So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 294 I have a guest, playing the zither and the sheng.It's like a moon, when can I stop.

Chapter 294 I have a guest, playing the zither and the sheng.It's like a moon, when can I stop.


The paper instantly ignited, turned into a ball of fire and dissipated, with scattered ashes, and the twilight flashed away.

"Is there no problem then?"

The sloth watched the oath filled with his name dissipate in the air, cautiously watching his surroundings with a cautious look on his face.

"I always feel that I will be killed in the next moment, and then die tragically in front of Heiyang Hongli and you."

"Oh, who do you look down on!"

Heiyang snorted softly, hooked Hongli's shoulders, and said with a proud face: "You don't want to inquire, this area is thousands of miles away, who would dare not give face when they hear our names?
The two of us want to protect you, who can harm you? "

"Indeed, indeed..."

Hong Li was lifted up into the air by Hei Yang's neck, her face gradually turned red, she kicked her legs and struggled, and echoed: "If you don't believe it, if you don't believe it, you run to the street now, and shout three times to the sky, "Who dares to kill me?" !
I can assure you, there will definitely not be... Cough, Heiyang, you fucking let me down!come down!

Huh... survived... praise the breath! "


The sloth huddled in a little bewilderment, and asked in a low voice: "Well, can I live here, and I won't be expelled again?"

"Huh, probably!"

Hongli suddenly jumped behind Heiyang, took a deep breath, her eyes flashed, and she gave Heiyang a backlash to vent her revenge for being strangled.

"However, hey, but you'd better go to the city lord's mansion, hey, find someone to register, hey, the two of us will go too later, hey, I'll take you along the way! Hey! Heiyang suffers! "

"Ah, ok, ok, it's dead, it's dead."

Heiyang rolled his eyes, turned his head to look at the coffin next to him that was constantly brushing his presence... Ahem, turned his head to look at the wooden box next to him, walked over and put it away, it was somewhat an eyesore.

"Heiyang, don't run away! Look at me... ah!"

"Okay, it's almost time."

Heiyang dragged the half-dead Hongli to the sloth, put Hongli on the ground, and stretched.

"I guess it's time for the appointment with my parents, so let's go directly, ah, this night is really noisy."

"Oh, rookie, is this making a fuss?"

Hongli turned her head away, and hummed softly with a look of disdain: "There will be more trouble in the future!"

"Don't worry, you can always trust Hei Yang."

Hei Yang glanced at Hong Li, and replied without showing any weakness: "I, Hei Yang, measure [-] meters and weigh [-] catties.

A certain glass is [-] meters and weighs [-] catties.Who is strong and who is weak, the superior and inferior will be judged. "

"Fuck your [-] meter, I'm [-] meters, [-] meters, how many times have I said that!"

Hongli snorted softly: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with fools."

"Ah, yes, yes, sister Hongli, if you want, don't say [-] meters, [-] meters or [-] will do."

Heiyang spread his hands, turned to look at the sloth beside him, thought for a while, and asked directly: "What should you do?
Go back to our house and rest, or go to town with us first? "

"I'll follow you!"

Laziness didn't even think about it and said directly: "I know you two!"

"Hmm, you said it yourself."

Heiyang nodded, revealing dead fish eyes.

"So don't make a fuss about being sleepy for a while, and remember to put away your abilities, otherwise it will affect the neighbors in the neighborhood, so you just wait to be cleaned up."

"Who do you look down on!"

Lazy said unconvinced: "I'm showing off, not rotten!

I'm just too lazy to control power, and it's not that I can't control it! "

"That's fine, as long as you know what Heiyang said."

Hongli asked another question: "But will you transform into a human form like my Xiaohuo?

After all, in the map of our five-color city, all the creatures that are refreshed are humanoid creatures. If you enter randomly, it will appear a little uncoordinated. Please understand. "

"It's simple."

Laziness froze for a moment, found the inheritance folder in the corner of the blank mind, clicked on it, retrieved the small knowledge points of changes, imported it with one click, and the spiritual power shone brightly, wrapped her in it, and turned into a girl: "This way It's alright!"

Lazy's voice was a bit neutral, like a hoarse voice that dragged his throat, and seemed weak, causing even the anger to be a soft and weak tone.

She waved her elongated arms curiously, then put her hands on her hips, looked up at Heiyang Hongli, and asked with a little expectation: "How is it? It won't look very different, right?"

"What do you ask..."

Hongli frowned, took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, "How could you do this! Cheating! Fouling! Why!"


