So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 245 A few hours ago, there were all kinds of people, but after a while, they became all kind

Chapter 245 A few hours ago, there were all kinds of people, but after a while, they became all kinds of people...


Heiyang was startled, he lifted the girl's long hair on the forehead, seeing Hongli's shy and timid cute little face, he couldn't help being a little dazed.

"Speaking of..."

Heiyang's voice rang softly in his ears.


Hong Li, who was a little nervous, raised her head quietly, but before she could see it clearly, a warm palm covered her head and stroked it gently.

"I haven't seen Xiao Li showing such a weak look for many years."

Heiyang sighed a little.

"It reminds me of the little sister who followed me all the time.

That Xiao Hongli, who was very dependent on me with one brother at a time, disappeared without knowing it.

Brother Heiyang has also turned into a stinky Heiyang. "

"Ah this..."

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, thinking of her former self, couldn't help curling her lips.

"Isn't Xiao Hongli easy to bully before?
The little girl was played and applauded by the reopened black sun, she felt pitiful even thinking about it. "

"Hey, don't recall false plots that didn't happen."

Heiyang rolled his eyes, and said speechlessly: "When did I bully you when you were young, I really took care of you like a little sister back then.

In the end, I don't know why, the child rebelled after raising him, and the awe he had for Brother Heiyang disappeared. "

"I suggest you find the problem from yourself, okay?"

Hongli put her head on Heiyang's shoulder, sniffing the reassuring smell, and argued in a low voice.

"You have to know that [-]% of the responsibility for me becoming this kind of character is yours, okay?

Training cute little loli since childhood, I really have your black sun! "

"What the hell, don't talk nonsense!

I was heard by people who didn't know, and they directly reported me and sent me to jail. "

Heiyang couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching, he inserted his fingers into Hongli's long hair, and fiddled with it gently.

"You have to understand that at that time, there was a brother who was upright and reliable by your side to grow up with you. I don't know how many forks have been avoided for you. Do you know what is called a life mentor and a spiritual beacon!"

"Ah, yes, yes, avoid the small fork, and then fall headlong into a bigger bottomless abyss, right?"

Hongli said faintly: "You killed a hard-working and inspirational girl, and you made more salty fish in the world. You ruined my wonderful and bright future. You are really a heinous sin, stinky black sun!"

"Don't be embarrassed, this is the character in your bones."

Hei Yang didn't take it seriously and said: "I just speeded up your recognition of your true heart, and by the way helped you sort out your behavior habits systematically."

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hong Li curled her lips, and kept poking Heiyang's heart with a small hand.

"Recognize your true heart, sort out your habits, sort out and sort out, and sort out the other girl as your wife, right?"

"Uh... that's true..."

Heiyang was speechless, laughed twice, and patted the girl on the back.

"Actually, I really didn't expect that the two of us would be together when we grow up.

I even thought about waiting for the day you get married, and I would sit under the stage and send my blessings or something...

Well, but I was really thinking about which brat would be so lucky to marry my little Li in the future...

Ahhh, well, I admit it, when I think of a brat snatching you away from me in the future, I feel very uncomfortable and very irritable, no matter from the perspective of my brother or any other perspective.

In the end, hehe, the brat was actually me, so I felt comfortable. "

"Tch, before I met you..."

Hongli blushed and said, "I never thought of getting married before I met you."

"Nonsense, why did you start thinking about getting married when you were four or five years old?"

"Grass, can you please not destroy the pink atmosphere I created!"

Hongli sighed, looking at the heavy snow still flying outside the pavilion, her mind was in a trance.

"That's what you thought at the time, what about my parents?
If they think that I will marry someone and leave them one day, what will they think, will they be unhappy?
Just like my mother followed my father to the city of five colors, grandma and grandpa must be very reluctant, right? "

"There must be. Parents have this kind of entanglement with their children more or less. They want their children to be happy, but they are not willing to let go..."

Hei Yang paused, showing a funny expression, and whispered: "In a sense, the elders of the Five Elements Sect actually have this kind of entanglement, right?
Well, especially the name of Elder Huo, I see that he still doesn't give up, he is still thinking about taking you and even packing me to catch you back! "

"Pfft, hahaha, why don't you be serious, I said parents!"

As soon as Hongli thought of Elder Huo's resentful old face, she couldn't help laughing out loud: "Don't speak ill of others behind their backs, okay! You really have no quality!"

