So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 226 There was nothing to talk about when I was a child, and nothing to talk about when I gro

Chapter 226 When I was a child, I had nothing to talk about, but when I grow up, I have nothing to talk about. I want to get close, but I am afraid of stabbing each other

"Hey Hey……"

"Why are you smirking?"

Qing Yiyi sat sideways in front of the desk, resting her chin on one hand, and looked at her son with a speechless face who had been giggling non-stop since just now: "Did you go out and break your brain?"

"No, no, how is it possible?"

Hei Yang waved his hands with a bright smile, lay on the bed with his head up, stretched his waist in a contented manner, and closed his eyes lazily.

"Ah, no matter how good it is outside, it's not as good as at home. It's better to lie on the bed at home!"

"Go, go, go."

The mother looked at Heiyang with a look of disgust: "This is your father's and I's bed, I want to go back to your room and lie down...

I just dried the quilt for you yesterday, and I came back today, and I came back in the middle of the night without notifying you in advance. "

"Didn't you say it more than a month ago?"

"Your mother, what I want is a detailed notice, the kind that is accurate to the time!"

"I know, I know, there is no other way, it's like an arrow!"

Hei Yang rolled around on his parents' bed, smiling happily: "I've been away from home for nearly a year, a year, I miss you so much!"

"Yes, yes, mother misses you too."

Qing Yiyi sighed: "At such an advanced age, you are still as naive as a kid. You are a man who is about to start a family. You can't be so family-loving. There is no harm in going out to see the world and face you."

"Oh, I've seen everything about the big world, and it's just like that!"

Hei Yang waved his hands indifferently, and suddenly turned his head to look at his mother, with an embarrassed smile on his face: "However, such things as getting married are possible!"

"Oh roar?"

Qing Yiyi raised her eyebrows, stared at her feet, and slipped to the side of the bed while sitting on the chair, her eyes were shining brightly.

"Have you finally enlightened, boy? How do you say? How do you say? Is it Xiaoli? It must be Xiaoli, right? What have you two done this year? How far have you progressed?"

"Uh, mom, don't be so excited all of a sudden..."

"Don't worry about that, say it, say it, mother's good son, tell mother!"

"Ah this..."


"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

"Okay, okay, don't cry, what's the point of crying all the time!"

Lan Yuying looked helplessly at her daughter crying in her arms, while gently patting her on the back with her hands.

"Mom remembers that you didn't like to cry very much before, why did you go out for a trip, and after you came back, Xiaoli became a crybaby?"

"I do not have!"

Hongli said aggrievedly: "I was so happy at home before, but after going out, many things bullied me, there are pits everywhere, woo woo woo..."

"Tell me how you bullied Xiaoli?"

Lan Yuying whispered softly: "Did you have a conflict with the brothers and sisters of the same school?"

"No, they are all very nice and friendly to me..."

"Is that being made difficult by the elders of the sect and deliberately targeted?"

"Well, no, the elders are also very good, except for not letting me go home..."

"Then why did Xiaoli say she was bullied?"

Lan Yuying wondered: "Isn't this all very good?"

"that is……"

Hongli beeped softly: "It's just that there are many things that don't go well!"

"It's normal!"

Lan Yuying smiled: "Everyone will encounter unsatisfactory things in the world. You have to learn to face it positively... If it doesn't work, you can escape!"


"Can you tell my mother, are those things not going well?"


Hongli buried her head in her mother's arms, and muttered in a low voice: "Mom, do you still remember the little fire I told you in the letter?"

"Of course I remember. Mom is looking forward to seeing her little granddaughter!"

Lan Yuying smiled, and suddenly showed a worried expression: "What? Did something happen to Xiaohuo?"

"No, Xiaohuo is fine, I'll bring her over later for you to meet..."

The corners of Hong Li's mouth that was buried underneath slightly curled up, thinking of happy things, her mood improved a lot.

In fact, now her mood has always been braving the bright sunshine of Xiaohua, whimpering and whimpering are somewhat of a show nature, and she can't squeeze out too many tears.

But she finally came back, finally saw her mother again, can't she pour bitter water into her mother's arms...

Announcing the good news but not the bad news when you go out, and "Mom, my feet hurt" after two steps at home, cough cough...

In short, Hongli just wanted to tell her mother about the grievances she received outside!
"Well, isn't Xiaohuo called my mother? I raised her from a young age and now..."

