So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 223 You can still enjoy family affection a few days before the holiday, unless the results a

Chapter 223 You can still enjoy family affection a few days before the holiday, unless the grades are ranked on the last page

"Well, this enhanced version really won't explode..."

Hongli activated the communication spirit stone with some doubts: "Shouldn't the explosive power also be strengthened?"

"Good idea, worth a try."

Heiyang urged: "The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!"


Hongli rolled her eyes, shook the Lingshi, and looked at Heiyang: "There is a prize quiz, guess who is calling?"

"I guess it's from the anti-fraud center of the practice world, and it's probably about your incident.

The people of the Five Elements School are afraid that their mouths are not strict enough, and if they force you even a little bit, they will betray you completely!
As soon as you connect, they will directly locate the signal position of the communication spirit stone, and then justice will come from heaven to wipe us out together with the victims! "

Heiyang thought about it seriously, came to a conclusion, gave Hongli a reassuring and bright smile, and gave Hongli a thumbs up.

"Xiao Li is brave enough to fly, and she will bear it on her own when something goes wrong."

"Forget it, Hei Yang shut up, your reward is gone."

Hong Li glanced at Hei Yang, stretched out a hand to cover his mouth, and looked at the screen that emerged from the Lingshi, where the familiar figure of Elder Huo Le appeared.

"Good afternoon! Xiaoli!"

The Elder Huo Le in the picture waved his hands cheerfully, Hongli always felt that as soon as he left, Elder Huo looked a few decades younger in an instant...

Well, an illusion, it must be an illusion, it should be that the picture was distorted during transmission, anyway, she will not be responsible for Elder Huo's health!
"Ah, good afternoon, Elder."

Hongli showed dead fish eyes: "Speaking of which, I thought Xiaoyun would be the first one to send me a message. Why is it you, the elder..."

"Ah, are you so disappointed?"

Elder Huo Le sneered twice: "Isn't it that everyone misses you, as if you were still with us yesterday, but today we are thousands of miles away..."

"Get rid of it, I was really by your side yesterday and I haven't set off yet."

"Oh, well, that's fine."

Elder Huo Le smiled awkwardly and changed the subject.

"Finally free, how do you feel? Are you happy? Do you feel that the outside world is just like that, and you already want to go back to the sect?"

Hong Li didn't speak, and looked at Elder Huo Le quietly.

Hongli: "..."

Huo Le: "..."

Got it, she doesn't want to come back at all!
Elder Huo Le felt slightly sour, sighed, adjusted his mood, and changed the subject again.

He stretched his neck, trying to see the environment around Hongli.

"By the way, Xiao Li, have you arrived home? I guess it's about the same time, why does it look like you're still on the airship?"


Speaking of this, Hongli was very unhappy, sighed, and explained: "I was supposed to arrive, but because there are still some things to deal with, the time was delayed, and it is estimated that I will arrive tomorrow."

Although it is said that good things take time, she thinks this is enough, right?
Even the Nascent Soul stage bosses were killed, and there were still two of them!Can't go home yet?

Hongli's thoughts were flying, she and Heiyang were like the drowned water ghost, sacrificing two Nascent Soul Stages as their respective surviving ghosts...

Bah, bah, bah, what a mess of thoughts, childish words, bad luck is gone!
In Hong Li's view, the tormenting plots of "Xiao Li's Return to the Homeland" and "The Temptation of Going Home" should also end.

The next one should be: "Two or Three Things Heiyang and I Have to Say", "Love Story in the City of Five Colors", "The Happy Life of Black Sun and Hong Taili", isn't it a small, fresh and romantic style?
As for something more exciting...

Cough cough, that, in short... Mmm!

Elder Huo Le didn't realize that Hong Li had lost his mind to Qiuming Mountain. He nodded suddenly when he heard Hong Li's explanation, and then suddenly remembered the real purpose of his call, and immediately changed into a serious expression.

"Let's not talk about that first, I have something serious to tell Xiaoli this time, so listen to me carefully!"


Hong Li frowned: "Can you elaborate?"

No way? NPC Elder Huo Le is about to release a new side mission?

Heh, she won't take up the task even if she is released, she finally escaped, only a fool would throw herself into the trap!

"Well, I just got the news from Wujingjianmen..."

Elder Huo Le looked serious.

"The Medicine King Sect encountered a catastrophe, the sect was suddenly attacked, and suffered heavy losses, the number of casualties is unknown yet.

The number of missing people accounted for almost [-]% of the sect's population, including most of the sect's disciples, elders, and the master of the Medicine King Sect. Most of them are still being hunted down! "

"Ah, in this case..."

Hong Li glanced at Yao Yang who was lying on the side, and nodded: "I also roughly understand."

The great elders of the Zongmen were hunted down so miserably, if they hadn't met her and Hei Yang, the other party would have been cold now... no, maybe they would become hot again...

Cough cough, in short that is not important, what is important is that just looking at Yao Yang's injury, Hongli can also imagine the tragedy of Yao Wangzong.

"Oh? Is Xiaoli also concerned about this matter?"

Elder Huo Le seemed a little surprised, but he was stunned for a while, and continued to say: "Then Xiao Li, do you know which side the attacker is from?"


Hongli scratched her cheeks: "Happy Family Bucket?"