"Is that a bad word?"

Hei Yang curled his lips: "Anyway, you don't have to think too much, if you marry me, don't we still live in Five Color City?

Not only do I have a private space with my elders, but if I want my parents, I can go back to my mother's house in the blink of an eye. It's really not too happy! "

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Hongli smiled happily, but was still a little worried.

"It's like the last few minutes before the end of get out of class, the airship will take a few more days to come, how can we live these few days!

I'm feeling so anxious right now! "

Hongli's arms holding Heiyang tightened involuntarily, her face full of displeasure.

"I can't calm down, I can't even sleep well, I'm so anxious now, so I need to find something else to stimulate, divert my attention or something!"

Of course, it's also possible that the anxiety isn't just for that reason.


Heiyang fiercely kissed his girlfriend on the face: "Mua, for example?"


Hongli's heart beat faster, her face blushed slightly and she said, "Indeed, it's really exciting, but, it's not enough!"

After a pause, Hongli suddenly pulled Heiyang's face in front of him. Under Heiyang's shocked gaze, Hongli took the initiative to "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

"Well, at least, well, at least it has to be!"

[Your contract partner (Heiyang) is in a happy mood, with a flash of inspiration, the fusion of supernatural powers and hidden beings is completed. 】

[Your contract object (Black Sun) has been promoted to the second level of the golden core stage, and the realm has been synchronized. 】


"Ha, Xiaohuo, come and see!"

Lan Yuying pointed to the three little snowmen in front, and said with a chuckle, "Look here, does it look like Grandma and Xiaohuo?"

"Huh? Wait a minute, Xiao Huo will take a look!"

Xiao Huo was sitting by the wine table of his grandparents at this time, not drinking, but concentrating on the peanuts they used to drink.

Hearing grandma's call at this time, he ran out with his calf, and then saw two big snowmen guarding a small snowman, and he could really see the appearance of the three of them.

"Hey, after all these years, my technique is still quite good!"

Qing Yiyi clapped her hands and looked at her masterpiece with a smile.

"Grandma is great!"

Xiaohuo stared wide-eyed, carefully looking at the snowman in front of him: "Grandma is also great!"

"Hey, thanks for the compliment."

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying smiled and clapped their hands.

"But there are still some flaws."

Qing Yiyi sighed and smiled helplessly.

"Little Huo's transformation into Li Flamingo's appearance is much more difficult than that of a human being. I have tried it several times but failed. I haven't thought of a good way yet."

"This looks great!"

Xiao Huo chuckled, turned his head to look around, with a curious expression on his face: "Well, there, isn't there a little snowman without parents?"

"Ah, this ah..."

Lan Yuying calmly pointed to the snowdrift that looked like a grave, and nodded: "Isn't that them?"


Xiao Huo tilted his head: "No!"

"How not?"

Qing Yiyi smiled, walked to the snow pile on the grave, and introduced: "This is how they sleep late under the quilt with their heads covered!"

Xiao Huo: "Ah, this..."

"how is it going?"

Lan Yuying looked at Xiaohuo expectantly: "What we two do is very similar to them!"


Xiaohuo nodded with a complex expression: "It seems that it is indeed like this!"

"Hey, you three, it's still raining outside, what are you doing standing in the yard!"

Hei Muguanghong Xiaochen waved to the outside from inside the room, and said with a chuckle, "Come inside and drink some wine to warm yourself up!"

"Come on, it's enough for the two of you to drink by yourself."

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying rolled their eyes: "Xiao Li and Xiao Yang are not spoiled by you, but you want to spoil our Xiaohuo!

Xiaohuo, listen, you are not allowed to learn to drink from those two old men, remember! "

"Yeah, Xiaohuo knows!"


【Hongbutian Lazy Dog Diary】

[This is Hongbutian, today is my first day of disguise, I just need to act as Xiaoli or Xiaoyang, and I will definitely be able to pass the test successfully!

On the first day, I chose to sleep soundly in the house all day. 】

[The next day, I was in a daze all morning and wanted to practice without knowing it. Fortunately, I reacted in time, it was really dangerous. 】

[On the third day, an elder in the sect was going to give a public lecture. Although I was tempted, I restrained the idea of ​​going. 】

[On the fourth day, the elders of the sect felt that yesterday’s lecture was not enjoyable enough, so they decided to extend it for another day. I didn’t go, and my heart was bleeding, as if I had lost several tons of spiritual stones. 】

[On the fifth day, the task was issued, let me go to the Martial Arts Hall to watch the brothers fight and learn fighting skills.