A question mark appeared over the sloth's head.

"You were obviously lower than me before, why did you become so tall?!"

Hongli pointed angrily at the laziness in front of her, and couldn't help but condemned: "You must be [-] meters tall, why not!"

I saw that the little sloth, who was no more than [-] centimeters at most before, has now turned into a tall girl.

He has long flaxen hair, a light-colored gown on his upper body, which looks like a hooded sweater, and wide off-white trousers on his legs.

A scarf of the same color as his original hair was worn around his neck, covering his mouth and nose, and his eyes were looming under the cover of bangs on his forehead, without highlights.


Laziness shrank his neck and whispered: "Even if I am very young in the group, I am already over six hundred years old. Isn't it normal to grow taller..."

"Ah, this seems to make sense..."

Hongli was stunned for a moment, Xiao Suibu took two steps back, leaned close to Heiyang's ear, and whispered: "You said that when I am six hundred years old, will I grow a lot taller?"

"Come on, we are a different species from her."

Heiyang rolled his eyes, shortened his body, and said in a low voice: "I heard people say that there is a kind of sloth that can grow to a height of five meters after adulthood, why don't you compare with others?
If a person grows so tall, it will affect normal life, okay? "

"The one you said is inappropriate, the gap is too big and there is no idea of ​​comparison."

Hongli couldn't help showing half-moon eyes, and also stretched.

"Well, okay, let's go!"



"A lot of people... they are still alive... they can still move..."

Laziness huddled and hid behind Heiyang Hongli, not daring to speak loudly all the way, poking out his head to peek at passers-by from time to time, then quickly lowering his head and burying his head in the scarf.

At the same time, I was so curious that I wanted to see how other human beings get along with each other except Heiyang Hongli, but I was also afraid of being hurt by bad people. Those who didn’t know thought that the streets were full of Nascent Soul powers!

"Lazy, lazy, see, this is my natal home."

Hongli gently pushed open the door, and led Heiyang to run briskly into the house, waving at the sloth while running.

"The last one to come in closes the door without locking it, thank you."

"Well...too lazy to turn it off..."

The sloth sighed leisurely, knocked against the door helplessly, turned around and was about to say something, when he saw that Heiyang Hongli had already jumped a long way, trembling with fright, he hurriedly chased out with the fastest speed in his life.

"Wait, wait a minute, don't leave me alone!"



The room was quiet, Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying were sitting on the bench, leaning their heads together to carefully study the plan on the table.

Hei Muguang didn't know where he went, and Hong Xiaochen sat beside him, sleeping peacefully with his face upturned and his head tilted.


Qing Yiyi moved her ears, and suddenly looked at the door. Although she hadn't seen anyone yet, she had already heard the commotion in the courtyard.

"Today, I was very self-conscious and didn't ask us to call them."

"There is still some food in the kitchen pot, warm it up for them and serve it?"

Lan Yuying said casually: "Although I told them to get up early for dinner, but whether they ate or not...... Well, it's hard to say."

"I don't know if I ate the food or not, but I must have eaten the snacks."

"This is indeed..."

Lan Yuying sighed, turned her head and looked at her sleeping husband unhappily, couldn't help popping a well on her head, stretched out her hand and pinched Hong Xiaochen's waist, the latter exclaimed , woke up suddenly, and the confused expression made Lan Yuying's face darker.

"Ah? Ah! What happened?"

Hong Xiaochen turned his head in a daze.

"Yingying, what's wrong with you, you look a little unhappy..."


Lan Yuying's anger value increases by one, plus one, plus one, plus one...

"Hong Xiaochen! Have you had enough sleep! Have you had enough sleep!"

Lan Yuying looked at her sneering husband angrily, and couldn't help but said: "We agreed to brainstorm together and figure out a solution together, but it turned out that you were lucky, as soon as you sat on your buttocks and tilted your head, you started to be lazy!
I finally understand that my Xiaoli, who was such a lively and active girl since she was a child, has become like this after raising her, all because of you, a lazy father, who led her to mislead her! "

"Hey, Yingying, you said I was lazy, I admit it, you said you spoiled my daughter, tsk tsk, don't try to blame me for this blame."

Hong Xiaochen raised her legs, and couldn't help complaining: "You can say that my daughter has inherited my intelligence, and her personality of being optimistic and not afraid of hardships and dangers is similar, but laziness is not inherited from her father.

But if you want to be lazy... Anyway, her father and I have almost let go since Xiaoli was four years old. Since then, she has turned to a growth path that her father can't understand. "

"Oh, oh, I think Xiaoli is pretty good now."

