So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 281 It's not because I lie there that I can't see the beauty, but because I can&#0

Chapter 281 It's not because I lie there that I can't see the beauty, but because I can't see the beauty, I lie there
Probably because he had never actively controlled his abilities before, the sloth raised his hand and froze suddenly.

It tilted its head, and Heiyang and Hongli on the side quickly asked.

"How about it?"


"Wait a moment……"

The sloth gave a thoughtful expression.

"Let me find my feeling..."

Heiyang and Hongli: "Huh?"

"Hey, you don't want to sleep again, do you?"

A black line was drawn across Hong Li's head: "At least let's talk about it after finishing the matter, even if you are too lazy to work after finishing the matter, we don't bother to talk to you!"


Heiyang leaned close to Hongli's ear and whispered a reminder.

"Didn't people say to meditate, and they didn't say to sleep."

"Huh? Doesn't that mean something?"

Hongli looked at Heiyang suspiciously.

"When I was reading and learning, every time I caught myself falling asleep in class, I would say... um, I was meditating!"


Heiyang was silent for a few seconds, then said faintly: "Student Hong Xiaoli?"

"What, what's wrong..."

Hongli's face changed, and she panicked for no reason.

"Well, brother Heiyang listen to my explanation, in fact I..."

"What else is there to explain!"

Heiyang snorted coldly: "Sleep in class, don't you listen carefully? Do you know that I've been waiting for you outside the school in the wind and sun, and you're actually sleeping inside?"

"Brother Heiyang, I was wrong!"

Hong Li clasped her hands together in front of her chest, closed her eyes and shivered.

"Xiaoli doesn't dare anymore, Brother Heiyang, just spare Xiaoli this time, don't tell my mother..."


Before she could finish speaking, Hongli froze suddenly, and slowly recovered.

"No, I've grown up, I've graduated eight years ago, why should I be afraid of your stinky black sun!"

"Ha, how do I know?"

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li with a funny face.

"Hurry up, Xiaoli will call Brother Heiyang again, brother, I love to hear it!"

"Climb, climb!"

Hongli snorted softly: "It's not big or small, just talking to your mother like this is... ah!"


Hongli rubbed her head, and cast a glance at Heiyang.

"Tch, don't care about your brat."


Hei Yang smiled and didn't say much.

Teacher Heiyang, who has many years of experience in Hongli's training, stepped on Mouli's broken line of defense like an old dog. Besides, his girlfriend should be in a hurry, and he has to coax her when she is in a hurry.

At this moment, Hei Yang felt that love experience +1+1+1 was constantly popping out of his head...

Of course, it's just like his Hongli, who knows what other girls are like?
Heiyang doesn't know, and he has no interest in knowing, the petite girl beside him is enough to fill his heart, and there is no other place left.

Well, it's the kind embedded in the heart, and you can't pull it out.

"Hey, well, I have it!"

The sloth suddenly made a sound, and under Heiyang Hongli's gaze, he yawned lightly, and the aura that escaped around it disappeared instantly, or the sloth took it back into his body.

"So you've been brewing for so long..."

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes: "Is it just to make a yawn?"

"You don't understand, there are many high-tech skills in it."

The sloth shook his head: "Do you think anyone can yawn with real emotion and without affectation?"


Heiyang and Hongli looked at each other.

"You don't count."

The sloth nodded.

"You are the strongest I recognize!"

"Who needs your approval!"*2


After the sloth received the supernatural power, the entire Tianxiang City seemed to have just woken up, yawned, rubbed its sleepy eyes, and continued to live.

The relatives of the grandma and grandpa's family also gradually came to their senses. The grandma snatched the big spoon from the daughter's hand and even asked her mother to come.

Grandpa stretched his waist, pushed the door out of the house, looked at the people in the courtyard who were looking at each other, and said with a smile: "I am lazy, but they are all here."


Everyone looked at each other in disgrace, and couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

After everyone realized what happened, it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

The dirt on the body needs to be cleaned up, and the meals need to be bought and cooked now. The whole family is busy for a while, but it adds a bit of New Year flavor.

A group of brats like to run back and forth among the adults like this, and in the end they are happy to step forward, but suddenly they are double-wrapped by their parents, and their little faces turn pale with fright.

However, if you are beaten, you will not be beaten immediately. After all, there is a life-sustaining skill "Big New Year's Eve", so that the bear boy will not have his butt blossoming now.

But after returning home, tsk tsk.

Thinking of the gloomy future, the brats who had been marked by their parents finally stopped their fuss for the time being, and got together to discuss the possibility of putting steel plates behind their buttocks.

