So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 288 Grandpa and Grandma Vigorous 4 Shots Bouncing and Jumping

Chapter 288 The old grandpa and grandma are full of energy bouncing around, the teenagers and girls with big dark circles are too lazy to get out of bed
"It won't work. You and her are too far apart. I can tell you with certainty."

As the retirement date gets closer, Po Meng's recent drive is getting stronger and stronger.

My waist is no longer sore and my legs are no longer hurting, and I am humming an incomprehensible tune while cooking soup.

She looked at the embarrassed Heiyang aside, shook her head with a smile, and explained to Heiyang.

"You are reincarnated, discarding everything in the previous life, leaving only memories.

That's why I can help you operate within the scope of the rules, making you a "local" and directly changing your status.

But in the case of the little guy you mentioned, she is wearing clothes. She is an illegal immigrant. What can I do about it? "

"So that is to say, you can't drink soup or something, and forget something to make her legally..."

Heiyang scratched his head.

"Can't we let her wash in the Wangchuan River to wash her identity?"

"It's okay to wash white, grandma, I found out, you kid and that little girl, you two talk..."

Po Meng frowned, hesitated, and nodded affirmatively.

"Well, yes, the way you two usually choose words and sentences always has an aura of lawlessness and crime!

Wait, let grandma check if you have any ex-Koha. "


The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly: "Isn't your effort in vain, how could I have a criminal record and be investigated?"

"That is to say, the whitewashing channel you found is very professional?"

Granny Meng's eyes flashed brightly.

"Strictly resist, be lenient when confessing, and tell the truth!"

"Of course... Bah bah!! What?!!"

Hei Yang couldn't help shouting: "What do you mean I'm a professional in whitewashing channels? I'm white from the beginning to the end, okay?"

"I have reservations about that anyway."

Po Meng glanced at Heiyang suspiciously.

"After all, you sound like an experienced criminal."

"Oh, don't make fun of me."

Heiyang waved his hands helplessly.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have avoided Grandma Meng, I shouldn't have thought of coming to you when I had a problem, I repent, I plead guilty!"

"You know that too."

Granny Meng rolled her eyes and scolded with a smile: "You brat is like a plague god all day long, running away when you see him, grandma, am I just going to make you two hate me like that?"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang's smile froze, and he pointed to a long line of little friends on the Naihe Bridge outside, his face full of resentment.

"Look here besides me, how many living people are running towards you all day long!"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Granny Meng slowly filled the soup.

"The dead don't run here all day long. They only come here every few decades. You are worse than a ghost."

Hei Yang: "..."

"Ha, well, don't stand there stupidly."

Granny Meng waved her hand funny.

"Grandma really can't help it. In the blink of an eye, you have reached the Nascent Soul Stage. Phew, keep going! Go get busy first."


Hei Yang looked obedient, and slowly backed away in small steps.

"Goodbye, grandma, goodbye, again..."

"Oh, right."

Granny Meng suddenly said, "I'm not from your world, and I don't know you very well. You two are still young and don't understand a lot. You can try to ask the adults in your world. They may have a way."


Heiyang froze for a moment, his eyes lit up.

"Oh, I understand, I understand, thank you grandma, long live grandma!"

"I didn't say it would work!"

Po Meng said angrily, "Don't blame me if it doesn't work."


Heiyang's voice floated far away.


A blanket was spread out in the open space, and Hong Li sat on it with her knees hugged, staring quietly ahead.

The sloth lay just in front of her, looking up blankly at the sky.

"You guys are really bad."

The space beside the sloth suddenly shattered, deep darkness surged in it, and the turbulent flow of space roared in her ears, cutting her voice into a fine, trembling voice at the same time.

"Why...tell me...death is terrible...make scared..."

Feeling the malice of the whole world, the sloth's eyes were red and he looked aggrieved.

"It's all right now... I could have... walked away with... no fear..."

"Don't say that!"

Hong Li slapped those space cracks and blocked them, and said angrily: "You said you were afraid of death, we will definitely not let you die.

