So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 238 One day, everyone will find their own destination and find their own sea and sky

Chapter 238 One day, everyone will find their own destination and find their own sea and sky

"look back?"

"Ah, that's..."

Hongli asked cautiously: "Can you take a sneak peek, we won't spread anything we see..."

"Uh, that..."

Hei Yang laughed: "Of course, we're just joking around, so don't take it seriously."

"Yeah, if you're in trouble, just pretend you didn't hear it!"

Hongli beeped softly: "This kind of request is really too much..."

"Looking back..."

Po Meng raised her eyebrows, looked at Heiyang Hongli with a strange expression, shook her head and laughed.

"Naihe Bridge, Mengpo Pavilion, Sansheng Stone, Wangxiang Terrace, Wangxiang Terrace is at the other end of Naihe Bridge, and most souls of the dead will take one last look at the world before reincarnation.

But because they have already drank the soup, they can watch the past life calmly, and they are not afraid of causing any trouble. "

After a pause, Granny Meng still shook her head, and sighed: "It's not a big problem to look at it a few times, but it's just that I finally put it down, why bother to add sadness to myself?"

"That means you agree?"

The two were overjoyed.

"Play by yourself, don't bother me all the time, just watch the way, and remember to line up."


Heiyang Hongli nodded quickly, and ran out of the pavilion hand in hand. Under the ignorant eyes of the dead souls on the Naihe Bridge, she mingled into the team and followed the large team ahead step by step.

[Hong Li: Hey, we two living people, won't it be too abrupt to mix in? 】

[Hei Yang: Never mind, we didn't jump in line, Grandma Meng had allowed it, so we shouldn't be afraid of the shadow if we stand upright! 】

[Hongli: But apart from the two of us, there is no one else around! 】

【Black Sun: ... 】

[Hei Yang: Grass!The angle is tricky and cannot be refuted. 】

[Hongli: Right, so we should pretend, right?At least not so conspicuous? 】

[Hei Yang: Good idea!I'll give you a knife first! 】

[Hongli: ? ? ? 】

[Hei Yang: What question mark?Didn't you say you want to pretend to be a dead soul? 】

[Hongli: Pretend!camouflage!It's not becoming a dead soul, hey!Dog thing, if you have the ability, do you do it?Down! 】

[Hei Yang: Cough cough, are you kidding me, what should I say? 】

[Hei Yang: Just pretend to be paralyzed like them? 】

[Hongli: I don't have any memory, I'm in a state of ignorance now, okay, what a paralyzed face, I don't respect the dead at all! 】

[Hei Yang: Woohoo, stop scolding, stop scolding, can't I be wrong...]

The team seemed to be slow and fast, and soon Heiyang and Hongli followed an old man who looked to be in his sixties or seventies to the lookout platform.

The old man stood blankly on the Wangxiangtai, looking into the distance, and the gray mist drifted over, forming lines of small characters in front of him.

Name: Li Wei

Sex: Male
Died: 24 years

Cause of death: Overwork...

Past Life: World No. 2442

"Ah this..."

The corners of Heiyang Hongli's mouth twitched at the same time, this old man is so young...

The gray mist should be the boss... ahem, it should be the specific information of the big brother's previous life.

Logically speaking, for this kind of information that involves personal privacy, Wangxiang Station should set up a one-meter line or something to prevent the two guys behind from peeping.

But generally speaking, those who lined up were ignorant dead souls who had already eaten the soup, and there was no issue of privacy leakage at all. Probably ghosts don't know why two bad guys got in here.

Moreover, so what if there is a meter of noodles, don't look down on the eyesight of young people! (bushi)

Scenes of scenes appeared in front of Big Brother, the office toilet office toilet... cough cough, the content of the screen is not important, it just floats over the screen anyway!
Seeing this touching picture of his previous life, even the big brother who was in a state of ignorance couldn't help but shed a tear, which floated down his cheek into the Wangchuan River.

Then, without no regrets or regrets, Big Brother turned his head and walked away, heading straight for the place of reincarnation.

