So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 240 People start to provide for the elderly at 68, and I will take care of the elderly at 8,

Chapter 240 People start to take care of the elderly at sixty-eight, and I will take care of the elderly at eighteen. I will save fifty years of detours!

It's already the third day...

In the white space, Hong Butian remained motionless, sitting cross-legged quietly, his spiritual power surged in his body regularly, and traces of spiritual energy were absorbed by him, constantly strengthening his foundation.

"Heihu! Heihu!"

There was a strange sound in his ear, as if someone was doing push-ups beside him.

Hong Butian doesn't care about it, it's just interference, what can he do?
"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

Heavy footsteps sounded, as if someone was running wildly, but it sounded like they were reaching their limit.

"Help! Help! Who will help me!"

Desperate cries came from afar, so sad that it made people feel sympathetic.

Save yourself, who will sympathize with you, let's play!
"Boss, look at this kid, he is motionless, he must have passed out, otherwise we..."

A thief's voice sounded: "Give him, hehehe..."

Hey, hey, what the hell are you trying to do, heh, it's useless to mess with my mind!
"It makes sense, you go, take off his pants!"

Hong Butian: "???"

This illusion is quite real. He actually felt his clothes being pulled.


Why does it feel like there is cool air blowing from behind? It must be an illusion, um, an illusion.

But what if it is true...

Oh, absolutely impossible!

"Heh, bah! This Wuliangjian gate is quite difficult to crack, it splashed blood all over my face!"

"Hee hee, no matter how hard it is to chew on, it won't be defeated by us?
After the death of the Sword Sect Sect Master, there are only a group of ants waiting to be slaughtered! "

"Huh? There is still someone here, is it just the first level of Qi refining..."

The hairs on Hong Butian's back stood on end, feeling that the god of death was licking his life, and there was an itchy feeling on his neck, as if some liquid was flowing down his collar...

This is too fake. A strong man who can break through the infinite sword gate, even if he resists, so what?

Ignore it, ignore it.

In the past three days, Hong Butian has seen all kinds of strong winds and waves, or "felt" it.

For example, there seemed to be seven or eight big men dancing beside him, or two peerless swordsmen dueling at the peak, or there was a sudden loud noise in a quiet environment, and he even heard some sounds that were not suitable for children...

"Very good, it seems that you have successfully grasped the spirit that this level wants to convey to you, get up, now let's proceed to the next level."

Piao Miao's voice was a little excited: "Maybe, you can really become a disciple of Jianmen!

Listen well, the content of the third level is... huh?Why don't you get up, can't you hear me? "

Hong Butian: "..."

How could it be so insidious? This isn't a test of concentration and perseverance, is it? Why did he personally end up digging a hole for him to jump in?

Heh, he wouldn't get up without saying the word "Wu Boundless".



Time flies.


The shoulder was patted, and Zhao Zhuji's angry voice came: "Why are you still here, the test is over, you failed!

Hurry up and leave, or don't blame me for being rude! "

Hong Butian: "..."

"Boy, I can only help you here."

The voice of the great elder came: "From now on, we will never owe each other!"

"If you don't believe me, we can understand it, but the person who gave you the test questions has passed out, and we don't know what the key words are!

But even if you don't believe us, what I want to tell you is that those monsters still have their backs, and they are now approaching the city of five colors! "

Hong Butian: "!!!"

This possibility... probably not, the brothers and sisters are at home, nothing will happen.

But if something really happened...

Then it won't help if he goes back!
But even if this is the case, if it is true, he will go back even if he can't help...


Hong Butian: "!!!"

Here comes the keyword!
“No lake~~”

Hong Butian: "..."

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, Wujing!"

Piao Miao's voice said helplessly: "It's really boring, there is no reaction I want to see at all."


Hong Butian breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and opened his eyes, these five days are really difficult.

"Well, the third level is an optional level, and it is also the final level."

Piao Miao's voice didn't procrastinate this time, and introduced directly.

"Choose any one of the following three options as your test level.

The first item is comprehension. Infinite Sword Sect disciples need superior comprehension in order to stand out among their peers in the cultivation world and win glory for the sect.

In three weeks, make up the incomplete Qi refining method provided to you. Afterwards, there will be a specially responsible elder to judge, and he will decide whether you will stay or not.

If you succeed, you can become an outer disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect.Did you choose the first option? "


Hong Butian resolutely refused, and he was only at the first stage of qi refining, and even the most basic qi refining method was not something he could rewrite.

