapsed and went crazy, the double blow of body and soul made him almost die on the spot.


The purple thunder struck down!

Shark: "Grass!"

House seemingly endless rain!

Hongli: "Grass!"

This thing even cut her!
But fortunately, Hongli blocked it with a solid wall in time. Apart from being a little scary, she didn't suffer any harm.

"This strong sense of security!"

Hongli let out a long sigh of relief: "Heiyang! I'm Superman!"

Shui Ran stopped on the spot and took a breath. Now he felt that he had lost consciousness all over his body. He let the lightning strike his body, and his body even had a tendency to turn into coke.

But he just looked at the sudden appearance of Hong Li with a puzzled face, and felt that something was wrong...

That, is their sect, the little girl named Hongli, right?
No, it must have hit the face!

Muling and Tulou wanted to step forward but were afraid of interfering with Tianjie to make it stronger, but after thinking about it, so many people have interfered anyway, so why bother!
Oh, this is the catastrophe?After chasing them for a long time, no one was killed!

"Oh, it's too troublesome to occupy one hand, and you have to be wary of your teammates' backstabs..."

Hongli turned her head to look at the elders, and shouted loudly: "Elders, go away, don't call lightning to strike me. I'm not lucky at first, and it will be even more unlucky if I strike black!"

"Well, that's..."

Mu Ling and Tu Lou were stunned for a moment, and then they had the time to carefully look at the girl who appeared suddenly, and then they were stunned like Shui Ran: "Huh?"


Shui Ran came back to his senses, turned his head and ran away decisively, but turned his head to look at Muling and Tulou who were chasing him, and couldn't help but shouted: "Why are you chasing me, go back and help!"

"Ah this..."

Muling and Tulou looked at each other.

Tulou: "I'm going to protect the Dharma for my brother."

Mu Ling: "I'll go back and help!"

At this time, no matter how unbelievable she was, she recognized that it was her own disciple, and he was still a very familiar one: "Xiao Li, hold on, the elder is here to help you!"

"Stop! Don't move!"

Hong Li suddenly shouted, causing Mu Ling to stand still in fright: "Ah?"

"Huh, this one is finally dead..."

Hong Li looked down at the motionless Sha Dou, took a breath, and a strange light appeared in her eyes.

"You can't let me waste a month of happy time to practice hard, you can give me compensation!"

Hongli turned her head and shouted: "Elder, stay away, I'm going to use a very powerful big move, as long as you look directly at me, you will be hurt!"

"Ah this..."

Mu Ling was stunned for a moment, and quickly backed away: "Is this enough?"

"Go further!"

"What about here?"

"Go further!"


"I probably can't see it..."

Hongli muttered softly.

[Hongli: Heiyang, take away the spoils for me, Nascent Soul Shark, it’s so big! 】

[Hei Yang: Are you dead? 】

[Hei Yang: Don't get a fresh one! 】

[Hongli: Grass, I have supernatural powers, and I can identify it at a glance. It can still hide it from me by pretending to be dead. Its soul has been drawn out by the other side! 】

[Hongli sent a Nascent Soul Shark (released)]

【Successfully sent】

"Huh, then you!"

Hong Li suddenly turned around to look at Suan Tianzi, and was about to swing the spear, when the magic weapon spear sponsored by the Zongmen Treasure House suddenly broke into several pieces...

Grass, the elder obviously said that this is the best long spear in the whole sect, referred to as "Zong Hao Spear", and it was broken like this?

[Hong Li: Give me the sword. 】

[Heiyang sent "Zonghao Sword"*1]


Hong Li held the long sword, looked at Su Tianzi who was being ravaged by more than a dozen phantoms, and snorted coldly: "I, Hong, hate you lucky guys the most in my life! Unless you give me all your luck!"

"What is this!"

Even though Tianzi was attacking the surrounding phantoms with disheveled hair, she didn't understand why there was such a thing that seemed to be made for her restraint watch?Target it, right?

"Damn! You forced me to do this!"

Even with a sudden roar from the Son of Heaven, the humanoid body shattered, and a flood dragon emerged from it!
"Damn it, damn it, it's just one step away, one step away, you can be lucky and transform into a dragon!"

Even if the emperor roared again and again, he no longer had the handsome... er, black charcoal appearance.

I don't know if turning into a dragon is the price of her life as she said, or... This guy was a dragon before he became the head of the Shuan Tianmen?

"Xiao Li! You've run out of big moves!"

Mu Ling flew over from a distance and shouted, "I'm here to help you!"

"do not!"

Hongli suddenly made a sound, looking at Jiaolong in front of him: "I, I still have a big move to use, you should run farther!"

Mu Ling: "?"


Hong Li looked up at the flood dragon, took a deep breath, ignited flames all over her body, and swung the long sword: "Slay the evil dragon!"

It seems that there is a fire and a phoenix...

[Your contract object (red glass) has condensed the golden core, stepped into the first level of the golden core state, and has been synchronized. 】



[The red glass sent to the nascent infant stage flood dragon*1]

(End of this chapter)

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