As he moved forward, his back became straighter, his spirit became more vigorous, and his figure became bigger and bigger. In the eyes of Heiyang Hongli, the other party seemed to have been redeemed and reborn...

It's just... so shocking!
"Just leave it there and shock yourself."

Hongli rolled her eyes, slapped Heiyang on the back, and walked to the lookout platform with a look of curiosity and anticipation.

"Let me see my sister, can I see my home, or my previous life?"


Heiyang didn't speak, he watched quietly.

Gray mist drifted over, forming words.

Name:? ? ?
gender:? ? ?
Year of death:? ? ?
Glitch: Please place normal mobs here!
Hongli: "???"

"Pfft hahaha..."

Hei Yang tried his best to keep his voice down and not to laugh: "The whole thing is so alive, Xiaoli, um, my non-biological wife!"

"Hey, no..."

The veins on Hongli's head popped up: "What do these mean!"

"Okay, okay, lean on and watch me."

Holding back a smile, Hei Yang pushed Hong Li aside with a face full of doubts about life, stood confidently on the lookout platform, adjusted his emotions, rubbed his hands together, and looked forward!
The gray fog quickly forms words.

"Please don't place sundries on the Wangxiangtai, warning for the second time!"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Pfft hahaha..."

Hongli tightly covered her mouth, trembling, holding back a smile in pain and happiness: "You still talk about me, miscellaneous husband, I laughed so hard, hahaha..."


A string of question marks appeared on Heiyang's head: "Is it broken?"


After a pause, Heiyang moved away, and looked at the dead souls lined up behind him with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, please go first."

Revenant: "..."

The dead soul didn't say a word, and walked forward in a daze.

Finally, the Wangxiang TV was operating normally, and at the same time as the other party's information appeared, there was also a picture of the previous life.

"Ah this..."

Heiyang looked at Hongli beside him suspiciously, with question marks all over his head: "How can someone use it? Did you mess it up for me?"

"Break your head!"

Hongli couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "It's obviously your problem, okay!"


Heiyang scratched his head: "Don't you have to become a dead soul to watch it?"

"Makes sense."

Hongli stood on tiptoe and stretched out her hands to grab Heiyang's neck, and said with a smile, "I'll help you!"

"Don't make trouble..."

Heiyang rolled his eyes, too lazy to care about the two little hands on his neck...

"Wait, grass, why don't you stretch your hands to the collar..."

"Oh, what's the matter, really..."

Trying to no avail, and not daring to waste more time to affect the people behind, Hei Yang and Hong Li squatted beside them, watching the ghosts come and go, and fell into confusion.


Hongli patted Heiyang's leg, beeping softly: "How to say?"

"I don't know much about the underworld. It's the first time I've come to Wangxiang Terrace..."

"Sure enough, you still want to become a dead soul, right? Heiyang, let me help you!"

"Go aside..."

Heiyang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized: "No, we are not locals, the people from Aoyoujie seem to belong to black households here, right?"

"Hiss, no wonder..."

Suddenly, Hongli breathed a sigh of relief: "I was shocked, I thought I was really going to marry a bastard."

"Climb, climb! The little mouth looks like it has been smeared with honey!"

Heiyang "Bangbang" punched Hongli's knee twice, suddenly thought of something, and took out the underworld certificate given by Grandma Meng.

"So can this kind of "temporary ID card" stand up?"


Hong Li frowned and looked at it, and suddenly froze: "In the beginning, this thing won't emit light, right?"


Heiyang looked at the certificate of the underworld flickering in his hand, he could vaguely feel the connection between it and the Wangxiang Terrace, and with a happy expression on his face, he stood up and walked towards the Wangxiang Terrace.

"As expected of me, smart and witty..."

"Don't be smart..."

Hongli grabbed Heiyang's sleeve, turned around and went in the opposite direction: "Go back in line again."

"Oh, I understand, I understand!"




Traveling World: Black Sun
Past life information: destroyed

Guarantor: Meng Po
Provide world number: World No. 2440

A picture finally emerged in front of my eyes, high-rise buildings, high-speed rail planes, road traffic...

