So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 221 If I had known earlier, I would have encountered a traffic accident while flying in the

Chapter 221 If I had known earlier, I would have encountered a traffic accident while flying in the sky...


Hongli squatted outside the cabin, touching the deck of the airship with a distressed expression, her voice trembling.

"Smelly Heiyang, it's all your fault, you said you want to save spirit stones, so you turned off the spirit shield.

It's all right now, you are satisfied with being smashed into such a big hole!You prodigal man! "

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang squatted next to Hong Li, carefully looked at the position she was pointing at, and a question mark appeared on his head: "Hey, where is the pit here?"

"Wow! Open your eyes again!"

With a serious face, Hong Li kept poking somewhere on the deck with her fingers.

"Just here, take a look, is it a little more sunken than other places!"


Heiyang frowned, and suddenly said: "It seems that there is indeed a small hole... But are you sure you didn't poke it out with your finger?"

"Poke your head!"

Hongli showed a displeased expression, slapped Heiyang's leg, and corrected: "Also, what is "Xiaokeng'er"!

An embankment of a thousand miles can collapse in an ant nest. Our airship does not even have a thousand miles. This hole is enough for us to collapse many times! "

"Well, it makes sense..."

Heiyang rested his chin and thought carefully: "It's like an airplane, a spaceship, as long as a small part is missing, there may be a big problem..."

"Right right!"

Hongli patted Heiyang's thigh, nodded, and said in a serious tone, "That's what I mean, if the nails are missing, the country will be destroyed!"

"Hmm... very vivid!"

"And there's..."

"This is true!"




On the deck of the airship, a woman struggled to get up from the ground. Although most of her face was covered in blood, she could vaguely see her usual beauty and dignity.

It's just that now her body is covered with large and small wounds, and her clothes are torn. It looks like she has been chased by dogs for several streets, very miserable.

The woman shook her bewildered head, and the bun fell off, while the conversations on the side gradually brought her back to reality.

She opened her eyes, but found that her vision was also blurred by blood. Looking around, she could vaguely see two young people with their heads together, muttering something, and looking at her from time to time.

The woman froze for a few seconds, the memory in her mind gradually came to life, then her eyes widened suddenly, she stood up struggling, and walked towards the boy and girl with difficulty.

"So, it's getting harder and harder these days..."

Hei Yang sighed and sighed: "Even people who touch porcelain, from flopping at the beginning to half-truth and half-fake in the end, the fake show is real.

Look at how miserable the aunt behind her is with her head bleeding. This is the bad influence of industry introversion.

And lazy dogs like us will be abandoned by the times and swept into the trash can sooner or later, it is better to lie in the trash dump first, so as not to trouble others..."

"One of the countless reasons why I like you..."

Hongli looked at Heiyang with a sincere heart, and sighed: "Every time I listen to your teachings, I always benefit a lot when I am in confusion. My soul has a home, and I am no longer affected by introversion anxiety..."

"One of the countless reasons why I like you..."

Hei Yang's expression was gentle: "That is, you can always listen carefully to every word I say, and understand what I want to express..."

"Black Sun..."

Hongli's eyes blurred.

"Xiao Li..."

Hei Yang was full of love.

"The man is awake."

Hongli's expression returned to normal.

"Ah, I've seen this before."

Hei Yang's tone was flat.

"She came to us..."

Hongli glanced behind her vigilantly: "Do you think she wants to sneak attack us!"

"I'm not sure about that..."

Hei Yang showed a helpless expression: "But how long will we have to fish and enforce the law here, my legs are almost numb!"

"Hiss, you didn't say it earlier!"

Hongli pressed Heiyang's shoulders, stood up abruptly, stomped her feet twice, with a relieved expression on her face: "I wanted to stand up a long time ago!"

"That's why the idea of ​​'pretend to be defenseless and talk, and lure strangers who want money to attack us, so that we can blackmail ahem... demand more compensation."

Hei Yang also stood up, showing dead fish eyes: "Which fool thought of it!"

"It's not me anyway!"

"Of course it can't be me."

"That's Little Fire!"

"A reasonable guess!"

