So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 259 1 When I think of going out to meet people, I need to pack up and dress up, so I don&#03

Chapter 259 When I think of going out to meet people, I need to pack up and dress up, so I don't want to go out

"This one, and this one, and this one..."

Hongli carefully selected a book and handed them into Hongling's arms with a look of reluctance and distress.

"These should be enough for you to read for a while, and many of them are worth reading for the second, third, or even more times, and they are all my treasures!
You are my aunt, so I gave them to you. Normally, even Hei Yang would have to tell me if he wanted to get these novels! "

"Ahaha... so..."

Hongling laughed a few times, Xiaoli's appearance made her look like a big villain who robbed her of love, the king of children who snatched candy from little girls.

"Well, actually, just give me the title of the book, and I can go to the bookstore to buy it myself. There is no need to be so reluctant, hahaha..."

"I can't buy it anymore! Either it is out of print and no longer released, or I just bought it from a small stall...

This is my dear mother Hongli, with her hands, book by book, she rescued these children from the cold and cruel world, brought them back to my warm hut, and spent a wonderful time together. "

Hongli wiped her tears sadly, and couldn't help saying loudly: "How can they buy such rich souls again!"

"Ah this..."

Hongling couldn't stop laughing: "So, so precious."

"The value itself is not high, but I cherish myself."

Hong Li glanced at her book reluctantly, and said: "So, you must treat them well!
Don’t bump into it, use a special bookmark for marking, don’t hold the corners, don’t scribble, let alone eat on it, and don’t touch water, fire, gold, or soil...

In short, you must treat them well, they are only lent to you, remember to return them to me after reading them! "

"Ah, I understand now..."

Hong Li's voice was full of emotion: "The mother is worried when the son travels thousands of miles, as if the mother sent her daughter to marry. Who can empathize with this feeling!"

"Ah this, ah this..."

Hong Ling only felt a sense of guilt rising from her heart. She coughed twice, smiled embarrassedly, and promised: "Well, Xiaoli, don't worry, I will protect them well, and give them back completely when the time comes." You send it back!"



"Then you swear..."

"Ugh, I swear!"

"You pledge your life!"


"Do it! Sure enough, you hesitated, you are just fooling me, woo woo woo..."

"Alright alright……"

Hongling raised a hand as if surrendering, and said helplessly, "I guarantee with my life that they will not be harmed, and I will send them back safely."

"Ha! That's right!"

Hong Li grabbed her aunt's neck and said with a smile, "I knew it would be no problem to entrust them to my gentle aunt!"

"Ha ha."

Hongling rolled her eyes with disdain, and said in a low voice, "If you accidentally hurt them, you wouldn't really have the heart to let my aunt pay with her life! Just kidding, right?"


Hong Li's tone was suddenly cold.

"What the hell is it? Do you really have that idea?!"

"that's not important."

"No, that's important, okay!"

"Oh, aunt, your ideological awareness is too low-end!"

Hongli looked at Hongling seriously.

"Truly confident people never consider the consequences of failure!"

"No, that sounds like a fool."

"Don't interrupt! It's too cowardly to think about how to make up for the failure before the war begins!

The punishment after failure is there. It does not necessarily have to punish someone, but as a sharp sword on your head to spur you to do every step well. It is pressure and motivation, understand! "

"It seems to make sense, doesn't it?"

"Of course, so you should cherish every day as if it's your last, because you might break a book or something the next moment..."

"So you're still threatening, aren't you even pretending..."

Hongling rolled her eyes speechlessly, turned her head to look at the neatly packed book behind her, and couldn't help sighing: "Seriously, Xiaoli, if others don't know that these are idle books and novels, , Your study is really full of culture."

"Tch, I'm a great intellectual who has read thousands of volumes, okay?"

Hong Li curled her lips and retorted: "What is a free book? You said that a free book is a free book? Who made the rules? I'll beat him up!"

"Ah this..."