I had to go, but I couldn't show the appearance of concentrating on studying, but pretended to be distracted, but I was actually sneaking.

If you work hard secretly, you shouldn't be discovered... right? 】

[On the sixth day, another elder of the sect thought that what the elder said the day before yesterday was (), so he also gave a public lecture to refute the other party's point of view.

If you listen to the collision of ideas between the big guys, you will definitely benefit a lot!

Heartache, Hong Butian hold back, don't lose the big because of the small! 】

[On the seventh day, Zongmen sent a high-end Qi Refining Method to my residence, saying that he would lend it to me for three days.

Exciting!Exciting!The high-end qi refining method is right in front of me, but I...

No, this is the sect's deliberate fishing, Hong Butian, don't be fooled, if you are found to be practicing or studying secretly, you will definitely be treated as a lazy dog ​​who failed! 】

[On the eighth day, I hid the Qi refining method, so that I can see it clearly. 】

[Ninth day, the last chance, if you don't read it, you will be taken back!

Huh, huh, huh... no, I can't stay in this house anymore, I want to go out and relax.

Although lazy dogs generally don't go out, Xiaoyang and Xiaoli don't stay in the house all the time...

Wait, that's because they all like to play with each other, who the hell am I playing with?Irritable, irritable! 】

[On the tenth day, the Great Elder came to see me. He was still in a spirit state, but his mental outlook has improved a lot. Sure enough, he has eaten soft rice!

The Great Elder left a lot of spirit stones and elixirs, and asked me if I had any doubts about my practice, so I could answer them for me... I was heartbroken and declined! 】

[On the eleventh day, I went to buy a bunch of snacks, let these foods temporarily paralyze and rot my will! 】

[On the twelfth day, I began to try to comfort myself mentally, there is nothing wrong with resting, how tired I am from training all day...]

[On the thirteenth day, the mission of the sect, let me familiarize myself with the terrain and buildings of the sect, so that I can integrate into the sect faster.

Hehe, I have seen through this trick a long time ago, it took me a day to get familiar with my bed! 】

[On the fourteenth day, the sect sent a Qi Refining Pill, saying that it will be stored here for three days, and if it is "unfortunately" lost, it will not be held accountable.

Oh, misleading thinking, right?Before practicing the exercises, you need to be lazy to practice, but the pills meet the requirements of being delicious and lazy. I just sip it, saving three days of storage time.

Pills need to be refined to exert their maximum effect. Hey, I just don't refine them, I just have to digest them myself! 】

【Fifteenth day, rest. 】

[The sixteenth day, rest. 】

[Day [-], boring sect mission. 】

[Eighteenth day. 】

【Nineteenth day...】

[Number... Wait, can a real lazy dog ​​keep a diary?The diary is destroyed, and the evidence is eliminated. 】

"Ah, this is the last day of the three-week period, isn't it?"

Zhao Zhuji, who knew part of the inside story of the test, came to the door of Hongbu Tianwu. She was here to check the other party's situation, to see if the other party was practicing secretly, and to inform him that the time was up.

"Da da"

"Open the door, open the door!"

Zhao Zhuji knocked on the door lightly: "Hong Butian, your test time is over! I will be in charge of the inspection."



Zhao Zhuji: "?"


"Ah... um... yawn..."

A voice that seemed to be yawning came from inside the house: "Ah, the door is unlocked, come in."

Zhao Zhuji: "?"

Zhao Zhuji had a vague feeling in her heart, so she pushed the door open with a little force. The dark environment in the room made her jump. For a moment, she thought she had entered a haunted house...

"Why don't you open the curtains!"

Zhao Zhuji opened the curtains silently, letting the sun shine into the room, and turned to look at the peaceful Hong Butian on the bed with a string of question marks above his head.

"Hong Butian? Hong Butian?"

"Well, ah... who turned on the light..."

Hong Butian frowned, opened his eyes in a daze, looked at Zhao Zhuji beside the bed, and tilted his head: "Beauty, who are you?"

"Hey, I'm back!"

Zhao Zhuji pulled Hong Butian up with a black thread, let him sit on the bed, and looked at the dead fish eyes of the other party, feeling indescribably weird.

"Cough cough..."

Coughing twice to dispel the strange feeling in his heart, Zhao Zhuji explained with a serious expression.

