So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 271 Written in the morning until now, I got 1 words of waste manuscript, sad...

Chapter 271 Written in the morning until now, I got [-] words of waste manuscript, sad...

In the room, on the bed.

Hongli closed her eyes, lay lazily in Heiyang's arms, and muttered in a low voice: "It's agreed, you will go with me when the time comes.

When you see grandma and grandpa, just call them directly, and you can call me whatever I call you. "

"I know, I know, I'll take care of things, don't worry."

Heiyang put his palms on both sides of the girl's head in his arms, gently massaged her temples with his fingers, and sighed faintly.

"I just don't know if it will be awkward for me to go there. Most of your relatives over there are familiar faces, but I can clearly see that they are newcomers..."

"Oh, oh, this kind of thing is normal..."

Hongli didn't care and said: "Every year, cousins ​​bring their girlfriends, or cousins ​​bring their boyfriends back, maybe there will be a few more new faces at any time, it doesn't matter.

Some of them even have children, holding their own children together for four generations or something, to put it bluntly, they just want to join in the fun, they probably think that it is more festive if there are more people..."

After a pause, Hongli suddenly thought of something and sighed.

"Suddenly remembered, if nothing unexpected happened, my mother would probably bring Xiao Huo to meet people.

In this way, our family has four generations living under the same roof.

In fact, I still like those little kids who can’t walk steadily. It’s not because they are cute or anything. It’s simply because they can attract most of the seven aunts and eight aunts and help share the pressure. . "

"Well, it does sound very lively..."

Hei Yang sighed: "I just don't know if the relatives over there get along well..."

"It's okay, it's just too enthusiastic."

Hongli also sighed: "Speaking of which, you were in that world before, didn't you have a time to deal with various relatives during Chinese New Year?

They are relatives, but in fact, the relationship is far away, and many things can be perfunctory with just a few smirks.

Because in fact, many relatives are also not very familiar with each other, and everyone's greetings are just a polite way, and it is enough to say hello.

In comparison, they still like to get together with grandpa and the others, or chat in groups of two or three... How can anyone deliberately target you when they have nothing to do? "

"It's true, it makes sense..."

"That's for sure, I'm...huh?"

Hongli opened her eyes suddenly, felt the two hands next to her head move away, and looked at Heiyang with dissatisfaction.

"What's going on, why did it stop suddenly, what about the massage you promised? Huh?"

"It was agreed to be [-] minutes. I've already pressed the button for [-] minutes more, isn't that okay?"

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes, wrapped his hands around the girl's waist, held up the bewildered red glass in the air, and said quietly: "Don't go too far, everyone has a share in potions and chocolates, everyone take a step back , I have already massaged your head, you still want me to rub it for you for a day?"


Hong Li also struggled twice but failed, and said with a guilty conscience: "Actually, it's not impossible, if you are really so enthusiastic, I can't refuse, right..."

"Crawl, crawl, I'll drill two holes in your head for you all day long."

Heiyang rolled his eyes and put Hongli down, who looked at him blankly.


Hongli asked curiously, "What do you want me to do for you?
I warn you, if you go too far, I will get back with revenge! "

"Rub your legs for half an hour."

"Okay bro!"

Hongli showed the appearance of a well-behaved little daughter-in-law, stretched out her two small hands to Heiyang's legs, rubbed them for her boyfriend through the trouser legs, and suddenly made a sound.

"By the way, when you were sleeping at home..."

Hong Li said quietly: "Are they all dressed so tightly?"

"Nonsense, it must not be good..."

Heiyang rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand to the five gift boxes in front of him, and said casually: "It's not in some harsh environment like the wilderness, but in my own home, I will definitely take off my clothes to sleep!"


Hongli raised her brows and tugged at Heiyang's pants: "So you don't make this place your home?"

"Don't be embarrassed."

Heiyang calmly tugged at Hongli's tightly wrapped upper body shirt, glanced at the latter, and said nothing.

"Ah, this, I..."

Hong Li's expression froze.

"What are you, stricter than others, more lenient than yourself?"

Heiyang opened the first gift box, purple light overflowed, um, it didn't play well.

