So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 235 Endure humiliation, endure it for now, wait for the opportunity, get ready to go, hide y

Chapter 235 Endure humiliation, endure it for now, wait for the opportunity, get ready to go, hide your strength and bide your time...

"That is to say..."

Granny Meng looked at the young couple beside her with a funny face, and said cheerfully: "Because your parents think that you have reached the age of self-reliance, so they kicked you out of the house and found a place to live by yourself?
Then because the new house has not been built, you can only come to live with me for a week or two? "



With a spoon in her hand, Hongli poured Po Meng's soup into a bowl, and Heiyang took it with her hands and handed it out.

The expressions of the two were dull, their eyes were dull, and their bodies were stiff, like two defective robots that were about to be scrapped.

"Tsk tsk."

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Granny Meng couldn't help but smiled helplessly: "Isn't it, what are you doing? It's only been less than forty minutes, and they look like they've been damaged...

Anyway, it's already the golden core stage, and it can be the mainstay in many practice worlds, cheer up! "



"Tsk tsk, it's really you."

Granny Meng waved her hands speechlessly: "Okay, okay, let's take a rest."

"Yeah! Long live!"*2
"Hey, don't spill the soup, there is still a bowl..."


Granny Meng continued to pass the soup, and turned her head to Heiyang and Hongli who were sitting beside them.

I saw the two people with their legs close together, their hands on their legs, their expressions innocent and cute.

Another three hours have passed...

It's a good thing that these two can sit still, so as long as they don't work, they can do boring things...

As Meng Po thought about it, a few black lines were drawn across her head.

Are these two people just an exception, or are young people these days already exhausted to such an extent?
For a while, Meng Po fell into thinking and worrying about the future of the heavens and the world, what should they do...

But in places that Po Meng couldn't see, there was still a cheerful undercurrent surging.

[Hongli: Yes, yes, as you said before, I took a look later, I was really fooled by you, I laughed to death...]

[Hei Yang: Right, right, I told you, that kind of thing is very common, not so new...]

[Hei Yang: Tweeting...]

[Hong Li: Hee hee haha...]

In this atmosphere where the three of them lived together, it turned out that Po Meng, the elder, was the first to lose her composure. It was one aspect that few people talked to her.

On the other hand, the two of them just sitting there made her feel as if she was superfluous, just like the light bulb...

"Cough cough."

Po Meng coughed twice, pretending to be casual, looking for a topic.

"But then again, the gap in cultivation between you and your parents is so big, you can handle it casually!"

Meng Po was a little curious and said: "How come you, who are golden cores, are frightened into such a state by your mortal parents?"


Hei Yang was equally puzzled: "What's the problem? Parents are parents!"


Hong Li also looked puzzled: "No matter how powerful a person is, they will become cowardly when facing their parents, right?"

"Indeed, being scolded by parents is not something to be ashamed of."

"Without them, I wouldn't be able to grow so big!"

Hei Yang nodded: "It's a close relative!"

Hongli added: "It's family!"

"It's like there's no reason for their caring..."

"There is no reason to respect and love them!"

"Even if there is some big man who calls the wind and rain outside..."

"When I get home, I still subconsciously rely on my parents' children!"

Hongli and Heiyang nodded together, and concluded: "So we were kicked out!"

"Is there any direct causal relationship between the two..."

Granny Meng couldn't help complaining, and fell into thinking: "Well, do people in the wandering world without reincarnation have this kind of thinking, but they have gained insight..."

Hei Yang: "Huh?"

Hongli: "Explain?"

"This is..."

Granny Meng thought for a while, and then organized the language to explain: "Just like in some worlds, there are often such and such great powers who occasionally reincarnate and rebuild, or such and such gods often go down to the earth to experience catastrophes.

For them, in their long and long life, they have had countless parents.

Even if they may be blinded by their spiritual consciousness after reincarnation, they will be able to see through the mystery of the womb very soon.

In this way, even if they maintain due respect for their parents in that life, they can rely on emotions such as kindness... Well, it's hard to say.

Although they are sons or daughters, their real age can be the ancestors of their parents.

The so-called life experience and experience of parents, in their view, is childish and ridiculous, and their thoughts will not be changed by their parents' suggestions.

Parents want their children to grow up healthy and safe, but their mission in this life is to die early and return early.