Heiyang went to help you find a solution, I'm watching by your side, nothing happened! "


"Crack your head, don't split it, close it!"

Hongli saw more and more cracks in the space around the sloth, and finally couldn't sit still anymore. She jumped around beside the sloth, gnashing her teeth and scratching with both hands, patching things up and down, like whack-a-mole Same.

"Close it! Close it! Close this side too! And this side!"

"Hongli, you have to block me from watching the sunrise."

The sloth murmured softly, "It's already fine, let's take a rest, it's very tiring.

I will leave after sunrise, and at the end of the day, I am satisfied with having you two good friends. "

"Satisfy your size!"

Anger flashed in Hongli's eyes, and she clenched her hands into fists.

"Ah! Anyway, give it to me first, be quiet!"


The majestic power of space erupted in an instant, and spread to the surroundings like a ring. With the point where the red glass was located as the center, the cracks in the space within the radius were frozen like a tide, and the violent space immediately calmed down.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Hong Li wiped off the sweat from her forehead and let out a long breath.

"That's right, give me a chance, Lao Ao!

We have been friends for more than ten years, right? "


The sloth beeped softly: "World consciousness is like a mechanism that operates automatically, and it is almost useless if you play with it."

"Huh, don't say it earlier!"

Hongli's smile disappeared instantly, she sighed, and said viciously: "No, you can't just sit and wait for death!"

Sloth: "I'm lying down to die."

"Don't interrupt!"

Hong Li casually brushed her long hair back from her forehead, and under the watchful eyes of the sloth, she took out a large coffin from the storage bag!

The one with the sliding cover is not tightly closed, and it is not ordinary at first glance!
"Look here, look here!"

Hongli waved her hand, and used her spiritual power to pull the dead sloth over, pointed to the coffin and said, "Did you see it, my hole card!"


The sloth looked puzzled, looked at the big coffin, and scratched his head.

"Is this the coffin you prepared for me?

To be honest, it's a bit big, and it can fit several of me! "

"Ah, this is indeed the coffin prepared for you...

Bah, bah, it's not a coffin for you, although it is indeed prepared for you..."

Hong Li patted herself on the head, and said a little irritablely: "Oh, anyway, the purpose of this coffin is not to be used as a coffin, so you can understand me when I say that!"


The sloth froze for a moment, sighed, showing a sad expression.

"It's true, how can a guy like me deserve to lie in such a luxurious coffin, even if he takes a look at it, he can be regarded as lying in it... Ah! Head!"

"Don't say such bad words!"

Hong Li jumped on the head with a tic-tac-toe, and withdrew his palm from the sloth's head, feeling secretly refreshed. It turned out that beating the head of a short man felt like this. Is this Heiyang's happiness? !
"Ahem, maybe I didn't explain clearly just now."

Hong Li pointed to the coffin and explained: "Well, as long as you lie in it and close the lid, you can live for a long, long time.

However, this coffin can only be opened from the inside, not the outside, so you need to pay attention. "


The sloth was stunned for a moment, then floated over and knocked on the coffin board curiously with its small paws, and reconfirmed: "Didn't you lie to me?"

"What are you cheating on?"

Hongli rolled her eyes: "If you don't believe me, try it?"


The sloth looked around, and the deep space-time cracks were frozen, like marble patterns, and like old tree roots, still extending and interlacing.

She stretched her head to look inside the coffin again, dazed.

"Hey, hey, don't be in a daze!"

Hongli laughed out loud.

"Well, I admit that it is indeed a bit unlucky, but this is also a last resort..."

As Hongli spoke, she spread several layers of cotton pads in the coffin, and by the way put a pillow inside, thought about it and put a small pillow, thought about it and put a lighting spirit stone, thought about it and put it again A messenger spirit stone...

"Ahaha, it should be enough, if there is more, I won't be able to hold it..."

Hongli smiled sheepishly, but suddenly thought of something.