He still likes to use hard work to fill the gap, rather than this kind of uncertain test, expecting a flash of inspiration, he will only become more irritable and unbearable.

"It's very decisive to refuse!"

The misty voice was a bit unexpected.

"The second item is combat. Wuliangjianmen needs to fight against alien races from time to time to resist their invasion, so strength is essential."


Hong Butian's eyes lit up slightly, this seems to be okay, so what about alien races, only creatures that can bleed, he...

"In three weeks, one person kills a monster or evil cultivator in the foundation period, and after the victory, he will directly become an inner disciple of the Wuliangjian sect."

Hong Butian: "..."

Sorry when he didn't say anything.


Hong Butian shook his head, he had already experienced the strength of the Foundation Establishment Stage, it was not something he could easily touch.

"Hehe, didn't you think about it for rejecting two missions in a row?"

Piao Miao's voice seemed to be mocking: "If the third item is also unacceptable to you, do you want to do nothing and go back in despair?"

"Please ask questions."

Hong Butian didn't say much, just urged.

"Okay, I'll satisfy you."

Piao Miao said in a leisurely voice: "The third item, disguise, disciples of Wuliang Sword Sect sometimes sneak into the interior of foreign races to spy information, and this time will test your adaptability.

After choosing this option, you will temporarily become a registered disciple, and you will be disguised in the sect for three weeks, pretending to be the character assigned to you by the sect.

During this period, the Zongmen will send you various tasks, allowing you to contact fellow brothers and sisters, and show your disguised character in front of them.

Three weeks later, the sect will randomly select a few disciples from among them, and ask them to report their impressions of you truthfully.

If their impression of you matches the assigned character, they can be promoted to the outer sect.

On the contrary, if the challenge fails, you will leave on your own. "

"That's it!"

Hong Butian nodded almost without hesitation. This was the only option that he could stand on the same starting line as those of his peers in the cultivation world, and it was also the best choice in his opinion.

"Very good, please listen to the assigned character."

Piao Miao's voice paused, and then said: "From the previous test and what I knew about you in advance, it can be seen that you are a hardworking and ambitious person, which is a very good quality.

However, I want you to pretend to be a lazy person who is lazy, unaware of progress, content with the status quo, and has no ambitions! "

Hong Butian: "Ah, this..."

"How is it, are you afraid?"

Piao Miao laughed out loud: "But this is not over yet, even if you are a lazy person, you must follow the regulations to do the tasks assigned to you by the sect.

To fully express the attitude of being reluctant, but having to do so. "

Hong Butian: "Ah, this..."

"How about it, isn't it more embarrassing?"

Piao Miao's voice became more and more cheerful, as if a trick had succeeded.

"That's right, I want you to play this kind of character that only exists in theory and has no reference role. Have you already regretted not choosing the first two?"

Hong Butian: "Ah, this..."

"I'm afraid, I want to face difficulties and..."

"Well, you don't need to continue talking..."

Hong Butian had a strange expression: "Let's start now?"

"Huh? The boy is so courageous and courageous!"

"Ah, probably..."

Hong Butian sighed, his spirit gradually weakened, at this moment, he was not fighting alone, he was three people...

No, at this time, no one is fighting, and all three want to be lazy!
Hong Butian's face was expressionless. At this time, behind him, there seemed to be a phantom of the avenue of salted fish and lazy dog, shining brightly...


"Damn it..."

Hongli waved the spoon in her hand numbly, her voice was weak: "Heiyang, have we been trapped here for hundreds of years?"

"I do not know……"

Heiyang's voice was hoarse, and he handed out the bowl with trembling hands: "It seems that I have been used for several lifetimes..."

"I really want to go home, woo woo woo..."

"I want to go home too, woo woo woo..."

"Okay! Be quiet!"

The supervisor, Po Meng, snorted coldly: "You are not allowed to whisper at work, and you don't need to use your mouth to scoop soup and pass bowls!
Also, don't tremble when passing the bowl, and don't spill the soup!Do you understand! "

"Really are……"

Granny Meng held her forehead and was speechless: "It's only been a few days, I have seen so many ghosts who died of hard labor, and they are all more energetic than you!

Two young people, in their twenties, are they so lazy? "

"No woo woo woo!"

Heiyang, Hongli: "(┯_┯)"






  I'm so sleepy, I can't, I can't hold on anymore, good night everyone, cough cough (vomit blood) (coma)

(End of this chapter)

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