"Your three-week test has passed, and the results are being counted. Now I will take you to the previous test space to wait, and then I will know whether you can join our Infinite Sword Sect!"

"Huh? Immeasurable Sword Gate..."

Hong Butian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

"Oh yes, I seem to remember this incident..."

Zhao Zhuji: "???"

"No, you don't even care about the test? You can forget it!"

Zhao Zhuji's eyes widened: "Do you still want to join our Wuliangjianmen?"

"Well, whatever..."

Hong Butian frowned, waved his hand and casually said something that shocked Zhao Zhuji's pupils.

"If you talk about the Infinity Sword Gate, it should be very tiring to practice here...

If you can join, you can join, if you can't, uh, yawn, just let me sleep for a while..."

As he spoke, Hong Butian tilted his head, closed his eyes and was peaceful.

Zhao Zhuji: "???"

Zhao Zhuji felt that the question marks she sent in recent years did not add up to these few minutes. She suddenly thought of something, and took out Hong Butian's test questions from her arms.

[Pretending to be... delicious and lazy... for three weeks...]

"Ah this... ah this..."

Zhao Zhuji looked at the test questions, then at Hong Butian, then at the test questions, and then at Hong Butian.

"Fake, fake?"

You told her it was a disguise?

Hongbutian: "Zzzzzz"

Zhao Zhuji: "..."

In the end, Zhao Zhuji put the sword on Hong Butian's neck, and finally forced him to follow him to the testing space.


An ethereal voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

"Disciple Hong Butian, the result of the three-week test is extremely excellent. He officially passed the test and became an outer disciple!"


Zhao Zhuji clenched her fist and was happy for Hong Butian. She looked at Hong Butian and smiled.

"From now on, you will be a new junior junior!
Anyway, you were also introduced by me and seniors. If anyone in the sect bullies you for no reason in the future, you can report my name, you know? "


Hong Butian sighed: "Can this pass? I've already figured out how to rest when I go home..."

Zhao Zhuji: "???"

"No, what are you doing!"

Zhao Zhuji couldn't help but patted Hong Butian on the shoulder, and a tic-tac-toe popped out of his head: "The test has passed, you don't need to pretend anymore!"

"Pretend? Pretend for what?"

Hong Butian looked puzzled: "Am I pretending to be something?"

"Nonsense, you were not a lazy dog ​​before, think about what you said when I first met?"

Zhao Zhuji put her hands on her hips, imitating Hong Butian's tone and repeated: "I just want to keep moving forward on the road of cultivation, no matter how much effort I put in, I must do my best and try my best to get close to the strong!"

"do you remember?!"

Zhao Zhuji reached out and shook Hong Butian: "This is what you said yourself!"

"I personally..."

Hong Butian's eyes brightened slightly: "What did you say?"

"Yes yes yes!"

Seeing Hong Butian's reaction, Zhao Zhuji said excitedly: "A mere qi refinement first level, but it turned out to have that kind of ambition, I was really surprised at the time!
As long as you can maintain this drive, sooner or later you will rise to the top in Wuliangjianmen! "

After a pause, Zhao Zhuji smiled and said, "Do you remember now?"


Hong Butian frowned and scratched his head: "I probably, probably said that."

"Not probably, that's what you said!"

"Oh, you say yes..."

Hong Butian waved his hands indifferently, and sighed with dead fish eyes: "At that time, I was really young and ignorant, so naive and cute!"

Zhao Zhuji: "???"

"Oh roar?"

Piao Miao's voice reappeared, and she couldn't help but wonder: "Is this a disguise so deep into the play that even the character has been distorted in the end? It really opened my eyes!"

"Ha ha."

Hong Butian rolled his eyes: "You can open your eyes slowly, it's none of my business..."

"Even the attitude of speaking is loose!"

Zhao Zhuji took a deep breath and covered her face helplessly: "How could this happen? How can I explain this to my senior!"

"none of your business?"

Hong Butian was speechless: "There is also that great elder, we all get what we need, so we don't need to explain anything to him."

"Wow! You you you you..."

Zhao Zhuji pointed at Hong Butian with trembling fingers: "You have become a good dog!"


A question mark appeared on Hong Butian's head: "Even if I can't beat you, you can't curse, right?

Oh, if you really want to scold, then I can't help it..."

Zhao Zhuji: "..."

"Oh ho, what do you say?"

