So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 301 He and she used to be kings until they met Dad...

Chapter 301 He and she used to be kings until they met Dad...

The shield of spiritual power as thin as cicada's wings unfolded on Hongli's body, spreading against her clothes, causing ripples from time to time, extinguishing the emerging fire of Nirvana, preventing it from burning the clothes or leaving the body to damage the streets of Wuse City houses.

"Be careful, be more careful, slow, slow, slow..."

On the streets of Wuse City, Heiyang carefully supported Hongli, who was in a semi-invisible state, and moved forward step by step.

From time to time, sparks popped out of the latter's body, and a pillar of fire shot out from his head, with a look of lovelessness on his face, letting Hei Yang lead him wherever he wanted.

"Stop, Xiaoli, wait a minute!"

Heiyang made a sudden noise, which made Hongli tremble in fright, and froze in place.

She watched her boyfriend strode forward, and looked at the road ahead with a face full of enemies, where there was a half brick thrown by some brat.

Heiyang's face was solemn, and with lightning speed, taking advantage of Brick's inattention, he ran to Brick's side and kicked it hard to the side of the road!

Brick Paji got stuck on the side of the road and rolled away from the only way that Heiyang Hongli must pass.

But Heiyang was still relentless, he chased and stepped forward, stomped half of the brick into powder, took a deep breath and blew it violently, the dust drifted away, and there was no trace of the brick.

"Huh! It's too dangerous. Fortunately, I have sharp eyes, otherwise Hongli would definitely be ambushed by this brick!"

Heiyang breathed a sigh of relief, confirmed that the enemy blocking the way had been killed, stepped back and teleported back to Hongli's side, carefully took her arm again, and comforted her with a smile.

"Okay, the danger is gone, let's move on!"


Hongli's eyelids jumped wildly, and she turned to look at Heiyang with a question mark on her face: "?"

"what happened?"

Heiyang asked doubtfully, "Is there any problem?"

[Hongli: ? ? ? 】

[Hongli: Do you still ask me if I have any questions? 】

[Hongli: You are so outrageous! 】

[Hongli: In twenty minutes, we walked a total of fifty meters. If you are lazy, you can overtake us hundreds of times! 】

[Hong Li: Brother!It's just that my supernatural fusion is out of control, I'm not disabled, okay!
Please, let's go as normal! 】


Heiyang frowned, and turned to look at Hongli with a serious expression.

"It's because your magical powers are out of control, so we need to be more steady and walk slowly!
What if, Xiaoli, you kick a rock and trip over something, get excited, accidentally get angry, bah bah, what if you get angry! "

[Hongli: Did you just say the word fetal gas? 】


[Hongli: Heh, I think it's easy for you to make me angry! 】

Hongli snorted softly, looked at Heiyang, folded her hands on her chest, with a look of disdain.

[Hongli: So what if it goes berserk, as long as I use my spiritual power to trap it within a certain range and not hurt others? 】

[Hongli: At most, let Nirvana burn me twice, I will be afraid of this thing?funny! 】

"Aha? You have to let the fire of Nirvana burn you?"

Hei Yang turned to Hongli, looked at the thin spiritual power shield on Hongli's body to protect his clothes, and commented sharply: "Your spiritual power shield is not stable at all, okay, this level is really embarrassing!"

[Hongli: Nonsense, the Nirvana fire is jumping out of my body, attacking and disturbing my spiritual power at the same time, like a fucking ghost, what can I do! 】

Hongli rolled her big eyes.

[Hongli: How do you say that sentence, strong defenses are often breached from the inside! 】

[Hongli: Besides, I still use mystical powers, three-purpose, uh, four-purpose?In short, there are many uses, and it is great to be able to do this! 】

"So, what about the clothes? Leave it alone?"

Heiyang raised his brows and made the most fatal point.

"You know, Ren Jiahuo is not as kind as Heiyang.

At least I left you one or two when I slept, but it can't tell what to keep and what not to keep.

When the time comes, tsk tsk, it will be so clean to end up in a vast expanse of whiteness! "


Hongli's body froze imperceptibly, panicked in her heart, but she still showed a look of indifference.

[Hongli: Don't, don't be gibberish, I, Hongli, am not scared! 】

[Hongli: I am hidden now, who can see me except you?Who can see?Just your black sun! 】


Heiyang was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Hongli, seeing that her expression became a little unnatural.

