So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 222 [Test version chapter name, forward the message to 5 groups, the chapter name will be au

Chapter 222 [Test version chapter name, forward the message to five groups, the chapter name will be automatically unlocked]

"Hey! Heiyang! Alright, come in!"

"Oh, Xiaoli, then I'll come in."

Heiyang pushed open the cabin door, and before he could see the situation in the cabin clearly, a little red-haired loli jumped into Heiyang's arms, and was firmly caught by the former.

"I haven't seen Dad for several hours, Xiaohuo misses you so much!"

Xiaohuo turned back into the body, got into Heiyang's arms, found a comfortable position and curled up.

"Huh? Did it wake you up?"

Heiyang touched Xiaohuo's head and smiled, looking into the house.

Hong Li sat on the edge of the bed, resting her chin with one hand, with a displeased expression on her face.

And beside her was a creature wrapped in bandages with only its eyes exposed. If the possibility of being a mummy was ruled out, it should be Yao Yang.

"I say……"

Hongli looked at her boyfriend and daughter suspiciously, and asked in confusion: "Why is Xiaohuo so attached to you all of a sudden, what kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into my daughter when I was not at home?"

"She kept putting on a face after you left, so I have to find a way to coax her."

Heiyang took out a chair from the storage bag and sat on it, crossed his legs and said casually: "It's nothing more than taking the children to play together. When I go to the city, I will buy something delicious and interesting."

"Hey, the favorability gained in exchange for krypton gold, isn't it!"

Hongli snorted softly, showing a disdainful expression: "This kind of goodwill is false, unstable, shallow, and moral..."

"Little Spark's money is not as expensive as your necklace."

"Cough, this..."

Hong Li choked violently, stopped her hand and touched the silver necklace on her chest, without changing expression.

"Well, what I want to say is, no matter how hard it is, the child can't be miserable, right? Heiyang has done a good job, let me give you a big compliment! Chirp, chirp!"

"But then again..."

Hong Li squinted her eyes and looked at Xiao Huo with a smirk on her face, and said speechlessly: "Hei Yang can take care of Xiao Huo with a little food, isn't that very satisfying for you?

Look at your mother and me, we have been struggling for more than ten years! "

"And you, Heiyang..."

Hongli turned to Heiyang, and said a lesson: "Don't save that little money, just spend what you need, you have to let Xiaohuo see more of the world and broaden your horizons.

Otherwise, if we are abducted by a little male crane that comes out of nowhere, we two empty nesters will hug each other and cry! "

"Ah this!"

Heiyang was startled suddenly: "Listening to Li's words is better than reading ten years of books!"

"That's not it."

Xiao Huo retorted with a small head: "Xiao Huo didn't get caught by delicious food, Xiao Huo just simply likes Dad!"


Hongli raised her eyebrows.


Heiyang smiled triumphantly, and cast a contemptuous look at Hongli.

"How else can I say that there is no harm without comparison. My baby suffered a lot when I was a child, and now I have finally come to the end of my suffering."

"whispering sound."

Hong Li glanced at Hei Yang: "No matter what, a lazy dog ​​is a lazy dog, and it won't be long before Xiao Huo will see through your true face."

Hei Yang: "!!!"

"And that little fire! Don't be complacent!"

Hong Li pointed at Xiao Huo, and snorted softly: "Today you betray your mother because of your father, and tomorrow you may abandon your parents for the little male crane. Hmph, you scumbag who loves the new and dislikes the old!"

small fire:"!!!"

Heiyang and Xiaohuo: "Slander! Absolutely slander!"


Quietly watching the family of three laughing and joking, Yao Yang smiled subconsciously, but accidentally pulled the wound at the corner of her mouth, causing her to gasp involuntarily.

"Hiss...ha, I made the two fellow daoists and the little baby laugh."

Yao Yang noticed that Heiyang Hongli looked over and wanted to get up, but was held down by Hongli and couldn't get up, so he had to give up.

"Thank you two fellow daoists for your help!"

Yao Yang's bandaged hands couldn't perform etiquette, and she couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile, but her face was covered, so no one could see her embarrassment.

