So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 248 Every holiday, there are people who are envious of going out to travel. What are they en

Chapter 248 Every holiday, there are people who envy those who go out to travel. What are they envious of? They spend money to find sin
"It's a long story, so I'll make it short."

In the depths of the consciousness space, Yao Qingkong sat cross-legged dignifiedly on the ground, facing Hong Li, who was sitting crookedly with her chin resting on one hand.

If my mother, Lan Yuying, was here, she would definitely grab Hongli's ear and tell her that she was impolite, that she had to sit up straight when talking to people.

But mom is not here now, Hongli is still free!
Besides, she came here to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, and the other party is still suspected of scolding her. Well, there is no need to be polite at all!

Anyway, it wasn't once or twice that Hongli secretly violated her mother's education, just revealing something casually was enough for her mother to scold her and cry...

In short, just don't let this matter get to my mother's ears!

The background sound is the wailing sound of the purple mist, and a group of phantoms are working tirelessly to help it loosen its muscles and bones. Don't ask where Ziwu's muscles and bones come from, just loosen and it's over.

As for the words "unfair", "secret operation" and "obviously I answered first" from the other party's mouth, uh, I don't understand, I don't understand, the language is not understandable!

Hongli glanced over there, and the phantoms reacted in an instant—they still had the strength to scream, and it really was too light a blow!

"Aw! Aw! Ah! Stop hitting!"


The wailing gradually faded away, Hongli sighed, showing a polite smile that her mother taught her, and looked at Yao Qingkong.

"Okay, quiet down now, you can start telling stories!"


A little cold sweat broke out on Yao Qingkong's forehead, afraid that he would also be dragged over to loosen his muscles and bones.

Are all the kids these days so bad?Shaking and cold!

"That, I've heard it all before. As the suzerain of the Five Elements Sect, Fellow Daoist, you probably have heard about the matter between me and him, so I won't repeat it."

Yao Qingkong sighed, adjusted his emotions, showed a reminiscing look, and slowly narrated.

"After going through some ups and downs, we finally let go of our respective burdens and can live together freely.

Although we know that this is an irresponsible behavior, we have done our best for the sect, and we took almost nothing with us when we left..."

"Ah, you don't need to explain this to me."

Hongli waved her hands, her face calm: "I can understand."


Yao Qingkong was stunned for a moment, with a flash of surprise, then nodded and continued: "After that, we went to many places together.

Mountains and deep forests in the southwest, sea beaches in the northwest, snow mountains and glaciers in the north, plains in the east...

Together we have left many happy memories in every corner of the world...

Uh, sorry, I seem to have said a lot of useless nonsense..."

Yao Qingkong showed an embarrassing expression of embarrassment.

"Ah, it's not nonsense."

Hongli waved her hand, a little longing and envy flashed in her eyes, if she and Heiyang would also travel around the world after getting married... forget it!

Hong Li cruelly slaughtered the longing in her eyes, revealing her dead fish eyes again.

How tiring it is to run around, how hurt it is to wander outside, what to do if you feel homesick in the middle of the night...

Not to mention, people outside are not familiar with each other, and she and Hei Yang are so innocent and kind to deceive the weak and weak, if they encounter some bad guys, it will be so scary!

Thinking about it makes me feel horrible. Look, isn’t there an example in front of me, where I was wandering around the world, and it turned out that something happened?
Although I still don't know what happened to the other party, but don't need to think too much, just seeing the other party alone is enough to explain everything!

If it was her, she would definitely not be able to live without a black sun in the future. The black sun is a necessity of life and the source of life!
and many more……

Hongli frowned and looked at the dying purple mist beside her, couldn't it be the father of the child in front of her?


Impossible, absolutely impossible!
"That, fellow daoist?"

Yao Qingkong cautiously asked questions: "Then shall I continue? Or..."

"Oh, you continued, I'm listening!"

Hongli came back to her senses and nodded: "Well, I didn't lose my mind at all just now! Really!"


Yao Qingkong sweated slightly on his forehead and continued to talk.

"It was a very happy time... Or, it was the happiest time in my life!"

Yao Qingkong's eyes sparkled, and his face was full of tenderness: "Later, we felt homesick and wanted to find a home to live on.

It's just that I grew up in the Medicine King Sect. He is a child of the Five Elements Sect. We can't go back, or we feel ashamed to see them. "

Speaking of this, Yao Qingkong showed a complicated smile: "So, we thought about building a home that belongs to the two of us, and only we live together.

Both the Five Elements Sect and the Medicine King Sect are in the southwest corner, so let's just go to the northeast corner to settle down, ha, a bit naive, right?

But that’s what I thought at the time, I want to go to a place where no one knows us, the farther away from the place we are familiar with, the better..."

"I can't understand..."

Hong Li muttered something in a low voice, and shook her head helplessly.

She prefers to stay in a familiar place and be with familiar people. A small city of five colors can tie her and Heiyang together. No matter how far they go, they will find ways to come back!

"Yeah, I don't know what we thought at the beginning, ha."