[Hongli: What are you "hmm" doing! 】

[Hongli: You, what kind of eyes are you! 】


Heiyang moved horizontally, jumping from the right side of Hongli's shoulder to the left side, showing a funny expression, the latter turned vigilantly to look at Heiyang who brought his face up, subconsciously leaned back, but was caught by Heiyang's right arm. Hold on, hey hey smile.

"You mean... as long as Hei Yang sees it alone, it's fine?"

[Hongli: Yes, what can happen! 】

Hong Li turned her head to one side again, refusing to meet Hei Yang's gaze, and continued to be stubborn in her heart.

[Hongli: If you love it, just watch it if you like it, we, what is the relationship between us! 】

[Hong Li: We are just asking for help, we are married couples who have received a certificate, and we meet honestly or something, this, is this normal? 】

[Hongli: Hahaha, there is nothing to be afraid of at all, okay, hahaha, hahahahaha! 】

Hei Yang: "..."

"Then why are you blushing?"

[Hong Li: Hot, hot!So hot, so hot, hahaha! 】


[Hong Li: Stop talking nonsense!Hurry up and go! 】

[Hongli: I warn you, don't move me any further! 】

"Go, go, go..."

Heiyang laughed helplessly: "Just as long as you like it."



An ox cart was parked on the small road, and there were bags of heavy goods on it. It seemed that people from the next village and town wanted to transport the goods to the market in Wuse City for sale.

The bull in front of the bull's head was flicking its tail boredly. Its owner stopped suddenly just now and went to the grove beside the road. It hadn't come out for most of the day, probably because it had eaten badly.

Heh, the human body is delicate, not as strong as it is!

You know, the owner had the same food as it ate this morning, so nothing happened to it...

The bull's eyes widened suddenly, his expression froze for a few seconds, and then he showed a comfortable expression, ahem, um, it didn't say anything just now.

After a while, the owner of the bull returned to the cart with his trousers in his hands, glanced briefly at the goods, and nodded to get on the cart.

"Lao Niu, let's go, you have to hurry up, today is a little later than usual!"


The bullock cart rattled away.


On the side of the grass, a few small heads popped out, looking at the pile of fresh cow dung on the path with bright eyes, and rushed out like a group of little monkeys.

Several people squeezed out a few firecrackers from the small firecracker box, left the box where it was, and ran towards the path laughing and joking.

A few firecrackers were ritually inserted on the cow dung according to a special pattern, and a few little kids laughed and stretched out three fingers together.

Three, two, one, fire!Run away!


Lang of the bear child ran towards the original place with a smile, but suddenly there was a muffled sound in front of him, which frightened the bear children to stop quickly.


It seemed that there was a crackling sound from the place where they put the firecracker box, but the sound of the explosion was very low, as if it was restrained by something.


The bear children looked at each other in shock, and just about to speak, suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned their heads to look.

The fear just now was forgotten in an instant, and the little kids looked excitedly at the white smoke coming out of the small firecrackers on the cow dung that had already moved away.

"Crack bang!!!"

We look up ~ fly freely ~

Watching this spectacular scene, the brats laughed and breathed out their fragrance, until everything subsided, and then walked back to the grass.

Then they saw that their little firecrackers and the box were all gone!

The eyes of the brats widened. Just as they were about to find the murderer, they saw several coins left on the ground, and their eyes lit up.

"one two Three……"

"A lot of money!"

"I can buy three boxes!"

"How did firecrackers turn into money?"

"Why do you care so much, whoever sees it will own it!"

"I saw it first!" *n
The bear children looked at each other, put their hands together and closed their eyes: "Thank you for the gift of nature!"


"Really, we all took the path, and we still met people in the end."

Hei Yang couldn't help turning his head to look back, and complained: "I never did that wicked thing in my childhood in two lifetimes, and there are two girls playing in it..."

[Hongli: I don’t want to comment, but that’s why I didn’t want to play with those little kids when I was young...]

"By the way, did I pay too much?"

Hei Yang frowned belatedly: "How much does that box of firecrackers cost?"

[Hongli: I'm not sure, but my intuition tells me that you are at a disadvantage. There is only half of the box left, heh, prodigal man! 】

"Grass, didn't you light it for someone?"

Heiyang's forehead popped a well: "I'll help you deal with the funeral, bah bah, help you clean up the mess, you still blame me, don't you!"