Or their parents want them to start a family, but they already have their own partners or offspring-it is even possible that the parents are their original offspring.

What's more, in this life you are a child of your parents, but in the last life you were a partner or something, or your parents were reincarnated into the human world to experience life, all kinds of situations are complicated.

So in most cases, reincarnated people will automatically ignore this kind of thing, and don't listen to the advice and go their own way.

Or, the personality in this life may just be born by chance, and after returning, it will disappear and become another person, A is B, but B is not A..."

After a pause, Granny Meng said to the two people who said "I understand, but I'm still shocked", "So, the attitude of those powerful monks towards their parents is seldom like yours in the world of wandering.

On the contrary, they will find ways to cover up and even cut off the relationship between their source and themselves, in case of enemies who have the ability to master time..."

"Oh, this is too pitiful..."

Hei Yang couldn't help but think of his parents in his previous life: "A child raised with all his heart and soul, originally dreamed of a happy family and a happy family for the rest of his life.

In the end, he was suddenly told that his child was the clone of a certain powerful person, and now he was going to be taken back.

Even if those great powers look at their loved ones and protect them from illness and disaster, and pass away peacefully, they will still feel sad, right? "

No, not only sad, but maybe forced to smile—who is sad?Who dares to be sad!
That alienated relationship made Heiyang feel suffocated, just like Runtu: "!"

The parents looked at this familiar and unfamiliar person in front of them, and the corners of their mouths trembled: "My son...has seen a fairy!"

"Hey! What are you thinking!"

Hongli slapped Heiyang on the head, bringing him back to reality: "Have you started thinking about what you have and what you don't have again, and become a pessimistic and depressed boy?"

"Ah this..."

Facing Hongli's questioning gaze, Heiyang remembered that he had promised her not to think about those messy and meaningless things, and immediately sneered guiltily: "Hahaha, how is it possible, I just think more Seriously, so distracted!"

"Thinking about what?"

"How to deal with this kind of problem properly!"

Hei Yang stretched out a finger and expressed his thoughts to his girlfriend.

"Can you say that, since you are their child, you should be responsible to the end, take all the parents away, and be filial to them..."

"Oh, and then set up the [My Parents League], right?"

Hongli couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "Are you doing collection here?
Leaving aside the resources spent on supporting parents, what if some of the parents had more than one capable son in their reincarnation?

What should I do if there are two or more?

Or if you find out that you and your enemy are still brothers in a certain sense, the kind that are related by blood, what should you do? "

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang's expression froze, and he coughed twice: "Ahem, it's better for us to roam the world!"

"One thing to say, indeed!"

"Now you know how important grandma's soup is, right?

One bowl, all troubles are gone, interpersonal relationships, cleared with one click! "

Meng Po said quietly: "If you can clarify reincarnation, you can directly succeed the top leader of the underworld, okay, don't worry about eating carrots!"

The so-called cutting off the secular world and abandoning the leading edge, the fairy gods will not be restricted by the world's moral constraints, it is just a reason, and the old man is not blind () to tie the knot, okay!
In the final analysis, in fact, it is difficult for them to figure it out themselves, so they simply give up thinking...

Of course, there are also gods who are truly "not bound by secular morality", such as the ancient Greek gods?

"Why do we eat radish salty and worry about it?"

Heiyang said angrily: "You asked this question first, so let's answer and discuss seriously!"

"That's right, it was obviously Grandma Meng who brought up the topic first!"

Hongli nodded affirmatively: "You also told us about those messy relationships in other worlds!"

"Ah this..."

Granny Meng was taken aback, coughed twice, and changed the subject with a smile: "That's not important, it's not important, let's look at the dead souls in the distance, children!"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."


Sighing, Heiyang Hongli turned her head to look at Naihe Bridge, where a group of dead souls lined up to shake their numbers and experience the reopening of life.

However, the appearance, clothing and temperament of these dead souls are extremely consistent.

Wearing a standard armor, followed by war horses, the chill and bleak atmosphere intertwined, as if hearing the beating of war drums and the cry of killing and mourning.

A mass of blood shrouded the heads of these dead souls, looking quite ominous.


Hei Yang frowned, looked at the large army that had just arrived, and almost didn't need to think about the identity of the other party: "Pawn?"

"Soldiers, soldiers..."

Hong Li also stuck out her head curiously, looking at this batch of dead souls who seemed to come from the same place, and their souls were much more incomplete than most of the previous souls.

