So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 279 You have no chance of winning against me who has a famous relative!

Chapter 279 You have no chance of winning against me who has thousands of relatives!
A red shadow streaked across the blue sky, the sun was moving towards the highest point, and the huge shadow of Li Flamingo streaked across the streets and alleys, chopping up the falling sunlight.

"Grandma, don't worry..."

Xiaohuo was flying fast, if she didn't know the way, she could still be faster.

"Xiaohuo will take grandma home!"

"Grandma, thank you, Xiaohuo."

At this time, Lan Yuying's emotions had stabilized, her face was full of care and she stroked Xiao Huo's feathers, the warmth of moving surged in her heart, and there was some distress in her eyes.

"Grandma is not in a hurry, and Xiaohuo doesn't have to be in such a hurry, flying too fast will make you tired..."

Lan Yuying said softly: "Grandma just saw those people below, everyone seems to be just sleepy, it will be fine!"

"It's okay, Xiaohuo is not tired! Aww!"

Xiaohuo let out a long cry subconsciously, and speeded up again, as if to say "Look, I can go faster", a child showing off, moved Lan Yuying's heart and at the same time couldn't help laughing, the frustration in her heart Most of it dissipated.

She turned her head and looked forward. The face of her always lazy daughter, Xiao Li, was full of seriousness. At some point, Hong Li secretly untied the hairstyle her mother had braided for her. The long hair fluttering in the wind behind her made her Lan Yuying had a feeling in her heart that her daughter was so handsome!
She turned around and looked back, her husband Xiao Chen, who always had no proper shape, returned a steady smile. He put his hand on Lan Yuying's shoulders, with a determined look, and said to himself: "We are all here, nothing will happen. .”


Lan Yuying was slightly taken aback, her husband's gentle voice seemed to hold her hand, returning to the time when they were passionately in love more than ten years ago.

Her husband at that time was more immature than now, but she also felt reliable, Lan Yuying didn't know what to think, she blushed subconsciously, and nodded slightly.


Hong Xiaochen glanced at his wife in surprise, not understanding why she suddenly looked like this.

But it doesn't matter if you don't understand, he smiled back again.

An indescribable sense of happiness enveloped Lan Yuying, but soon she came to her senses and understood that this sense of happiness is called family.

Lan Yuying gently caressed Xiaohuo, looked at Xiaoli and her husband, and then turned her head to look into the distance, as if seeing Yiyi's family... Now they are also a family!
Lan Yuying felt a sense of pride welling up in her heart. This is her family. She married Xiaochen more than ten years ago, left her parents, and came to a home with only two people. Now there are more and more families. This is her family. The biggest gain in ten years!
"Small fire, down."

Hongli patted Xiaohuo on the head lightly.

"That's the biggest house in front."

"Oh! Good mother!"

Xiao Huo lowered his body and fell down.

She originally wanted to fly directly into the courtyard, but Hongli suddenly let out a light snort, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Little fire, there."

Everyone looked in the direction of Hongli's finger, and then they were stunned. There was a girl lying on the street there.

Although they have seen many such situations during the flight, it's just that the girl below is familiar to them.

"That is……"

Lan Yuying narrowed her eyes, and suddenly said in surprise, "Lulu?"

Xiaohuo landed not far from the girl, shook her feathers, turned back into a little lolita, and looked at grandma curiously.

"Is it a relative? What should Xiao Huo call her?"

"Well, I can't be wrong..."

Hongli walked to the side of the girl, and looked at the girl lying on the ground with twitching corners of her mouth.

"The child of the second aunt's family, my cousin, Liu Lulu."

After a pause, Hongli added seriously: "She is [-] meters tall, not as tall as me!"

"oh oh!"

Xiao Huo opened his mouth and said, "That's Aunt Biao!"

"This child is..."

Lan Yuying stepped forward and looked at Liu Lulu lying on the ground with a bewildered face. The latter was not only lying down and sleeping, but opened his eyes slightly from time to time, kicked his legs, and wriggled forward , Then close your eyes and sleep again.

Mmm... like a caterpillar swimming on its back!


The picture is so beautiful that Hongli can't bear to look directly at the forehead.

"What are you doing here?"


Liu Lulu opened his eyes in a daze, tilted his head, and it took him a long time to react.

"Ah? Xiaoli, aunt, uncle, and..."


Xiaohuo rushed to answer.

"Oh, and my little niece..."

Liu Lulu showed a sweet smirk as if he hadn't woken up.

"You guys are here, hahaha."


Hong Li's tone was complicated: "Sister, what are you doing here?"

"When, of course, ahem..."

Liu Lulu yawned and spoke uprightly.

"Of course I went to grandpa's house..."

Liu Lulu squirmed forward as he spoke.

"Ah this..."

Lan Yuying's expression was stiff: "Where are your parents?"


Liu Lulu slowly closed his eyes.

"They, they are crawling ahead..."

Liu Lulu: "Zzzzzzzzzzzz..."

Hongli: "..."

small fire:"……"

Hong Xiaochen: "..."

Lan Yuying: "..."

It was as if a crow was flying overhead screaming.