Hongli stopped suddenly, raised her head and looked pitifully at Heiyang, sucked her red nose, tears streaming down her face.

[Hongli: I feel like I have a high fever right now, so uncomfortable woooooo, do you have the heart to blame your lovely girlfriend who is sick, woooooooooo...]

Hei Yang: "..."

"Let's go, let's go to the Huxin Pavilion immediately, watch me kick you into the lake, let you calm down!"

[Hongli: Hehe, how dare you! 】

"Do you think I dare?"


[Hongli: Is there a big pool in our yard? 】

"Did you know that, all I can say is, praise senior brothers and sisters.

But the water hasn't been released yet, so it's more convenient to throw you into the lake! "

Ignoring Hongli's displeased little resentful eyes, Heiyang pulled her out of the path, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Well, let me take a look, the Huxin Pavilion... huh?"

Heiyang's squinted eyes suddenly widened, and he quickly shook Hongli who was yawning beside him.

"There is a situation! There is a situation!"


Hongli suspiciously looked in the direction of Heiyang's finger, uh, there seemed to be someone in the Huxin Pavilion.

The two of them looked a little familiar, she seemed to know each other?

Well, I just can't think of their names all at once, they seem to be relatives?


Hongli couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of flames, and quickly stretched out her hand to press it back, and instantly prostrated herself on the ground with Heiyang beside her, her eyes became sharper.

[Hongli: Dad! 】

【Hei Yang: Girl, dad is here. 】

[Hongli: ? 】

Hongli turned her head to look at Heiyang beside her, and slowly raised a question mark.

[Hongli: You fucking want to fight again, don't you! 】

[Hei Yang: Hey, admit defeat, it’s okay for me to admit defeat. 】

Heiyang smiled, and accepted it as soon as he saw it. He pointed to the Huxin Pavilion, reminding Hongli that it should pay attention to it now.

[Hong Li: Huh. 】

Hongli rolled her eyes, feeling the urge to burn Heiyang with a fire...

[Hongli: Dad and the others are secretly drinking here! 】

[Hei Yang: Yes, very good, we were caught by the two of us, hehehe. 】

[Heiyang: My mother has already issued a hunting order, saying that she caught my father drinking and reported it... There will be rewards! 】

【Hongli: What a coincidence, isn't this, hehehe...】

[Heiyang Hongli: Oh oh oh oh oh!Small report!Small report!Oh ho ho ho ho ho! 】

Heiyang quietly took out the photo stone, smiled at Hongli, and also entered a state of ecstasy, sneaking towards the center of the lake...


Just as Heiyang Hongli approached the Huxin Pavilion with a filial expression on her face, the battle in the pavilion has also entered a fierce stage!
"I really enjoyed drinking today..."

Hei Muguang wiped the corner of his mouth expressionlessly, and suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

"If I could have one last drink..."

Hong Xiaochen turned to the only glass of wine left on the table, and smiled indifferently.


Two big hands stretched out at the same time, but instead of rushing towards the wine glass, they held each other's hand tightly!


Another two big hands attacked, this time the target was the wine glass, but they were still stopped by the opponent.

"I said, Brother Xiaochen..."

Hei Muguang grabbed Hong Xiaochen's hands with both hands, his face was flushed with drunkenness, and his forehead was slightly sweating, but he said with a smirk: "You've already drank so much, this is the last drink, let my little brother do it for you." .”

"Hey, Mu Guang, you are wrong!"

Hong Xiaochen sneered, eyes shot out, and said earnestly: "You are still young, if you drink so much alcohol, you will regret it when you get older, and your stomach will easily get sick."

"Oh? Then, Brother Xiaochen shouldn't drink this glass of wine, after all, he's old!"

Hei Muguang was unmoved, and smiled coldly: "You should know how to control yourself, shouldn't you?"

"No no, brother Xiaochen is hopeless, so there is no need to restrain yourself!"

Hong Xiaochen's face turned red, and he continued to increase his strength: "Mu Guang, you can still be saved, don't follow in the footsteps of big brother!"

"Don't worry, you are not afraid, big brother, so why would you be afraid, little brother?"

"So, are you determined to grab the last cup with my brother?"

The two of them leaned forward, sparks sparked in their eyes, and the corners of their mouths curled up.


"Come on then!"