Some lacked arms and legs, and walked slowly supporting each other.

Some were cut in half, leaving only the upper half of their bodies, waving their arms as if they were crawling, but if you looked closely, you would find that the opponent was floating in the air, rather than crawling, it might be better to say they were swimming in the air.

Of course, there are still many headless horsemen, although they have heads, they seem to be able to walk towards the Naihe Bridge with a vague traction.

Although in the state of the soul body, they all seem to be as hazy as a gaseous state. Although the death is miserable, there is no horrible picture of blood and flesh flying.

"Where did the war happen? It's so tragic!"

Hongli couldn't help sighing, and subconsciously thought of the scene of the sea monster clan and the disciples of the Five Elements Sect confronting each other, so it could be considered a war, right?

It's just that one is between different races, and the other...there is a high probability that it is an infighting between humans.

"It's war, um, come and help me."

Under Heiyang Hongli's reluctance, Granny Meng beckoned them back to work again.

"Grandma, I love and hate these military spirits."

Granny Meng kept moving her hands, and said leisurely: "On the one hand, it's because most of these people have already regarded death as home, and they are more honest when crossing the bridge.

The bad face-to-face is because whether it is resisting foreign enemies or actively invading, these people have been contaminated with killing karma, and the soup they drink needs to be added..."

Speaking of this, Meng Po took out a small jar from nowhere, which looked like the kind of pepper and chili powder jars from roadside stalls, and sprinkled it in the soup.

"Only in this way can they be completely restored to the factory facilities. Really, reincarnation is still wearing armor, what do you think!"

"Ah this..."

Hong Li was taken aback, moved a few times, moved to the side of Hei Yang, and whispered: "Do we have some killing karma too? Do we need to add ingredients to the soup?"

"What are you thinking, we are outlaws, we don't need to drink soup."

"That's right, hehehe..."

"Hey, you two, be serious and stop muttering!"

Granny Meng couldn't help but said: "And their war horses also need soup, don't forget!"


"it is good……"

"and many more……"

Heiyang frowned, and suddenly stretched out a hand: "Well, Grandma Meng, look over there, is that a normal phenomenon in the underworld?"


Po Meng raised her voice: "What's normal?"

"There's a guy over there..."

Hongli said expressionlessly: "He is aiming at us with a bow and arrow..."

Madam Meng: "..."

On the Naihe Bridge not far away, a ghost who seemed to be a general in front of him held a longbow formed by condensed ghost energy, put on the bow and arrow, pulled the bowstring, and looked at them with a murderous face.

"Rampant wolf army! All obey orders!"

The general roared angrily: "Be a hero in life, and a hero in death!

Hades take turns to sit, come to my house today!
Come with me, rush into the Senluo Palace, and take his bird position! "

When there was an order, all the soldiers immediately took out their weapons and rushed towards Meng Poting: "Take his bird seat!"

"Very good, that's the momentum!"

After receiving the response from his subordinates, the general laughed loudly: "Let's take this old woman first and kill her to sacrifice the flag!"

"Old woman! Old woman!"*n
"Knife! Knife!"*n

Seeing the armless, short-legged, headless, and half-length soldiers rushing forward with roars, Meng Poting fell into an embarrassing silence.


Hongli and Heiyang looked at each other, and then showed funny smiles at the same time.

"Cough, that..."

Hei Yang said hahaha: "Grandma...cough cough, Grandma Meng, they are provoking you!"

"It's more than a provocation! It's just slapping you in the face!"

Hongli was filled with righteous indignation: "You just said that they obey the rules, but they will rebel against you, and they will sacrifice you to the flag. This is not treating you as a human being at all!"

"That's it!"

"Yeah yeah!"


Po Meng's head popped out one after another, compared to those rebellious guys, why does she feel that these two are less worthy of beating?
Hei Yang: "So..."

Hong Li: "Just to..."

"Besides, I'll put you two in the pot!"


Heiyang Hongli turned pale with shock, took a few steps back and crouched in the corner of the pavilion trembling.

Madam Meng: "..."


Sighing helplessly, Granny Meng tapped the side of the pot lightly with a spoon: "Da da da."

As the knocking sound fell, the sound of water falling and howling also followed.

