So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 302 In every starry night, this world seems to be more tender

Chapter 302 In every starry night, this world seems to have more tenderness

The sun moved slowly to the west, gradually lengthening the four shadows.

Hei Yang, Hong Li, Hei Muguang, and Hong Xiaochen stood upright facing the wall, with their heads lowered, listening to the footsteps behind them, they did not dare to move.

Behind the two, Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying looked at their husband and children with sullen faces, angrily and funnyly.

"You guys, I really don't know what to say about you!"

With arms crossed, Qing Yiyi paced back and forth behind the four of them expressionlessly, her knife-like gaze swept back and forth behind the four of them, and finally fixed on her husband Hei Muguang.

Qing Yiyi walked slowly to Hei Muguang's side, looked at the back of the other's head, sighed, stretched out two arms, and gently put them on the other's shoulders.

In an instant, Qing Yiyi felt her husband's whole body stiffen, his heart beat faster, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously twitched, and then smoothed instantly.


Qing Yiyi suddenly let out a long sigh, supported Hei Muguang who was tense all over, and said quietly: "Guang, how old are you this year?"

"That Yiyi..."

Hei Muguang sweated on his forehead: "Listen to my explanation, I can explain it!
That, entertaining, making things difficult, fighting for wine, and then... I'm sorry Yiyi, I was wrong! "

"No explanation?"

"No explanation!"

"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't go to drink secretly, let alone drink endlessly, you shouldn't fight over drinking, and you shouldn't lie just to hide the truth!"

"Yes, yes, how could this be?"

Qing Yiyi slid her hands down, and intimately held Hei Muguang's shoulders, relaxing his muscles, but the latter's tension did not decrease but increased.

"Guang, you are already a grandfather, you should restrain yourself and set an example for the children, right?"

"That's right, that's right! Be restrained, be restrained!"

Hei Muguang nodded furiously: "Yiyi, I was wrong, I don't dare to do it again, give me another chance, next time I drink, I will definitely not hide it from you!"

Qing Yiyi: "..."

"Come on, it's hopeless."

Qing Yiyi's expression froze, she looked up at the big tree, and shouted: "Brother, don't hide there, don't you and those brothers want Mu Guang, how about I lend him to you for a day?"


Qing Jiahuang poked his head out of the tree suddenly, with a few leaves in his hair, his feet were hooked on the branches, and he stared at Hei Muguang who was thinking about the wall, and couldn't help but excitedly said: "You Do you really have the heart to give him to your brothers to take care of him for a day?"

"Fake! Fake! Yiyi can't bear it at all!"

Hei Muguang hurriedly raised his head and shouted: "Go back to your tree and stay there, what's the matter with you here!"

"Tch, you're not happy with letting you eat and live for free all day!"

Qing Jiahuang rolled his eyes, melted into the canopy again, and the voice continued: "Yiyi, don't be afraid, we and dad will support you, if you are wronged, just say it, we will help you teach him a lesson!"

"Know it!"

Qing Yiyi waved her hand towards the tree, turned her head to look at Hei Muguang again, and said softly, "Turn around."


Hei Muguang turned around obediently, lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to look at his wife's face.

"look into my eyes!"

Qing Yiyi snorted softly: "Then open your mouth, how much alcohol is there?"

"Ah this, that..."

Hei Muguang scratched his cheek with a smile, and whispered softly: "It's gone, it's really gone, ah, look, I just drank a little!"

"A little bit of yours can get seventy or eighty little yangs drunk!"

Qing Yiyi chuckled, rolled her eyes at Hei Muguang, and waved her hands: "Okay, when the smell of alcohol dissipates and when you enter the room, you can put it here to cool down first!"

"Hey, it's necessary!"

Hei Muguang was overjoyed, nodded again and again, consciously turned to face the wall, and said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, you'll be fine soon. I sweated a lot all the way here, and I'm much more awake now."


Qing Yiyi showed a disgusted expression: "It smells like sweat and wine, so I'm ashamed to say it!"

"I'm sorry, I'm definitely sorry, hahaha..."

"Hey, it's fine to take care of Xiaoyang, and I have to worry about you, you little brat all day long!"

"Yiyi, I'm only one year younger than you."

"One year younger is still young!"



"There is a mezzanine under the head of our bed, there is a secret door on the east wall of the kitchen, and the backyard is four steps south from the apricot tree and the underground..."

Hong Xiaochen explained dejectedly: "There are seventeen bottles in total, plus the twenty-five bottles handed in last time, that's really all there is."

