So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 227 No one will always wait for you at the door, unless he is a debt collector...

Chapter 227 No one will always wait for you at the door, unless he is a debt collector...


Hei Muguang shook off the blood on the sword, looked at the wolf king who was stepping on him, he breathed a sigh of relief: "This animal has something."

Behind him, Hong Xiaochen and Hong Zhen's family carefully inspected the corpses of wolves all over the ground, turning over the dead wolves from time to time, in case there were wolves pretending to be dead and sneak attacking.

Hong Xiaochen walked to Hei Muguang's side, looked at the bleeding abdomen, and frowned: "It's not good..."

"Tsk, skin trauma, it's okay..."

Hei Muguang clicked his lips, while talking, he took the package from Hong Xiaochen, took out the medicine in it, and handled the wound skillfully.

It's one thing to be brave, but another thing to be afraid of death!

Hongzhen's family kicked over a wolf carcass, and walked over as well, looking at the two relatives and friends apologetically while cleaning up the bloody claw marks on their arms.

"I'm sorry, Mu Guang, Xiao Chen, it's obviously my own business..."

A guilty expression appeared on Hongzhen's face: "It turned out to be a burden..."

"Ham, a family doesn't speak two languages."

Hei Muguang waved his hands and sighed.

"I watched Butian grow up, and he looked like his own child."

"That's right."

Hong Xiaochen nodded, and echoed: "Besides, if Bu Tian hadn't given up the quota to Xiaoli, maybe this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

"That's my daughter-in-law..."

Hei Muguang said something abruptly.

"Ah yes yes yes!"

Hong Xiaochen glanced at Hei Muguang, then rolled his eyes: "Sooner or later, your son will have to marry away, there is no need to keep mentioning it!"

"Tsk tsk..."

Hei Muguang smiled, looked at the wolf king who was stepping on his feet, and changed the subject: "The leaders of these beasts, if I feel right, should not be ordinary beasts anymore...Looking at their appearance before, they have arrived. Did the monks mention the Qi refining period?"

"It shouldn't be wrong."

Hongzhen's family looked at the wolf king and frowned: "It is true that he has become a spirit."

"Oh, most of my life is worse than an animal."

Hong Xiaochen smiled self-deprecatingly: "I don't know what kind of opportunity it got, what truth did it realize?"

"The reason for eating people!"

Hei Muguang sat on the stone beside the road, and said with disdain: "It turns out that those who have entered the Tao are just like that. It seems that mortals may not be inferior to cultivators."

"That's because it's cultivation is low, and it doesn't have a famous teacher to guide it."

Hongzhen's family looked at the mountain peaks hidden in the shadows in the distance, with a complex expression: "My son said, a great cultivator with a high level of cultivation moves mountains and fills seas, turning clouds and rain... He wanted to be that kind of cultivator since he was a child. People urged me to get up before dawn to exercise..."

Hei Muguang: "..."

Hong Xiaochen: "..."

The two secretly glanced at each other, expressionless.

Sorry, they really don't have a sense of substitution...

If those two unlucky children get up before dawn... they must have stayed up all night and want to catch up on sleep during the day!
"Speaking of this..."

Hong Xiaochen leaned close to Hei Muguang's ear, and muttered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "The two of them have been together for a long time without us taking care of them, so they really won't get moldy..."


The corner of Hei Muguang's mouth twitched, and he said in a low voice, "That's not enough. People with arms and legs know how to eat when they're hungry, and drink water when they're thirsty... Isn't that all right?"

"Cooking, boiling water..."

Hong Xiaochen remained expressionless: "Are you sure they won't treat snacks as meals?"


Hei Muguang sneered twice: "Actually, I just hope that the two of them pay attention to good hygiene and don't let the house attract mice or anything... I'm very satisfied."

"How about we send them both a cat to take care of them?"

"I'm afraid they haven't rotted yet, but the cat has already rotted..."

Hong Xiaochen: "..."

Hei Muguang: "..."

"Inferior happiness..."

"Each each other..."

Hongzhen's family, who was immersed in memories, didn't notice that the two people around him were whispering to each other, and now his mind was full of wanting to know about his son.