I saw that the bridge of Naihe, which could have supported the souls of the dead, suddenly disappeared, and the souls of the dead suddenly felt that their souls were crushed by a thousand weights of gravity, and they fell down the bridge of Naihe one by one like dumplings without any resistance, and fell into the river of forgetfulness. river.

And those dead souls who stayed in place were still floating on the bridge, and those who were watching also put away their irrational thoughts and kept silent like cicadas.

Without further urging from Granny Meng, the group of dead souls lined up in an orderly and quiet manner in an instant, eager to drink soup quickly, as if they were anxious to reincarnate.

"Pfft, ah!"

In the Wangchuan River, the general roared and struggled unwillingly: "I am a great general of the imperial court, why did I fall here, wait for me to come back..."


A copper dog leaped out of the river and swallowed the general in one gulp, making a "creaking" chewing sound.

"Phew, it's done."

Granny Meng wiped off the sweat beads that didn't exist on her head, and turned her head to look at Hongli Heiyang with a smile.

"Why are the two children so far away from grandma suddenly? Come here quickly, grandma won't hurt you!"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"Ahem, that, I'll give you a shoulder squeeze, grandma!"

"Grandma, Heiyang pinches his shoulders just for fun, but if he really wants to have fun, I have to beat your back for grandma!"


At night, slightly cool.

In the spacious courtyard, two couples were lying on a mat with a small fire watching the sky full of stars.

It was the end of the month when Heiyang Hongli came back, and the waning moon was hanging in the sky.

But now it's the middle of December, and the tortuous 577 year of the water calendar is about to pass. Seeing the full moon this time, Qing Yiyi and the others finally lost their worries about missing their families.

Although in a sense, Heiyang Hongli is separated from them now... ahem, but the children are indeed back home, so there is no need to worry about them.

"No, I still can't help thinking about them..."

Lan Yuying couldn't help but speak, with a worried expression on her face.

"They won't really be lying cold and hungry in a small damp box now, do you think we need to send them some worn-out cotton jackets or something, and let them stuff them under their bodies?"

"Shouldn't it be necessary?"

Qing Yiyi showed a thoughtful expression: "It's not cold yet, young people are also full of vitality..."

After a pause, Qing Yiyi suddenly thought of something: "Oh, yes, Xiaoyang said that they went to work for others to pay for the rent, and they don't know where to work..."

"It's fine to go anywhere, as long as it's not some dishonest job that violates laws and regulations."

Hei Muguang suddenly said, "I'm just afraid that the two of them will be too lazy and be driven back by others."

"Well, I suddenly don't know if it's really appropriate for us to make things difficult for them..."

After all, Lan Yuying still couldn't harden her heart. When the two children were pretending to be pitiful during the day, she almost surrendered.

"Xiaochen, what do you think?"

Hong Xiaochen: "Hushu... Hushu..."

Lan Yuying: "..."

Xiao Huo: "Chirp Zzzzzz...Happiness..."


Infinite Sword Gate.

"I'm ready!"

In a pure white space, Hong Butian suddenly opened his eyes and shouted loudly: "The test can begin!"

"it is good!"

An ethereal voice that didn't sound like a human voice came: "The person who accepts the test, Hong Butian, the first test, identifying weapons, please listen to the questions!"

After the words fell, a phantom of a longbow appeared in front of Hong Butian: "Please answer, what kind of weapon is this!"


Hong Butian, who had previewed his homework in advance, looked solemn as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"Yes, it's a bow..."


"It's a bow and sword!"

Hong Butian hastily stopped his horse from the cliff: "Yes! It's a bow and sword!"

"Very good, the answer is correct! Please listen to the next question!"

A phantom of a long spear replaced the long bow and appeared in front of Hong Butian: "Please answer!"


Hong Butian gritted his teeth, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and a fierce struggle was going on in his heart.

I'm sorry, parents, I'm sorry, the Hong family, I'm sorry, ancestors!
This is just a temporary humiliation, bear with it for a while, sooner or later, I will rectify its name again!
Taking a deep breath, Hong Butian showed a tragic and determined expression: "This is Changmu..."

"Huh? What is it?"

The misty voice said leisurely: "What is it? Does the respondent mean to say a spear? Is it a spear? Are you sure?"

"Long sword! It's a long sword!!!"

Hong Butian's brain roared, and he roared: "That's right, it's the long sword!"

"Very good, the answer is correct! Please listen to...the next question!"

(End of this chapter)

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