As for Xiao Huo, he went crazy and made his elders scream very actively. He is cute and sweet-mouthed, and he is happily protected by two old people like a treasure. It belongs to two generations of relatives.

As for the two guys, Heiyang Hongli, while everyone was busy cleaning up and cooking, they quietly hid.

In a way, laziness helped both of them, and not just that.

"Hey, everyone's new clothes are dirty now, if I walk around in a little white dress, it must be inappropriate!"

Heiyang Hongli snuggled up and sat on the branch of the towering tree, the latter smiled wickedly.

"In this way, there is no reason for my mother to blame me even if she wants to!"

Hongli laughed triumphantly: "Maybe I have to boast a few words, alas, Xiaoli really has eyesight, knows when to wear what clothes to appear, oh ho ho ho ho!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang said quietly: "Then didn't I do it for you for nothing?"

"Hey, it's not for nothing, it's not for nothing."

Hongli waved her hands a little embarrassedly, leaned close to Heiyang's ear, and said quietly: "I'll show you the clothes when I get home!
You can watch it however you want, and for as long as you want! "


The corners of Heiyang's mouth slightly raised, and he also leaned over and said in a low voice, "That's what I'm looking forward to, it's my Xiaoli who treats me well."

"Nonsense, isn't this..."

Hongli's face was slightly red, her legs were clamped tightly, and her voice was lowered: "If I don't treat you well, who else can I treat well?

You can just thank Lord Hongli for your mercy, you are the only one in the whole world who can make me like this, who made... who made me like you. "

"I will never let you down, Xiaoli."

"I know."

"Hey hey..."*2

The sloth was hanging upside down on a branch not far away, squinting its eyes and whispering to Zhengjiao, Qingqing me my certain two, his pair of dead fish eyes were full of speechlessness.

Who is it, where is it, why is it here?
It shouldn't be hanging upside down from a branch, it should be buried under the roots...


The voice of the sloth came faintly.

"You don't need to be so quiet, I'm not interested in the love words of the two of you, and I don't bother to listen."


Hongli turned her head away from Heiyang's shoulder, looked at the sloth and raised her eyebrows.

"Since you're too lazy to listen, why don't you be too lazy to talk?"

"That's right, what are you talking about!"

The Heiyang woman sang her husband Sui, her face full of displeasure.

"To be a light bulb, you must have the consciousness to be a light bulb, okay. It's your kindness not to disturb, thank you!"

Sloth: "..."

"From the time I was born to the present, the words I've said don't add up to these few hours."

The sloth sighed and looked at the two of them with a melancholy expression.

"It's possible that this is the only chance I have to communicate with people in this life, so you don't want to say a few more words to me?"

"Then what does it matter to us?"

Heiyang said expressionlessly: "You chose the road yourself, and you don't want to communicate with others, so it's our fault?"

"Ah this..."

The sloth felt an arrow in the back.

"That's right, moral kidnapping, hurry up!"

Hongli's husband sang and his wife followed, with a look of contempt on his face.

"I confronted you in court before, but you hesitated... No, but you didn't say a word, and now you want to talk again, why?"

"Ah this..."

The sloth was shot in the back again.


Heiyang snorted softly and said: "Say what you want to say, but don't say it if you don't want to, what do you think of us, telling the tree hole?

I'm sorry, I suggest you go to a real tree hole here to whisper, the tree hole will not resist. "

"Ah this..."

The sloth was shot in the back again.

"That's right."

Hongli nodded.

"If you really..."

"Stop! Don't prick, don't prick..."

The sloth looked hopeless.

"If you tie the child again, it will become a hedgehog."

"By the way, you've been sleeping, but you know so many things..."

Hongli frowned, halfway through the speech, she suddenly came back to her senses.

"Oh, I get it, pass on the memory, right? I get it, I get it, then it's all right!"

"So say..."

The sloth said quietly: "I was born to know, and I was born to be lazy. I just want to sleep, I just don't want to do things, and I just feel tired. How can this be my fault?"


Hei Yang frowned, waved his hands and said, "Then you go and change it, restrain your instinct a little bit."


The sloth looked resolute and confident.

"I will never betray laziness in my life! I like the feeling of not thinking about anything!"

"How do you like it if you don't think about it?"

Heiyang scratched his head, and an imaginary picture appeared in his mind.

['s comfortable...don't have to think about anything...give up thinking...enjoy it...]

"Bah bah bah!"

