So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 246 Why can't you do well when you are working hard besides sleeping!Inverted and slept

Chapter 246 Why can't you do well when you are working hard besides sleeping!Inverted and slept through the day!

The four palms fought against each other in the air, the spiritual power collided, and the circular air wave rippled, pushing the two back away.

The man in black robe turned back and landed on the ground. He was a little surprised. The strength of the tulou was much higher than expected, which was a bit tricky.

"Why didn't I hear that there is still a Nascent Soul like you in the Southeast region?"

The tulou looked at the mysterious monk in front of him with vigilance.

"Hiding your head and showing your tail, doing this kind of deed that damages the world, what is your purpose?!"


Tulou squinted his eyes: "Are you in the same group as the group of evil cultivators who led away from Qiuxianzong?"

"What if it is? What if it isn't?"

The black-robed man's voice was hoarse and his tone was flat.

"As for my purpose, you don't deserve to know."

"Oh, the tone is not small."

Tulou sneered again and again: "Looking at your tone and behavior, you should know who I am.

Don't you think that you are stronger than the entire Five Elements Sect and the entire cultivation world? "

"You can't imagine..."

The man in black robe still wanted to sneer, but his body suddenly froze, and he looked at the foot of the earth building.

At this time, the earth building is stepping on the ground. The surface seems to be confronting the black-robed man. In fact, the spiritual power is surging. Under the ground that others can't see, the rock formations are rubbing and rolling, surrounding the earth veins, and constantly clearing the black The effect of droplets.

"Oh roar?"

Seeing the movements of the man in black robe, Tulou raised his brows.

"Have you found it? Oh, although I don't know what your purpose is, just polluting the leylines is already a heinous crime..."

"You talk too much!"

The black-robed man's voice was extremely cold, and he didn't intend to give the tulou another chance to delay time. He flew up, the dark leaves were flying beside him, carrying the breath of death, and headed for the key point of the tulou.

"Huh? Is this a matter of life?"

The complexion of the tulou changed, he stepped forward with his right foot, and stroked the ground in front of him with his foot, instantly rising nine solid earth walls with stone thorns, blocking the tulou and the black-robed man.


The first earth wall was smashed into pieces in an instant, and the man in black robe was murderous.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

A series of seven earth walls were penetrated again, leaving only the last earth wall as a barrier.

After the last earth wall, the earth building smashed the magic, waiting for the earth wall to break, and waited for the other party to strike a thunderbolt!
One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

The earthen wall is safe and sound.

Tulou's eyes froze, and his body instantly disappeared into the ground. The violent impact fell from above, and the earth and stones splashed, leaving a huge deep pit in the same place.

The man in black robe missed a whip leg, and regained his new strength, tore the ground apart, and charged straight towards the tulou that was walking through the soil layer.

"Rock Burst"

The tulou sensed the pursuer behind him, snorted softly, and jumped out of the ground, like a fish leaping out of the water, the density of the rocks behind him increased rapidly, wrapping up towards the man in black robe.

The black-robed man was stagnant and retreated suddenly, the spiritual energy in the surrounding rocks surging, rapidly expanding, and the violent energy was vented.


A huge roar sounded behind him, the earth building turned around and looked to the right, the figure of the man in black robe appeared, and the robe on his body was a little tattered.

"Yes, something."

The man in black robe shook his robe, and his voice was calm: "It seems that I underestimate you."


In the face of the praise from the black-robed man, Tulou was completely unhappy.

His face was ashen, his chest heaved up and down, he opened his mouth abruptly, and spat out a mouthful of black blood, with black blades of grass floating in his blood.

"What a powerful poison!"

Tulou gritted his teeth and looked at the man in black robe, the spiritual power in his body forcibly suppressed the spreading toxin: "What's more powerful is the method of poisoning."

"Thanks for the compliment."

The man in black robe sneered, a thin arm stretched out from under the black robe, and his palm opened: "Then, I will send you on your way... eh?"

The man in black robe was about to detonate the toxin in the body of the tulou, when the sunlight above his head suddenly dimmed, his complexion changed, and he galloped to the right without looking behind him.


A clay giant with a height of [-] meters stood behind the black-robed man at some point, and his two hands chased the black-robed man's nimble figure like swatting flies, and slapped him fiercely.


The figure of the tulou appeared on the top of the giant's head, looking at the man in black robe flying in the air, his palms turned over.

"dust stone"

The sound fell, and the air around the black-robed man suddenly floated out of countless dense small stone chips, which quickly gathered and condensed, and shot at the black-robed man overwhelmingly!

The man in black robe snorted lightly, and regardless of it, he slammed into the gravel head-on, and his body exploded with blood mist, as if he had been severely injured.

In the next instant, those blood mist and blood spots returned to the body of the black-robed man like a metal chasing a magnet.

