So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 258 I thought it was only when I grew up that I grew up, but I found out that it really did.

Chapter 258 I thought it was only when I grew up that I grew up, but I found out that it really did. Is it because people are not happy?

"You said it's strange, isn't it..."

In the room, Qing Yiyi took a ruler to measure Xiaohuo's height and waist, while chatting with her son who was buried in the closet looking for something.

"My dad, um, it's your grandfather, the letter he sent said that the clansmen who disappeared a few years ago all came back a while ago.

One by one, the skin and tender meat don't look like they have suffered outside. When I asked them where they went and how they came back, they all said they couldn't remember. Xiaoyang, do you think this is miraculous? "

"Ah, it's really amazing."

Heiyang responded indifferently, and voiced his doubts.

"Mom, where did my black top go? Why didn't I find it after searching for a long time, and why did you pack it up for me?"

"Whoever moved your clothes, you can find it yourself..."

Halfway through speaking, Qing Yiyi suddenly froze, remembering something.

"Oh, by the way, yours is indeed no longer in the closet.

I see that the color of your clothes has faded, so I simply gave it to Chengdongtou Xiaozhu and his family together with some old clothes.

Well, forget about that, and Mom will buy you a new one later. "


Hei Yang nodded, bent over and continued to explore in the closet.

Qing Yiyi smiled and patted Xiao Huo's head, indicating that she could go to the yard to play, and the latter ran out like a gust of wind, while Qing Yiyi was still chatting slowly.

"Your grandfather and the others said that as the year approaches, and such a happy event happens again, the whole capital is filled with joy.

This year, it is estimated that there will be a whole big show there, so let's celebrate it lively!

When I received the letter the day before yesterday, your grandfather said that there is a new year's atmosphere over there, which is much stronger than before, which made my mother want to go and have a look. "


Hei Yang cheered up: "In this sense, it means that grandpa and the others won't come to our place for Chinese New Year this year? That's very good!"

"On the other hand, I just met a relative during the Chinese New Year. It scares you. They are all from my own family, and I can't eat you."

Qing Yiyi rolled her eyes, and hummed: "Thinking too much, your grandpa is coming, your second grandpa is coming, and the other three families will also come.

Although your grandfather said, in order not to disturb us too much, he will only pick some family members to come over.

But I thought that even if it was only a small part, the total number of people from our five families would not be too small! "

"Huh? Why is this——"

Hei Yang couldn't help but lamented: "Nightmare!"

"What the hell?!"

Qing Yiyi slapped the ruler in her hand on the table, turned around and looked at her son threateningly.

"Let me tell you, when my relatives come this year, you should stay at home obediently.

Even if you really can't bear it, if you want to go out, you have to show your face in front of everyone, otherwise people will say that this child is too rude. "

"Oh, what does this have to do with impoliteness? I respect the elders very much. Do you have to rely on the few days of the Chinese New Year to be polite?"

Hei Yang sighed and said: "Besides, I don't need to live according to their opinions, and my relatives really wouldn't gossip like this, would they?"

"I know you won't be able to cope with that scene, we adults can just talk when the time comes, and you just sit by the side and show your face, smile or something, and it's over."

Qing Yiyi patted Heiyang on the shoulder, and said in a drawn-out tone, "Besides, if you were not present, and people asked about me and your father, how embarrassed we would be, wouldn't we?

Well, don't care what they say, you just go to support your parents, so it's okay for the head office! "


Hei Yang sighed, and said helplessly: "Mom, you have said that, then I must go!"

"Hey, Mom already knew that Xiao Yang was the most obedient."

Qing Yiyi smiled, and patted her son's head: "As expected of a good son born to my mother, he is filial and sensible!"

"That's not right, I am not filial to anyone who is filial."

Heiyang hummed, suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, did Xiaoli and I take some of the pill that Xiaoli brought back for you?
It's the kind of verdant green one, it's good for your health to eat some. "

"Ah, that one, I ate it a long time ago."

