So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 224 Since I lost to the chapter of the big city, at least don't lose the place where I

Chapter 224 Since you lost to the big city, at least don't lose your starting point...

People came and went on the streets of Wangdu, but they didn't even notice that Heiyang passed by surrounded by black mist.

Occasionally, if a practitioner feels something, he turns his head to look, but only feels that the hairs on his body are standing on end, and his back is numb, as if he will face a terrible thing if he continues to explore, and there is nothing but cold sweat all over his body.

A dead person returned from the other shore, mixed into the crowd under the control of Heiyang, and scattered to every corner of the royal capital with the flowing crowd.

Then, the pupils converged suddenly, and a puzzled expression appeared on his face.

There seemed to be an instinctive voice in their minds guiding them what to do, but after searching carefully, the ethereal voice completely disappeared.

What came back to my ears was the laughter and cursing of the passers-by around me, and the howling of cats and dogs in the streets and alleys.

"This feeling……"

A returnee stared blankly at his overly white hand, tried to hold it tightly, and finally held it tightly: "Alive!"

sight, smell, hearing...

Dark tones become vivid again.

"What a wonderful world!"

Another returnee opened his arms, trying to embrace the blue sky under the suspicious eyes of others.

Hei Yang doesn't worry about what will happen to them next, they are all qualified to enter and leave the ruins, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

Since then, there has been no connection.

It was easier for the five-color disciples to throw them in. Heiyang simply threw them at the gate of the family.

Yellow, red, white, blue...

In an instant, Heiyang passed through most of the capital, and the disciples of the Hei family were put down in front of the gate of the Hei family.

Heiyang coughed and coughed easily...flying over the wall of Hei's house, don't ask why he didn't go through the door, it's psychologically disturbing.

He didn't plan to chat with his relatives, and he was still in a state of invisibility. There was a high probability that he would meet again during the Chinese New Year this year, and he didn't have anything special to explain.

In the hut, the old woman wiped the corners of Hei Chen's mouth, felt her son's weak but real heartbeat, and showed a gentle expression.

"Xiaochen, don't you still want to say a few words to Mom..."

Seeing her son's dull expression, the old woman hugged him, patted her son's back gently with her palm, and comforted him softly.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about being unhappy today, Xiaochen, don't worry, take your time, take your time..."

The woman felt the temperature of the son in her arms, closed her eyes, and whispered softly: "Mom knows, you don't want to do this either, right?

Among the many people who went there, only my son came back. Some people said that it was because our Xiaochen ran away, and others said that our Xiaochen did something bad...

What do they know? Xiaochen must be reluctant to part with her mother, so she came back with a sigh of relief. This is my Xiaochen's ability, so don't pay attention to those people talking nonsense.

They said that this old woman must have gone crazy because she couldn't bear the blow, and she said things that couldn't be answered all day long...

Mom won't go crazy, won't she lose her memory of Xiaochen if she goes crazy, and mom can't bear Xiaochen either..."

"Oh, right!"

Suddenly thought of something, the woman quickly let go of her hand, took the porcelain bowl of water on the table next to her, and gently fed Hei Chen to drink, watching Hei Chen swallowing unconsciously, a somewhat embarrassed smile appeared on the woman's face .

"Mom almost forgot, the water was almost cold, is it because Mom has a bad memory?"

Hei Chen was in a daze.

"It's okay if you don't get an answer..."

The woman whispered softly: "It's like when you were a child, you couldn't speak, you relied on your mother, and listened to your mother telling you things that you didn't understand... Isn't it the same?
Well, but at that time you will laugh and cry, and after more than a year, you will be called mother...

It's been five years since you came back that day, right?

When you grow up, your mother still wants to spend more time with you. If you think about it this way, will my mother and I have five more years to spend together?

How do you plan to spend the Chinese New Year morning this year?Still live with mother, don't you want to go out for a walk?
I heard from your grandfather that he has the idea of ​​going back to his hometown for the New Year this year. What do you think, Xiaochen? "

" really don't want to say a word to mom..."

The woman looked up at her son, smiling and weeping.

"It's okay, it's okay, even if mom waits until she dies of old age, she won't be able to hear you talking to mom, it's okay...

After that, who will take care of's okay, it's okay, mom didn't cry, there are other family members uh uh after mom left..."


"Brother Heichen..."

Hei Yang looked at the woman in the room, and then turned to look at the soul beside him, feeling a little stuffy.

"Go back, don't make auntie cry, my cousin looks uncomfortable..."


Tears flowed from the corner of Hei Chen's eyes, he turned around, his soul and body embraced Hei Yang: "Good brother."

"Well, brother."

Heiyang hugged his cousin's soul body, and said softly: "Auntie's health is a little weak, remember to help her take care of her, or come to my hometown to find me later, I don't have too much time now..."


Hei Chen seriously looked at his cousin, whom he hadn't seen in more than ten years, nodded heavily, and asked: "Go back quickly, don't make your family wait."


Hei Yang didn't say any more, and left with a wave.

Staring blankly at the place where his cousin disappeared, Hei Chen showed a slight smile on his face, hiding his gratitude in his heart: "Goodbye."


The woman wiped the corners of her eyes, looked at the clothes on her son's chest wet with her own tears, squeezed out a smile, and said embarrassingly: "Mom is quite useless, and this is causing trouble for Xiao Chen, just now, I don't know how to answer It's over, I've obviously cried... I've persisted for so long, yet I still...

It's just that, just now, I felt that you were looking at your mother, Xiaochen, so I couldn't help it..."

The woman felt a bit cool and moist on her head, she raised her head in a daze, and saw a pair of teary eyes.


The longing call came to her ears, and Heichen hugged her mother tightly, her voice trembling.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's all over..."

"Son... Mom dreamed of you again, it's so good..."

"It's not a dream..."



The woman pillowed her son in her arms and said softly, "Mom wants to cry."

"Then cry out."

"But Mom wants to laugh again..."

"Then laugh and don't hold back."


The woman lay on her son's lap, laughed a few times, and couldn't help crying again: "Chen, Mom has been so sad these years, so bitter, so tired, ohhh..."

"never mind……"

Hei Chen patted her mother's back: "It's really all right..."



On the speeding airship, Hei Yang appeared beside Hong Li: "How much time?"



Heiyang raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it two minutes and fourteen seconds?"

"I said it's super, it's super!"

Hongli looked up at Heiyang, and whispered: "If you exceed the time limit, you will be punished."

"What punishment?"

Heiyang snorted lightly: "I'll hear what you said?"

"hug me……"


"hug me……"


"Ah, you are big!"

Hongli couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment: "I'll let you hold me tight...uh..."

"What are you doing..."

The girl rested her head on Heiyang's shoulder, curled her lips and said, "I was shocked."

"very scary?"

"Well, scary, scary..."

Hongli whispered: "I'm so afraid that something will happen to them, Heiyang..."

"It's okay, I'm scared too."


"I mean……"

Hei Yang patted Hong Li on the back, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Well, I trust you the most."

"Choose to believe, right?"

"That's not it..."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes... Grass, where are you touching Hongli! Smelly rascal!"

"Hey, what's wrong with Momo...why are you calling so loudly? You don't want Xiaohuo and Yaoyang outside to hear it, do you?"

"You are designated to be seriously ill..."

"whispering sound."


At three o'clock in the morning, the sky is getting dark, Wuse City is not like Wangdu or Wuxing City, there are not so many bright spirit stone lamps on the streets at night, and there is not such a wonderful and rich nightlife.

Sleep well, snoring is bright.

On the 22nd, the waning moon.

Two homeless wanderers finally returned to their hometown.

(End of this chapter)

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