So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 236 Miracle or something, isn't it a desperate and helpless move when there is no way o

Chapter 236 Miracle or something, isn't it a desperate and helpless move when there is no way out...

Many things, once you break through the first time, you will get used to it slowly.

For example, absenteeism, or women's clothing, or () falling cough...

In short, after Hong Butian made up his mind, after successfully falling, the first test designed by some boring guy from Wujingjianmen would no longer be a stumbling block for him!

"what is this?"

The phantom of the dagger fell.


"what is this?"

The phantom of the sledgehammer fell.


"what is this!"

"The phantom of the voodoo doll falls."

"Little sword man!"

"what is this?"

The phantom of the long sword fell.

"Ah... this..."

Hong Butian gasped, and frowned tightly, what is this, it doesn't seem to have been mentioned in the preview materials, this, this...

"No matter what it is, it must be a sword anyway!"

"Congratulations! You successfully passed the first test!"

The voice that sounded became passionate: "Respondent Hong Butian, you are one step closer to joining my Wujingjianmen!"


Hong Butian heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes gleamed brightly, he was getting closer and closer to his dream!
Although it is said that Xiaoyang and Xiaoli have achieved achievements beyond his expectations in the Five Elements School, as long as he wants to, he can enter the Five Elements School at any time, but he still wants to come here for a try, to see if he is not a related person, relying on his own ability Can you enter this borderless sword gate!

Elder Yao Wang Zong is considered a relationship?
That's fine!

Hong Butian's heart speeded up, his face was full of determination, he had already decided, if he couldn't succeed this time, he would go back to his hometown... and become a relationship householder!

Cough cough, um, you can't give up on your dreams, brother and sister also have good intentions, you can't let them down, right?

Yes, that's right!

Hong Butian, who has already found a way out (crossed out) for himself and is ready to fight with his back, is fearless at this time!

"While I can understand your excitement, you need to relax."

Piao Miao's voice spoke again: "Your talent should have been tested before, and it belongs to the upper-middle class and meets the standard.

And just now, the test is whether you are willing to stick to your heart, um, even if I repeatedly use the wrong answers of "spear" and "sledgehammer" to lure you, you are not fooled, just point out the fact that they are swords , also passed the test! "

Hong Butian: "..."

Can you fast forward, can you skip this plot dialogue, he doesn't want to hear this guy's nonsense anymore!

"Ahem, that, the second test, perseverance!"

Piao Miao's voice got to the point: "A qualified sword cultivator should have the awareness to practice day after day without sleep, without being disturbed by the external environment, and only have his own sword in his eyes. Only in this way can he become a powerful sword cultivator with great achievements. !"

"Perseverance... It's the same as Senior Sister Zhao said..."

Hong Butian lowered his head, full of confidence and perseverance, he has plenty of it!

As for outside interference...

Thinking of his Hong Butian these years, when he practiced hard every day, a certain two guys kept eating, reading novels, sleeping next to him, chattering and chatting, and occasionally got into a fight, which put him in the construction The scene was the same, but he still persisted as always?

"It is required to practice for five days. During this process, you may be stopped at any time, or you may be deliberately disturbed.

But remember, you can only truly stop after hearing the word "Boundless". Otherwise, stopping practice is considered a failure!
Test taker, Hong Butian, do you understand? "


Hong Butian nodded heavily, it's only five days, practice is fleeting!

But at this time, in the Underworld, Hong Butian's two younger siblings have different ideas.

"My God!"

Hongli screamed.


Heiyang howled.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Po Meng sighed helplessly, is it her illusion, why does she feel more tired after having two helpers?
"So what? You ask what's the matter!"

Heiyang stared wide-eyed, pointing to the non-existent watch on his wrist.

"Fifty minutes, we have been working for a full fifty minutes, and we still can't get a rest. Isn't this squeezing our labor?"

"Ah! I'm almost dying~~"

Hong Li's complexion was pale, revealing an appearance of an unlucky girl, frail and sickly, with kidney deficiency and cold body, and coughed twice.

"Ahem, I feel that my brain is roaring, my eyes are black, the world is turning, my feet are floating, my legs are weak, my waist is sore, my arms are sore, I can't even feel my hands!

Ah, my God!my hand!Where are my hands!Why am I unconscious!
Heiyang, quickly help me see where my hand went! "

"Damn it, I'm sorry Xiaoli, I can't do it anymore!"

Heiyang covered his eyes in pain: "Just now, I was oppressed and blinded by the high-intensity labor pressure, and now I can't see your beautiful appearance clearly!"

"Oh! How could this be!"

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoli, as long as we are still together..."

"From now on, I will be your eyes, and you will be my hands!"

"Ah! I'm so touched! A friend in need is a friend, Xiaoli, you are really my angel!"

Madam Meng: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."


Hongli asked tentatively, "Grandma Meng?"

"Just, after watching our performance, ahem, no, I mean, after watching our true feelings..."

Heiyang frantically said: "Don't you have any feelings?"


For a moment, Po Meng didn't know how to answer, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly: "What do you think?"

"At once……"

Hei Yang showed a funny expression: "You didn't think about giving us a rest!"

"What does it mean..."

Hongli added in a soft beep: "Just let us rest for ten days and a half months, it's best to rest until we leave..."


Po Meng couldn't help but rolled her eyes, pointing to the dead souls on the Naihe Bridge outside the pavilion.

"I don't know if you can rest, but this guy is about to spit out the Mengpo soup he just drank after watching your performance..."

Heiyang and Hongli: "???"


Meng Po suddenly turned her head to look at the dead soul, pointed the spoon at him, and said murderously: "Don't spit it out, swallow it back for me, understand?!"

"Uh huh, gurgling, gah..."

The dead soul choked his neck in pain, his body said "no, I'm going to vomit", but his mind told him "vomit and it's over"!
For a moment, he was in a dilemma, his soul and body were shaken, he gritted his teeth, swallowed suddenly, and then bent over and squatted on the bridge for a while, retching.

"Okay, another bowl, I, I can't forget it..."

Hongli and Heiyang: "???"

"Hey! What the hell do you mean!"

Hei Yang looked unhappy, and couldn't help shouting: "You are deliberately finding fault, right! Even if our performance makes your stomach sick... Bah, I mean, no matter how bad your stomach is, after drinking the warm soup, you will still be sick." It should be fine!"

"That's right! Why can't you forget after drinking a bowl? Who do you think you are? You're the only one special?"

Hong Li bared her teeth and claws: "Grandma Meng, I think this guy must be a spy of a hostile force. He is definitely not a good ghost. I suggest a strict investigation, no... I suggest throwing Wang Chuanhe directly! Aww!"

"Pong! Pong!" Two times, Po Meng looked at the two bear children touching their heads with aggrieved faces, and silently took back the spoon.

"He was choking, the effect was just a little slower, and the most impressive memory has not been completely erased for a while..."

Granny Meng rolled her eyes, and continued to ladle soup and pass bowls: "Next one, speed up outside, I was delayed for a while just now."

"What about us?"*2
"You two go to rest..."

"Wuhu! Long live grandma!"


Po Meng frowned, lost in thought.

"Speaking of which, my [-]-year-old birthday has passed a long time ago...

I remember, Lord Yan seemed to give me a day off that day? "

(End of this chapter)

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