"For couples, it's normal to look like this, and there are underwear inside, which is also a psychological comfort.

But the two of us also know that we are just looking for what to do after we get married, looking for excuses to procrastinate, and being afraid! "

Hei Yang said softly, the lonely man and widow are in the same room, they understand everything.

That is to say, monks have relatively strong willpower, so they are not so easily dominated by hormones such as dopamine, but their love for each other cannot be faked.

"I don't like Xiaoli", this sentence, don't say it directly, Hei Yang can't even say it in his heart or think about it in his mind, and he is unwilling to do it.

Facing Hongli, Heiyang always looks the same.

His heart is far from being as calm as he expressed in his words. On the contrary, the tiger in his heart yearns for love and keeps roaring, but he is afraid that his fangs and claws will hurt the person he cherishes, so he forces himself to linger in place.

This feeling is actually not very painful, on the contrary, it is a bit strange, making Hei Yang realize that there is such a person, every frown and smile of hers is touching his heartstrings.

If I had to describe this feeling, it would probably be itching.

Just let it be, sooner or later...

The two persuaded themselves like this, pretending not to care, but they behaved a little naively and ridiculously, and the young love made people feel a little overwhelmed.

Heiyang savored this feeling quietly, he knew that this was also a good memory in his life, and he didn't think there was anything shameful about it.

When a child grows up, many people will feel ashamed when they look back at their "black history" and "secondary school remarks".

Hei Yang doesn't feel ashamed, maybe he is still naive, or maybe he is looking at himself from the perspective of a bystander.

It's also possible that he never thought it was something to be ashamed of. He used to think he was handsome like that, but now... Ha, I used to be so handsome!

When I was young, my imagination was so rich, and the world in my eyes was so colorful. To do it casually is to break the routine, and to say it casually is a very creative and pioneering thinking.

A group of people who have been defeated by reality and their hearts are gradually numb have lost their "unrealistic daydreams" and have no ability to imagine. Woolen cloth.

"You should face reality"

"You know it's impossible"

"This is simply nonsense"

Because the kingdom of my fantasy has collapsed, I want to overthrow others, and let them be exposed to the so-called cruel reality just like myself, and accept the beatings of the so-called society.

The cubs are tamed into sheep and thrown into the pack of wolves.

It's just because I have seen too much white since I was a child, and when I saw gray at first glance, I thought it was the ultimate black.

If the price of maturity is the loss of happiness and imagination, then what is maturity for?
Do your part to make the world a better place?
But because of my own existence, there is another unhappy person in this world, isn't it...

So lingering, those who toppled the kingdoms of others tried to build new ones against the cold of reality, calling it faith.


Heiyang believes that since his life is still flowing, he should enjoy everything in his life with his heart—and the suffering was added later.

Two pairs of dull and dead fish eyes, as if they don't care about anything, as if they don't care about anything.

But in fact, they are the most sensitive people, they don't want to move their bodies, but they can't stop thinking wildly in their minds.

They approached and explored the world cautiously, afraid of causing unpleasantness in every move, and the unfamiliar environment made them feel uneasy.

So they will not be wrong if they choose not to do it. Before the comfort zone collapses, they will not take half a step out.

Even constantly strengthen your comfort zone and make it unbreakable.

The price of this is that it is difficult to grow, and if there is no change, it may still be the same as the beginning after many years.

Hei Yang doesn't want to think so much, he just wants to be happy.

He can find some high-sounding reasons, saying that the homeland is difficult to move, that he will not forget his original intention, and that he has the heart of a child...

He was too lazy to find a reason, who would he give the reason to?
So, I lay flat, didn’t move, and had no intention of making progress…

Ah, thinking about it this way, Tao Yuanming seems to be a lazy person too...

He can't change that era, and he can't change the world, so it's better to go back...

Arrogant thoughts popped up in Heiyang's mind one after another, extreme conceit and extreme inferiority kept alternating in his heart, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

Yes, he can't change the whole world, but he can change the world, for example, the girl around him is his world.

Heiyang's mind was messed up, and he could only distract himself by opening gift boxes.