Qing Yiyi stretched her waist, smiled and teased: "Both your mother and your father didn't taste anything, opened their mouths, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye, saying that the son is really stingy, and he is not willing to spend money on his parents at all. "


Heiyang said aggrievedly: "Mom, feel your conscience, even though the elixir is not a kind of elixir, taking a bite of Ascension in the Day or something, can prolong life, maintain health and so on. You can still feel it a little bit, right?
The reason why I don’t give you too much is because it’s useless if you eat too much of it. Instead, it will accumulate toxicity in your body because of the excessive effect of the medicine. That’s not filial piety! "

"Okay, okay, I'm just kidding you, don't pretend."

Qing Yiyi smiled, sat gently on a chair next to the table, rested her chin on one hand, and sighed.

"But then again, the New Year's atmosphere is stronger in the capital, but less on our side. Last year's Chinese New Year was almost as good as never. Although this year is better, it still lacks the atmosphere."

"That's something that can't be helped."

Hei Yang also sighed, thinking of the deserted appearance of last year's Chinese New Year, sighed: "So many young people died, how could it be possible to get out of sadness so quickly?

What kind of couplets, New Year pictures, no one posted them last year, and I didn’t see any for sale this year. It may take two or three years to slow down. "

"On the surface, it will take two or three years to recover. Those who are parents, in their hearts, may not be able to recover in twenty or thirty years."

Qing Yiyi sighed, and looked at her son empathetically, with soft eyes.

"Just take the month when you and Xiaoli disappeared, parents were so sad that their hearts would break.

It's really uncomfortable to build a grave for your own child with your own hands. "


Heiyang froze suddenly, swayed, turned around and hugged his mother without saying a word, with an apologetic expression on his face.

"I'm really sorry, Mom and Dad, for making you sad for so long, and my son will never make you sad again."

"Well, in the end, both of you will be fine."

Qing Yiyi rubbed her son's head lightly, and said softly, "Parents don't just worry about their children all day long!"


Heiyang's voice was dull: "It's good to have you here."

"Okay, okay, I know, Mom knows."

Qing Yiyi smiled: "Stand up, let Mom see."


Hei Yang obediently stood up straight, watching his mother take the ruler next to him, and carefully measure his height.

When I was a child, my mother would measure him like this every New Year's Eve. Seeing his son growing taller, his face was full of smiles.

But during the fourteenth five-year period, my mother didn't measure much, saying that she could tell at a glance whether her son had grown taller, so she didn't need to measure anything.

As a result, today, my mother picked up the ruler again, carefully measured Heiyang's height, and said with a smile while measuring: "By the way, Yuying said that her Xiaoli has finally grown to be over [-] meters tall. What about you?" Did you know?"


Hei Yang was shocked: "Really?"

"How do I know? I haven't measured it. Her mother said it."

Qing Yiyi teased: "But when Xiaoli becomes your wife, you can help her measure her to see if she has grown taller."

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang blushed slightly, and said with a sneer: "Hahaha, yes, yes."

[Hei Yang: Are you there? 】

[Hongli: What's the matter to report? 】

[Hei Yang: I heard that you are over [-] meters tall? 】

[Hongli: Uh...]

[Hei Yang: What's wrong? 】

【Hongli: That's right, hahaha...】

[Hong Li: That... Actually, I cheated. I secretly repaired the ruler at home. 】

[Hongli: But after the measurement is completed, I will change it back!
Otherwise, when my mother uses it, she will find that the whole family has grown a few centimeters taller...]

[Hei Yang: Grass, is there any use in deceiving yourself? 】

[Hongli: Of course, as long as I don't measure anymore, who knows that I'm still [-] meters?From now on, I will be a strong man in the realm of [-] meters, okay! 】

【Hei Yang: Wrong, shameless, self-deceiving, unreasonable...】

[Hongli: Oh!Heiyang, I trust you so much, you must keep it a secret for me, don't tell it, or I will lose my lord! 】

[Hei Yang: I know, I know, let’s not talk about it! 】

[Hongli: Hehe! 】

"'s still [-] meters..."