"So I said..."

Heiyang looked at Yao Yang speechlessly, and couldn't help complaining, "Hongli, why did you get wrapped up like a rice dumpling?"

"Blame me?"

Hongli spread her hands and rolled her eyes.

"You don't have a backache when you stand and talk. She is so injured, her spiritual power is exhausted, her meridians are broken, and the wound is still full of monster power. I have to wrap it all up for her."

Having said that, Hongli sighed.

"Also, our healing elixir should also be updated, a bunch of them were used in the Qi refining stage and the foundation building stage, and they are useless to her golden elixir.

After searching for a long time, I found some useful herbs and used them for her. "

"Speaking of pill updates..."

Heiyang's expression changed.

[Hei Yang: Speaking of this, I have some bad news to tell you. 】

[Hongli: Huh? !I don't listen, I don't listen! 】

[Hongli: As long as I don't know, this bad news won't take effect! 】

【Black Sun: ... 】

【Hei Yang: I have used up all the money I had when I came back from the capital...】

【Hongli: ! ! ! 】

[Hei Yang: Almost half of the money on the disciples and elders of the Tianmen Gate has been spent...]

【Hongli: ! ! ! 】

[Hei Yang: So our family is about to fall into a financial crisis. As the suzerain of the Five Elements Sect, you must be very rich now, right? 】

[Hongli: Hmm...? 】

[Hei Yang: So, it's time for you to raise me, a little rich woman!I am already poor! 】

[Hongli: How could this be? ! 】

[Hongli: I didn't take any money when I left, and I even left all the spirit stones on me, so I'm a poor ghost now...]

[Hongli: I am the suzerain now, so I should be the one who sends money to others, so it's my turn to get the money! 】

[Hongli: I'm still waiting for you to raise me, hey! 】

【Heiyang: Ah this...】

[Hongli: Are you going to live a hard life before you get married? Woohoo, Hongli, you are so miserable! 】

[Hei Yang: Cough cough, although we don't have many spirit stones left, we still have a lot of valuables, right? 】

[Hei Yang: Not to mention anything else, dragon meat, shark meat, and two Nascent Soul Stages, can they be sold for a lot of money, right? 】

[Hei Yang: And this airship, is it also money? 】

[Hongli: Don't you think those are sold only when there is no other way? 】

[Hong Li: Besides, this airship will be sold in third hands again, the buyer will definitely lower the price crazily, and let us lose money to the brim! 】

[Hongli: But didn't we just kill two golden core monsters? Let's keep the delicious parts, and then sell the other body parts to return to blood! 】

[Hong Li: Also, this Elder Yao Wang Zong must be rich, right? We rescued her, but she also smashed our airship. The compensation is not too much, right? 】

[Hei Yang: That's not too much at all! 】

[Hong Li: Right, right. 】

[Hei Yang: When I check out her family background, you remember to cover for me! 】

[Hong Li: I'll handle things, don't worry! 】

"Well, that's right."

Heiyang spoke suddenly, and looked at Yao Yang with doubts on his face: "Your Excellency is the Elder of the Medicine King Zong, don't you have any healing pills with you?"


Yao Yang's eyes widened suddenly, and he sat up, startled: "How do you know me..."

"Oh my, is there anything I can't say?"

Hongli waved her hand, said indifferently: "The two monsters who chased and killed you told us!"

[Hei Yang: Why don't I remember? 】

[Hongli: Nonsense, those two guys don't have a few lines, of course I made it up. 】


Yao Yang's eyes widened again, and he sat up again, startled again.

"Those two monsters! Are they catching up? Are they chasing us? I'm sorry for causing you trouble, I..."

"Don't get excited."

Hei Yang held a tiger head in his hand, Hong Li glanced at him, and pulled out a bird head: "It's already been killed."

"oh, I see……"

Yao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and lay back down.

Then, eyes widened again, sit-ups, crazily surprised.

"They, they have been killed, who killed them?!"

Hong Li, Hei Yang: "We."

