So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 241 Hello, Aoyou Map is at your service, navigating now, 5 meters ahead, turn around!

Chapter 241 Hello, Aoyou Map is at your service, currently navigating, [-] meters ahead, turn around!

The wailing of a certain young couple was too miserable and desolate. Everyone was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see this scene.

So let us turn our eyes away from the underworld and return to the yang world.

The blue sky and white clouds, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

The world is still peaceful, full of laughter, beauty and harmony.

At the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, the empty courtyard is covered with fallen leaves, and the bare walnut trees are waiting for the coming spring.

But before it sprouts again, it still needs to face a severe cold—the snowflakes falling from the sky officially announce the coming of winter.


The transparent barrier at the exit of the Fire Department was covered with heads, and a group of disciples stared at the outside world with wide-eyed eyes.

"It's snowing..."

"Is it already winter outside? Time flies so fast..."

"It's so beautiful, why can't snowflakes float in?"

There were chattering discussions one after another, and the eyes were full of yearning for the outside world, as well as the pain of not being able to get it.

In fact, the Five Elements Sect's ban on closing the mountain has already been lifted, and the disciples have been allowed to go out at will.

It's just that the group of disciples lying on the ground eagerly at the entrance of the enchantment are all newcomers this spring, and each of them is holding a little firecracker that is only three or four months old and can't speak. Way to fly down the cliff.

Not all Xiaoli Huohe can learn to fly early like Xiaohuo, and not all disciples can pass the Five Elements School as quickly as Mou Li.

These Xiaomengxin who have just started are low-level players who can't even get out of Novice Village. This barrier is an air wall to protect them. Tell them that it is dangerous outside, and hurry up to practice and upgrade obediently.

"Quack, work harder, we almost succeeded in flying yesterday!"

Not far from the entrance of the enchantment, Xingyun squatted on the ground, looking seriously at Quack in front of her. She is a contestant who is about to leave Novice Village, and she is currently in a bottleneck period.

And Xingyun is not just a distinguished member, she also has the clearance strategies left by Gaowan.

"Sister Hongli said that as long as you keep your heart burning and cultivate to great success, or simply cultivate the supernatural power of the fire fairy, you can use the flames to transform into big wings, allowing us to fly out of the Five Elements Sect!"

After a pause, Xingyun showed an expectant smile on his face.

"Then, we can go to Five Color City to play with Sister Hongli and Xiaohuo, maybe we can meet Sister Hongli's family!

Well, quack, what gift do you think we should prepare for our uncles and aunts?

Not only sister Hongli's family, but also Brother Heiyang's family... Well, they should be regarded as a family now!Um?Quack what do you think? "

"Quack! Fly! Fly out!"

Quack waved his wings on the spot, looking full of energy.

"Go, go to five colors, play!"

"Very good! That's the motivation!"

Xingyun showed a satisfied smile, picked up Quack and was about to leave.

"Okay, I've already watched Kanxue, let's hurry back and continue practicing!"


Quack repeated in a somewhat unfamiliar way.


"Huh? Why are all the dolls gathered here?"

The head of Xinshou Village coughed... the elder Wuxing Zonghuo walked slowly with his hands behind his back, and he turned his head to look beside him suspiciously.

"Does Xiaoling have any ideas?"

"Huh? Who knows?"

Hong Ling waved her hand, and said casually, "Perhaps there were a bunch of birds fighting outside the barrier, which attracted their attention."

Elder Huo: "..."

"I always feel that the way you speak..."

Elder Huo frowned and narrowed his eyes, and looked at Hong Ling seriously: "It's a bit like that person..."


Hong Ling tilted her head, frowning in confusion.

"Who is that person? Who am I like?"

"Of course it's that girl Xiaoli, do you have to tell me directly?"

Elder Huo rolled his eyes, as if recalling something unpleasant.

"I said what's the matter with you. Recently, not only has the tone become more and more like your niece, but even the daily routine is close to her!"

"How can..."

Hong Ling yawned indifferently.

"It's just that, once in a while, relax your requirements on yourself!"

"That's what I'm talking about. Not only did I start to sleep late, but my practice time was also severely reduced..."

Elder Huo became more frightened as he spoke, and he pointed to Hongling's eyes.

"Look, look, you're about to turn into a dead fish eye, and you still say you don't look like her?!"

It's broken, could it be that before Hongli left, he put some "bad poison" in the sect, or established some "bad sect", which affected Xiao Ling? !
Elder Huo's pupils trembled, no, he had to nip this danger in the bud!
"You think too much..."

Hong Ling propped up her eyelids with her fingers, trying to round them up.

