So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 293 It's just a fatal death, as long as I'm not embarrassed, the embarrassing thin

Chapter 293 It's just a fatal death, as long as I'm not embarrassed, the embarrassing thing is...

"That's all right, right?"

Hong Li looked at the Lingshi screen, waved the paper on her hand, and wanted to confirm it again.

"Is it enough to infuse laziness with spiritual power?"

"Ah, yes, of course!"

Holding the spirit stone, Yao Qingkong looked away absent-mindedly. She saw Jin Xiu following behind Zisheng and being brought back, but it seemed that something was wrong.

"Don't worry, I'm also the suzerain of the previous Medicine King Sect, and I know no less than Yin Zisheng!"

Yao Qingkong waved her hand: "Well, that's it, hang up first, I'll go see what's going on with them, and call back if you have any questions!"


As soon as the screen went dark, Hongli withdrew her gaze, looked down at the spirit stone in her hand, tossed it lightly, and frowned.

"Huh? Will this spirit stone get hot after a long time of talking? Will it explode like before?"

Hongli shook her head, she didn't want to think too much, she put away the spirit stone, looked at the coffin, raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Huh? The coffin board, was there a crack just now?"



"Why, what's the matter with this expression?"

Yao Qingkong went to Yinzisheng and Yinzisheng, looked at Jinxiu who had a strange expression, and asked in doubt: "Did you catch up with each other?"

"Catching up is catching up, but..."

Yin Zisheng smiled helplessly, and moved his body to reveal Jin Xiu behind him.

"It just looks like I was taught a lesson."


A question mark popped out of Yao Qing's head.

"Cough cough, cough cough, little boy, walk slowly..."

Jin Xiu put his hands in his sleeves, with a helpless expression on his face and a troubled voice.

"Grandma Jin is getting old and can't keep up with the footsteps of you young people. You have to understand and give grandma more patience..."

"Little Junior Sister, she..."

Yin Zisheng smiled, and a well popped out of his head.

"Become very old and stable, ahem, the really old one!"

Yao Qingkong: "???"

"Zisheng, you can't think like this, age has nothing to do with age."

Jin Xiu retorted with a smile: "You have lived longer than me, so you are older than me?

You are my senior brother, can't you call me grandma? "


There are more and more Tic Tac Toe on Yin Zisheng's head.

"Xiuxiu, senior brother, have I not beaten you for nearly three hundred years?"

"Oh, young people just can't hold their breath."

Jin Xiu couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "If you disagree with me, you want to use violence to solve the problem. It seems to be relieved, but when you reach my age, you will know...Ahhh!!!"

"You will know that it is really relieved!"

Yin Zisheng punched Jinxiu's head with a fist, gritted his teeth and smiled: "Boy saint! Kid saint, right! Sober or not, give me another punch if you're not sober!"

"Grandma, stop it..."

Jin Xiu put her head in her hands, her old voice distorted.

"Unfaithful and unfilial, unkind and unrighteous, disrespectful to the elderly...ah!"

"Old man, right? Old man! I'll make you an old man!"

Yinzisheng freed up his other hand, and beat Jinxiu on the head.

"It's not big or small! Disrespect senior brother! Willful and willful! Reckless and reckless! You haven't changed any of your childhood problems!"

"No, no, Zisheng baby, what, what..."

Jin Xiu was beaten lower and lower, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

Until Yinzisheng's fallen arm was grabbed, Jinxiu raised her head faintly, her face was ferocious, and her silver teeth gleamed.

"Silver! Zi! Holy! I will fight with you!"

Jin Xiu lost all her composure, her hair exploded, and she gnashed her teeth to attack Yin Zisheng!
"You hit me, you're done! I'm going to tell Master, Brother, and Sister! Tell them you beat me again!

I want Master to hang you in the well, on the tree, on the eaves..."

"Oh, the old master is not here now! Jin Xiu, do you think you can still be pampered and pampered like before?!"

Yin Zisheng's complexion changed, thinking of some unpleasant memories, he immediately blew up.

"Jin Xiuxiu, you complainer, let me tell you that I have disliked you for a long time! Today I will let you know what the majesty of a senior brother is!"

"Come on, do you think I'm afraid of you? I'll let you know what a junior sister's counterattack is!"

"Ola Ora Ora!"

"The wood is big, the wood is big, the wood is big!"

Yao Qingkong: "..."

Forget it, don't see it, don't see it...


The cafeteria was quiet, Elder Yao and Elder Dan sat facing each other, closing their eyes and resting their minds.

There was a large iron pot between the two of them, and pieces of unknown floating objects were cooking in it. Colorful black mist floated out of the pot and filled the room, making the two people who are immortals even more beautiful. Very mysterious.