Picking up Liu Lulu from the ground, Hongli and the others walked a little bit forward, and they found the squirming uncle.

Moving forward again, the squirming second aunt...

Going forward, I found that my uncle was also wriggling in front of me...

Well, the relatives still came quite together, but after entering the city for a while, I wanted to rest.

Continue to move forward and walk towards the door of grandpa's house. Along the way, the number of [squirming relatives] keeps +1+1+1...

The strongest contestant is Auntie, she is less than ten meters away from Grandpa's house!
Well, along the way, the expressions of the family became more and more numb.

The door of my grandfather's house was unlocked, but judging by the residents of the city, it didn't look like any thieves would come to steal it.

When Lan Yuying saw her parents, she found that they were lying on the recliner and basking in the sun with their eyes squinted...

Although the sun has gone to the south, they are "basking" under the shadow of the house.

"Dad! Mom!"

The moment Lan Yuying saw her parents, she couldn't help it anymore. She hadn't seen her for another year, and she jumped at her with red eyes: "I'm back to see you!"

"Ah... Yingying..."

Grandma and grandpa slowly raised their heads to look at Lan Yuying. Although they felt very tired, they still showed a happy smile. They slowly stood up from the recliner, and were about to take Lan Yuying's hand and walk into the house.

"Yingying come with mom..."

Grandma's voice was full of kindness: "There are candy canes in the house, which is your favorite..."

"Well, don't talk about me..."

Lan Yuying looked at the second elder with a distressed expression.

"Why are you so thin, parents?"

"Ah? Is there any?"

Grandpa smiled indifferently, and said lazily: "Probably, it's because I haven't eaten much in the past few days, and I'm too lazy to cook too much, ha."

"What's the "ha"!"

Lan Yuying held her parents' hands anxiously.

"How many vegetables are there at home? Come in quickly and let me make you a tonbu meal. My God, how can you just eat that little!"

Hongli watched her mother lead her grandparents into the house with a complicated expression on her face.

"This is a place I think is better..."

Dad Hong Xiaochen laughed behind him and said, "Xiaoli is married to Xiaoyang's family, so she can go home to see her parents anytime and anywhere."


Hong Li tugged at the coat on her body, and listened quietly to the sound of pots and pans colliding in the room, and couldn't help but make a sound.

"Mom should be like this too..."

"What should it be?"

The father asked curiously behind him.

"Should be able to come back to see grandma and grandpa anytime and anywhere."

Hongli turned her head to look at her father, and said seriously, "I'm too tired after missing him for a year."

She didn't feel anything before, but when she was about to get married, she could feel how much her mother missed her grandparents.

"If you have this filial piety..."

Hong Xiaochen said with a smile: "In the future, I can take my mother back to watch in the airship."


Hongli nodded, shook her head again, and murmured: "It's still too slow..."


Hong Xiaochen scratched his head, but didn't hear clearly: "What did Xiaoli say?"

"If you take the airship, it will take twenty minutes at the fastest..."

Hongli shook her head and said, "It's still very slow!"

"Ha, that's pretty fast."

Hong Xiaochen joked with a smile: "Twenty minutes is not enough? Two hours is much better than before!
Well, this is Xiaoli, the changes you have brought to the family through yourself, and my parents are proud of you! "

"Ok, I know."

Hongli smiled, raised her head, and remembered that when chatting with the elders in the Five Elements Sect, Elder Huo mentioned the research and development of the one-mouth teleportation array.

If there is that, not only mother can come back to see parents at any time, but mother-in-law can also visit father in the capital soon, right?

"Perhaps it can be faster..."


"It's okay, it's just an idea."

Hong Li smiled and shook her head, and when she has time, she will ask Elder Huo if she can turn the plan of "On the Importance of Space Teleportation Arrays for Connecting Relatives" into reality!
But before that...

Hongli showed half-moon eyes, looking at her relatives floating in the air with her spiritual power behind her, the scene was indeed a bit spectacular, it was overwhelming...

Vision, King's Treasure! (strike out)
"Before that, think of a way to find a place to put the relatives away..."

Hongli sighed, maybe she should find a big bamboo mat, or even a bed sheet or something like that to spread in the yard, so that they have a place to sleep first?
At least, you can't let people sleep on the street, right?
During the Chinese New Year, everyone’s relatives and friends were reunited, but all of them were disgraced...

They're human and don't need the whole family to jump in mud puddles!

The sheets and quilts are relatively easy to find, so they put a few more layers underneath for fear that they will panic.

Hongli: I'm so gentle, I cried to death!
In this way, my family will be settled temporarily, but if we want to completely solve the problem, we still need the cooperation of the black hands behind the scenes.

"Is this the grandfather's house..."

Heiyang stepped into the courtyard, saw his girlfriend at a glance, and then caught a glimpse of a row lying on the ground, showing half-moon eyes in an instant.

"Is this guy the mastermind behind the scenes?"

Hongli walked up to her boyfriend, saw the sloth in Heiyang's hand, bent down to see him sleeping soundly, her complexion gradually became serious.

"It looks like a very tricky guy..."

Sloth: "Zzzzzzz"

(End of this chapter)

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