"Xiao Li——"

Lan Yuying's voice came from outside: "Come and have a look, these are all your things, aren't they?

If it is, I will put it together for you, if it is not, I will throw it away! "

"Don't, I'm coming, don't throw it away!"

Hongli disappeared in place in an instant, her voice still floating in the air.

"Those are my treasures, you can't throw them away, the paper frog from Heiyang, the little gloves from Heiyang, and..."


Hongling froze on the spot, shaking her head with a broken smile.

"This really..."


"Ha, thank you mom, thank you Xiaoyun, thank you Huihui, thank you Qiaoqiao..."

Hongli looked sincere: "Thank you for helping me clean up, after all, I do seem to have a lot of things, hehe!"

Lan Yuying: "Who told me to be a mother?"

Hong Qiao: "You're welcome, sister!"

Hei Hui: "Hey, you should, you should."


Xingyun tilted her head in doubt: "Sister Hongli, you have never been so polite to me in the sect..."

Xingyun stared at Hongli who suddenly rushed up to silence her with wide eyes, and the latter's plain voice rang in her ears.

"Xiao Yun, now I am a good girl who is well-behaved and polite in front of my mother, so do you understand?"


Xingyun stared and nodded.

"Ha! That's good!"

Hongli smiled and patted Xingyun's back, in the eyes of the people around, it was like a friend greeting.

"Knowing that you are doing well these days, I am relieved, hahaha!"


Lan Yuying looked at the scene of mutual love in front of her, and nodded with satisfaction.

"The relationship between Xiaoli and Xiaoyun is really good, so I can feel more at ease."

Lan Yuying breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "After all, Xiaoyun is such an obedient child, he always seems to be bullied by Xiaoli. Now it seems that I am thinking too much."

"Ha, how is it possible, Mom, you think too badly of me!"

Hongli put her arms around Xingyun's shoulders: "We are good sisters, right, right!"

"That's right!"

Xingyun nodded affirmatively, whether it was sincere or threatened, she always answered this way!

After Hongli realized this, her conscience felt a little bit of pain, secretly thinking about treating this child well in the future...

In fact, she has done a good job, right... huh?

Xingyun didn't notice Hongli's thoughts anyway, and ran out laughingly with Gaga in her arms and her two cousins, saying that she wanted to teach Gaga how to fly.

After all, "other people's child" Xiaohuo already knew how to fly when Xiaohuo was this old, so Quack can't be too far behind, can he?

Well, this is the danger of introversion. Originally, the little flamingo didn't need to start learning to fly until it was a year old.

But now, it will be shortened to half a year, three months, one month...

In the future, maybe the little flamingos who are just born and can't fly will be thrown into institutions like the "Wandering Little Flamingo Shelter" with disgust, and will be eliminated by the hateful king of rolls (sad).

On the other side, with the help of her mother, Hongli quickly packed up her things, loaded them into a small wooden cart, and pulled them to the yard.

As for his father, Hong Xiaochen, it's not that he was lying in the house drunk or something, he went to the city lord's mansion to work overtime.

In order to find Hong Butian, he took a long vacation. He planned to settle all the backlogs before the new year, but he promised to come over to have dinner together in the evening.

Seeing her things being sorted out and put together, Hongli couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

It wasn't until now that she fully realized that she really wanted to leave the home she had lived in since she was born.

No matter how close the new home is, it can't change the fact that she wants to leave here.

Suddenly, Hongli felt as if she had really grown up, and the things she had been looking forward to since she was a child seemed to have become a reality.

Some inexplicable melancholy arose in my heart. I gained a lot when I grew up, but I also lost a lot of precious things that can no longer be retrieved.

At this moment, Hongli, like Heiyang, suddenly wakes up: childhood has passed away, and many people and things have disappeared as they grow up, lost together with the lost childhood.

The old lady who sold juice, the old teacher who taught, and even Xiao Hongli, who was naive and innocent at the time, have quietly disappeared from her side and from her life.