"Xiao Chen, you also said that last time."

Lan Yuying curled her lips, and said aggrievedly: "Didn't I tell you, Xiaochen, that if you want to drink something, you can just find me, and I will give you what was confiscated from you before."

But that little drink is not good at all!

Of course, this must not be said, no matter what Hong Xiaochen said, he is still a mature man who has been caught drinking by his wife many times!
Of course, he also secretly sympathized with Brother Mu Guang in his heart. After all, to be honest, his own Yuying is much easier to coax than his Yiyi, ahem...

"Got it, I was wrong, I won't do it next time!"

"If only it were true."

Lan Yuying sighed, touched her husband's head on tiptoe, and said softly: "I know you like to drink, and I won't try to make you change your nature, after all, I fell in love with you at the beginning.

But I'm afraid that something will happen if you drink too much and lose your mind. I don't want you to have an accident. No one in the family wants you to have an accident, you know?

I used to always think about the romance of the knight on a white horse, but now I just want my family to live a healthy, happy and stable life. "


Hong Xiaochen was silent for a while, then nodded lightly: "Well... I'll stand with Mu Guang for a while."

"What do you want for dinner?"




"Okay, it's your turn."

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying looked at Heiyang Hongli, who was muttering secretly, and a well popped out on her head: "Don't whisper!"

"We've said it many times, you two have grown up, you can't lie on the ground and fight like kids!"

"Over time, couples spend more time together than you do with your parents.

You may become more and more close, or you may become at a loss because of the disappearance of the sense of distance.

We hope that the two of you will be more tolerant and understanding to each other, okay? "

"Your will, my lord mother!"*2
"Forget it, take care of this yourself, rest well these few days.

Since I asked you to buy by yourself and didn't pay attention, we will take you shopping together starting tomorrow. Don't cry tired, and don't feel that we are slow. You still have to participate in the preparation work afterwards! "


Qing Yiyi frowned, and said leisurely: "I'll just stand there until you reconcile and don't want to fight anymore."

"Report, we have reconciled!"*2
"Stand for another two hours."

"Follow your instructions!"*2

As the days went down, Heiyang Hongli, who had been busy for a whole day and did nothing, finally got her wish and went to dinner at her parents' house, she was so moved that she burst into tears.

So the two of them decided that, in an extraordinary time, they would take extraordinary actions, and simply live here in the next few days, so as to realize their ulterior purpose of spending money every day!
It's just that, because there is no place for the two of them in this house, the clever Heiyang Hongli put a bed on the roof on this cold spring night!
"Slowly, slowly..."

Heiyang stared at the horse intently, the gray mist poured into the opponent's mouth and nose, and gradually squeezed out a corner of the gray and black soul, which was gently pinched by Heiyang's fingers.

Feeling Da Ma's emotional tension, Hei Yang comforted softly: "It's okay, it's just a, um, minor surgery, it's over as soon as you close your eyes, take it easy, take it easy...

Listen up, I'll count to three and we'll push together and let me gently pull out your soul, understand? "


Da Ma felt a little dizzy, and said in a vague voice: "When I get better, I will carry you on my back at the wedding."

"I reserved a guest seat for you."

"You agree, you don't agree, I will die with peace!"

"The gods don't die with peace, they say they believe in me..."

Heiyang laughed helplessly: "Okay, I promise you, okay?"



Heiyang made a sudden move.


Before Da Ma could react, his soul was pulled out instantly, and was taken into the other shore. The gray mist spread, wrapped his still warm body, and disappeared into the shadows.

"Phew! Get it done!"

Heiyang heaved a sigh of relief, smiled, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then just waited quietly, he had fulfilled his promise of Malaysia!

"Hei Yang! Are you ready?"

On the roof, Hongli waved her hand and said: "I made the bed, it's very stable, come quickly!"


Heiyang yelled, and rushed to the roof with a "shua", saw Hongli in pale pink pajamas sitting on the bed, raised his eyebrows, didn't say much, moved to her side, turned over body, facing the sky, lying on his back shoulder to shoulder with Hong Li.

The moon is half round tonight, but the stars are still shining brightly.

If he was still in the world with severe industrial pollution, Hei Yang felt that it would be difficult for him to see such a starry sky in his entire life.

Of course, I can't meet the girl next to me.

Hei Yang smelled the fragrance of jasmine, he didn't turn his head, but asked casually: "Have you washed your hair?"