Heiyang Hongli reached an agreement, skipped this topic tacitly, and looked at the woman who was coming.

Name: Yao Yang

Realm: Jindan five-fold realm
Status: The current Great Elder of Medicine King Sect

"I'm Yao Yang, I'm really sorry for bumping into the airship of two fellow daoists, I hope Haihan..."

Yao Yang pulled himself together, showed an apologetic expression, and saluted Heiyang Hongli.

"It's just that I'm in a difficult situation now, and I can't express too much..."

Yao Yang gave a wry smile, without explaining too much, waved his hands to the two, circulated his spiritual power, stabilized his breath, and flew into the air.

"I'm sorry again, but I'm being hunted down by a powerful enemy now. In order not to hurt the two fellow Taoists, I can only leave quickly!"

The current Great Elder of the Yao Wangzong acted swiftly and resolutely, leaving as soon as he said, and under the bewildered eyes of Heiyang and Hongli, he disappeared into the clouds.


Hongli poked Heiyang's waist with her finger, her face covered in circles: "Did we not ask her about compensation yet?"


Hei Yang blinked, and speculated: "Based on her speech, the other party wants to renege on her debt."

"How can it be like this! Run away after hitting someone else's airship and saying a few words?"

Hongli's face was full of shock: "That person's quality is so poor, can this practice world be saved?!"

"Indeed, if she is really unable to compensate, then forget it."

Hei Yang raised his head and frowned and said, "But how can she have no money to pay for her dignified Elder Wang Zong?"

"Oh yes, so why did Elder Yao Wangzong run here with his face covered in blood?"

"Who knows, didn't she say that she was hunted down by a strong man? Probably because she had made an appointment with someone but never fought!"


Hong Li curled her lips: "Hei Yang, did we suffer a loss, were we bullied?"


Hei Yang sighed: "There's no way, honest people like us are always easy to be tricked by others."

"Hei Yang, that person seems to have discovered his conscience."

Hong Li pointed to the sky with a calm expression: "You see she is back again, does she want to discuss compensation with us?"

"Xiao Li, I don't think she came back voluntarily."

Heiyang's eyes were dim, and his tone was flat: "She seems to have been beaten down again, and judging by the momentum, this time it might really make a big hole."


There is a big hole in the airship!
Hongli: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

"Black Sun..."

Tears flashed in Hongli's eyes: "My heart hurts so much, it hurts more than before."

"So why don't you go up and get her?"

"I thought you'd catch it."

"I dare not touch other women in front of you."

"You really...I cried to death..."

In the clouds, two Jindan Stage monsters appeared, a tiger with wings and a roc.

"How about me?"

Winged Tiger watched Yao Yang fall below, with a ferocious smile on his face: "That woman is already at the end of her battle, let's see where she wants to go this time?"

"But to be honest, this guy is really difficult."

Dapeng showed a mocking expression, and said with a smile: "If it weren't for the medicinal fragrance on her body that could be smelled hundreds of miles away, maybe she would have run away a few times!"

"Oh, how stupid."

The Winged Tiger shook his head, frowned and looked down.

"But what's going on with this airship? Is it the other party's accomplices who came to pick it up?"

"Whatever it is, it can't be from our side anyway, just smash it together."

The roc bird flapped its wings, and a tornado hurricane formed in front of it.

"Indeed, only the weak fly with such an instrument."

The winged tiger nodded, opened its bloody mouth, and a ball of thunder was ready to go.

"Go to hell!"*2
The faces of the roc and the winged tiger were full of bloodthirsty laughter.


A generous and big hand stretched out from the back of the winged tiger, stopped the thunder ball, and pressed it back into the winged tiger's mouth.

A small white hand poked out from the back of the roc, grabbed Hurricane, and pulled it to the roc's body to shave frantically.

Winged tiger, roc bird: "???"

"who are you?"

"Who dares to sneak attack my uncle!"

The sudden attack caused Er Yao's brain to shut down instantly, and a flat voice came from behind him.

"Hei Yang, remember to keep alive."

"I don't want to stay, you stay."

"Then don't stay."




Two pairs of wings were torn off.

(End of this chapter)

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