So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 282 When moving towards the things you like to look forward to, every step of preparation wi

Chapter 282 When moving towards something you like to look forward to, every step of preparation will make you feel happy

In terms of scale, the family banquet at Grandpa's house was even more lively than the previous dinner at Yangli's house.

Of course, if it was the Wuse family back then, let alone the secular royal family, there were many greedy people in the practice world who wanted to sneak in for a meal. That was the most beautiful time for the Wuse family.

It's just that the Five-color Family is in decline now. Although the lean camels are bigger than horses, and they have been prosperous for so many years, the Five-color Family has already spread across the entire travel world. If you really want to try to count them one by one, it will definitely be a big project.

Not to mention that many branches can no longer be traced, some surnames have been changed, some genealogies have been lost, and even some descendants and grandchildren have died out.

But if you really want to talk about orthodoxy, in fact, there are only a few of Heiyang and his family in the five-color city, plus some people in the capital, and then there is no more.

On the contrary, the Lan family, which is not a very big family, has grown from scratch in the past hundred years, and its scale is even larger than that of the five colors alone!
There were a hundred people in total, a dozen tables were set up, and the seats were arranged according to seniority, which was a tradition passed down many years ago.

It is said that there are many reasons, but with the continuous abandonment, there is only one key reason left now. People of the same generation will not be so restrained when eating together, and everyone can be happy.

Heiyang Hongli felt nervous in front of the elders, in fact, most of the younger generation saw the elders like this, and the old people knew it in their hearts.

Grandparents are the oldest seniority, the two elders are at the same table, surrounded by their own children - except for a little red guy who doesn't know how to get in!

Mother Lan Yuying was naturally at that table, and father Hong Xiaochen was pushed to the table of the eldest uncle and the second uncle and the others. A group of old men toasted and drank, and it was fun.

As for Heiyang Hongli, who was the lowest junior, the two of them sat at a table with the other six peers.

The couple of Heiyang Hongli were not very conspicuous, because apart from them, there were two couples, one big and one small, at the table.

The younger pair was a certain cousin who was two years younger than Hongli, who brought his girlfriend to the banquet.

The older pair was Da Hongli's one-year-old cousin, who brought a man over like Hongli.

However, the couple had been married for more than two years, and they carried their child with them. Hong Li's eyelids twitched wildly as she looked at her cousin's pregnant belly.

She peeked at Hei Yang next to her, and then at her cousin, with a slight "hiss" in her heart, she couldn't help shivering.

As for the other two, pure little brats, Hongli and Heiyang are leaning against each other, Hongli's six-year-old cousin is on the left, and Heiyang's eight-year-old cousin is on the right.

Although they were young, they were of the same generation as Heiyang Hongli and the others. Their parents felt that they could take care of themselves, so they let them sit at a table alone.

But my mother, Lan Yuying, also explained that she should pay more attention to the two children, don't worry about anything, and help them if they are in trouble.

And there are a few dolls in the same generation as that guy Xiaohuo, but they are very few, and they can't sit alone at the table. Except for Xiaohuo who sneaked into grandpa's table, the rest of the dolls are also brought by their parents.

Well, how should I put it.Although their Xiaohuo can sing, dance, fly, be cute and play, and have some gadgets in their heads that Hongli regards as waste, but they are really less than one year old, and they are still babies...

Heiyang Hongli directly chose to ignore it, picked up the juice in front of her with a blank expression, and took a sip, it was refreshing!
Cough cough, the two of them are having a good time, but the two little kids next to them are drooling.

Their parents said that it was cold, and drinking fruit juice might catch a cold, so each of them gave a glass of boiled water and held it in their hands...

Tsk tsk, it looked pitiful, it was painful, Hei Yanghongli couldn't bear to see it, and quickly drank the juice in the glass.

Well, this way the children won't be able to see it, what a good brother and sister!

As for giving them a drink, Heiyang Hongli is not the parent of the family, so what are they going to do if they drink it to their stomachs?
Well, the two of them can use their spiritual power to help them resist, so that they can't drink their stomachs badly.