"Oh, by the way, there is also this, this, a storage bag full of snacks, referred to as the Yangli Happy Bag!"

Hongli also put the storage bag inside, clapped her hands, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"This should be fine, what do you think of being lazy? Huh? What's the matter?"

"Hong Li... Hei Yang..."

Lazy sobbed, wiped away tears, jumped into the coffin, grabbed the coffin board, and said loudly: "It's nothing, I just woke up and yawned and shed tears, thank you!"

"Help people to the end."

Hongli waved her hand, turned her head to look around, those space cracks started to become irritable again, she shook her head, and comforted: "Don't worry, I'll let you know when I find a solution, and then just slide open the cover and come out.

Now hide inside first, temporarily avoid the limelight. "


The sloth asked: "Is Hongli going to discuss wedding preparations with Heiyang today?"


Hong Li tilted her head and waved her hands.

"Oh, oh, that kind of thing can be done at any time, it doesn't matter! You can just wait at ease!"


The sloth twisted his body, lay down in it, and slid the coffin board up with force.

"Then, goodbye!"

"Yeah, bye bye."

Hongli laughed and said, "It won't be too long, don't worry!"

"Well, that..."

The voice of the sloth drifted out softly.

"I mean, don't bother you, farewell! Mmm!"


The coffin lid snapped shut.

Hongli: "???"

"Hey, what do you mean! Tell me clearly, hey!"

Hongli frowned directly, scratching at the coffin board.

"Come out! Come out! Explain to me! I'm angry!"

"Aha, why is Xiao Li so angry? Who messed with you again?"

Heiyang walked out of the gray mist, passed by the pile of frozen space cracks and glanced curiously, muttering "what the hell is this", while cautiously dodging.

"What happened?"

Hei Yang patted Hong Li's shoulder.

"What's the matter, howling so loudly, tell Dad?"

"Black Sun..."

Hong Li turned around, looked up at her boyfriend, hugged him and cried and complained.

"Hei Yang, I was deceived by the villain, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow... ”

"Ah, who was cheated? How much was cheated?"

Hei Yang was startled, subconsciously patted Hongli on the back, looked around, saw trees, stones, cracks, coffins, blue sky, white clouds... huh?

"It's her!"

Hongli grabbed Heiyang's hand, turned around and stood to the left of Heiyang, pointed at the coffin, and said viciously: "She is the one who tricked me into taking a coffin!"

Heiyang:? ? ?
"no no……"

Heiyang looked at Hongli speechlessly.

"Say it clearly and keep your tongue out."

"Your tongue is tied!"

Hongli curled her lips: "The thing is like this, gurgling, twittering..."

"Oh hoo, I see."

Heiyang glanced at Hongli and smiled.


Hongli:? ? ?
"Hey, you still scold me if you don't comfort me!"

Hongli looked unhappy: "Can't you be gentle when you talk to me?!"


Heiyang was stunned for a moment, and tentatively asked: "Little idiot?"


A row of wells popped out from Hongli's head, leaped onto Heiyang's head, and punched Heiyang's head with both fists.

"Heiyang, you **** are not dead!"

"Oh, okay, okay, Xiaoli, stop beating, just kidding!"

Hei Yang put his head in his hands, confessed, "It's not that Xiao Li is weak, it's just that the sloth is too cunning!"

"Hmph, it's good to know."

Hong Li landed on the ground smoothly, clapped her hands, pointed to the coffin, and said speechlessly: "Then what do you say now? Leave her alone?"

"Well, that's really a problem..."

Before Hei Yang finished speaking, he was suddenly taken aback, and turned his head to look aside at the same time as Hong Li.


The dense cracks in the space continued to extend, and there were a few crisp sounds, breaking free, but still standing still in the same place, as if he had lost his goal.

Hei Yang glanced at the coffin, then at the cracks in space, showing a dazed expression, and waved warmly.

"Oh, this is not the big boss... The landlord? Lao Ao? Oh, anyway, you understand what I mean."

Hei Yang had a sunny smile that met the expectations of the world.

