So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 284 So many years have passed, no one will lick the railing in winter...

Chapter 284 So many years have passed, no one will lick the railing in winter...

"I thought you would bring a wedding invitation next time and invite me to your wedding."

Granny Meng glanced at Heiyang beside her, and then looked away. For her, the work in front of her was more important.

In the past, Po Meng felt that she was tired of doing this job, but she is going to retire this year, so why not try her best and earn more merits to pave the way for her future life.

As long as a person has hope, he will also have confidence.

Po Meng thought and did the same in her heart.

"Welcome to the underworld, how are you doing recently, are you two still together?"

"Of course we are together."

Hei Yang beside Granny Meng nodded affirmatively, "I fell asleep with her in my arms."

"That sounds good."

Granny Meng nodded.

"I think I already know the answer. It seems that you have been very happy recently."

"Indeed, that's more than just happiness, it's just, it's just... just wow!"

Heiyang showed an excited expression.

"I know that being with Xiaoli will be very happy, but I didn't expect to be so happy!"


Hei Yang sighed, and said faintly: "If I didn't come here in a dream, maybe I would be happier."

"The supernatural power has a new level of understanding, and it's too late for others to be happy."

Po Meng made no secret of her admiration.

"To be honest, in less than a year, you will be able to improve on the original supernatural power, which is enough to prove your talent.

Give you more time, sooner or later you will be able to catch up with or even surpass my grandma, the future is bright!
"If it can be completely absorbed, it will cause a lot of trouble."

"That's a problem? I haven't heard of any practitioner who would be troubled by this step. Wouldn't it be good to spend some time to stabilize it?"

"How long did it take?"

"Not much, about one hundred and eighty years."

"Ah, forget it..."

Heiyang showed his half-moon eyes and waved his hands.

"Goodbye mother-in-law, I should go."

"It seems that you slept well this time, the dreams are so short."

"Well, I have a day off today, and I will discuss the wedding preparations tomorrow, and I will let you know then."

"go Go……"

Watching Heiyang leave as a wisp of gray smoke, Po Meng nodded slightly.

"The day after tomorrow? I should take some time to tell Lord Yan about the exact date of retirement. Retirement life is indeed very exciting."



Heiyang frowned and covered his eyes with his hands, the bright sunlight made him a little dazed when he just woke up, and enough rest time made him refreshed.

"woke up?"

Hong Li's calm voice came from the side.

Heiyang didn't turn his head, but just yawned and looked at the window, a little confused.

"Xiao Li, why did you open the curtain?"

"As long as you turn your head and look at me, you won't ask this question."

Hongli sat next to Heiyang, leaning against the head of the bed with pillows, her upper body was only a corset, only Heiyang could be seen in the spring, holding a book in both hands, looking at it calmly but seriously.

"Open the curtains and read a book. It's sunny outside today."


Heiyang said lazily: "But you woke up very early today, and why did you escape from my arms, you despise me, right?"

"Oh, if I despise you..."

Hongli took a bite of the sesame candy she got from someone who didn't know where, and then muttered inarticulately: "If I disliked you, I wouldn't sit next to you. It's better if I run to the living room and lie on a chair .”


A question mark appeared on Heiyang's head.

"Stop it, your body temperature is like a lump of ice now, my God, did I get retribution for speaking ill of Xiaohuo behind my back..."

Hongli looked at Heiyang helplessly.

"I don't even know if you are really stupid or fake, can't you feel it yourself?"

"Look in the mirror bro."

Hong Li handed over a mirror.

"Look at your face, are you still alive? Could it be that I'm going to plan a ghost marriage tomorrow?"


Heiyang frowned, and looked at his handsome and cold self in the mirror with confusion.

His face was pale, his lips were bloodless, and his eyes were frighteningly black. He looked like a vampire count, as if he was about to die.

"What the hell, what the hell!"

Heiyang was startled, and turned to look at Hongli in shock.

"Where's my yang energy, where did my concubine hide my yang energy!?"

"What the hell are you sucking in Yang energy? What kind of monster am I? I'm mentally retarded..."

A pile of wells popped out of Hongli's head, and she gritted her teeth and shouted, "Aren't you merging with the supernatural powers of the other side? It's none of my business, hey!"

"Oh hoo!"

Heiyang suddenly realized: "So that's how it is!"

"So you********"

Hong Li wiped the honey directly on her small mouth, and scolded Hei Yang severely.

"Do you know how much my heart hurts?"

Hong Li burst into tears as she thought of the sad place.

"On a silent night, her boyfriend hugging Nuannuan was sleeping comfortably, her cheek was rubbing against her firm chest, the corner of the girl's mouth was lightly raised, probably she was having a sweet dream."

Hongli took a deep breath, her voice trembling.

"Then you suddenly became cold!"

Hei Yang: "..."

"What do you mean I'm suddenly cold..."

The corner of Hei Yang's mouth twitched: "The little girl can't speak nicely..."

"I'm nice to hear you*******"

Hongli said violently: "It's okay just to hold it, my fucking face is still rubbing against it, forget it, I'm sticking out my tongue and coughing... In short, I almost stuck on it, you know!
At least forty degrees below zero, what kind of concept, what the hell, I was thrown into the ice hole directly from the stove, and the ice was stuffed into my mouth when I drank hot milk, and I was so cold that my heart almost stopped! "

"You can't feel it yourself, right? I'm sitting next to you now, and the cold wind is blowing beside you! Damn it!"