But in case when you get home or after a day or two, someone else’s child has a stomachache due to other reasons, the first thing the parents think about is "is it cold from drinking that juice?" Even if they don’t say it, they will feel a little uncomfortable.

In the end, Heiyang and Hongli were thankless and had to take the blame, so why bother.

They will take care of their children by themselves, and the little helper can do it by themselves, otherwise they can make their own decisions...

But my grandpa's house didn't have hot milk for the children to drink, otherwise there would be no need for people to drink boiled water. There was hot tea, but it wasn't for children.

This made Hongli realize how difficult it is to raise a serious child, and her little fire is better, eating raw ice cubes won't spoil her stomach!

(small fire:??????)

Cousin and younger siblings are more powerful. Under Heiyang Hongli's awe-inspiring eyes, the young lovers are holding wine bottles and drinking cup after cup, their aura is not inferior to Heihong's father!

As for the cousin, she definitely can't drink alcohol, and juice must be in moderation. She is now more delicate than those two little kids.

The little kid got up after a fight and fell and continued to run wildly. Let your cousin throw you a try.

Probably in order to take care of my cousin's emotions, my brother-in-law, who looks like an honest man, also quenched his thirst with plain water.

Heiyang Hongli was the only person at this table who was drinking juice.

Different from other tables being lively and lively, at Heiyang Hongli's table, everyone eats their own food, except for the sound of cousins ​​and younger siblings competing for alcohol, there is only the sound of eating and drinking, and the quiet atmosphere is extraordinarily special different.

Hong Li was taken aback for a moment, turned to look at Hei Yang, and found that the other party was also looking over, their eyes met, and suddenly realized.

[Hongli: I understand, except for the two children, they deliberately arranged the three couples of us at the same table, right? 】

[Hei Yang: Tsk tsk, the elders actually know everything. 】

Hei Yang turned his head slightly, looked at the lively and happy tables beside him, and couldn't help but smile.

[Hei Yang: We are luckier than the sloth, and have the opportunity to see the beautiful side of the world. 】

[Hongli: She doesn't even have a family anymore, and she doesn't want to have a family anymore, what a shame. 】

Heiyang Hongli shook his head, stopped thinking so much, and filled up the juice again!

But five minutes later...


Hongli suddenly muttered softly, and Heiyang raised his brows, lowered his head and raised his head again.

[Hei Yang: Hey, why are you stepping on me all of a sudden! 】

[Hongli: Well, look at them. 】

[Hei Yang: Who? 】

[Hongli: That's all they are! 】

[Hei Yang: Huh? 】

Heiyang stared at a pair of dead fish eyes, and followed Hongli's gaze for a while.

The cousin leaned on her husband's shoulder, watching her sweetly as he helped her pick out what she could eat and what she couldn't, and was constantly being fed with her mouth open.

On the other side, the cousin and girlfriend faced each other with bright faces, stuffed each other's mouths with vegetables, and kept making such hateful voices as "three two one, ah..."!

[Hongli: Did you see it, did you see it, damn it, I feel like my head is turning into a big lemon! 】

[Hongli: People's hearts are not old, the world is getting worse, the sun is shining, the world is bright...]

[Hong Li: No way!feed me! 】

[Hei Yang: Ah, at the dinner table, it is obvious that everyone can attack together to get the most benefit, okay, has pragmatism been abandoned by you, Xiao Li? 】

[Hongli: I don't care, you feed me! 】

[Hei Yang: Heh, when will you be as mature as the two younger siblings next to us! 】

[Hei Yang: Look at his two children, they eat with peace of mind, and they don't make any fuss at all.

This is what flowers should look like in the future, and this is what we should learn...]

"Little orange, you can't eat the ones here!"

The eight-year-old cousin held a small bowl and handed it to the little cousin.

"I picked some for you, hurry up and eat while it's hot!"

"Thank you brother Lele!"

The little cousin took it with a sweet smile.