"This is, come out to patrol? Ah, what a coincidence, I also brought my wife out to play.

Well, that's right, you said that sloth, ah, it's over here!
We have helped you send her away happily, the coffin boards were all nailed to her, and she was just about to be buried. You won’t mind if you are buried, right? Our travel world is so good, we must talk about humanitarianism, right? Hahaha .

Hey, you're welcome, you're welcome, a family doesn't speak two different languages, don't you know us, we are law-abiding citizens, hahaha.

Ah, I haven’t eaten yet, I’m going to go back to eat, hahaha, there’s nothing delicious to eat, so let’s just pad my stomach and fool around, oh yes, which school do those two children of your family choose to learn..."

"Don't get too close, Hei Yang."

Hongli said in a faint voice: "There are only instincts in the roaming world, there is no high intelligence..."

"Grass, then you didn't say it earlier!"

"Then your voice is so nice, I want to hear a few more sentences!"

"Hongli, what the fuck is it better for me to scold you!"

"whispering sound."

Under the watchful eyes of Heiyang and Hongli, those cracks trembled twice, and then dissipated like bubbles, the gap in the space shook vaguely, and then returned to its original state, just like a new one.


Heiyang raised his eyebrows.

"Is this a trick?"

"Hush! Keep your voice down~"

Hongli patted Heiyang with a serious face.

"Maybe it hasn't gone very far!"

Hei Yang: "..."

[Hei Yang: Huh?Is this a trick? 】

[Hongli: It should be, you think about the anxiety before, isn't it just hiding in a certain canyon and setting up a broken formation? 】

[Hongli: This coffin is a little bit unlucky, but there are still things! 】

【Hei Yang: So what should we do now?Just leave her here? 】

[Hongli: If other factors are excluded, the danger from the outside world is gone, and she is in the Nascent Soul Stage, so she can eat whatever she eats, and it is not a problem to lie in it for three to five years. 】

[Hei Yang: But? 】

[Hongli: But revenge doesn't last overnight!How dare you lie to me!beat her! 】

【Heiyang: Ah this...】

[Hongli: Besides, I told her that it will be resolved soon...]

[Hong Li: It's dark inside, I'm afraid that the more she lies down, the more she will lose her temper, so I finally coax her up, and if she cools down slowly...]

[Hongli: After a fire was finally lit and then extinguished again, it would be difficult to burn it again...]

[Hei Yang: It makes sense, could it be that Xiao Li already has a solution? 】

[Hong Li: Ha!what!what!what! 】

[Hongli: No. 】

[Black Sun: **]

[Hei Yang: I asked Grandma Meng, but she couldn't help it. Let's hire another Gao Ming. 】

【Hong Li: Ah, this...】

[Hongli: Let's go, let's discuss about getting married. 】

【Hei Yang: However, Grandma Meng said that the adults in the roaming world might know what to do, so we can ask. 】

[Hong Li: Got it. 】

"Beep, beep, beep..."

"Who is it, here it is, here it is..."

Huole picked up the communication spirit stone and injected it with spiritual power.


"Elder, elder, it's me!"

Hongli waved her hand and said, "Good morning!"

"Ah, huh, Xiaoli..."

Huo Le shook his head, yawned and said, "Why do you wake up so early?"

"Oh, it's because of that..."

Seeing Elder Huo who suddenly appeared in the screen, Hong Li frowned: "Wait, what kind of image is this, Elder?"


Huo Le took the mirror from the table beside her, and looked at herself in the mirror curiously.

"Is it strange?"

"If it's not strange, it's strange!"

There was a row of black lines across Hongli's head, and Huole's white hair and beard were dyed green for some reason. The beard looked like it had been blown up, and the hairstyle was oblique bangs. Wearing colorful clothes, there seem to be metal rings and holes in the clothes!
And the angle of the picture, Hong Li tilted her head and shook her neck to confirm that it was not her fault. Elder Huo Le raised the spirit stone above his head and was talking to her with his head up.