Heiyang shook his head vigorously, damn it, there is too much waste, get out of here!


Hongli seemed to have sensed something, turned her head to look at Heiyang suspiciously, and questioned her soul.

"How do I feel, you are thinking something very impolite..."


"I wasn't so sure before, but now I believe it."

"What an illusion!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hongli rolled her eyes and looked at the sloth blankly.

"Then there is nothing to say, the road is chosen by oneself, and you deserve it."

"Same feeling."

Heiyang looked at the sloth and pointed to the sky.

"I said, why don't you take advantage of the fact that you can still move, and hurry up and leave... No, let's go!
That little bit of anxiety won't last long, and I feel like your influence on the world is growing. "

"Of course it is."

The sloth took it for granted: "Creatures like me that came into your world through illegal means will continue to affect the surroundings as time goes by.

The higher the strength, the greater the influence on the surroundings. After all, I am also in the Nascent Soul stage, am I not? "

"Is that so..."

Hongli nodded thoughtfully.

[Hongli: Did you hear me? Look at the good things you did. You must have influenced me. If you don't take responsibility for me, won't your conscience hurt? 】

[Hei Yang: Don't be embarrassed, I was a weak chicken for more than ten years, how can it affect me? 】

[Hei Yang: Besides, Grandma Meng has already reissued my identity for me, I am now a legal citizen of the travel industry, okay! 】

[Hongli: Wow, you said so much, you mean you don't want to be responsible? 】

[Heiyang: Cough cough, it's all my fault, I take full responsibility, I sell myself to pay off the debt, I promise you with my body, Lord Hongli, please use it as you like! 】

[Hong Li: That's about the same. 】

"Maybe you will be curious..."

The sloth spoke suddenly, with a troubled look on his face.

"Why does the lazy me exist in this cruel world?"

"No, we are not curious at all. Laziness is a character that affects a good life. I know it very well."

Heiyang stretched out a hand.

"That's right, we two little trashes have been able to live until now, and we have always been grateful to our parents, our neighbors, and our harmonious world of cultivating immortals!"

Hongli stretched out a hand.

The hands of the two approached, separated, approached, and separated, like playing an accordion.

"No one understands laziness better than us!"*2
Sloth: "..."

"I guess you'd love to hear my story?"

The sloth suddenly showed a vicissitudes of life.

"No, we don't want to!"*2
Heiyang Hongli stared at Dead Fish and refused to listen.

"That was a long time ago..."

Hongli: "Hey, don't you understand human speech? We don't want to hear it. Who told you to start telling stories on your own?"

Hei Yang: "Damn it, it's the plot animation time of the annoying forced dialogue. The plot is obviously nothing, so you have to let me watch it, right? The skip button, I want to skip it!"

"When I was born, I was surrounded by people of the same race, but there was silence.

The inheritance rooted in the soul tells me that the more lazy we are, the stronger we can become. "

"Damn it, it's such an enviable racial talent!"*2
Heiyanghongli is like a lemon, and some otters are born at the end...

"At that time, my limbs were weak and it was difficult to move, so I rested instinctively. I found that I didn't need to eat, because the energy gained by "becoming lazy" was enough to sustain life."

The sloth ignored the jealous and ferocious faces of the two, and said to himself.

"In this way, day by day, I feel that I have grown up, become stronger, and have the ability to act on my own, but I don't want to move at all, isn't that good?
Well, some people of the same race don’t seem to think that way. When I hear rustling noises, there will always be people of the same race who can’t bear the loneliness and want to run, jump, communicate with other creatures, and see more of the world.

Why go against your natural instinct?

I don't understand, it's okay to just be lazy, why do you do unnecessary things?

They go to eat, to make friends, to travel, to reproduce... I don't have that worldly desire.

Of course, occasionally I would open my eyes curiously and take a look... Hey, don't look at me like that, okay, I'm a decent creature, okay! "

A tic-tac-toe popped out of the sloth's head, and he clenched his fists and roared at the two guys wearing tinted glasses.

Damn it, obviously because their own heads are full of rubbish, do they also treat it as that kind of guy? !

"I take the liberty to ask."

Heiyang raised his hand: "Are you a boy or a girl?"

"My bitch! Climb!"

With a good temper like a sloth, he can't resist the urge to curse.

Take a deep breath, adjust your emotions, and continue talking.

"I'm so mad, damn it, where did I say it?"

"Take a look once in a while."

Hongli raised her hand to remind.

"Oh, yes, I look at it once in a while."

The sloth shook his head, and continued.