Ah, the second one is also purple. Today's condition is ridiculously bad...


Hongli rubbed Heiyang's leg, suddenly squeezed out a word, and said in a low voice.

"Actually, you can give it a try. I'm still wearing a bra or something... nothing to be shy about, is there?"

"Ah, yeah..."

The corners of Heiyang's mouth slightly raised, and all the thoughts in his mind disappeared. He could feel the girl's soft hands on his legs, and he could hear the girl's beating heart, panting, and blood flow. The softness around him made him feel at ease.

The third one, golden, is a little more normal.

The fourth one is gold, and the feel is gradually coming back.

The fifth, golden, feels good.

Item: Incense for Tranquility and Enlightenment
Quality: purple

Effect: Enter the state of enlightenment, accelerate the fusion speed of supernatural powers, and greatly shorten the time required for fusion.

Introduction: One thing to say, this thing can also be used as a mosquito coil, I am serious.

Item: Anxiety Maker
Quality: purple

Effect: cause and effect deduction, predict the future, create your own sense of anxiety!
Introduction: Prophecy, ten out of ten are bad things...

Item: Realm Full Picture Hanger
Quality: golden

Effect: Scan the cultivation level of all creatures within the range, and mark their location and cultivation level.

Applicable realm: Qi refining period - crossing the catastrophe period.

Scope of application: one world (traveling world)
Introduction: That's right, I won't act anymore, this time I really opened it, my friend gave me the hook!
Item: Life and death contract (for two)
Quality: golden

Effect: HP is shared evenly.

Introduction: Are you really sure you want to bet your life against another person?
Do you really have someone who is absolutely trustworthy enough to sign a contract with you? You know, this period is called forever.

Item: Absolute Pass*2
Quality: golden

Effect: One-time consumption item, use this item in any "enchantment", "array", "special space", "world gap" and "space-time turbulence" to pass freely regardless of all obstacles.

Introduction: Our original intention is to help those explorers who strayed into danger to save themselves from danger, but there are always some dogs who use it to peep!

"Huh, huh, huh, huh..."

Hongli muttered slogans in a low voice, and kept outputting with both hands on Heiyang's legs.

"How about Heiyang, isn't our ancestral Hong's massage method comfortable?!"

"If my memory has not been tampered with, I remember that the Hong family does not have any ancestral massage methods..."

Heiyang looked down at Hongli expressionlessly.

"I feel like Miss Hongli, you are using my two legs as sandbags to vent your anger. Thanks to you, I can no longer feel the existence of my two legs."

"Ha, think too much, think too much, this is a normal phenomenon..."

Hong Li sneered and said: "It proves that your legs are already so happy that you are so happy!"

"Climb up..."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes: "If you're lazy, you're lazy, your legs are numb from your body, so why not put it here to pretend!"

"Oh, oh, my husband's strong legs are too warm and reliable!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hei Yang pouted, took out the life and death contract, and handed it to Hong Li.

"Girl, quickly sign a contract with me and become a magical girl!"


A question mark popped up on Hongli's head, and she briefly glanced at the item information, revealing a dazed expression.

"That is to say, after signing this contract, we will be able to realize the real desire to be cool together?"

"Grass, you girl, why are you talking so badly every day!"

Heiyang rolled his eyes: "Hurry up!"

"Hey, I got it, I got it."

Hongli smiled and signed the contract as required, and said casually while signing: "In other words, if your life is in danger, wouldn't I also send it along with you?
I thought you'd rather sacrifice yourself than let someone you like die or something! "

"Hmph, you're an iron trash, you can't do anything without me, what are you doing alive if I'm dead!"

Hei Yang said viciously: "Hurry up and die together."

"Yes, yes, I will die with you, my husband."

Hongli couldn't stop smiling.

die together?No wonder.

Signing the contract is to remind each other, take it easy, your life is not just your own!


At [-]:[-] in the morning, in front of Yangli's house, Hong Qiao quietly waited for the dawn.

"Second Uncle said, Brother Heiyang and Sister Hongli might be able to help me, and I don't know if they can do it..."

(End of this chapter)

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