"I'm just too sleepy, because I've been reading the biographical novels that Xiaoli gave me recently. She said that she has read them all, so she gave them to me, um..."

After staggering twice, Hongling nodded, stretched out her thumb, and said affirmatively, "Well, it's okay!"

Elder Huo: "..."

"He said it's okay!!!"

Elder Huo suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter, and roared loudly trying to wake up his proud disciple.

"Xiaoling! Wake up! Don't let novelty corrupt your spirit! You should cheer up..."

"Elder! Auntie!"

Before Elder Huo finished his words, Xingyun came running from not far away with Quack in his arms, his face full of surprises.

"Why are you here, are you also here to see the snow?"

"Looking at the snow...huh?"

Elder Huo frowned, froze for a moment, looked at the barrier again, and suddenly understood: "Is it snowing outside now?"


Xingyun nodded emphatically, revealing an expression of reminiscence.

"It was snowing at this time last year, and I seemed to be at home drinking hot tea with my dad..."

"Well, the joy of nature, the joy of the family..."

Elder Huo thoughtfully, shook his head and laughed.

"Since practicing, the years have passed quickly, and the impact of temperature on the body has become less and less. On the contrary, it has been a long time since I have been touched by the blooming and fading of natural flowers...

Well, in a sense, the more you practice, the lower your level will be, hahaha! "

"Hmm... I don't understand..."

Xingyun frowned, turned her head to look at Hongling who was beside her, and was stunned for a moment, as if seeing someone's shadow, she rubbed her eyes before she realized it.

"Well, what are the elder and Aunt Hongling going to do?"


Elder Huo paused, and explained: "Go to fly the airship, I don't know if you were there last year, usually at this time, it's time for us to start recruiting disciples.

At this time in previous years, it was Xiao Ling and Xiao Beihai...uh..."

Elder Huo suddenly looked at Hong Ling in embarrassment, and the latter nodded with a "huh hum".

"That guy from Beihai made a mistake before, so I found a reason to kick him off."

Hong Ling nodded and said without hesitation.

"Well, that's right, I'm avenging my own private revenge!
Heh, love and love, go to hell, I have seen it through, this world..."

"You see."

Elder Huo waved his hand, and a cloud of fire floated over to silence Hongling, lest she poison the sect's flowers.

"I originally planned to let Xiaoling be in charge of the overall situation, plus some disciples from Tube and Kibe to form this year's recruitment team, but..."

Elder Huo turned his head to look at Hong Ling's displeased expression, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

"But in this situation, I'm not sure if there's something wrong with my decision..."

Elder Huo saw that Hong Ling raised her hand and wanted to speak, so he unblocked her: "Huh?"

"Hmm, I understand."

Hongling nodded expressionlessly, turned around and was about to go back: "You want to replace me, right? That's good. I think it's reasonable, so I just..."


Elder Huo gave a loud shout.


Hong Ling turned her head and frowned: "Do you have anything else to do?"

"There is something, of course there is something!"

Elder Huo looked dignified and serious.

"I was hesitant before, but now I'm sure I'm right. Xiaoling, you can't go on like this anymore. Take charge of the airship, recruit new disciples, and go back to the way you were before!"

Elder Huo showed a regretful expression, looked up at the sky, as if he saw the smiling face of the current suzerain in heaven, and pointed to the sky.

"I've already experienced the feeling of powerlessness once, and I can't just watch you become like that again!"

Hongling, Xingyun, Quack: "Huh?"

The two looked up at the sky together, with puzzled faces: "What do you mean?"

"it means……"

Elder Huo Le pointed to Hong Ling, and said in a tone that could not be refuted: "Now, continue to follow the original plan, you go and drive the airship out!"


Hong Ling was silent for a few seconds, sighed, waved her hands and said, "Okay, okay, listen to you, Master."

Seeing Hong Ling's back going away, Elder Huo looked solemn: "Xiao Yun, you must never become such an adult in the future!"


The beautiful girl Xingyun was puzzled.

"It's okay, just keep it now."

Huo Le sighed, rubbed his chin and frowned in thought.

"Even if I let her go, I'm a little worried about her current state. The disciples of Dobe Kibe who are sent out are all technical nerds who are obsessed with the research and development of magic arts and don't go out much..."

Huo Le murmured: "Perhaps, I should send a more reliable child to supervise and help her to prevent any mistakes..."


It doesn't matter if you don't understand the other words, Xingyun understands this sentence!
Elder Huo wants to find someone to go to Five-color City with Aunt Hongling and recruit disciples by the way, that is to say...


Xingyun suddenly appeared in front of Elder Huo with a smug smile on his face.



Elder Huo scratched his head: "Xiao Yun, what's the matter with you?"

