So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 272 The more you want to do one thing well, the easier it is to get into trouble...

Chapter 272 The more you try to do one thing well, the easier it is to get into trouble...

"The gun is yours, the sword is mine..."

"Li Huo spar is a small fire, this cup is for parents to use for self-defense..."

"Pass, one for you, one for me..."

On the big bed, the boy and the girl sat cross-legged, whispering in a voice that only the other party could hear. They were sorting out the props that had been opened.

"One thing to say, this medicinal wine is not very useful to me."

Heiyang snorted softly, and said proudly: "Put a glass of water into the basin, and maybe you can see some changes.

But if it is poured into rivers and lakes, there will be no difference at all! "

"Ah yes yes yes..."

Hong Li was noncommittal, pretending to be nonchalant.

"Let's keep it next to the bed, maybe someone will need it in the future?"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hei Yang: "I'm too lazy to argue with you..."

Hongli: "Ah, yes, yes, it's like this when you lack confidence."

Hei Yang: "Who do you look down on, who do you look down on?

As for your little arms and legs, I'm afraid I'll break them with a little force!
And let me drink medicinal wine, then don't cry and call daddy! "

Hongli: "Tch, you don't have the right to speak if you don't practice it. Anyway, you haven't tried it yet, so you can brag as you like."

Hei Yang: "This is called stating the facts."

"hope so……"

Hong Li curled her lips, suddenly thought of something, and sighed.

"So how did that coffin fix it? I panicked when I saw it."

"Who can I blame for the things I developed by myself?"

"Then we'll put it..."

Hongli scratched her head: "Put it on the bedside too, for later use?"

"God, put it on the bedside, you don't think it's bad luck, you idiot!"

Heiyang helplessly supported his forehead, sighed and said, "Put it in a storage bag and hide it, more or less it's a life-saving card, deceive yourself, think of it as a turtle shell or something..."


Hong Li nodded and continued to classify.

"Little flat peach tree, needless to say, this is the priority. Before we have other ways to improve the life span of our family, this is the lifeline..."

"That's true."

Heiyang kept poking something that looked like a tablet in his hand, and couldn't help complaining: "This anxiety maker can't play games or watch anime, but it still has to grow into an Internet-connected appearance. It's a bit true. Outrageous...

I can only say that it is worthy of being an anxiety maker. It has not been activated yet, and it has given me anxiety just by its appearance. "

"Okay, okay, I haven't played the games you mentioned since I was born, and I haven't watched those anime..."

Hongli rolled her eyes, took the anxiety maker from Heiyang, looked at the only start button on it, and looked curious.

"But so what, Miss Hongli is still alive and well?"

"It's normal to go from extravagant to frugal!
How to say that sentence, I can endure the darkness, if I have never seen the light, or give a more intuitive example..."

Hei Yang pointed at Hong Li, and said faintly: "Now if I want to sleep peacefully, I must hug you, otherwise I won't sleep well!"

"Understood, I'm your mother. After all, it's normal for children to depend on their mother."

"Climb up."

"Hurry up."

Hongli sneered and pressed the start button.

[Instructions for use: [-]. The anxiety maker is connected to the causal nodes of the world through legal channels for calculation and operation, and it is non-toxic and pollution-free. 】

[Second, anxiety predictions are for reference only, not established facts, please treat them rationally. 】

[Connecting to the world causal node, please wait...]

[The connection is successful, it has been activated, tap the screen to make an anxiety prediction. 】

"Ha, so this is how you play..."

Hongli nodded clearly, showing a confident smile: "If you want me to be anxious, there is no way, I'm not a stressed girl like Jojo!"



Hong Qiao at the gate of Yangli's house rubbed her red nose, and murmured in a low voice, "Because I'm in a bad mood recently, and I don't have a regular schedule, so do you have a cold...

Well, I remember my brother and sister said that when you visit, you can shout through the lazy dog ​​statue at the door...

Well, wait a little longer, they should be sleeping now, wait until dawn to call the door, I still have this bit of perseverance..."


【Anxiety production: your family is getting old, and your flat peach tree project will take [-] years to harvest the first fruits, and your father has a bad habit of drinking, maybe you should think of other ways, such as Said to start practicing hard now? 】

Hongli: "..."

"Grass, I'm getting anxious. What should Heiyang do? It makes sense!"

"Don't panic, it's only been sixty years..."

Heiyang snorted disdainfully: "Before then, the medicine pill and the spirit stone can increase the lifespan of parents!"

【Anxiety relieved...】

"Oh, that's it?"

Heiyang raised his eyebrows, reached out and took the anxiety maker into his hand, and pressed the button.

"That's all it is!"

[Anxiety creation: You will marry your fiancée this year, but facing your fiancée who grew up together, you are overly nervous. Maybe you should learn to let go, or expect girls to take the initiative? 】

Hei Yang: "..."

Grass, is this creating anxiety? How does he feel that this is mocking him?

"Who do you look down on, who do you look down on!"

Heiyang gritted his teeth, and under Hongli's excited gaze, he lifted his sleeves and pulled off his shirt, revealing his well-proportioned upper body.

"Oh! How about it!"

Hei Yang raised his arms and said with a vicious expression: "Who can't let go? Who can't let go! I'm not anxious at all, okay?"

Anxiety Maker: "..."

Hong Li: "Suck it, suck it, Sha, Sha..."

【Anxiety manufacturing: You tried to take a big step, but you still can't let go. 】

Hei Yang: "???"

Hei Yang had a question mark on his head, he still can't let go after being like this?

Heiyang was about to continue his theory with the instrument, when suddenly a raving sound came from his ear.



Hei Yang's expression froze, he turned his head slowly, and then saw a pair of eyes emitting a light red light.

"That's right, that's right bro..."

Hong Li turned on her non-confused magical powers, her eyes widened, and she murmured in a low voice: "That's it, just keep letting go, hit it in the face hard, and give the pants to... huh?"

Hong Li was stunned for a moment, then raised her head to see Hei Yang's terrified eyes, smiled and waved.

"Hi, handsome husband!"

"I say……"

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched and looked at Hongli, feeling a little apprehensive.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Aren't we fighting anxiety together? Your expression makes me a little anxious..."

"Ah, cough, cough..."

Hongli lowered her head, her eyes kept looking up.

"I'm just trying to help you out!
Fighting this anxiety is a piece of cake, as long as you put your pants on, ahem, I mean..."

"say what?"

Hei Yang frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"I say……"


"I said Heiyang, you just catch him without a fight!!!"

"Grass, you're so calm, I'm so... oh!"

Hongli jumped suddenly, kicking Yeli on Heiyang's chest, stretching out her hands with bright eyes.

"Don't be afraid! Be good! I'll help you get rid of your anxiety!"

"Don't, don't, hey, don't introduce, no, I'll do it myself, myself... ah!!!"



【Anxiety Relief】

[Anxiety creation: the changes of the catastrophe, the imminent movement of alien races, the invasion of outside creatures...

You realize that the travel industry is facing a critical moment, and you must do something to ensure the safety of yourself and your family will not be affected! 】

[The full picture of the realm is hung: Nascent Soul-level creatures have been detected, and the distance from here... [-] meters! 】

 Ah, grandpa has paved the way for a villain who can make people sick on a large scale, and everyone can probably see it...

  After thinking about it, emmm, you guys understand, for me to live, I have to ask that villain to disappear...

  As a result, after the plot was cut off, the text has been stuck for the past few days... Huh, it's not a big problem. The daily text can't push the plot, but it pushes people... I mean to promote the communication of characters, um!

(End of this chapter)

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