Qing Yiyi lowered her head and smiled: "You are obedient and cute, just looking at it makes people feel kind."

"Wow, Yiyi, you have the nerve to say it!"

Lan Yuying pretended to be angry and complained: "It's not your Xiaoyang who was led astray, of course you think it's okay!"

"I don't agree with that."

Qing Yiyi laughed and said: "Xiaoyang Xiaoli is my own child here, and she is cute no matter what she looks like!"

"Ha, Yiyi, you speak so righteously, it makes me look like a vicious stepmother..."

Lan Yuying looked at the smiling Qing Yiyi, revealing half-moon eyes: "I remember when we were having dinner at home with Xiaoli, and Xiaoyang suddenly ran in with a face full of panic...

Yiyi, guess who is chasing and killing Xiaoyang with a broom all the way? "

"Ah this..."

Qing Yiyi's body froze, but she regained her composure in an instant, and said with a laugh: "What? There is such a thing!
My Xiaoyang was actually bullied by others?Yu Ying, why didn't you tell me earlier! "

Lan Yuying: "..."

Qing Yiyi: "..."

"Cough, that..."

Qing Yiyi beeped softly: "The broom just looks scary, the fear on his face is [-]% real and [-]% real, just pretending to show his mother.

Like that time when I asked Xiaoyang not to forget the boiling water I boiled before going out, but when I came back, I found that the kettle was almost burnt through. When I chased him with a kitchen knife that time, the expression on his face was really scared! "

"You have the nerve to say..."

Lan Yuying rolled her big eyes.

"The most ruthless thing I have is confiscating Xiaoli's book, but I can't bear to hit it..."

"It's as if I really hurt that kid. Don't you think he's lying at home all day without moving, and you want him to go out?"

Qing Yiyi said quietly: "Boys should be lively and mischievous, shouldn't they, they would rather be annoying than be pitiful...

It's not like you don't know that during the few years when Xiao Yang was born, he had a melancholy look all day long, which made me so worried, I don't want him to change back to that..."

"Ham, that's right, that kid was...huh?"

Lan Yuying frowned, turned to look at Hong Xiaochen who was snoring with his mouth open, a black line was drawn across his forehead: "Red! Laugh! Chen!"

"Oh, I seem to have heard someone mention Xiaoyang and Xiaoli?"

Heiyang pushed open the door and jumped into the room happily.

"Do you think about us that way? Do you think so?"

"Aha, I seem to hear my mother's roar and my father's scream?"

Hongli smiled and followed closely behind, poking her head out.

"How did dad mess with mom again? What's the matter?"

"I got up early today."

Qing Yiyi raised her head and glanced at her son, and praised: "Keep it up."


Hei Yang smiled embarrassedly: "Actually, I didn't sleep all night..."

"Oh, that's fine."

Qing Yiyi's expression disappeared, and she lowered her head again: "Have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, go to the kitchen by yourself."

"Eat, eat, eat outside, hehe!"

"You will enjoy..."

"Hey, where's my dad?"

"Go to the city lord's mansion and haven't come back yet."

"oh oh!"

"Good morning, Mom and Dad!"

Hongli waved to her parents, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, sighing: "Familiar, the taste of home!"

"Your mother just sprayed some insect repellant..."

Hong Xiaochen said faintly: "The smell is not over yet."

"I said why the smell of this place is a bit high..."

Hongli shook her head, showing dead fish eyes and looking around: "Besides, is there any shortcoming, such as a certain little red head..."

"Xiao Huo followed Mu Guang to the City Lord's Mansion."

Hong Xiaochen yawned: "I guess not yet..."

"Grandpa, hurry up! Xiao Huo smells Mom and Dad!"

A voice from outside interrupted Hong Xiaochen's words.

"Really, can they get up at this hour?"

Hei Muguang's tone was a little surprised.

"It can't be wrong!"

Xiao Huo let go of his grandfather's hand and ran towards the house, turning his head and laughing while urging, "Hurry up, Grandpa! Xiao Huo wants to be the first one... oops!"

Xiao Huo shook his body suddenly, and felt that he had bumped into something, obviously there was nothing there in his perception!
"Run slowly, if you hurt an ordinary person, Heiyang Hongli will be very embarrassed..."

Laziness corrected Xiaohuo who had crashed into his arms, lowered his head and said softly, "We meet again, the happy-born Xiaoli Flamingo cub."