"I'll pick some delicious food for brother Lele too!"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

[Hongli: Future flowers are also sent! (sad)】

[Heiyang: People's hearts are not ancient, the world is getting worse, the sun is shining, and the world is bright...]

[Hongli: Today's Hongli is vain, hurry up and satisfy her vanity! 】

[Hei Yang: Okay, okay, my eldest lady. 】

Heiyang couldn't help laughing, stood up and bent down to hold the big spoon, filled a bowl of delicious fish soup for Hongli, and gently handed it to her side.


Hongli tried her best not to raise the corners of her mouth, instead she raised her eyebrows and turned her head away.


Hei Yang: "???"

[Hei Yang: What's the matter, sister, did you use me to open your mouth and pour it in? 】

[Hongli: I won't tell you, just go and realize it yourself! 】

[Hei Yang: Wow, the Riddler is going to die soon! 】

【Hongli: Hmph~】

"Tsk tsk."

Heiyang looked at Hongli's intentionally pretending with amused expression, did she still need to guess the little Jiujiu in her heart?

Heiyang shook his head and laughed, gently scooped up a spoonful of fish soup with a small spoon, and brought it to his ruddy lips.


Hongli: "!!!"

Seeing Heiyang's appearance, Hongli's facial muscles were about to cramp, trying not to laugh, she gave Heiyang another look, and read the words!

"Xiao Li drinks soup, it's nutritious and delicious!"

"Hey hey."

Hongli felt that if she had a tail, it would be raised at this time, and she opened her mouth with a smile.

"Ah... um! Delicious!"

"As long as you like it."

Heiyang smiled helplessly, and forgave him for being unable to resist the appearance of his girlfriend waiting for her to be fed with her mouth open.

"One more spoonful, don't leave if you can't finish it."

"Hey, ah..."

Everyone at the table could clearly hear and see, but they all tacitly agreed not to disturb each other. Hei Yang, who was originally sitting on Hongli's right, somehow changed places with her little cousin on her left and ran to Hongli's left.

And the little cousin got her wish and sat next to "Brother Lele"...

Sin, sin, forgive my complicity...

Hei Yang murmured in his heart, he was not a cadre, so he couldn't resist this kind of temptation.

"Hey, that's great!"

After eating a bowl of fish soup, Hong Li felt her whole body warm, licked the corner of her mouth, and smiled happily at Hei Yang.

"Hmm, it's my turn."

Hongli picked up the chopsticks, she was going to feed Heiyang!
Hong Li stared at the plate of beef on the table, thinking that she should be able to reach it by standing up and bending down, but found that she jumped off the stool and became shorter out of thin air, so she didn't need to bend down anymore.


Hong Li stretched her arms, and said to Hei Yang while picking up vegetables.

"Let me tell you, this beef..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly heard someone calling herself.

"Little Li!!!"

"Oh my goodness!"


Hongli was so frightened that her hands trembled suddenly, she turned her head and saw her mother waving to her.

"Come here, your grandma is calling you."

Lan Yuying explained.

"Oh, come here, here, huh?"

Hongli suddenly realized something, looked back at the dining table, and found that everyone was looking at her in a daze, with great doubts in their eyes.


Hongli's expression gradually disappeared, and she looked down, and found that her chopsticks had caught the beef, to be precise, penetrated the beef, then pierced the plate, and finally pierced the table.

Hongli: "..."


Hongli said weakly: "I said I didn't do it on purpose, you will believe me!"

"Little Li?"

"Hey, here we come!"

Hongli hurriedly ran over.

"Hahaha, I'll explain that to you when I get back!"


"Cough cough..."

Pretending to be calm, Heiyang pulled out his chopsticks and ate the few slices of beef skewered on it, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Well, this beef is delicious!"

Heiyang sneered twice: "Everyone, why are you watching me? Let's eat, eat while it's hot!"

Hongli: "Heiyang, I want you to come with me."

"Hey, here we come!"

Heiyang ran away, and the two chopsticks "slapped" and fell on the table trembling wildly, and finally lay dead still.