Yao Qingkong shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly: "We settled down in the northeast corner and lived happily together every day. It's been like this for more than two hundred years."


Hong Li's eyes widened, and she lived happily together for two hundred years. The combined age of her and Hei Yang is less than forty. Two hundred years is a long time. It sounds enviable!
Hmm... Soon she and Heiyang will have their own home, and by then it will be two hundred... no, two thousand... twenty thousand?
Oh, we're going to be together forever anyway, longer and longer!

"Life goes on like this day by day, with occasional twists and turns. Under the hands of our two peak monks at the golden core stage, there are no big storms and waves. At most, they can only be regarded as the seasoning of life."

Yao Qingkong smiled: "That's it, naturally, one day, we suddenly wanted to have one or two children, injecting new vitality into the family."

"Ah, let's have a baby..."

Hong Li showed her pea-like eyes, peeked left and right, moved a little closer, and said furtively: "Well, what does it feel like to be pregnant, will it be difficult to have a baby...

Well, don't get me wrong, we don't plan to have children now, that's case we change our minds later...

I'm still... a little bit scared, um, just a little bit!
So, do you have any good experiences that you can learn from? "

" are so have such high cultivation and are still the master of the Five Elements Sect..."

Yao Qingkong showed a somewhat surprised expression: "Are you ready to get married? So early?"

"Oh, what's up early!"

Hongli waved her hand, and said speechlessly, "Don't worry about it, just teach me some experience!"

"Uh, that..."

Yao Qingkong's eyes dimmed a little, and he sighed: "I failed to conceive his child..."

"Ah this..."

Hongli froze for a moment, lowered her voice, and asked in confusion, "Whose problem is it? Is there no way to fix it?"

"No, it's not what you think."

Yao Qingkong waved his hand with a wry smile.

"At that time, he had already reached the peak of the golden core stage, and he was on the verge of breaking through.

So he decided to go through the thunder disaster first, and then have a child, so as to avoid any accidents..."


Hongli said cautiously: "He failed?"

"How is it possible, how can someone as outstanding as him fail?"

Yao Qingkong refused straight away, with admiration appearing on his face: "He is the best man I have ever seen!"

"Hey, it's because you don't know much, and you haven't seen my Yang family..."

Hongli couldn't help retorting: "Let's go back a little bit!"

"who said it!"

Yao Qingkong frowned: "You haven't seen him, otherwise..."

"I don't have to see another man at all!"

Hong Li interrupted, frowning and said: "Because it must be better than a certain Yang!"

"Impossible! He is the best!"

"You have to learn to accept it. After all, I can understand that not everyone has a perfect man like me!"

"I can't accept it, you are tampering with the facts!"

"Heh, it's clear at a glance who is lying."

"you are lying!"

"You are the one lying!"

"you you you you……"

"What are you? Want to fight?"

Hongli stared back viciously, clapped her hands, and a bunch of ghosts appeared beside her, staring at Yao Qingkong covetously.

"I give you a chance to reorganize the language."

"Ah this, ah this..."

Yao Qingkong's eyes widened, with a shocked expression on his face: "You, you, you are cheating, you are bullying others, you are bullying the weak!"

"Oh hoo, so what?"

Hongli raised her brows, with a proud expression on her face: "I'm just bullying others, what's the matter?"

"you you you……"

"What are you."

Hongli snorted softly and smiled: "Now tell me, who is the most perfect man in the world!"

"you you you……"

Yao Qingkong's voice trembled: "Too much deceit!"

"Hmph, talk to me."

Hong Li proudly said, "Xu Yang, who is owned by Mou Li, is the most perfect man in the world!"


Yao Qingkong remained silent, turned his head away: "Humph!"


Hong Li's eyes widened: "The bones are quite hard!"


Yao Qingkong snorted softly, she would rather die than obey, she would never betray...

"Hit me! The bones are softened by her!"

Yao Qingkong: "???"

The ghosts: "Ska, squeak, huh, huh..."


Hongli smiled and spread her hands: "Huh?"

"Your...your man..."

Yao Qingkong bears the humiliation, coughs and coughs with a sense of immorality...Grievance wells up in her heart, and her voice trembles.

"Yes, yes, the most perfect man..."

After speaking, Yao Qingkong slumped on the ground with dull eyes, looking lost.

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho! Jie jie jie jie!"

Hongli couldn't help but let out a villainous laugh: "You finally realized it!"

Yao Qingkong: "..."

Yao Qingkong: "(┯_┯)"

It’s just that I’m temporarily dependent on others, and I’m stronger than others, my heart is still yours~~

"Oh ho ho ho ho!"

In the soul space, the wild laughter of the bad salted fish kept echoing.

Yao Qingkong and Purple Misty collapsed to the ground, trembling.

A huge figure with a powerful breath stood on both sides of the salted fish, watching out for two villains (victims) on the ground who might cause harm to the owner.

This is the happy scene where justice defeats evil and the friends celebrate together after the victory!

Well, it's also the soul space, the darkest day, ahem...

(End of this chapter)

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