"Oh ah?"

"Stop, stop, let me tell you, is there any use for black butts?"

Hong Li sighed, turned her head to look at Yao Yang, and directly pointed out.

"Maybe you can't see through the realm of the two of us, and you think it's because you were seriously injured?
You can rest assured that even in your heyday, you still can't see through our realm.

I won't talk about the specific realm, I'll leave you with suspense, you just need to know that these guys chasing and killing you are not enough to see in front of the two of us, and it's over.

In addition, I just took over as the suzerain of the Five Elements Sect a few days ago. This is my token, so you can rest assured that we are allies.

But we have already retired, so you don't need to tell us about these things, and we don't bother to listen to them.

Now, both of us are poor and want money.

And you smashed a big hole in the airship we just bought, and attracted two golden core monsters, putting us in danger, and we also saved your life...

Don't mention that today's great kindness must be rewarded, it's too high-end, a little tacky, and it's enough to pay directly with Lingshi!

Other than that, there is nothing else to ask for. After you heal your injury and pay back the money, you can go wherever you want, and we won't ask too much.

So... Black Sun! "

Hongli held out her hand.


Hei Yang handed the paper to Hongli, and nodded to Yao Yang with a smile.

"Airship maintenance fee, three top-quality spirit stones, killing two golden core monsters, twenty top-quality spirit stones, saving your life in the golden core stage, ten top-quality spirit stones.

In addition, it is not difficult for me to take care of pills, herbs, rest expenses, accommodation expenses, food expenses, etc., and I will wipe them off for you directly, so there are a total of thirty-three top-quality spirit stones.

They are all based on the market price, you can check it yourself, and you will never be cheated on purpose. "

Yao Yang: "!!!"

Yao Yang: "..."

Who is she, where is she, why is she doing crazy sit-ups, why are her pupils shaking all the time!
"Ahem, at this price..."

Yao Yang took the paper with a bandaged hand, checked it carefully, sighed, and admitted it convincingly.

"It's really fair, and it can even be said to be very cheap."

Hei Yang: "Look, I'll just say there's no problem."

Hongli: "Hurry up and send money, please!"

Hei Yang: "The child will no longer be able to afford food."

Hongli: "Yeah, I'm starving to death!"

"Ah this, that..."

Seeing the young couple looking at her pitifully, Yao Yang couldn't say no to her, so she showed a helpless smile.

"Don't worry, I will definitely pay back the money from the two fellow daoists."


"Boss atmosphere!"


Yao Yang paused suddenly.


Hongli frowned, smelling the smell of bargaining, and stretched out her hand: "Heiyang."


Heiyang handed Hongli a small jade bottle, and looked at Yao Yang with a smile again: "This is the water for killing people and buying corpses while traveling at home, and the quality is up to the market standard. You can try it."

"Ahem, no, no, you misunderstood!"

Yao Yang suddenly felt no pain anymore, she said with a sneer.

"Well, I didn't want to renege on my debts, but I just wanted to say, you all know that I am the great elder of the Medicine King Sect, and now that the Medicine King Sect is suffering from a disaster and is short of money, you wait for me to recover from my wounds and gather disciples to rebuild the Medicine King Sect, and I will definitely double the compensation !"


Hongli revealed dead fish eyes: "You have applied the wrong format."

"Indeed, it's very unprofessional."

Heiyang rolled his eyes: "You should say: I am actually the Nascent Soul boss hidden by the Medicine King Sect. Give it to me, let me revitalize the Medicine King Sect, and when it is done, I will hand over the Medicine King Sect to your leadership, and offer all tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones to you!"

"Did you see it?"

Hong Li pointed to Hei Yang: "This is called professional!"

Yao Yang: "..."

When did these two professional players appear in the practice world, why hasn't she heard of them?
So why did the Five Elements sect hand over the suzerain position to that girl?

That token must be fake!It must be fake!


Yao Yang was still about to speak, but Hongli suddenly stretched out her hand, lowered her head and took out a piece of spirit stone: "Wait a minute, I'll take a call..."

(End of this chapter)

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