"No, no, that is..."

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched: "Elder, did you practice some evil kung fu by going crazy?"


Heiyang moved his head curiously, his pupils trembled.

"Good guy, babe!"

"Oh, you said this..."

Huole smiled triumphantly, and pointed to himself.

"How about it, my new look is pretty good, right? Does it give you a new look?"

"We are in the dark!"*2
"Tch, young people don't know how to appreciate."

Huo Le rolled her eyes and flicked her bangs.

"This is called trendy, this is fashion!"

"Ahem, puff... eyes, my eyes!"

Hongli covered her eyes in pain.

"What about the other elders, and senior brothers and sisters, whoever you want, hurry up and arrest Elder Huo into the hospital!"

"As for what?"

Huo Le snorted softly, waved her hands and said, "I forgot to tell Xiaoli that you said that I have retired for almost a week.

The sect's affairs are all handled by the elder brother, except for the junior sister who is still young, the four of us have already resigned and now live under the Five Elements Mountain. "

"Don't say that..."

Huo Le stretched her waist, with a happy expression on her face.

"This retirement life is different. You can try whatever you want to do before! Okay, let's not talk about it. I made an appointment with Tulou and the others to gather for a dance at Wuxing City Square at [-] o'clock in the morning. I But the lead dancer, just like that, hang up."

"Hey, wait..."

"Beep beep..."

Hongli: "???"

Hei Yang: "???"

"Black Sun."


"You say why people should live, what is the ultimate meaning of the universe, and how should the value of life be reflected?"

"Cao, Xiaoli, wake up, don't get confused about life just because you saw something strange!"

"Ah, is Hongli dreaming of me, or I am dreaming of Hong..."

"Awakening Skull Crushing Fist!"


Hongli let out a scream, took a deep breath, and turned her head to look at Heiyang in panic.

"Heiyang, what happened? Why does my head hurt so much?"

"Ah, that..."

Heiyang Xu looked away, turned his head away and said: "Well, the headache caused by lack of sleep!"

"Huh? Is it?"

Hongli touched her head suspiciously.

"But I feel, is there a bulge on my head?"

"Illusion, trust your husband!"


Hongli looked at the spirit stone in her hand, frowned, and slowly recovered.

"Just now, what am I doing... Oh, by the way, call Elder Huo for help!

And then... and then what?

Wait, why can't I suddenly remember what Elder Huo looks like?Um, I remember like..."

"Ahaha, that's not important!"

Heiyang interjected with a sneer to "remind" and said: "Just now the elder hasn't answered the communication for a long time, which made you distracted, and now you come back to your senses."




"All right……"

Hongli's face was a little confused, and she always felt that something was wrong. She looked at the coffin behind her and gradually became sober.

"Oh, if Elder Huo doesn't answer the phone..."

Hong Li raised her eyebrows, and took out another spirit stone.

"Then ask auntie to ask, it's not much different..."

"Beep beep beep~~"


"Hey, aunt..."

"Hello, this is the office of the head of the Wangduhong family. The head of the family, Hongling, is busy. Please call again later. If you need to apply for other services, please leave a message after the beep, beep——"

"Ah this..."

The corners of Hong Li's mouth twitched: "Auntie has gone home already, okay, then Auntie, pay attention to rest, don't be too tired."

"Xiao Li..."

"It's okay, I still have it!"

Hongli snorted softly, and took out another spirit stone.

"When I call Xiaoyun, she will definitely not refuse to answer or hang up first! Not to mention that she will not have the IQ to leave a message!"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang swiped his hands and marked the title of the book.

""good friend""

"Hey, don't you believe it!"

Hongli snorted coldly, holding the phone to her ear with trembling little hands.

"I read for three seconds, and this kid will definitely answer my call in seconds! Three, two... beep!"

"Doo! Just look at me and tell me!"

"The communication you dialed has been hung up."


Hong Li turned to look at Hei Yang: "???"

"Xingyun's wings are hard?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know either."

(End of this chapter)

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