Hongli whispered: "Although Xiaoli Huohe is stronger than human cubs, and Xiaohuo is very good, and I have always been lazy and irresponsible, but... raising children is really tiring!"


Lan Yuying laughed and cursed, and patted her daughter lightly: "Do you know how tired Mom is now?"

"I know, I know……"

Hongli curled her lips: "Also, I've grown up, Mom, don't beat me every now and then!"

"You still throw yourself into your mother's arms when you grow up?"

Lan Yuying smiled and comforted: "It's okay, when you bring Xiao Huo over, Mom will teach you how to take care of children!"

"Well, can you not learn..."


"Ahem, that, and..."

With a guilty conscience, Hong Li changed the subject: "Also... homesickness!"

"Now this is home!"

"The sect has a lot of rules, and they were not allowed to leave the mountain at the beginning!"

"You can go anywhere you want in our house!"

"Also, and, oh yes, my parents weren't around during my birthday!"

"That can't be helped, but if you are still at home on your eighteenth birthday, your parents will spend it with you as well!"

"in addition……"

Hong Li paused, then whispered: "Besides, I'm still learning how to cook by myself!"


Lan Yuying was really surprised this time, she asked curiously: "Xiaoli has made great progress! How are you doing?"


Hongli said embarrassedly: "Except for the last time, the rest of the time was a mess, the lid of the pot was blown off..."

"Puff ha ha ha ha!"

Lan Yuying couldn't help laughing out loud: "As expected of my little Li, hahaha..."

"Hey, mom, don't laugh!"

"Okay, stop laughing."

The corners of Lan Yuying's mouth rose wildly, and she patted Hongli lightly: "No, it doesn't matter, mom can teach you by hand, as long as you want to learn."


Hongli nodded lightly, paused, and resolutely complained: "Also, Heiyang also bullies me, I want to tell A...Auntie!"

"Good good."

A smile flashed across Lan Yuying's eyes: "Then Xiaoli won't play with Xiaoyang anymore, okay?"


Hong Li's body tightened: "Not good!"


"Just, you can just discipline him, quarrel with him or something, and let him treat me better..."

Hongli lowered her head lower and lower, muttering softly.

"You still have to play together, aren't you all...have you been engaged? On the contrary, it's not good to go back on your word..."


Lan Yuying shivered while holding back her laughter. She gently pushed her daughter's two arms away, exposing her small face from her arms, and watched her flushed face turn redder, and her smile brighter.


Hongli turned her head away, and was twisted by her mother again: "What are you doing..."

"I want to see how cute my little Li is!"

Lan Yuying smiled and pinched her daughter's face, seeing her pouting, felt that all troubles disappeared.

"Have you decided?"


Hong Li looked up suspiciously: "What?"

"Mom asked you..."

Lan Yuying looked at her daughter's pale red eyes, and said seriously: "Xiaoli has decided to marry Xiaoyang, will they live together from now on?"

Hongli: "!!!"

"I mean……"

Lan Yuying continued to ask: "Xiao Li is from the bottom of her heart, yearns for, fantasizes, you want to be Xiao Yang's bride?"

Hongli: "!!!!!!"


Hongli's body lay stiffly in her mother's arms, but her body temperature kept rising.


"What did Xiaoli say?"

"Just... just..."

"Speak louder, mom is old and can't hear clearly!"

"that is……"

Hong Li gritted her teeth and hugged her mother fiercely: "Yes! Yes! That's right! No matter what, I just want to be with Hei Yang, forever and always, I like him! I must marry him! I want to be his bride! If we can be together forever! Mom, did you hear me!"


Lan Yuying looked at her daughter with complicated eyes, as if seeing herself in her teens, she was silent for a while, and turned into relief: "Yes, Mom heard."


Hongli gasped: "Then, then, well..."

"How did he say?"


"Mom asked you..."

Lan Yuying still helped her daughter breathe rhythmically: "What did Xiaoyang say? Does he like you? Does he love you?"

"How dare he not love me!"

Hongli said viciously: "I'll kill him!"

"Xiaoli's words are really scary, even scared mom!"

"Lies are not scary at all..."


"It really takes a lot of courage to confess, even more courage than walking out of the house!"

Heiyang looked at his mother and said seriously: "Confessing to Xiaoli is the most thrilling adventure in my life, even though I know she will agree [-]%...

She really said yes!Mom, do you know how happy and excited I was?

The theory of winning or losing a confession became unimportant at that moment!
As long as we can be together, both of us are winners!