All three of them were in their prime of life, among which Hei Muguang, the youngest, was only thirty-six years old. He was full of energy, and he set off again after a short period of recuperation.

"It's almost dawn."

Hong Xiaochen looked towards the east, which is also the direction of home, and sighed: "I just don't know if Yu Ying has slept well these days."

"Uh... My Yiyi's words..."

Hei Muguang scratched his head, and said with a sneer, "Her sleep quality has always been good..."

"According to the information given by Doctor Liu..."

The Hongzhen family frowned and thought: "Crossing the mountain ahead, you should be at the boundary of the Yaowang Valley, and then you will not be far from the Yaowangzong."

"Then go all out!"

Hei Muguang lifted his spirits and looked towards the top of the mountain: "Go to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise before dawn!"

"Hmm! We..."

Hong Xiaochen nodded, and was about to agree with his friend, but his peripheral vision swept across the sky, as if there were black dots flickering?

He froze for a moment and turned his head to look.

What kind of bird is it?


The black spot was getting bigger and bigger, Hong Butian squinted his eyes, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat!
That's a person!


"National Infant Stage?!"

Hong Butian stared wide-eyed, breaking out in a cold sweat.


The Great Elder and Zhao Zhuji looked at each other, nodded solemnly: "That's right, if I'm not wrong, there must be Nascent Soul monsters sneaking into the Human Race area."

"In this case……"

Hong Butian frowned, and asked Zhao Zhuji in a low voice, "Is the Nascent Soul stage very powerful?"

Zhao Zhuji: "?"

No, what kind of player are you?

I don't know why you are so surprised!
"Don't look at me like that..."

Hong Butian blinked, and said helplessly: "You can see it, I just started to practice. I only heard about the division of realms of monks before, and I have no intuitive experience at all..."

"Ah this..."

The corner of Zhao Zhuji's mouth twitched, and he helped his forehead helplessly: "That is the pinnacle of the practice world today, and it is also a powerful monk with great power. If there is no limit, a country can be destroyed in an instant..."

After a pause, Zhao Zhuji pointed at Hong Butian, sighed and said, "For example, people like you don't need to deliberately target them, just a little breath can kill you!

Of course, I’m not much better, I don’t know if I’ll have the chance to touch the Nascent Soul’s floor for the rest of my life..."

"Is it so powerful..."

Hongbutian opened his mouth slightly, his eyes sparkled.

"Of course."

Zhao Zhuji spread out his hands, and said with a little pride: "My family's ancestor is a great power in the Nascent Soul Stage, do you understand the gold content of the Holy Land?

But just listen to it, don't take it to heart, lest you, a rookie, have unrealistic fantasies. "

"That's a dream!"

Hong Butian was not hit, but instead his eyes lit up and he clenched his fists: "That's the monk I want to be in my dream!"


Zhao Zhuji's eyes widened: "Are you serious? Are you kidding me?"

"Who has the time to tease you?"

Hong Butian frowned, glanced at Zhao Zhuji with a strange expression, and said unhappily: "Then why can't I become a Nascent Soul cultivator when others can?"

Zhao Zhuji: "!!!"

"It's over, it's over, you're useless."

A desperate expression appeared on Zhao Zhuji's face, and he sighed, clasped his hands together, and showed shame.

"It's my fault, it's because I didn't consider it thoroughly, and let the little rookie in the qi refining period come into contact with areas he shouldn't be exposed to, which created his delusion that his eyes are high and his powers are low. It's a crime...

Master forgive me, master protect me..."

"Hey, what are you muttering about?"

Hong Butian frowned, clenched his fists, and snorted coldly: "Anyway, as long as I am still alive, I will always pursue the goal I want, as the so-called Thirty Years of Hedong Keke... I will skip it below.

Anyway, just wait and see!I will definitely succeed! "

Zhao Zhuji still closed her eyes and prayed: "Sin, sin..."

"Okay, stop making trouble, the two of you."

The Great Elder cast a glance at the two of them, and sighed: "How about I ask you to help me take these books away together?"

After a pause, the Great Elder looked at the two young men and explained quietly: "The sect collapsed and people ran away, but these books are still there, this is the true foundation of the Yaowang Sect.