Hongli sighed, and waved the novel in her hand.

"So I can only read novels to distract my attention and keep warm. Well, the plot is burning. Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully girls into poverty!"

Hei Yang: "..."

"But to be honest..."

Hongli pointed to another book beside the bed.

"I wanted to read that book, the one we didn't finish on the airship, well, I think it's more ignited, the kind that burns to the point of insanity!

But when I saw that thing, I wanted to hug you so much, and when I hugged you, I would be frozen into a stupid dog..."

"Ah this..."

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched.

"Well, for a dignified Golden Core cultivator, resistance to cold and heat is a basic skill..."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Of course I deliberately adjusted the temperature sensitivity to a normal level, just to enjoy the warmth in your arms!"

Hongli held her forehead speechlessly.

"I wonder if you've froze your brains enough to ask stupid questions so early in the morning."

"Uh, I do feel that my thinking is a bit slow..."

Heiyang rubbed his brows.

"My head is full of life and death, and the running memory is used to analyze the supernatural powers of the other shore."


Hong Li's expression gradually returned to calm, she turned her head and continued to read.

"I know, I know, you gradually understand the supernatural powers, I will read a book quietly, and you will watch me quietly for a while.

Tsk, if you think about it this way, you are more profitable! "

"Huh? How did I make money?"

"I'm not prettier than a book?"

Hei Yang: "..."

No, he's thinking a little slow now, bickering is not Hongli's opponent, starting a group blindly will only bring shame upon himself...

It was water in his head, and Hei Yang felt like his head was frozen.

In fact, regardless of his low body temperature, the real effect of the other shore effect is the coldness of the soul, and the coldness of the body is just incidental.

This is to let him experience the realm between life and death, so that he can better grasp the supernatural powers, so he sleepwalks in the underworld.

Heiyang knew that Hongli also saw that his symptoms were in the soul rather than the body, otherwise she would have solved Heiyang's troubles by just rubbing the Nirvana Fire.

As for burning the soul directly, Hong Li dared not, for fear of burning something wrong with Hei Yang.

She checked it carefully with Buhuo, and found that this figure is really irresistible, and found that Hei Yang's life is not in danger for the time being, so she didn't rush to do it, but stood by his side to observe the situation.

I don't know how much Hongli put in the book, but she could find out as soon as Heiyang woke up.

At the same time, the temperature perception has been kept in a normal state, and it is also to find out whether there will be more abnormal changes in Hei Yang's body temperature in the first place.

Hongli knows that he understands the love her mother gave Xiaoyang, but this child is shy and embarrassed to say it deliberately, he understands everything, and a mother doesn't care about it!

Heiyang's suspicious voice brought Hongli back to reality.

"Why did your expression suddenly become so...uh, so kind?
Are you taking advantage of me again in your heart? "

"Huh? Huh?"

Hongli looked puzzled: "Hei Yang, why can't I understand what you said?"

"Okay, I know the answer."

Hei Yang was speechless, thought for a while, and took out the Anshen Enlightenment Incense that he had opened earlier, which can speed up the cultivation of supernatural powers.

"I have to discuss marriage matters tomorrow, so I can't go with a cold face."

"God damn it with a cold face, but it's true, parents will definitely be scared by you..."

A row of black lines were drawn across Hongli's head, she glanced at the "An Shen Wu Dao Fragrance" in Hei Yang's hand, and couldn't help complaining: "I've wanted to say for a long time, why this thing is not straight, but curved , and it went round and round..."

"Yes, yes, it looks very nostalgic."

Hei Yang showed half-moon eyes, looking at the Anshen Enlightenment Incense in his hand, he couldn't help complaining, "Look at this mosquito coil, it looks like the Anshen Enlightenment Incense."

"Oh hoo..."

Heiyang pulled out a small iron piece from inside, and a row of black lines emerged from its head.

"It's so considerate, and I even got a bracket."

Shaking his head, Heiyang straightened the bracket, and Hongli suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Hei Yang: "?"

"Don't do it in the bedroom, it will definitely make you panic!"

Hongli pointed to the door and hummed softly.

"Go outside by yourself, don't disturb my reading!"

"Oh, it's fine."

Hei Yang waved his hand: "Our two cultivation bases are at the same level, you don't have to worry about giving away the chance to enlightenment, you should be able to break through."

"Who's worried about that kind of shit!"

Hongli turned her head away: "Hurry up, get out, come back when you're done!"

"All right, all right, I'll listen to you, my wife."

Heiyang laughed helplessly, and walked out of the bedroom without forgetting to close the door, leaving Hongli with a long sigh, tucked into the quilt and lay down, covering his face with the book - it is not recommended to use something like an idiom dictionary to cover it, then Might as well take two bricks.

[Your contract object (Black Sun) has successfully integrated the supernatural powers of the other shore, and successfully promoted to the fourth level of the golden core stage. 】

In the living room, smoky, Hei Yang sat cross-legged on the table like a big fairy——when his mother saw him, he had to be punished.

In the corner of the cardboard box, the sloth fell into a deep sleep, breathing evenly.

(End of this chapter)

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