The person at the same table: "???"


"What are you doing..."

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li who was running towards Xiao Suibu with a confused expression.

"Well, that..."

Uncharacteristically, Hong Li was a little shy, she lowered her head and walked to Hei Yang's side, took Hei Yang's hand and pulled him over.

Before Hei Yang could say anything, Hong Li's words also made his heart beat faster.

"Grandpa and the others want to get to know you and see what kind of person my fiancé is..."

Heiyang's brain started to boil, his back became sore, and his legs ached. He started to get sick even if he was not sick.

I want to meet the elders of the Hongli family!

This is actually somewhat different from meeting the parents, because no matter whether these elders are satisfied with Hei Yang, it actually has no major impact on him and Hongli. Their marriage is a certainty.

However, this is a custom that has been passed down for a long time. Generally speaking, in the first year after the engagement, it is necessary to take the other half to recognize their relatives, and at the same time, let the relatives know what to expect.

In this way, when sending invitations to them when they get married, it will not appear very abrupt, and it is also a reminder that they can prepare what they need in advance.

At the time of the wedding in the travel world, unless the relatives of the man and the woman have really important matters, they will spare time to rush to the scene and express their hearts on the way to the wedding.

It can be precious jewelry or ordinary greeting cards, the value is second, mainly depends on the quantity.

A gift represents a relative, in addition to blessing, it also has the functions of "support" and "supervision".

Backing up is to tell the other side: If you treat anyone in my family badly after marriage, have you seen so many thoughts, they will turn into "iron fists to correct the relationship between husband and wife" at any time.

The supervisor understands it very well: you are all witnesses when you get married, and if there is any awkwardness or divorce in the future, it will be very ugly.

It's not that relatives will interfere in their marriage, but that they will put a lock on the couple on a psychological level.

All they sent were their own sincere blessings. Before you young couple quarrel, think about whether you are worthy of everyone's blessings to you?

And there are also couples who have no confidence in each other and secretly marry, they will not directly tie themselves to death, so as to leave a way out.

One possibility of such a person is that he has a personality that keeps his hand in everything, and the other possibility is that, like the former suzerain of the Five Elements Sect Medicine King Sect, their marriage is not supported by their family members.

Of course, the kind of guys who think about how to run away before they are married are not counted.

Heiyang Hongli didn't need to leave any escape route at all, nor did he think about such things as leaving a retreat, and they didn't need others to stabilize their relationship for them.

Their purpose is very pure, just for the sense of ritual, to tell the other party that they value him (her).

So some people say that the more relatives come to the wedding, the more lively it is, which proves that the couple is more loving.

Although this statement is one-sided, there is some truth to it.

And what Heiyang Hongli was about to do was to meet those relatives and elders and advance blessings for the future.

This is a two-way promise. After the relatives called Heiyang, if they didn't express any dissatisfaction in particular, they tacitly agreed that they would definitely show up on the wedding day.

Even if there is something that is really hard to get away from, you must ask someone to explain it, otherwise you will be blamed by some bad-mouthed people.

For example, if you don't look good at others, if you don't count what you say, your reputation will become bad!
Of course, after all, it's not their own child, everyone just recognizes someone, and they are familiar with each other, so they won't judge Heiyang with too strict standards.

If you are strict, you will not appear to be very responsible, but will leave a very tricky and mean impression on others.

You said that the original intention was to protect your child from being cheated by others, but few people think that you protected her, and they will hate you together.

This is the same as Heiyang Hongli not giving juice to children, meddling in other people's affairs will cause a lot of trouble.

To be clear, Heiyang doesn't have to worry about seeing his elders at all, he just needs to keep smiling and say "Hello, Grandma" and "Hello, Grandpa" all the way around.

But the truth is the same, Heiyang is nervous, even if Hongli is not the character "under scrutiny", is he so nervous?
In the end, I was still afraid that the elders would say about the two of them's engagement, even if it didn't affect the result, if they pretended nothing happened, they would still feel uncomfortable.