Generations of predecessors have passed on the torch and passed on the torch. If the roots are cut off here, even if everyone in the Yaowangzong is still alive, they will build a beautiful sect in the future and hang the brand of the Yaowangzong. A layer of skin.

In other words, it's just another sect that is quite similar and happens to hit the same name!
At that time, the Yaowangzong will usher in the real demise.

Conversely, even if we are all gone and forgotten, the knowledge and spirit are still there, so no matter what form or name is used to carry forward and inherit it, it is the Medicine King School. "


Zhao Zhuji looked at the elder in a daze, and suddenly felt a sense of pride and responsibility as a human being...

"what the hell……"

Hong Butian turned his head away, and beeped softly: "I think people are more important. Everything is good when people are alive. If people are gone, everything will be gone... Hiss!"

Hong Butian's eyes widened sharply, looking at the long sword hanging across his neck: "What are you doing, just say what you have to say, don't do anything."

"It was you who didn't talk properly first!"

Zhao Zhuji glared angrily, and looked at Hong Butian: "Is that how you speak to seniors? You don't respect elders at all!"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hong Butian's mouth twitched: "But, because he is disrespectful, he bullies me all day long and tortures me by singing at the top of his voice when I'm sleeping..."


Zhao Zhuji was stunned for a moment, and looked at the elder, who tilted his head with his hands behind his back, with an innocent face: "Xiaotian, what are you talking about, grandpa can't understand, ah cough cough cough!"

"Sure enough, I'm lying!"

Zhao Zhuji gritted her teeth, and quickly comforted the elder: "Senior, don't worry, I will teach him a lesson!"


The Great Elder sneaked a glimpse of Hong Butian and looked at his face full of grief and indignation, and quickly looked away: "Ah cough cough, no need, no need, ah cough cough, I am used to Xiaotian's temper, ah cough cough... ..."

Zhao Zhuji: "!!!"

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

Zhao Zhuji turned to look at Hong Butian, with a look of indignation: "Look at how angry you are with senior!"

Hong Butian: "..."

"Without the inheritance of knowledge and the groping of predecessors, it would be a million times more difficult for us to enter the Tao!"

Zhao Zhuji said angrily: "Don't you even have any sense of identity as a human race?!"

"Don't scold, don't scold..."

Hong Butian lowered his head: "Wrong, wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"It's my mistake to underestimate the old man's treachery..."


"Uh, no, no, the mistake is that you shouldn't be disrespectful to the old man, and you shouldn't talk back indiscriminately..."

"Then what should I do if I know I'm wrong?!"

Hong Butian: "..."

Hong Butian took two steps back, removed his head from the sword, and turned to the Great Elder.

"Old man, I was wrong..."


"Old man, forgive me!"


Seeing Hong Butian gnashing his teeth, the Great Elder coughed twice, and changed the subject: "Okay, okay, I forgive you, that, everyone, hurry up and pack these up!"

"Alright, senior!"



The great elder looked back at Yaowanggu for the last time, and sighed: "Let's go."

"Where are you going? Where else can you go?"

Hong Butian dragged his long voice, helplessly spreading his hands.

"They said they came to the Medicine King Sect, but now that the Medicine King Sect is gone, where else can I go..."

Sighing, Hong Butian shook his head.

"I can only go home, start practicing Qi refining now, and then find a way to get in when the Five Elements Sect recruits again..."

Hong Butian said dejected words, but he was already planning for the future: "Anyway, I won't give up. I will chase my dreams until I die."

"This guy……"

Zhao Zhuji was stunned for a moment, and muttered, "I'm unexpectedly firm on this point..."


The Great Elder suddenly said coldly: "Your sect's fellow Taoist Kong Yuqing is alright?"


Zhao Zhuji pointed at herself suspiciously: "Ask me? Who is it?"

"Friend Kong Yuqing."

The great elder repeated.


Zhao Zhuji tilted her head: "I don't know."


The Great Elder was stunned for a while, thought for a while, and said again: "Really Gu Jian?"


Zhao Zhuji cried out in shock, her eyes widened: "You still know Master?!"

"You are her grandson..."

The Great Elder nodded and sighed: "That's right, she was always walking in front of us at that time, I seem to have heard that she was promoted to Nascent Soul before I died...