Xiao Huo looked up at the girl who suddenly appeared with a puzzled face, and said uncertainly: "You are... Xiao Huo, have you seen you?
Hmm... big sister?aunt?Aunt?Or some other elder? "

"It's me..."

Laziness smiled kindly, his figure flickered, and he turned back into the appearance of a little sloth.

"Remember, we met before!"

"Ah! It's you! The one who makes everyone in the city sleep late..."

Surprised and delighted, Xiao Huo stretched out his hand to hold the sloth and ran a few steps, and flew with the sloth to an apricot tree in the yard, where he turned into a little flamingo and stood side by side on the branch with the little sloth .

"I heard from my parents that we must find a suitable way to send you away. Haven't you left yet?"

"Well, plans have changed."

Just listening to Lazy's voice gave me the urge to feel drowsy. Although her voice didn't sound like a math teacher, and she didn't say anything difficult to understand, it still had the same effect.

"Heiyang Hongli took me in, and they said I can live here."

"Wow! Really?!"

Xiaohuo's eyes lit up: "Are you going to live with us in Five Color City?

Then do you want to live in the same room with Xiaohuo, so that Xiaohuo can chat with you when he can't sleep!
Well, Xiaohuo can give you half of the bed, a very soft and warm big bed! "

"Uh, no need..."

Lazy smiled, rejecting Xiaohuo's kindness, she looked towards the room, and said curiously: "Heaven, earth, sandy plains, mountains, forests, seas of clouds, can't you sleep there?
Why do human beings lock themselves in a big box? "

"Because it can keep out the wind and rain!"

"Is that so..."

Laziness nodded and turned to look at Xiaohuo.

"What about you, you are not afraid of wind and rain, and you are not afraid of severe cold, so why do you sleep in the house?

Wouldn't it be more comfortable to sleep in a tree?The air is fresh, the wind is sunny, embrace nature..."

"Well, I don't really understand..."

Xiaohuo showed an incomprehensible expression.

"Little Huo has lived in the house since he was born, there is a family there!"

"Is that so..."

The sloth nodded: "I don't know where my family is, and I have no relationship with them..."

"Oh, you don't have to have a blood relationship to be a family member!"

Xiaohuo waved his wings, pointed to himself, and then pointed to the direction of the house, and said happily: "Xiaohuo, mother, and father, there is no blood relationship between any two of us, but we are the last Close family!"

"Ah, that's right!"

Xiaohuo peeked around, covered the little sloth with its wings, and whispered: "But you can't live with mom and dad, Xiaohuo tells you, mom and dad are now, uh...

How to say that word, Xiaohuo remembers that grandma said, oh, yes, they are in the period of love, so don't disturb them! "

"What is the period of love?"

The sloth asked curiously: "There is no..."

"Oh, the inheritance of the race is just fun! The ancestors will only tell you, ah, reproduce, reproduce—"

Xiao Huo rolled his eyes, making fun of it.

"But there is no mention of feelings in the inheritance! Friendship! Family affection! Love!
They won't put all kinds of feelings in the inheritance, maybe they think it's useless?Or do you want future generations to experience it for themselves?Xiaohuo doesn't understand. "

After a pause, Xiaohuo showed a funny face.

"But Xiaohuo knows that boys and girls in the period of passionate love have a lot of feelings, hehehe..."

"Hey hey hey?"

The sloth looked puzzled: "What does that mean?"

"Ahem, no, it's nothing interesting!"

Xiao Huo said with a sneer: "It's just that they are in the period of passionate love, it's best not to disturb them casually, hahaha."

"Is that so..."

The sloth nodded thoughtfully, remembering what Xiaohuo taught. Although the other party is young, he obviously understands the way of life in the human world better than himself.

"Then how long will their love period last?"

"This little fire doesn't know..."

Xiao Huo smiled like a cat stealing fish.

"Xiaohuo hopes that it will last forever! Xiaohuo likes them like this, and is very happy every day!"

"I see……"

The sloth devoured Teacher Xiaohuo's teaching eagerly, and fell into deep thought.

"Well, how about it?"

Xiao Huo patted the little sloth with his wings, expecting: "Do you want to live with Xiao Huo?"

"Well, I don't know..."

The sloth tilted his head, thinking of something.

"I told Heiyang Hongli, I want a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, tall and reliable.

Then they said that they were going to plant a very important tree later and asked me if I would be interested in living there.

Well, let me not steal it, saying that everyone will share it together, I don't understand what they are talking about..."


(End of this chapter)

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