The most hurtful words are often uttered by close relatives and friends around you. If a random stranger speaks ill, tearing up the family tree is still fearless!

When the two elderly people smiled and patted Heiyang on the shoulders, saying that Xiaoli from Yingying's family would depend on you to take care of him from now on, Heiyang couldn't tell what it felt like, but his heart trembled, but he couldn't stop smiling.


Hongli blushed and pinched Heiyang's waist, reminding: "Don't be in a daze, talk back!"

The relatives of my grandpa's family didn't have any eccentric guys, and they went around as smoothly as expected.

In other words, including the relatives in the capital who have already met, she and all the elders of Heiyang have already agreed to this marriage!
Hongli blushed and lowered her head. She was usually loose, but now she was like a little daughter-in-law. No one dared to look up. She hid half of her body behind the black sun, her face burning hot.

After getting along better with Heiyang during this time, she was no longer so shy when she was with him.

But now, hundreds of relatives are watching, she would rather stand on the competition stage and be watched for a hundred consecutive victories or something!

Thinking that not only the parents who gave birth to her and raised her entrusted herself to Heiyang, but also her parents' parents entrusted her to Heiyang, Hongli felt very delicate.

Although she was willing to do so, she couldn't escape the feeling of being pushed forward.But it is different from taking the initiative to move forward.

Nervous, shy, secretly happy, excited...

Hongli couldn't tell how much emotion she had in her heart at this moment, but what she clearly felt was that Heiyang brought her a sense of security, and her instinctive sense of dependence on Heiyang had reached its peak.

In the past, when she was wronged and sad, she always thought of her parents first, but now, she thought of the boy beside her first.

Does Hei Yang think the same way?

Does he feel the same way about himself?

Did I give him a sense of security?

Will he subconsciously rely on himself?
"Give me some encouragement, sister, I'm going to be out of breath..."

Heiyang's weak voice came and gave Hongli the answer, and he did the same, hehe!
With joy in her heart, Hongli patted Heiyang on the back lightly: "Come on!"

With one shot, the power seemed to come back in an instant.

Heiyang took a deep breath, looked up at the elder, and said seriously and confidently: "Don't worry, leave Xiaoli to me. No matter what happens, I will be by her side and never give up!"

"Good boy."

The smile on grandma's face became brighter.

"Don't forget our invitation card, the old man and I are looking forward to blessing!"

"Wait until the wedding day..."

Grandpa looked at Hongli with a smile.

"Don't be so shy."


Heiyang Hongli agreed softly.

"Have you set a time yet?"

Grandma asked suddenly.

"Well, not yet, but it must be this year..."

"When are you going to start planning and preparing?"

Grandpa said earnestly: "It's not too much to plan for this kind of thing half a year in advance. Don't wait until the time to rush and leave regrets for your life. It is one of the most memorable moments in your life!"

"Wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow..."

Heiyang said softly: "After the first month and the Spring Festival is over, we will start formal preparations."

"It will definitely be done beautifully!"

Hongli slid out from behind Heiyang, and said seriously: "No regrets!"

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Grandma smiled and comforted: "It's a happy day, even if there is a little mistake, it doesn't hurt. Eight out of ten life is setbacks and difficulties, and it's normal to encounter obstacles."

"Whoever dares to hinder..."

Heiyang's tone suddenly became calm.

"Then let it disappear forever!"

Hongli's expression disappeared instantly.

Grandma, grandpa and others: "???"

"Hahaha, just kidding, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously, haha..."*2
Heiyang Hongli showed a cute smile again.

"Ah, that's it, hahaha, I almost scared grandma, hahaha."

"Okay, okay, as expected of a couple, there is a tacit understanding!"

"Hahahaha..." *n


The cousin who was having a drink with his girlfriend suddenly trembled, pressed his heart, and looked vigilant.

"It's bad, I'm afraid it's because I drank too much and finally something went wrong, just now I suddenly felt palpitations..."

Girlfriend: "..."

Bad, she seems to be out of order!
(End of this chapter)

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