Qing Yiyi looked at the scale with squinted eyes, with an obsessive-compulsive expression on her face.

"It's just a little short, and it's about to reach [-] meters. In fact, it can be counted as [-] meters, maybe?

Well, why don't you make the soles of your shoes thicker?
No, it's easy to be seen that way. Make the insole thicker?Will it be uncomfortable to wear..."

"Oh, my dear mother, what's the matter?"

Hei Yang waved his hands indifferently, and said with a smile: "Anyway, most of the time, I'm either sitting or lying down, and they can't tell my height.

In fact, it's not bad to be shorter, and it's not easy to fall off when rolling around on the bed! "

"You! That's all!"

Qing Yiyi shook her head and laughed, and took two steps back, her eyes were shining.

"Little meat ball, when I was pregnant with you, my mother said, oh, when can I come out to accompany my mother quickly, don't bother me anymore!
When you came out, my mother thought again, oops, when will my Xiaoyang grow up, can start a family, and have a little Xiaoyang..."

Qing Yiyi smiled all over her face: "As a result, if you don't pay attention, you will grow up, become independent, and have someone you like, and you are ready to leave your mother and live on your own!"

"Mom, what are you leaving..."

Hei Yang felt inexplicably uncomfortable, as if everyone was there, he had lost nothing, but his childhood seemed to be irreversible.

In the eyes of Heiyang at that time, his parents were the pillars supporting the world, and they were his most secure support.

But when I grow up, I realize that in this vast world, my parents are also working hard to live, and suddenly feel that they are very fragile and want to keep all bad things out of them.

When I'm not at home, I wonder if my parents fell down at home, are they unhappy, are they being bullied by neighbors...

Obviously, my parents' ability to withstand stress should be much stronger than myself, after all, they are older...

But I always feel that the shoulders that support myself to grow up and support this family can no longer and should not bear more things!

"Why leave!"

Hei Yang smiled and retorted: "The distance of a few steps is no different from sleeping in different rooms in the same house!

Mom, don't say that, it makes me feel like I want to abandon your big villain. "

"Okay, okay, don't say it, don't say it."

Qing Yiyi smiled, stretched out her hand to take the clothes in Hei Yang's hand, put them aside and carefully folded them neatly.

"Is there anything else that needs to be taken away? Mom will help you clean up together. Come by and see how my son's new home is."


Hei Yang nodded, suddenly thought of something.

"Oh, by the way, what happened to the Xiaosu incident I told you about before?

It seems that Aunt Hongling and the others are leaving for other cities tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so they can't delay them. "

"Mom is doing business, so don't worry."

Qing Yiyi naturally turned her head to look at the mirror next to her, fiddled with her hair, and said with a smile.

"Xiaosu's child was sent there by your mother, me and his parents. When you were running around without knowing where, I already knew all the children who came to help!
Well, not all of them are children, some of them don’t look very old, and when they ask their age, good guy, they are several years older than your mother and me, but they just call me auntie, which makes people feel embarrassed. "

"The seniority in the cultivation world is more chaotic than that in the capital, so don't worry about it."

Heiyang said casually: "Hongli and I are called Senior Brother and Senior Sister, and they call us Heiyang Brother Hongli and Sister Hongli, we belong to each other."


Qing Yiyi couldn't help complaining, suddenly thought of something, and laughed.

"When you said this, I remembered again, my sister, your aunt, Lian Lian, seems to be coming for the Chinese New Year today.

When the time comes, you ask her to wish you a new year, maybe she will give you a red envelope, hehe. "

"Ah this..."

"What's wrong? Excuse me?"

"That must be embarrassing."

"Let's talk about it later, hehe."

"Don't, Mom, you can't try to cheat your own son!"

"It's my own son who is the one who coughs and coughs. Mom said, definitely not, don't worry!"

"Mom, you just slipped your mouth..."

"Just pretend you didn't hear, and don't refute."


(End of this chapter)

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