"I can't help it, my mother doesn't listen to what I say about practitioners avoiding dust and dirt..."

Hongli's hair was parted behind her head, and her eyes looked at the starry sky without focus.

"My mother said: monks don't have to eat and sleep, how do you eat and sleep? After all, you are lazy. You knew how to be clean when you were young, but you grew up to be more and more sloppy. How can there be a bunch of girls like you...

What can I do? Of course, I was pushed into the water basin by my mother, but there is one thing to say, and I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect. I really feel a lot more comfortable. "


Heiyang looked at the sky with vacant eyes, and suddenly said: "Do you think there are fools like us who are sleeping looking at the starry sky?"

"There should be many."

Hong Li thought about the legendary stories she saw in the biographical novels, her eyes lit up slightly: "Imagine, somewhere in the ends of the earth.

Experienced monks, wandering merchants, sleepless poets, adventurous rangers...

They experience hardships and setbacks, meet new people and things, laugh and worry, wantonly depressed, arrogant and humble, forge ahead before falling down, calm and resolute after falling...

Sometimes, I still envy those guys who are wanton and romantic, and feel that their youth is brilliant.

Occasionally, I still imagine myself wielding a sword to slay demons, ha, the world I long for or regret is contained in the book...

Well, that’s why I like to read those stories. I know that I may not be able to bear the suffering they endured, so I can only talk about it in this way for comfort, haha... Heiyang, tell me, am I very brave? Small? "

"There are always things that people are afraid of. It's normal, but people are not cowardly in everything. There will always be a moment when you want to do something desperately."

Stars were reflected in Heiyang's eyes, and Hongli's figure flashed out of the stars again, he asked softly: "At that time, we were still in the Qi refining period, before Wangchuan, didn't you bravely save me?"

"That's also timid, I'm afraid of losing you."

Hongli smiled lightly: "Do you know how scared I was then?

All courage, all bravery, the premise is that you are still by my side, Hei Yang. "

"Now you are the bravest."

Heiyang held the girl's hand and looked at the sky with a complicated expression.

"Remember that time you slept on the roof, and you had a nightmare?"

"I can't remember clearly, hehe..."

Hongli stared at the starry sky in a daze, as if she saw a summer night when she was twelve years old—it was also on this roof at that time.

It's just that, at that time, they didn't bring all the beds up. They just made two bunks with some distance in the middle. The two of them lay on them, laughed and laughed for a while, and fell asleep after saying good night to each other.

"I think it must be that the mats were not thick enough at that time, and the roof was too hard to hit me, so I had that kind of nightmare."

Hong Li curled her lips, a little upset.

"It's the first time I saw you cry so sad..."

Hei Yang seemed to see that girl who was choking and panting again. He was sleeping soundly at that time, but was woken up by the crying.

"I comforted you for a long time. I thought you wanted to find your parents, or did you suddenly want to go to the toilet?"

"Pfft, you are twelve years old and still cry because you can't find your parents when you wake up?"

"How do you know you haven't?"

"So there is?"



Hong Li curled her lips, feeling a little depressed suddenly.

"I dreamed that you were dead and would never talk to me again. If you called you, you would not say a word. If you hit you, you would not fight back. I would open your eyes and you would not look at me. Why, oh, why don't you Just ignore me..."

The circles of Hong Li's eyes gradually turned red, she turned over and hugged Hei Yang, sniffed, and couldn't help cursing: "You bastard, don't ignore me!"

"Okay, okay, why are you still crying all of a sudden? It's been six or seven years since I had a dream..."

Heiyang patted Hongli's back helplessly, and comforted him: "We won't compete with a dream, you know, just be obedient."

"What happened in the dream, you can't ignore me even in the dream!"

"Okay, Xiaoli, your empathy ability is still so strong."

"Nonsense, watching so many stories, even if you don't have the ability to empathize!"

"Are you a childhood shadow?"

"This is the shadow you cover up in your heart, the area is getting bigger all the time!"

"now what?"

"The area has not changed, but the heart has been completely covered."

"Non-proliferation? Non-proliferation? Non-proliferation?"

"What kind of virus are you! Climb, climb!"

"Then I climbed."

"Come back! Lie down and don't leave!"

"I didn't leave, I just turned over and saw how long your legs were that tripped me during the day!"

"No, no, no, no, no, I don't dare! Help... um."



On the branch, the sloth moved slightly, revealing the new shoots of the branches under it.

(End of this chapter)

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