"Three servings of Scorpio rejuvenation grass...five pieces of Mo Qingmei..."

"The fire is getting hot, and we should try our best to control the cooking within the expected time frame..."

"What are those?"

"Nothing, some seasonings, not very useful."

"Well, pick out the ones with high nutritional value, and dispose of the rest, otherwise it will affect the preparation ratio..."

"Understood, I will check the dose, you can rest assured..."

The flames danced, reflecting the leisurely faces of the two elders, and pulling out deep black shadows behind them.

"Although my life has a limit, and my knowledge has no limit, I can't comprehend the way of this elixir in my whole life..."

Elder Dan sighed leisurely: "But even so, if you can use your limited life to pursue the infinite way, the joy will be endless."

"I'm going to avoid another path, use this food tonic method to introduce the way of elixir, draw inferences by analogy, draw inferences from one instance, or break out of the original limitations, and look at this way in a more mature way."

Elder Yao nodded in agreement, and murmured: "This kind of nourishing food, the medicinal power is mild, the color is delicious, and it nourishes the disciples invisible. If we can understand this way, our disciples may win at the starting line..."

"It's just..."

There was a sparkle in the eyes of the two of them.

An invisible wave suddenly dissipated.

"It's just..."

The smiles on the faces of the two of them gradually became stiff, their expressions gradually darkened, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

"It's just crooked!!!"

"I don't understand, old man, why do you have to make such a suggestion, come to the kitchen in the cafeteria?
Do you really not know how much you weigh?Didn't you see that the disciples were all scared away? "

"Don't come here, the villain will sue first and bite back. It's because you, an old woman, are too poor at cooking. I ate a meal that you cooked back then. Later, I would rather eat pills to satisfy my hunger!"

"So you've already complained?"

"I think it's because you haven't made any progress in these years!"

"What did you say? Say it again!"

"Let's just say it, there is no progress! Heresy!"

"Back back, back, back, back!!!"



In Five Elements City, on the square, a group of middle-aged and elderly aunts and uncles are dancing to the sound of silk and bamboo orchestra, which is really high-end, elegant and classy.

In the center of the square, there is Huole with a head of eye-catching and vibrant green hair. Under everyone's gaze, the old man confidently completed a turtle spin and back spin perfectly.

"Huh, have you seen it, this is street dance..."

Huo Le coughed twice, motioning for everyone to be quiet, don't be six, he stretched out a finger, and explained with a serious face: "It's just that such difficult movements not only require proficient skills, but also need to be like me. Same strong body.

You may not be able to bear this difficulty for the time being, just in case, we will start with the gentler dance at the beginning, and then the water leader dance will come up to guide, everyone is welcome. "

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi"

Amid the applause, Shui Ran walked to Huo Le's side calmly, and said meticulously: "The next thing I will hand over to you is not only dance, but also a special exercise method that we have improved and integrated. It's called square dance exercise!
At the beginning, learn from the simplest steps, from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, you don’t need too much herbal nourishment, as long as you keep a reasonable and healthy diet, you can play a good role...

Of course, many of you here have missed the best age for body training, but I do have suggestions...

The first stage of the dancer to the ninth stage, this is the division I made, corresponding to the physique of the first to the ninth stage of the body training environment, please note that it is just a physique, and it cannot be generalized..."

"Good! Well said!" *n
"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi"*n
The onlookers are very sensible and know that there should be applause here.

"Haha, if you talk too much, why don't you take the initiative to demonstrate."

Tulou smiled and walked to Huole and Shuiran, and said to everyone: "Let's let everyone experience the charm of these dances..."

Before he finished speaking, the corners of Tulou's eyes suddenly twitched, and he felt a force in his body suddenly disappear, and then...

Tulou looked at Huole and Shuiran standing next to him, and Mu Ling who was still waiting to appear below, and then found that the muscles on the faces of all the brothers and sisters at this time began to dance street dance...

Tulou: "..."

Huo Le: "..."

Mizuran: "..."

Mu Ling: "..."

Who are they, where are they, what are they doing, and how do they look?

The Tulou suddenly fell silent, making the crowd quiet for a moment, and then they realized instantly, it's time to applaud!
"Good! Well said!" *n
"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi"*n
The four elders: "..."

"Ha, hoo..."

Tulou took a deep breath and showed a sneering expression.

"That, haha, everyone must have not understood what was said before, it's a bit too early for me to demonstrate now, please brother Shui continue to explain to everyone, hahaha, everyone applauds!"

"Good! Well said!" *n
"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi"*n
Mizuran: "???"