Tulou also wanted to manipulate the gravel to drill into the opponent's wound, and was surprised to find that the gravel disappeared instantly.

A strong premonition of danger continued to roar in the brain, the earth building glared angrily, the giant's palm finally caught up with the black-robed man, and then, a palm slammed it down!

The huge palm print was printed on the ground, and the strength penetrated the earth vein, the earth vein dragon shadow roared, and the ground shook.


The giant kicked the ground fiercely, leaving footprints, and the leylines also quieted down.

The earth building looked solemn, and the single finger cut across it, the arm that the giant smashed towards the man in black robe automatically cut off, and almost at the same time, a long and narrow crack extended from the palm.

Black grass blades suddenly appeared at the broken arm, growing and intertwining frantically, and then turned into rattan, entwining towards the earth building above the giant's head.

The tulou turned over and jumped over the giant, allowing his body to sag freely, covering himself with the giant figure, and quickly pinching the magic.


The giant opened his mouth wide and roared in the ear of the black-robed man, and matched it with the use of mental power, making the latter stunned for a moment.

Then the giant suddenly disintegrated, and the mud boulders wrapped around the black-robed man. When the latter came back to his senses, the rock had almost wrapped the opponent's head.

"Break me!"

The black-robed man shouted angrily, and the black mist spread from his body, frantically corroding and swallowing the rocks on his body, turning it into a poisonous swamp-like mud.


Tulou sighed secretly, his eyes flashed with coldness, and turned into a great artist: "Drink!"


The rock formations wrapped in the black-robed man exploded instantly, blood splashed, and his sleeves shattered.

Then, a more violent explosion evaporated the blood that was trying to return to the body of the black-robed man.



The ley lines trembled in the ground, and the earth shook and swayed.

The vibration spread to the location of Xingyun Hongling in the distance, and the two who were arranging the disaster victims looked at each other suspiciously, and at the same time looked in the direction of the sound.

"There is..."

Hongling frowned, and suddenly reacted: "That's where the elders of the earth are going, isn't it to observe the earth veins, why is there such a big movement..."

"Ha, it must be that the Earth Vein is too ignorant, so Elder Tu is teaching it!"

Xingyun rolled up his sleeves, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit: "Gaga, let's go and help the local elder, let him take a look... Ow!"

Before Xingyun could finish her words, she suffered a brain collapse on her head and looked at the murderer Hongling with aggrieved expression: "Why are you beating me up, auntie!"

"Why did you say I hit you?"

Hongling rolled her eyes, ignoring Xingyun's struggle, dragged her by the neckline and threw her into the airship, her face speechless.

"In the affairs of the elders, even my inner disciple in the foundation-building stage has no strength to intervene. You are only in the Qi-refining stage, and there is still a long way to go before you can build the foundation. Did you give it for nothing in the past?"

"Well, I..."

Xingyun clenched her fists and said loudly, "I take Sister Hongli as an example. If she was here, I would definitely be able to help the elders!"


Hong Ling started the spacecraft with a blank face, turned her head to look at the somewhat restrained victims, and seemed a little crowded because of the large number of people.

"Now we have our task, and we can only call for help if we are obedient."

Hongling sighed and looked at Xingyun aside: "Do you know?"



"Cough cough..."

In the smoke and dust, the scarred man in black robe staggered out clutching his right arm, turquoise spiritual energy surged, and quickly healed the wounds on his body.

However, the black robe on the opponent's body has completely rotted away, and it can no longer cover his appearance.

Long hair fluttered, and under the black robe, there was a cold and beautiful face. She looked at the shocked expression of the Tulou not far away, and snorted coldly.

"What? Surprised?"


The life-and-death confrontation just now had not changed the mood of the tulou, but when the woman under the black robe showed her face, the tulou was stunned on the spot, and his brain roared.

"How could it be you! You..."

Tulou's eyes widened, and his emotions became a little excited: "Yao Qingkong! How could it be you! Why are you here! Why are you doing such a thing! What forces have you joined? What are you hiding? purpose?
Isn't it enough for you to kidnap your senior brother?What do you want to do here again now! "

After a pause, Tulou coughed out a mouthful of black blood and looked at the woman with an ashen face.

It was this woman, the former Sect Master of the Medicine King Sect, when the senior brother left the sect regardless of his concern, it was because of this woman in front of him!
The brother said that he wanted to live in seclusion with this woman in a far, far away place and live the happy life he longed for, and told the Tulou and the others not to go to him.

But now... what's the situation now?
Why wasn't this woman by my brother's side, and why did she appear here?What the hell does this happen!

Depressed in his heart, Tulou's eyes were red, his fists were clenched, and he loudly questioned the person in front of him.

"Where's Senior Brother? Didn't he say he wanted to be with you? Where did you get him? What did you do to Senior Brother! Why are you here? Does Senior Brother know? Where are you now? Tell me! Yao Qingkong, tell me, answer me!"