Not all farewells are heartbreaking.

Sometimes, without realizing it, a farewell is said to someone, and it is often after a long time—perhaps many years later—that person is remembered, or simply forgotten.

Hongli's nose was a little sore, and she suddenly had an urge to turn around and throw herself into her mother's arms and cry loudly.

Tell her mother that her mother's Xiaoli doesn't want to be independent, she doesn't want to go to a new home, and she still wants to continue living here with her parents.

As if in this way, time can be turned back, and she can become the carefree child again.

But in the end, Hongli suppressed this impulse, because this was the future she hoped for.

It's just like saying goodbye to the friends of the Five Elements Sect when you go home, you also need to say goodbye to some things to welcome the hopeful future.

"what happened?"

A warm hand was pressed on Hongli's head, and her mother's gentle voice was like when she was a child, and she washed away a lot of melancholy in her heart.

"Well, let mom guess."

Lan Yuying smiled and said: "My Xiaoli suddenly doesn't want to leave anymore, she wants to continue living at home, doesn't she?"

"Mom, can you let me have a little secret in my heart!"

Hongli smiled helplessly, curled her lips, and said in a low voice: "Actually, it's nothing. I just suddenly felt that I was so stupid when I was young, and I expected to grow up early."

"Hmm, heh heh heh..."

Lan Yuying suddenly smirked and rumpled her daughter's hair.

"Don't be sad, everyone has been so stupid before, if you want to come back, just come back, it doesn't matter how long you stay."

"Oh, I know I know."

Hongli let her mother mess up her hair, and finally helped her comb it again. From nowhere, she conjured up a hair rope comb and brought her in front of the mirror.

"To be honest, I don't know what's wrong with me recently..."

Hongli let her mother scratch her head without any resistance, and sighed, "I used to be obviously not so sentimental."

"Prove that you've grown up and started to think about things you didn't think about before."

"But I didn't think that way on purpose, I just want to be happy."

"Not caring doesn't mean you don't think about it. When people live in the world, they always have to communicate with the world."

"I don't want to communicate with the world."

"Then who do you want to communicate with? Can parents and elders do this?"

"Parents can definitely... besides the elders, Xiaoyun and the others are also considered, but what I want most is Heiyang, and I feel like I have endless things to say to him.

Whether it's nonsense, serious discussion, or even pretending to be angry, it's all very interesting. "

"Is that so..."

Lan Yuying laughed mockingly: "It seems that our Xiaoli has completely become a prisoner of love, and we can't even escape!"

"Ah... what... what!"

Hongli's face flushed slightly, and she beeped softly.

"I, can't I be willing? Who would want to escape!"

"I know, I know."

Lan Yuying chuckled lightly, and put her hand on Hongli's shoulder.

"How about a look? Does it look good?"


Hongli looked at the girl with a single ponytail in the mirror, shook her head, and the ponytail shook accordingly.

"Mom, you know, I don't have any aesthetics about hairstyles and clothes..."

Hongli sighed, and said helplessly: "I only have two requirements for them, convenience and comfort, that's enough.

As for what is beautiful and fashionable, it is not within the scope of consideration at all! "

"Then look again."

Lan Yuying pinched her daughter's shoulder with some dissatisfaction: "Look carefully, look carefully, and look with your heart. Doesn't Xiaoli feel that if she changes her look occasionally, she will have a feeling of light in her eyes?"


Hongli looked at her expressionless self in the mirror with her pale red eyes, but shook her head helplessly.

"No, I can't see anything at all, it just feels a little weird...

Oh, anyway, I can't see myself usually, so I don't need these troublesome things! "


Hongli received a light slap on the head, and her mother said in a tone of hatred for iron and steel: "You don't just dress up for yourself, but also for others to see!"

"Give it to someone!"

Hong Li frowned, with a look of grievance.

"I can't even see it myself, so why should I show it to others?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Ah this..."