Piao Miao's voice is not too serious to watch the excitement: "It seems that the personality of the outer disciple Hong Butian has changed a lot. With this appearance, can he still pass the test and be allowed to enter the sect?"


Hong Butian waved his hand and said, "I'm not...well."

The dead fish's eyes widened suddenly, and Hong Butian looked at Zhao Zhuji covering his mouth with one hand, and the latter said angrily.

"I disagree! He has passed the test!"

Zhao Zhuji took a deep breath, and grabbed Hong Butian's hand directly: "Come with me, I will take you to familiarize yourself with the sect, and then find a way to help you get back to normal.

You became like this because of the test of the sect. If you just let it go like this, it would appear that the sect is too irresponsible. "

Zhao Zhuji said this reason, and the other party's vigorous appearance appeared in his mind. He took a deep breath and quickened his pace.

No, she couldn't stand it, couldn't watch that kind of fighting person become what he is now!
"Hey, no need, I can go home if I can't pass!"

"Shut up! I have the final say here!"


"Uh, uh..."

Heiyang Hongli's lips parted, and the snowflakes outside the pavilion became crystal clear against the sunlight. The blizzard didn't know when it would stop, and there were only dots of snowflakes left, which were melted into raindrops before they fell, little by little.


Hong Li tugged at the collar, blushing to the point of bleeding, gasping for breath, her chest heaving uncontrollably.

Hei Yang leaned beside him, also panting heavily, his mind was blurred, his heart was beating like an imperial engine.

"Stab... that's exciting enough..."

"Not...not bad..."

The teenager and girl collapsed on the bench, quietly returning blood.

How should I put it...uh...

The tolerance of these two is unexpectedly "very good and playful" in this respect.

I don't know if the two of you will die of cardiac arrest in the room when it's really the wedding night...


"Here! Elder Tu, we are here!"

Xingyun smiled and waved towards the distance: "The task in this area has been completed!"

"Ah, wait a minute."

After exhorting the disciple in front of him, Tulou patted the former's shoulder, turned his head and flew to Xingyun's location.

"It's really helped a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be able to let go of my hands and feet."

The Tulou looked at the airship hovering in the air not far away, and said with emotion: "Who would have thought that you would come to the southeast region by accident, and I don't know how much time was saved!"

"Ah, this, ahaha..."

Xingyun rubbed her head embarrassedly and smiled haha: "Actually, it's not as powerful as you said, ahahaha..."

"Hey, this isn't something to be proud of, is it?"

Hongling walked over with a speechless expression, glanced at Xingyun helplessly, turned her head to look at Elder Tu, and made a serious report.

"There are a total of [-] households in this area, all of which have been evacuated!"

"Very good, well done!"

The Tulou elder smiled and gave a thumbs up: "There are only three areas left, as long as..."


Before the Tulou finished speaking, a huge roar suddenly sounded in the distance, and everyone present only felt the ground trembling frantically under their feet, swaying up and down like a trampoline.

"Elder Tu?"

Xingyun Hongling looked at the Tulou with a puzzled face, and the latter's expression was equally puzzled and solemn.

"Don't act rashly, pay attention to safety, I'll check the situation!"

The voice fell, and the tulou turned into a stream of light, flying towards the place where the tremor was most intense.

"Strange, logically speaking, this leyline should be temporarily quiet..."

Tulou looked into the distance with a face full of surprise, secretly vigilant in his heart.

At the leyline, a figure wrapped in a black robe shook his sleeve, stretched out a white palm, and opened the cork of the small jade bottle in his hand.

I saw a drop of black juice dripping down, pouring on the ground, and then disappearing instantly.

Seeing that a dragon shadow trembled in pain in the depths of the ley lines, the ley lines were madly polluted by black droplets, and an ominous aura filled the air.

The man in black robe nodded and continued to move in the direction of the leylines.

"There are still six areas left..."

The man in black robe looked at the elder Tu who was approaching quickly in the distance, and his voice was cold.

"Before that, let's get out of the way.

Tulou, I haven't seen you for so many years, but I want to check for that person to see if you have retreated. "

"He Fang Xie Xiu!"

The earth building looked at the polluted earth veins from a distance, with an angry expression on his face, and shouted: "You are so bold, you actually polluted the earth veins!"

"Oh, I've always been brave."

The man in black robe did not dodge or evade, and went straight to meet him!

(End of this chapter)

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