Seeing the maddened appearance of the tulou, Yao Qingkong was silent for a long time, and suddenly said, "You talk too much, you don't need to know what you shouldn't know."

"You! Here! Hu! Say! What! What! What!"

The tulou was furious, and he said every word: "I ask you! Our senior brother! Where did you get it!"


Yao Qingkong's eyes flickered, and his face showed a slightly painful expression. He took out a mask from his body and put it on his face again, as if he could continue to hide his identity.

Yao Qingkong lowered his head and said in a dull voice, "He's fine, you don't need to worry about it."

"As for your words..."

Yao Qingkong snorted coldly and turned his head away.

"For his sake, spare your life, let's go, don't stop me again."

"Huh? Yao Qingkong? Are you serious?"

Hearing the other party's words, Tulou was stunned for a while, showing unbelievable eyes, and couldn't help laughing angrily.

"You let me go? You let me go? Don't you look at who has the upper hand now? You do such a thing, and you want me to pretend that nothing happened?"

As soon as Tulou's eyes turned cold, he was about to pinch Fajue: "Now, I should be the one who won't let you go!"


Yao Qingkong snorted disdainfully and gently pressed the mask on his face: "It's still a little tender."

When the voice fell, the complexion of the earth building suddenly changed, black blood flowed from the mouth, nose, ears, and eyes, and the originally strong momentum instantly became sluggish, and there was a little gray defeat on his face.

"Cough, how come, those toxins..."

"I gave you a chance."

Yao Qingkong slowly approached the tulou, looking at the latter who was struggling with pain, a little anger flashed in her eyes.

"You are his junior brother. If I kill you, he will definitely be unhappy."

Yao Qingkong said quietly: "But if I have to force me to kill you, I believe he will understand my difficulties."

"Oh, right."

After a pause, Yao Qingkong showed sarcasm: "That's fine, he has always said that he is the Sect Master of the Five Elements Sect, and he hesitated all day to go back.

Since he can't give up, then I'll help him break this thought. I'll have to take a look. Knowing that I killed his junior brother, what will he do to me? "

"Heh, hehe..."

The corner of Tulou's mouth overflowed with black blood, and he sneered again and again.

"Kill if you want, kill right here, immediately!
I should take a good look at how that guy who boasted in front of Master that Haikou wanted to protect his sect and his younger brother and younger sister, how the woman he liked killed me.

Ahem, don't you really think that my Five Elements Sect would be easy to bully without him? "

"I tell you……"

Tulou grinned, showing a somewhat arrogant look: "I die here today, and tomorrow, the Five Elements Sect will turn the entire cultivation world upside down. At that time, where can you hide as a mouse in the gutter?"


"You are irritating me and want me to kill you quickly."

Yao Qingkong sneered: "Are you afraid that after a while, you won't be able to stop crying and begging for mercy?"

"As for the so-called Five Elements School that turned the cultivation world upside down..."

Yao Qingkong showed disdain: "Don't worry, since he left, even a sect master can't find a successor, so what threat is there, I'm afraid he can't even coordinate the sect's forces, right? "

"Who told you we don't have a sect master?"

Tulou's complexion is getting worse and worse, but he still squeezes out a sneer: "Not only is there, but he is much stronger than that guy!"


Hearing that Tulou belittled his sweetheart, Yao Qingkong showed frost on his face: "Oh? Huo Le? Or Shui Ran? It can't be Mu Ling, right?"

"You don't deserve to know her name, cough..."

There was a smile in Tulou's eyes.

"That is, the real genius who can kill Nascent Soul in his teens, even the guy we call Senior Brother is not far behind."


Yao Qingkong was stunned for a moment, but he laughed outright.

"Hahaha, teens, teens, Tulou, it's too absurd and funny for you to make up stories, but if you say something more reliable, maybe I'll believe it.

When I was a teenager, I fell down on Yuan Ying. I am afraid that I would still hold my mother all day long, and I was still breastfeeding. Hahahaha, you have to laugh at me! "

"I haven't been this happy in decades."

Yao Qingkong retracted his smile, with a cruel expression on his face.

"Your last words are good and make me very happy, so I will let you live a few more minutes and slowly enjoy the feeling of being corroded by toxins and clean your internal organs. This is a rare opportunity."

"whispering sound……"

Tulou didn't answer, or every word he said just now was a kind of torture for him.


The earth building squeezed the last trace of spiritual power in the body, and a few rocks stretched out from the ground to roll, drawing lines of special spiritual power. The entire cultivation world could perceive and even understand these lines, but it was only the number of palms.

Since there are still a few more minutes left for him, then he can leave a little more information...

The life of the tulou kept passing, and the woman stood quietly watching, her eyes flickering hard to see.

He will forgive me...

Yao Qingkong was expressionless.