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized.

"Hei, Hei Yang? Dress up for him?"


Lan Yuying nodded, showing a yearning expression, and said with a smile: "Obviously you are a little beauty and a handsome guy, Yiyi and I have always wanted to dress you up beautifully, seeing you radiant together, just thinking about it makes you feel uncomfortable." Do you think that picture is beautiful?"

"Hey, let's reveal your secrets. The so-called others are worthy of you are yourself!"

Hongli sighed, spread her hands, and showed a confident expression: "As for Heiyang, no matter what my appearance is, he will like me, there is no need to deliberately dress up!"

"Hmph, so what if Yiyi and I want to see it?"

Lan Yuying snorted softly, and said straight to the point: "The children I gave birth to, why do you want to dress them up beautifully?"

Speaking of this, Lan Yuying was a little upset.

Obviously other people's mothers can dress up their daughters beautifully all day long, but when she comes here, there is only a little slob buried in the quilt at home.

"Mum obviously bought you so many beautiful clothes!"

Lan Yuying grabbed her daughter's face unhappily, furious.

"Dresses, flowery skirts, flowing fairy skirts, small dresses... There are even beautiful cheongsams that are said to have been brought from other places!
As a result, you refuse to wear any of them and bury them all in the closet. Wow, do you know how wasteful it is?

Think of those poor children who can't afford to wear new clothes during the New Year. Aren't you ashamed of your actions? "

"Ugh uh..."

Hongli was used to being pulled in the face, and her head was fiddled with, completely unwilling to resist.

"But, but that's not what I want to buy at all, it's my mother's own decision... oh oh..."



With a muffled sound, a large box was placed in front of Hongli.

Lan Yuying snorted softly, and opened the locked box. First, there was a special scent of herbs—it was used to prevent moisture and insects.

Afterwards, there was a pile of colorful and beautiful clothes, some of which were still shining, and Hong Li's eyes were almost lost.

"Every New Year's Eve, I will pick out some new clothes for your mother, thinking of taking you to show off in front of relatives."

Lan Yuying raised her head longingly, looking at the imaginary bubbles in the air.

"Oh, whose girl is this, she is so beautiful!"

"Xiao Li looks as beautiful as her mother."

"I really envy Yu Ying, who has such a beautiful and lovely daughter..."

"Oh hoo hoo hoo..."

Listening to the praises of all the relatives and friends, and seeing their sour but forced smiles, Lan Yuying couldn't help laughing out loud, reveling in the compliments of pretty girls.


Lan Yuying grabbed the imaginary bubble and gritted her teeth viciously: "The reality is, whenever I want to find you, you don't know where to hide.

The guy who has a sour heart but has to force a smile is your mother and me instead! "

"Ah this..."

Hongli turned her head away with a guilty face, curled her lips, and beeped softly: "You don't even like that kind of hypocritical and polite compliment..."

"Yes, what's wrong with that kind of hypocritical and polite compliment that Mom likes?"

Lan Yuying snorted softly and rolled her eyes.

"Your mother and I are just such a vulgar person, a big vulgar person, and my level of thinking is not as high as yours, so what can you do!?"

Hongli: "..."

"Mom, you are cheating!"

"Just cheating, what's the matter, is Xiaoli so cruel that she will make her mother unhappy?!"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hong Li's mouth twitched, suddenly thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she pushed the pot.

"Well, isn't there still Xiaohuo, you can take her there, if it's really not possible, it's really not possible..."

Hongli was quick to develop wits, her clever little head was running at full speed.

"If it really doesn't work, you can say that Xiaohuo is your little daughter. Yes, they don't know that Xiaohuo is your granddaughter anyway, so it doesn't matter if you just say she is your daughter!"

Hong Li nodded and gave a thumbs up, revealing a mouthful of gleaming and neat silver teeth.

"Well, don't worry, I will cooperate with you and not reveal your secrets!