"Yes, yes, that's the one..."

Xingyun showed a funny expression: "I may know who is more suitable to assist sister Hongling..."


Elder Huo's eyes lit up: "Who? Xiaoyun, tell me quickly."

Xingyun pointed at herself, raised her chest and raised her head: "Me!"

Elder Huo: "?"

"What's wrong!"

Xingyun's eyes widened: "Elder, don't you believe me?!"

"Well, it's not that I don't believe it, I just heard..."

Seeing Xingyun's "if you hit me and reject me, I'll cry for you", Elder Huo smiled awkwardly.

"I heard Xiaoli once said, she said, you child, sometimes you like to be confused..."

"Rumors, pure rumors!"

Xingyun resolutely denied: "Elder, do you think there is anyone who is not confused in front of Sister Hongli?
In the eyes of her kind of genius, I guess we are all big fools! "

"Uh, that, she said, especially you are special..."

"That's because I'm the only one Sister Hongli has frequent contact with!"


Elder Huo Le suddenly "woke up", he was right, what that child Hong Li said couldn't be understood from the perspective of ordinary people.

Xiaoyun woke himself up all of a sudden. Could this quick thinking be called confusion?
So what has he become?Alzheimer's disease?

Moreover, Xiaoyun was the second disciple of the fire department in Hongli's class, and she was called the woman closest to God cough cough... the closest to Hongli!
In other words, this is Little Glass II!
You know, when Hongli faced her challenge, she even chose to stay behind closed doors to avoid the battle many times, which shows that the strength of the opponent is difficult even for Xiaoli!
Sure enough, you can't just judge people by their realm. Before, he misjudged and let go of a red glass. Now he must not let the pearl be dusted again. He should let "Little Glass II" grow and hone, and quickly reach the height of Little Glass I. , it may not be impossible to hold up the banner in the future!

"That, Elder, I..."

Xingyun still wanted to speak, but Elder Huo waved his hand, showing a confident smile.

"Okay! It's up to you! Airship deputy commander, Xing Yun!"


Xingyun's eyes widened. She didn't know Elder Huo's series of psychological activities, and she couldn't believe that she succeeded so easily, but it was only at this time that the fool raised objections.

Now all it takes is "oh hoo!"
"Quack, let's go clean up!"

Xingyun dragged Quack and ran towards her own residence, but she still turned her head to say goodbye: "Thank you elder for giving me a chance!"

"you are welcome."

Seeing Xingyun's resolute and clean appearance, Elder Huo nodded with a smile, right, this is the spiritual outlook that a disciple of the Five Elements Sect should have!

"Cough cough!"

Clearing his throat, Elder Huo Le shouted towards the barrier.

"Okay, dolls, there is something that needs to open the barrier, everyone back up, don't squeeze there anymore, it will be bad if you fall down and get your head covered!"




In the underworld, the bewildered eyes of the hard worker Hongli suddenly flickered.

"what happened?"

Po Meng looked over curiously.

"Someone is talking about me, and it seems that they still want to contact me..."

Hongli closed her eyes, sensing the faint warning from the phantom, but it was too far away, so she was not sure.


Hongli suddenly smiled, put down the spoon gently, and waved her hand.

"Grandma Meng, I'm going out to pick up a communication. It may last for several days. Don't miss me, I will be back soon!"

"Ah? Ah!"

Meng Po was stunned for a moment, then waved her hand: "Go, go, go and come back early!"


Hongli turned around, showing a funny smile: "I will definitely come back early, see you, Granny Meng, see you, Hei Xiaoyang~"

"Huh? Huh? Who called me? Who called me!"

Heiyang came back to his senses suddenly, and suddenly found that his girlfriend was gone, his eyes widened, he picked up the spoon on the table and stirred it in the soup pot.

"Xiaoli, are you there? Xiaoli, Xiaoli, you have already been boiled, Xiaoli, don't scare me..."


Not far away, Hong Li, who hadn't officially left yet, couldn't help showing dead fish eyes: "What are you doing?"


Heiyang turned his head and saw Hongli not far away, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Scare me, what are you doing there again, come here quickly, today's task has not been completed, finish it early and rest early..."


The corners of Hongli's mouth raised, and she said cheerfully: "You do your own thing first, I'll leave for a while, don't miss me, I love you!"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Etc., etc!"

Heiyang shook his body: "Xiao Li, don't go, Xiao Li, don't leave me!"


Granny Meng tapped Heiyang on the head, her voice was indifferent: "Continue to work."




The gray mist filled the air, and Hong Li's figure appeared on the streets of the five-color city. The latter shivered suddenly, and goose bumps fell all over the ground.