On the contrary, no matter how much planning and calculation, no matter how much romanticism, if they can't be together, they will be two losers! "

"Understood, mother understands!"

Qing Yiyi smiled with her eyes bent into crescents: "Courage up the courage to confess, and then get an affirmative answer from the other party. Knowing that the person you like also likes you, those are the top three important moments in your mother's life!"


Hei Yang nodded earnestly, then was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise, "Huh? So..."

"Yes yes yes."

Qing Yiyi rolled her eyes, and helped her forehead helplessly: "Mom was also the one who took the initiative to confess at the beginning! Your father is not a human being, he is a big counselor, and let my mother speak first! Ahhh! Thinking about it, I still get flustered! Damn it !"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched twice, and he joined the camp of condemning Dad with his mother: "That's right, Dad is too timid, he dare not even say a confession!"

"That's it!"

Qing Yiyi snorted softly, patted Heiyang's head, and said with a smile: "But my son is braver and more promising than him! Follow mom!"

"That's right, I... wait?"

Hei Yang frowned, and realized that someone's angry rebuttal was missing.

"Well, Mom, where is my dad? Still working overtime?"


"Your dad doesn't work overtime."

Lan Yuying sighed, looked at Hongli who looked puzzled, and explained helplessly.

"Your brother Butian was shocked when he heard the news that the Five Elements Sect closed the mountain, but he didn't know what was going on, so he ran away from home suddenly, saying that he was going to find the fairy fate.

As a result, your Uncle Zhen must chase after him, and once your Uncle Zhen chases after him, your father must also follow!

At that time, he couldn't chase him back, which made your Uncle Zhen jump up and down in a hurry.

After a discussion, everyone felt that Bu Tian might have gone to the Yaowangzong. After all, besides the Five Elementszong, the Yaowangzong is relatively close to us.

So, your uncle and your father have to prepare their luggage to find him. When the two of them mention this matter, your Uncle Mu Guang and your father are closer than brothers, so you must catch up!

No, your dad is not at home, and mom and I can't sleep, so I can only read a book to calm my mind! "


Hongli blinked her eyes, her eyelids twitched wildly: "You said just now, where did the three of them go?"

"The Medicine King Sect!"

Qing Yiyi looked at Heiyang in confusion: "Is there a problem?"

"That's a big problem!"

Hei Yang's face turned red, white, black and green: "How long have they been gone?"


Qing Yiyi, Lan Yuying: "After dawn, it will be eleven days."

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

【Hongli: That...】

[Hei Yang: I already understand. 】

【Hong Li: Why...】

[Hei Yang: You guard the house, I'll chase after you! 】

【Hongli: How about...】

[Hei Yang: Give me the sword, the one that kills the dragon. 】

[Hong Li sent "Zonghao Sword"*1]



Heiyang pushed open the door: "I'll go out again, and I'll be back in a while."

"Huh! Huh?"

Qing Yiyi asked with a question mark on her head: "Where are you going? It's almost don't want breakfast?"

"It's okay, come back and eat..."

Under the surprised eyes of his mother, Heiyang turned into a streamer in the sky: "I want to eat meat!"

"No way!"

Qing Yiyi yelled to the sky: "Who would eat meat in the morning! It's too tired!"

"That's whatever!"

The person is gone, and the voice is heard.

"Well... just casually..."

Qing Yiyi couldn't help complaining: "Just now I praised you for being better than your father, but in the end, I have the same virtue as your father, just doing whatever I want...isn't it a problem for me!"

"Phew...forget it..."

Qing Yiyi let out a long breath, and smiled helplessly: "I just came back, I'll get used to you for two or three days!

What his father said was right, the child should move out, so he can go to his own house at that time, heh! "


Qing Yiyi fell into deep thought: "What should I do...

But my family, Xiaoyang, has learned to fly, this year is really not in vain!
I just don't know what realm he has reached...Little Bird Realm?

No, my child is so powerful, why can't he be a big bird?Well, yes, Big Birdland! "


"Well, I can also help my parents solve their troubles. I feel a sense of accomplishment..."

Unconfused supernatural powers flickered in his eyes, and Heiyang watched the familiar aura leave from his home, and there were many of them scattered all over the five-color city. The latest aura shall prevail...

The light spots formed a line, spreading to the southwest and stretching into the distance.

And in the distance, the mist filled the air...


Hei Yang clenched the sword in his hand and quickly shortened the distance: "Don't force me to do it..."

(End of this chapter)

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