Perhaps, we can just hide this matter directly...


Huxin Pavilion, two crimson-faced trash bah bah... Two crimson-faced pretty boys and girls, still paralyzed on the bench, slowly returning blood.

The numbers +1hp+1hp+1hp kept popping up on the head.

Then inadvertently glanced at the face of the other party, the heart accelerated again in an instant, and a string of -520hp-521hp-1314hp exploded directly on the head, and the blood bar was instantly disabled.

If this continues, probably two people will send it. (sad)
"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Hei Yang looked up at the sky, his palms shaking.

He, he apologized, he really can't be fooled by the superficial appearance of things, clear the clouds and see the truth, and practice is the only criterion for testing the truth...
Heiyang's health bar slowly returned to zero, and then quickly extended in the opposite direction of the number axis, starting to owe health points...

"Ugh, uh, uh..."

Hongli tilted her head, her eyes were dull, her mouth was slightly open, and she opened and closed like a fish from time to time, but she couldn't speak...

The nirvana furnace in the center of the Huxin Pavilion is still burning, making people feel hot all over, their mouths are dry, and their hearts are confused...

It's like a lazy dog ​​lying in the shade of a tree and sticking its tongue out in the summer, and like a salted fish staring at the table.

The golden elixir period of someone else's family: Frost the fourteen states with one sword, take people's heads from thousands of miles away, move mountains and seas by calling for wind and rain, and live in nine days and look at everyone.

My own Jindan period: Huhu, ha, ha, no, it's not going to work.I'm dying, I can't breathe, my heart is beating so fast, are my blood vessels blown?




Hongli slammed into the corpse with a splash of water and sat up, straightening her neckline with a confused expression.


"what happened?"

Hei Yang, who was still lying in bed, asked feebly, "Is there something wrong?"

"No, no, that..."

Hongli swallowed her saliva, took a deep breath, and finally couldn't help but say, "Grass, someone is scolding me!"


A string of question marks appeared on Hei Yang's head.

"It's impossible!"

Hongli gritted her teeth and looked at her boyfriend, complaining.

"Heiyang, someone scolded me for hugging my mother all day, and I haven't weaned yet. Can I bear it? This is unbearable!"


Hei Yang frowned: "Isn't this true? Holding my mother, I like to drink milk..."


Hongli looked at Heiyang angrily: "Which side are you from!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a shocked and angry expression: "What else is there? Beat him up!"

"well said!"

Hongli nodded fiercely, the black and red pills surged with spiritual power, and the shadows escaped into the space: "Beat him!"


"Well... it's quite able to hold up."

Yao Qingkong looked blankly at the tulou lying on the ground, shook his head, pointed at his head, and raised one foot.

"Sorry, I'm tired of watching it, so I'll ask you to die immediately... uh..."

"Is it here..."

This thought flashed in Tulou's mind, he struggled to turn over, at least not to die in such a humiliating posture...


The revolving lights flashed in his mind, and Tulou found that he really had no strength to turn over, squeezed out a wry smile, and died facing the earth, that's fine...



One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Death has yet to come.

Tulou was puzzled, Yu Guangxuan turned to Yao Qingkong, but found that the other party was holding one foot, but there were various complicated expressions on his face.

A moment of pain and guilt, a moment of coldness and ruthlessness, and a moment of... uh, decadence?
In just over ten seconds, Yao Qingkong's face switched to a variety of expressions, black and red spiritual power surged, and suddenly her figure froze, and her face returned to indifferent... uh, dead fish eyes.


Hongli looked at the soul of this body through the sight of the ghost, but she was surprised to find that the soul of this body was fighting with a cloud of purple mist. be smaller.

ignore them...

Hongli manipulated the shadow and shook her head, lowered her head in confusion, and then saw "myself" raising a foot to step on it, under the foot...

Well, there is a person under my feet, and it looks a little familiar...

Hongli narrowed her eyes and widened suddenly.

"My grass, my grass, my grass..."

This is not, this is not that, who is that!
That's right, it's the earth elder Tulou in her family's Five Elements Sect!

Although his face is black and bloody now, he is still wearing the uniform of the Five Elements Sect elders!

Hongli has a set of disciples and a set of sect masters, which is similar to the "elder suit", and will never admit it wrong!
Hongli was so frightened that she quickly moved her feet away, her body staggered, her center of gravity was unstable, and she fell on the ground beautifully.


"Well...the manipulation experience is not as good as Heiyang...still need to practice..."

Yao Qingkong, who was manipulated by Hongli, raised his head from the ground, rubbed his head speechlessly, and then saw a big, confused face not far in front of him.

"Ah this..."

Yao Qingkong tilted his head.


Tulou blinked, what is this for, isn't it going to kill him, why did he fall?
(Oh ho, I've always wanted to see your expression, this expression of jealousy of me...)
(End of this chapter)

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