Scenes that made Heiyang feel familiar and unfamiliar scenes emerged, and there were many vehicles that he had never seen before floating on the road. I don’t know whether it was because of his lack of knowledge, or because he had newly researched it during the years when he was away. .

"These people..."

Hongli stared blankly at the young ladies dressed in fancy dress on the street, her face turned slightly red.

"It's so revealing, and it doesn't look very good. Why do you want to show your shortcomings..."

"Oh, that world is different from the roaming world. Those who are not nourished by spiritual energy are all mortals."

Heiyang explained casually, but soon he stopped talking, and in the picture in front of him, a house gradually drew closer.

Although it was completely different from what he remembered, Heiyang's heart was still pounding nervously, as expected...

A gray-haired couple was busy talking and laughing in the kitchen, and a dumb-looking iron bump was holding hands next to them—is that a small household robot?

Heiyang watched quietly, with a calm face, Hongli didn't dare to speak, but held Heiyang's hand tightly, letting her boyfriend feel the warmth of his palm.

The picture flowed quickly, and Hei Yang was still watching quietly as plates of steaming food were brought to the table.

Suddenly, a door that Hei Yang had never seen before opened automatically, and a young man walked in with a satchel on his back. Judging from the shape of his mouth, he was probably calling for his parents. After hearing this, the couple in the kitchen quickly put down their spoons and walked out of the house.

Seeing the boy, the couple greeted him with wide smiles, and then gave him a big hug.

Obviously, Hongli felt that Heiyang's body trembled, and she was a little at a loss. She felt that she should say something now, but she didn't know how to say it...


Hong Li squeezed out a smile: "Yes, parents"


Heiyang turned his head, held his girlfriend's hand, and pulled her to turn around and walk down, laughing in a low voice.

"Well, that, how should I put it..."

"it's okay no problem."

Hong Li patted Hei Yang's shoulder: "If you're not happy, just lie in your sister's arms and cry."

"No, really, I'm just... glad... you see them... all coming out of the shadow of my absence, and... and, new, new kids... just ,very happy……"

Heiyang's footsteps became hurried, with a smile on his face, he dragged Hongli all the way back to the pavilion, sat on the mattress, opened his mouth, wanted to say something but finally fell silent, and just spoke to Hongli and Granny Meng silently. He smiled and lowered his head.

"whispering sound……"

Hong Li sat next to Hei Yang, grabbed his hands and put them on her lap.

"The big boy I like, there is nothing to hide from me, I am here! I will always be there in the future.

Well, it’s all wrong, it’s all my fault, right? I said I want to watch it... Well, it’s not okay, it’s not all my fault, obviously you really want to watch it too... Well, there is also Grandma Meng , the props were provided by her, yes, I, I only admit one-third of the fault! "


Hei Yang couldn't help laughing out loud, and looked at Hong Li: "If you really have it, just force it..."


Hongli smiled and said, "You taught me!"


Seeing the girl's smiling face and the concern in her eyes, Hei Yang chuckled, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, he suddenly buried his head into Hongli's arms, sobbing loudly.

"They, they didn't, didn't have that, hugged me... huh huh...

Once, never, never, oh, I don't remember ever!
Every time, every time, every time, every time, when I go back, I say with a sullen face that you have to... again!nu!force! "

Heiyang's voice was distorted, he was gasping for breath, he felt being hugged tightly, his breathing became a little calmer, but his voice was still whimpering.

"Just, just, Xiaoli..."

"Well, you are here."


Heiyang nodded lightly, speaking in one mind.

"Well, although I think it's not good to think like this, but I just, I just can't help it...

Seeing them so happy and happy makes me feel sour!

Well, yes, I am so sour...

Why, did I not do well in the past, why can't they treat me like that, for... huh huh..."

"Stupid, isn't it?"

Hongli sighed: "Is our family unhappy? Are our parents treating us badly? Why are you jealous of them! What's so sour!"

"Hoo, hoo...