At that time, the two of us will call each other, Xiaohuo will call me mother, and I will call her sister, how about it, this idea is not bad!Ha ha ha ha!

Uh, why are you looking at me with that kind of eyes, it's scary..."

Lan Yuying: "..."


The door was closed tightly, and Hongli trembled in fright.

"Well, Mom, calm down, don't be impulsive..."

"Xiao Li..."

Lan Yuying gently picked out a dark red dress from the box, and turned to look at Hong Li who was sitting beside her.

"What do you think?"


Hong Li's forehead was sweating: "I, what do I think!

Mom, let me tell you, I am a big monk now, if I am not careful, I will hurt you, so don't be impulsive! "

"Ha ha."

Lan Yuying sneered, and rushed forward: "Xiao Li, wake up! Turn me into a beautiful little beauty!"


A shrill cry of grief squeezed out from the crack of the door, mixed with the laughter of a certain old mother.

"Don't Xiaoli want the person you like to see your beauty?!"

"Hei Yang won't care about these!"

"Just wear it for a few days, and change it after wearing it for a few days?"

"If you deceive children like this, I won't be fooled when I was three years old!"

"Hmph, then it's up to you!"

"No! Tops! No! Pants! No! And corsets! Don't leave me!"

"If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come!"





Hei Yang looked suspiciously at himself in the mirror, his hair was combed neatly, and he was wearing a black gown, embroidered with water-like patterns, and paired with a sword on his waist, he looked majestic.

"Mom, are you sure Xiaoli will like me wearing this look?"

"Tsk tsk, tsk tsk, tsk tsk..."

Qing Yiyi didn't answer Heiyang's words, but looked at Heiyang with bright eyes, and kept sighing.

"Look, look, whose handsome guy this is!"

Qing Yiyi kept helping Heiyang smooth out the wrinkles on his clothes, with a look of excitement and pride.

"Sure enough, only Miss Qing Yiyi can give birth to such a handsome son, oh ho ho ho ho, oh ho ho ho ho!"


Heiyang raised his voice helplessly: "You haven't answered my question yet. Will Xiaoli really think I look good when I dress in such a troublesome way? Why do I feel a little unreliable?"


Qing Yiyi's eyes widened: "Are you questioning my mother's aesthetics?!

Are you still questioning the beauty your mother inherited from you? ! "

"Ah, no, no."

Heiyang squinted his eyes and said with a sneer: "Let's just say, I'm not used to wearing it."

"Nonsense, who usually wears this..."


Heiyang's eyes widened, and he looked at his mother with a "you're kidding me" expression on his face. The latter spread his hands and told the truth.

"This kind of clothes is only for you to attend some kind of banquet, or to wear during the Chinese New Year.

The purpose is to impress my mother... Ahem, I mean, let you show your most handsome posture.

As for everyday life, who wears this?It gets dirty, it's hard to wash, it's not convenient at all, and it's not cheap..."

"Uh, you are really sincere."

"Do I still need to tell a lie with you brat?"

Qing Yiyi snorted softly: "Thanks to your cooperation, kid, otherwise, even if you use a hard one, your mother, I have to put it on for you today."


The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched, and he sighed: "So?"

"So don't worry!"

Qing Yiyi patted Heiyang's shoulder confidently, and encouraged: "That girl Xiaoli will definitely be fascinated by you, her eyes are full of love!"

Hei Yang: "..."



Hongli lay on the bed slumped, looking down at the red dress with fire patterns on her body, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

"Thank you, mom..."

Hongli sighed, and said quietly: "Thank you for helping me eliminate the beautiful illusions and memories of my family. Now I don't have any regrets or nostalgia anymore!"

Right now, she just wants to get out of the house with her luggage right now, right now, and then go to her new home to find her lovely Hei Yang, away from this terrifying world of adults!

 The last second was clear and clear, but suddenly there was wind, rain, thunder and a power outage, causing...

(End of this chapter)

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