"It's nothing to look at. A group of people of the same race who were born earlier than me are not as strong as me. They are all pitiful. It seems that they are not lazy at ordinary times!"

"Why does this sound so strange..."*2
The mouth corners of the two listeners twitched.

"Sure enough, what happened later proved that I was right."

The sloth proudly said: "Let's not talk about those guys who died of old age because their realm didn't catch up with their lifespan, just talk about a certain day later.

That day, I fell asleep as usual, when suddenly the mountains shook, the wind howled, lightning and thunder——At that time, I thought it was the end of the world, but later I realized that it was just two waves of monks fighting.

The impact of the aftermath has caused a large number of casualties to my fellow clansmen. If I stay at home, I will still encounter this kind of danger. So those who go out are probably more dangerous?I think so.

I was blown away by the wind and was injured and recovered quickly.

I was blown into the lake and swallowed by the big fish, unscathed.

Big fish were caught and killed, and mudslides occurred during transportation, and I was at ease.

The clay dries outside me, congeals me into a sculpture, and I fear nothing.

After I was discovered, I was put on display at the counter, saying that I was a specimen of a species that had been extinct for many years, and I didn't bother to argue.

A group of thieves rushed in and snatched me and other exhibits, and I felt at ease...

I don't care, I drift with the tide, I let the torrent of the times take me where, the people and things around me are changing, but I am still safe.

Many big people who are stronger than me, smarter than me and higher in status will also fall for various reasons, but I survived because I don't fight or grab, and I don't have bad intentions.

It seems that thinking is also a useless thing, and it will cause me many fearless troubles, so I simply gave up thinking.

Just like that, I don’t care about anything, I don’t know anything, occasionally I feel itchy eyelids, and the environment is always strange after opening my eyes, I don’t care.

It's like I don't know how I got here, I don't bother to think about what you will do with me, whatever. "

The sloth yawned, curled up slowly, his face showed fatigue again, and waved goodbye to Heiyang Hongli.

"Well, I should have said everything in this life, and I don't have any regrets...

To be honest, laziness is not all beneficial and harmless. The lazier you are, the more lonely you are... probably, who knows?
Well, I wish the two fellow Taoists a long-lasting relationship and a happy life...yawn...farewell..."

Under Heiyang Hongli's gaze, the sloth fell into a deep sleep with a leisurely breath.

Many people or things have tried to make it anxious, but in the end there is still nothing to do with it.

After all, no one can beat a guy who is too lazy to fight.

"Well, this guy..."

Hong Li frowned, and said softly: "This guy lacks heart, he has no interest in anything, he would rather step into nothingness..."

"The world is still very beautiful, but the world in its eyes is full of troubles... although it is true."

Heiyang smiled helplessly and made a faint sound.

"If I hadn't met you, maybe I would have closed myself off like it, and left with my parents after they died.

Even my leaving was pointless because no one remembered, no one cared. "

"Nonsense, there is no if."

Hong Li held Hei Yang's hand and held it tightly.

"Everyone is by my side, by your side is also by my side, and you are by my side."

"I know."

Hei Yang shook his head and laughed.

"It's just that after listening to the story, I will do reading comprehension exercises after class."


Hong Li was noncommittal, she looked at the motionless sloth hanging upside down on the tree branch, she was completely speechless.

"How to deal with it, when it wakes up, it will start to emit aura again."

"You said it, kill it."

"Oh, then you do it."

"Why don't you do it?"

"Too lazy to do it."

"It's a coincidence."

Heiyang stretched out his hand expressionlessly, wrapped the sloth with soft spiritual power, and shook his head.

"I'm too lazy to do it, let's take it away first..."

"After taking it away?"

"Find a place to bury alive."

"Truth or lie."

"What do you say?"

"Tsk tsk."

"Xiaoyang? Xiaoli? The meal is almost ready! Let's eat!

Well, really, where did these two children go to play again... It's no use for you two if you don't come again! "

"Hey! Mom, here, here!"

Heiyang Hongli quickly jumped off the branch of the giant tree.

"We're here! Reserve two seats!"


 Traveling through the ages, when you see a group of vicious demons, staring at you with evil intentions, at this moment in your eyes...

  [Item [-]: Get together and publicize to them the ten ways to put out fire, ten ways to prevent fire, and ten strategies to escape]

  [Item [-]: Be proactive and promote the six good standards of creating civilization and comprehension to them]

  [Item [-]: Be approachable, show them ten articles of civilized conventions, codes of conduct, and self-examination]

  System: What are you looking at?You do it all!

(End of this chapter)

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