With tears in his eyes, Hei Yang seemed to see the figures of Qing Yiyi and Hei Muguang, and saw them smiling at him.

"Yes, I have, Mom, and Dad, they love me..."

Heiyang gasped, his body gradually relaxed, and his tense muscles slowly loosened: "And Xiaoli, I still have you, have you been there all this time?"

"Yes, yes!"

Hongli dragged her long tune, blushing, and said with a smile, "I'll always be here."

"It's so kind of you."

"That's not!"



Heiyang's aura gradually stabilized, Hong Li patted his back lightly, and Po Meng beside her said quietly while serving soup.

"Grandma, I told you, you will be sad after seeing it."

After a pause, Po Meng turned her head to look over, and asked, "Half a bowl of soup, I only forget the past life, but I don't forget it in this life, do you want to drink it?"

"No, don't drink."

Before Hei Yang could speak, Hong Li directly refused.

"My black sun is not so fragile, there is no need to use that method!"

After a pause, Hong Li showed a somewhat naive smile.

"Hey, let me just say, I must let my sister hug and cry for a while before I can completely let go, let you be brave again and show your secrets? Well, are you asleep?"

Hong Li was stunned, smiled and shook her head, helped Hei Yang onto the bed, and covered her with the quilt.

Lying down next to the other party, gently pillowing his arm, Hong Li waved her hand and whispered: "Grandma, we really fell asleep this time, don't knock on the head again!"


The corners of Po Meng's mouth slightly curled up: "Sweet dream."




The panting sounds of the boys and girls gradually became even and steady, and gradually, smiles appeared on their faces, probably because they really had a good dream.

On the Naihe Bridge, there were many dead people. Bowls of soup were handed out. Granny Meng stared at them sharply, and nodded in satisfaction until the other party drank it all.

She has always been responsible and rarely makes mistakes.


Meng Po smiled: "Occasionally there will be a good mistake."


Granny Meng thumped her waist, then suddenly looked around furtively, lowered her head, quietly took a sip of soup under the cover of her sleeve.

"Uh, huh, tui!"

After sipping her mouth, the soup was spit out, and Po Meng pretended to be nonchalant with a guilty conscience, and continued to serve the soup.

A few minutes later, when I found out that Lord Yan, who was not furious, came over with something to do with the guy, Granny Meng let out a long sigh of relief: "Tch, it's obviously sweet, two little guys can deceive people!"

(Soup spit out: so love goes away, right?)


"By the way, Yiyi, what gifts did Xiaoyang bring you when she came back from the Five Elements City?"

"Ham, don't mention it, let's not talk about a row of big watermelons, we also sell them here, and there are two sacks of walnuts, I picked my sister-in-law's walnut tree.

Oh, and a little something like that, nothing to say.

It’s just a gold necklace, which is still a bit sincere, but in the end, what he said can set off my lady’s temperament or something, really, I always feel that he calls me old! "

"Damn, Xiaoyang is doing her best, look at my Xiaoli, that's called perfunctory!

Oh, a bunch of pigeons said to be for me, a few bottles of wine said to be for her dad, and some miscellaneous...

I doubt it, no, I'm sure, there's a bunch left over from her use, and it turned out to be a gift, heh, who's daughter is so untidy? "



"Admit it, do you want a child?"

"Aren't you the same? When you chased people away, you kept a cold face. How long has it been since you missed him again?"

"Where do you think they lived? Did they go to a tavern? Or did they borrow someone else's house? Is it safe?"

"Damn, the child can fly, it's so powerful, I'll just worry about it."

"That's right... two little meat balls rolled around a few times, blinked, and ran to the sky in a blink of an eye. How should I put it, I'm very happy and sad.

I always feel that it's time to let go, but I don't want to let go, so I have to force myself..."

"Damn, who isn't."

"You said, do we really let the children wander outside?"

"Ah, this... that... three or two days to make up your mind..."

"Three or two days...can you work out?"

"It only takes a moment for a child to grow up, and if it takes longer, it will become a torture for us..."

"makes sense……"

(End of this chapter)

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