But at that time, I had been studying a certain formula and ignored the outside news..."


Zhao Zhuji probed cautiously, and there seemed to be some gossip in the depths of her eyes: "What relationship do you have with Shizu?"

"That was many years ago..."

The Great Elder showed a reminiscing look.

"Oh, old friend!"

Zhao Zhuji's eyes widened.

"The practice world held a large-scale arena competition, and she and I both participated in that competition, and were even assigned to opponents..."

"Oh, the beginning of a relationship!"

Zhao Zhuji's eyes sparkled.

"Then I was beaten all over the floor looking for teeth..."

"Oh... huh?"

Zhao Zhuji blinked, her expression froze: "Huh?"

"That's right."

The great elder said with a displeased face: "At that time, I thought it was very unreasonable. I am a person who collects medicine and makes alchemy, so let me fight with a sword practicer, but I am not allowed to use poison. Isn't this against me?"

Zhao Zhuji: "..."


The Great Elder snorted softly: "I don't even bother to go to any practice world conference, let them play by themselves!"

"Isn't it just that he was beaten into autism..."

Hong Butian murmured in a low voice: "It's like how powerful I am..."

"Oh, my old man is too lazy to care about you brat."

The Great Elder frowned: "Since Fellow Daoist Kong Yuqing is still here, it will be easy, we still have some friendship..."

"What friendship?"

Hong Butian opened his mouth and came: "Did you blackmail someone by lying on the ground?"

Great Elder: "..."

Several wells appeared on the elder's head: "That..."

"Senior, I understand!"

Zhao Zhuji nodded, put the long sword on Hong Butian's neck, and said helplessly: "Organize the language again?"

"Ahem, the Great Elder's magical powers are unrivaled! The Great Elder's magic power is boundless!"

Capable of bending and stretching, Hongbutian, a hero in the world!
"Okay, okay, don't look aggrieved."

The Great Elder looked at Hong Butian, and said inscrutably: "What if I said, I can give you a chance to accept the test of Wuliangjianmen, and if you succeed, you can join Wuliangjianmen?"


Hong Butian was taken aback for a moment, clenched his fists, then let go, and said with a look of indifference: "What are you thinking, he is a swordsman, and I only know how to use guns. Isn't this intentional to make myself feel uncomfortable!"

"Hey, who told you that we all use swords there?"

Zhao Zhuji couldn't help retorting: "Don't be so ignorant, why are we so limited?"

After a pause, Zhao Zhuji coughed twice: "At most, it's called Long Spear on your side, and Long Sword in our sect... just change the name to Fa..."

Hong Butian: "???"

"Can you do this?!"

Hong Butian's eyes widened: "This, isn't this deceiving oneself!"

"Without further ado!"

Zhao Zhuji glanced furtively left and right, and said in a low voice: "You found a genius in cultivation, but he was not suitable for using a sword. Do you hand over that genius to others, or open a door and recruit him into the sect?" ?”

"Ah this..."

"Come on, this is how the great integration of the practice world..."

Zhao Zhuji spread her hands: "They are all human races, please understand."

Hong Butian: "..."

"it is good!"

Hong Butian's complexion changed, and he said firmly, "I'll go!"

"Tell me in advance, don't blame me if you fail the test and get kicked out."

The Great Elder shook his head: "I also promised to take you to fly, but the sect has become like this, so I have to help you find another way out...

Well, if you want to advance and retreat with the old man and me..."

"it is good!"

Hong Butian firmly said: "I will go!"

"Hey, I'm talking about advancing and retreating together!"

The Great Elder couldn't help roaring: "Don't automatically filter out the words!"

"it is good!"

Hongbutian is firm...

"To shut up!"


"But there's one more thing..."

The Great Elder frowned and said, "Would you like to go back and tell your family, plus the matter of the foreign race, the Five Colors City is not far from here..."


Hong Butian was stunned for a moment, before he had time to think about it, his heart twitched suddenly, his brain roared, he felt suffocated as if being strangled by someone's neck, and a terrifying aura enveloped everyone on the field!

"Yuan Ying!"

The Great Elder's eyes widened, his soul trembled, and he exclaimed, "Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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