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of his senior brother looking at him incredulously, and Tulou turned his head away guiltily, sorry senior brother, as the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend never dies a poor Taoist... just admit it!

"Ahem, I think that..."

Shui Ran pretended to be calm: "Well, the theoretical knowledge is also very boring to everyone, let Junior Brother Huo show off to everyone."

"Good! Well said!" *n
"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi"*n
Huo Le: "..."

Why are there tears in my eyes...

"Ha, hoo..."

Huo Le took a deep breath, a cold light flashed in his eyes, sorry!
"Everyone, look at the wooden collar dancer! She has something to say!"

Huo Le suddenly pointed at the crowd, a certain Mu Ling was about to slip away quietly, but just turned around and raised half of his foot, he was instantly called and did not move.

"Good! Well said!" *n
"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi"*n
Muling: "*******"



"Oh, I'm so full, don't you quack..."

"Gah... full!"

Xingyun and Gaga lay on the bed with satisfied faces, beside the residue of various desserts.

"It's good to have a change of taste once in a while, Quack!"

"Gah...not bad!"


Xingyun paused, thinking of something.

"It's just that after resting for so long, I should double my practice and make up for it! Quack."

"Ga... come back!"

"Let's work hard together!"

"Work hard... Ga!"



"Hey, isn't it too late to play dumb now!"

Hongli stared at the dead fish eyes, and said loudly to the laziness on the other side of the Lingshi: "Come out quickly, I saw it just now, you even secretly opened the coffin board, and you want to hide it?" Pass me?!"

"Hi, the friend you called is lazy and has fallen asleep, please wait for tens of thousands of years to call again..."

Hongli: "???"

"All right, all right, you can be lazy, but you don't have to drink a toast, right?"

A cold light flashed in Hongli's eyes: "Then I will use my means next, don't regret it!"

"What, what means..."

Lazy felt a little flustered, but still stubborn.

"I, I'm not afraid! Hmph!"

"What are you..."

Hong Li's eyes widened, and just as she was about to say something, a familiar voice came from her ear.

"I'm exhausted, it's the peak meal time..."

Hei Yang came over with a few big bags of sauced pancakes and yawned.

"I don't care, next time Hongli you go, let me rest where I am."

"Ah, let's go."

After receiving the cake from Heiyang, Hong Li hadn't put it into her mouth yet, when she suddenly thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she waved her hand to signal Heiyang to bend down.

Heiyang subconsciously followed suit, and before he could react, his neck was suddenly strangled by an arm from behind, and a token was pressed against his head.

"Don't move!"


A question mark appeared on Hei Yang's head, was he being held hostage?
"Lazy! Listen carefully, now Heiyang is in my hands!"

Hongli snorted coldly and threatened: "His little life is in my hands. If you don't want him to be hurt, tsk tsk, come out quickly! Otherwise, I won't be polite to him!"


The lazy tone was furious: "Hong Li, you actually did such a thing as hostage-taking! Hei Yang is innocent, why are you coming after me!"

"Good! Backbone!"

Hongli sneered again and again: "Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I'm sure... Ah! Oh!"


"Oh, it's inexplicable."

Heiyang twisted his wrist, looking at Hongli who was squatting on the ground covering her head and weeping, she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Why did I become your hostage? Why do you dare to be rude to me?"

"Isn't it just to call her out?!"

Hongli pretended not to shed tears: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(ery(hc)"

"You've said so much, it should work long ago, and now it's time to make a decision."

"Then it's your turn!"

Hong Li viciously swallowed half of the pie.

"Substitution substitution!"

"Go, go, go."

Hei Yang reached out to take the spirit stone in Hong Li's hand, and said directly to the other end: "Lazy, you can hear me, well, I am Hei Yang, the kidnapper has been subdued by me, don't worry.

Well, not much to say, two options,

First, you continue to escape inside, we are almost at the appointed time, everyone has something to do, so I won't accompany you here to make trouble here, we will leave immediately.

Second, you come out now, try the new method Xiaoli found for you after a long time, and eat the hot cakes I bought in line for a long time-it will be cold soon! "


Laziness wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Heiyang.

"Don't rush to answer, because this is the last time to ask you, and it is also the last chance. You should think about it before you speak."

After a pause, Heiyang said calmly: "Of course, you know, it's cold, the cake will be cold soon, so control the time well."




The lazy voice came out weakly.

"Are you always so nice to your friends..."

"It depends on the mood."

Heiyang bit the cake and muttered.

"Hei Yang is right."

Hongli nodded and said affirmatively, "Besides, it's really delicious."


There was a crack in the coffin board, and the little sloth poked his head out and stretched out his hand: "Give it to me, I want it too!"

(End of this chapter)

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