Elder Huo Le: "???"

"Is it an alien monster?"

Hei Yang removed the little hand that sealed his mouth, walked into the screen, nodded to Elder Huo Le, and then looked at Yao Yang on the bed.

"I can smell that smell from a long distance..."

Hei Yang showed a speechless expression: "I thought that Wang Zong's qi forging method was marinated before, and I was the only special case..."

Hei Yang would not forget the experience of being almost served on the dinner table by wild beasts so quickly. At that time, he even suspected that Yao Wangzong deliberately tricked him, and a bunch of conspiracies jumped out of his head.

What is refining people into alchemy, feeding Gu with their bodies, refining the hearts of boys and girls for longevity, etc...

However, judging from the situation of this Great Elder...

Hei Yang couldn't help but asked, "Well, the whole sect is not possessed by demons... Ahem, I mean, are they all smelled of that medicine?"

"Did fellow daoist also know..."

Yao Yang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help sighing, with a painful expression of self-blame on his face.

"Because the new method is stronger than the old method in all aspects, and not only the new disciples, but also the inner disciples and elders can improve their physical fitness by this method..."

After a pause, Yao Yang said with some embarrassment: "Actually, at our level, that small bonus can almost be regarded as nothing.

However, some want to try the new method for themselves, some want to feel that others are making progress if they don’t keep up with it, they will be regressing, and some feel that the smell left by the new method is very temperamental, so they..."

"Understood, follow the trend, right..."

Heiyang understands, I want to have what other people have, the version is lower than others, and I feel a head behind, the mobile phone is still easy to use, but they are forced to retire...

"I am a sinner of the sect!"

Yao Yang's voice trembled.

"Suddenly I was assigned the position of the new Great Elder. Although no one said anything in person, I don't know how many eyes were watching in secret, waiting for me to make a mistake, and then said: I told her that she can't do it... and so on.

Desperately wanting to prove himself with meritorious deeds, and accidentally getting a new prescription that would be of great benefit to the sect—thinking about it now, the chance at the beginning also seems very strange.

A pair of invisible claws controlled me, pushing the sect into the abyss step by step..."

"Prove yourself..."

Hei Yang was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, many years ago, I also wanted to prove myself."

"what about now?"

"Questions don't cost money, so why should I expend energy to cater to others? I expect others to admit that they are worthless. In the end, I get nothing but exhaustion and scars all over my body."

"I feel that Fellow Daoist's thoughts are a bit extreme..."


"Stinky Heiyang shut up, the elder is still waiting in front of the spirit stone."

Hong Li expressionlessly stretched out her hand to silence Hei Yang again, seemed a little upset, and looked at Elder Huo Le.

"So what happened to Yao Wangzong has anything to do with us?

Say it in advance, the two of us don't care about such troublesome things. "

"Oh, Xiao Li, don't get excited, how can you think of the elder so badly!"

Elder Huo Le showed a sad expression, stunned for a few seconds and found that no one was paying attention to him, coughed twice, and continued: "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not here to trouble you, just to remind you."


A question mark appeared on Hongli's head, and she turned to look at Heiyang, who was silenced by Hongli and blinked, expressing that she didn't know anything.

The two looked at Elder Huo Le together, and Hong Li asked suspiciously, "So what does this have to do with us?"

"Didn't I tell you the location of Medicine King Sect..."

Elder Huo Le was stunned for a moment, looked at Hongli in the picture, didn't whet his appetite, and explained: "Isn't your hometown in Wuse City? It can be said that it is very close.”

Heiyang and Hongli: "!!!"

Elder Huo Le continued: "Those alien monsters attacked the Yaowangzong, so it is hard to guarantee that they will not have any thoughts about the surrounding human cities, and the disciples of Wujingjianmen have already gone to the surrounding area to investigate and notify.

I don't want to remember that your home is from the Five Colors City, so I just want to remind you..."

"Thank you, elder! Let's talk next time!"

The light of the communication spirit stone went out instantly, Hongli swayed, and looked at Heiyang with a pale face: "Heiyang... what should I do..."

"Don't, don't panic, the elder just reminded..."

Hei Yang's face was also a little ugly, he turned his head to look out the window, and whispered: "We've arrived at the capital."

"Do you want to stay?"

Hongli held Heiyang's hand nervously: "Zhi, go back directly..."


Heiyang let out a long breath, and stretched out his hand to help Hongli smooth the blown hair: "You first control the airship to turn around, and I will go back as soon as I go."


Hongli looked up at Heiyang: "Can it be done in five minutes?"

"Give me three minutes."

"it is good!"

Seeing Heiyang's figure disappear on the airship, Hong Li took a deep breath and came to the airship console: "Xiaohuo, help the wounded."

"Mom, don't worry!"

Xiaohuo's immature voice came from behind: "No problem!"

"Well, mom is very relieved."

Hongli took a deep breath, gradually regained her composure, quickly changed the direction of her destination, and then adjusted her speed: "Five Color City, go straight ahead, ignore energy consumption, maximum speed!"


The aura exploded, and the shield opened, not to defend against foreign enemies, but because the next speed would be very fast!

"three minutes."

On the streets of Wangdu, Heiyang walked in the gray fog.

(End of this chapter)

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