"Hey, I can vaguely hear Heiyang's voice even after I ran back. Is it because I care too much about him?"

Hongli pricked up her ears and listened carefully.

"Little Li, how can I live without you... How can I live... How can I live... Live... ah..."


"What a heavy resentment!"

Hongli opened the message panel, and sure enough, she saw someone swiping the screen, so she ignored it decisively.

"Well, it seems that this place is not suitable to stay for a long time..."

Hongli turned her head to look at the alley she was in, with a vigilant expression on her face.

"It's gloomy, I'm afraid it's a black sun, let's pick up the communication in another place..."



"Ha, Xiaoli, I haven't seen you for a few days, how are you doing recently!"

Elder Huo greeted with a smile: "Isn't it very pleasant?"

"Well, ah, this..."

Hong Li raised her head and thought for a while, then trembled violently, and coughed twice: "Well, elder, don't ask, it's private, talk about it directly if you have something to say!"

"Oh hoo!"

Elder Huo nodded in understanding, with an expression of "I understand" on his face, and he didn't know what he understood.

"Ahem, it's like this, there is good news."

Elder Huo stretched out a finger and said with a smile: "Just now, the airship carrying the disciples of Tube and Kibe has already set off to recruit new disciples, and it will be able to arrive at Five Colors City tomorrow night at the latest, where it is also recruiting disciples. first stop.

At that time, you and your little boyfriend can live in a new house! "


Hongli said in surprise: "Really?!"


Elder Huo nodded triumphantly: "Of course!"

"Wow, long live the elder, long live the sect!"

Hong Li opened the message panel, and edited the message across Heiyang's resentment.

[Hongli: Stop yelling, stop yelling, the latest news, the construction team I made an appointment with will be here tomorrow! 】

【Heiyang: Xiaoli~~I died so miserable~~】

[Hongli: ? ? ? 】

[Hong Li: I have sinned, I have no intention of offending, bad luck go away, good luck, good luck, the whole family is safe...]

[Hei Yang: Cough cough, that wasn't me just now, maybe it's multiple personalities. 】

[Hei Yang: What did you say, are you sure? 】

[Hongli: Well, the elder told me, I'll ask him again. 】



"You really."

Hong Li looked at Elder Huo seriously: "Sure, sure, do you guarantee that they will be here tomorrow?"

"of course!"

Elder Huo laughed and said, "Your aunt leads the team, uh, and... uh, don't you worry about your aunt leading the team!"

Elder Huo Le didn't say anything about Xing Yun, and planned to surprise Xiao Li.


Hongli cried out in surprise, and looked up at the sky, as if she saw the shadow of her gentle and reliable aunt smiling at her in heaven.

"That's great! I don't worry about her doing things!"

[Hong Li: Yang!Positive!Oh ho!The news is accurate, check out quickly! 】

[Hei Yang: Sure! ? 】

[Hongli: Sure!Don't suffer there, come out quickly, can't we stand it for a day, just find a place to sit for a while! 】

[Hei Yang: Received! 】

Heiyang coughed twice, and under Granny Meng's puzzled gaze, he put down the bowl: "Grandma! I'm quitting!"


Po Meng tilted her head.

"I checked out!"

Gray mist began to emerge from Heiyang's body, and he waved his hands with a smile.

"See you, Grandma Meng... Well, maybe you won't see me until you retire, hehe! Farewell! Nightmare!"


Po Meng raised a question mark and pointed to the mattress next to her: "Your things!"

"No more! Bad luck...cough cough, I mean, let me keep it as a souvenir for you!"

The figure of Hei Yang disappeared in the underworld.


Po Meng froze for a few seconds, smiled helplessly, and put away the mattress with a wave of her sleeves.

"Very good, very good."



On the streets of Wuse City, Heiyang and Hongli strolled around hand in hand, their steps were relaxed and happy,
"Are you sure they'll be here tomorrow?"

"Oh, sure, sure!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"



"Ah... so comfortable to sleep."

On the airship, Hong Ling woke up with a big stretch, and turned to look at Xing Yun in the control room.

"Xiaoyun, how far are we from our goal?"

"Well, let me see..."

Xingyun's expression was a bit complicated, she looked at the control panel.

"The airship estimates that there is still about -∞ to 0 seconds to reach the destination."

Hongling: "..."

Xingyun: "..."

Hong Ling: "Huh?"

Xingyun: "Hahaha..."

"You've just……"

Hong Ling frowned and confirmed: "Did you still read the negative sign? The predicted time has a negative sign?"


Xingyun scratched her head and said with a sneer, "That's right..."

"Where are we now?"

"No, I don't know, hahahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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