The two retreated violently, the air waves tumbling, they stepped on the pillar behind them suddenly, but they rushed towards each other as lightly as a dragonfly on water!
"Hei's Drunken Fist!"

"Hong's Drunken Palm!"



The two were like fluttering butterflies, fighting back and forth in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, their sleeves fluttering, and the two of them shouted angrily.

The last cup stood quietly in the center of the stone table, it was the winner's medal!

"Click, click, click"

And Heiyang Hongli had already arrived at the lake pavilion, stepped on the water and raised the photo stone with a smirk on her face.

"Fighting while drunk is an extra crime!"

Heiyang laughed and took pictures of the heroic appearances of the fathers from around the pavilion.

In the past, it was the father who reported him to the mother, but today he finally got the chance!
[Hong Li: Black Sun!Black Sun!Give me a whole piece too! 】

Hongli chased after Heiyang, gnashing her teeth.

[Hongli: Stop for me!My storage bag is on you!Give me a picture stone! 】

[Hongli: I also want to take pictures of my dad's drunken heroism! 】

[Hei Yang: No, no, just a little bit. 】

[Hei Yang: I'll just help you take pictures, you can obediently integrate your supernatural powers there! 】

[Hong Li: No way!give it to me! 】

[Hei Yang: What can I do if I don’t give it to you! 】

[Hongli: Then don't blame me for grabbing it! 】

"Instant kill!"

Hongli's eyes froze, and she suddenly appeared behind Heiyang, with flames in her hands, she felt that she would be able to control her supernatural power immediately when she was extremely angry!

"Nirvana Flame!"

Hei Yang's figure froze abruptly. In this cold first month, his girlfriend still gave him the warmth of a severe burn, and the icy mist suddenly rose from behind him!

"the other side!"


The berserk attacks were all used to resist or attack the opponent under the control of the two, without any aftermath leaked!

[Your contract object (red glass) supernatural power Nirvana (purple) has been fused, and has been promoted to the fifth level of Jindan period! 】

"Black Sun!"

The camouflage on Hongli's body faded away, and she stabbed at Heiyang with a long spear with a smirk on her face.

"You dog, let's see how I teach you today!"

"I think your skin is itchy, Hongli!"

Heiyang also faded away, and raised his sword to meet him with a displeased face.

"I'll let you be honest today, so that you don't recognize your own family brother!"

"Go to hell!"*2

Huge waves broke out on the surface of the lake, and the water in the entire lake continued to rise, exposing the river bed, turning into a huge anaconda, and Heiyang stepped up the waves, opening his blood basin and biting at Hongli.

"hold head high!!!"

Hongli did not back down, plunged into the mouth of the python, and raised the spear, the flame attached to the spear, and the water and waves came out from the back of the snake. During the steaming, the tip of the spear stabbed at Heiyang, but the latter dodged to avoid it , Jian Guang fought back like waves of water.


The Sword of Absolute Defense Breaking and the Spear of Absolute Defense Breaking are separated at the touch of each other. The power of causal rules collides, and there is no distinction between superiority and superiority. However, the space where they intersect is shattered, and the cold void disappears in a flash, and the space is healed again .


Hongli took advantage of the opportunity to leap into the sky, the tip of the gun swept across, the flames turned into rings of fire and converged, rising layer by layer, and then sparked ripples, and finally gathered in the sky, turning into a fire eagle with a long cry, stretching out its scorching claws Catch the snake!


Even though the surroundings were turbulent, the Huxin Pavilion was as stable as Mount Tai under the intentional control of Heiyang Hongli. The two people in the pavilion gradually exhausted their physical strength, and the intensity of the battle gradually decreased.

"Caught you!"

Hong Xiaochen's eyes flashed, he turned his palms into claws, and grabbed Hei Muguang's sleeve!

"I caught you!"


Hei Muguang turned around abruptly, wrapped his arms around Hong Xiaochen's waist, pressed down with both palms, and patted the opponent's back, jumped up with his strength, and rushed towards the stone table with an excited face.

"The last cup is mine!"

"Don't think about it!"

Hong Xiaochen touched the ground with his toes, twisted his waist fiercely, and caught up with Hei Muguang, grabbing the opponent's ankle and pulling it violently!
"Bring me back you!"



The weapons collided, and the huge shock caused the gun and sword to fly into the air, and was instantly retracted into the storage bag.

The dying python tightened its grip on the dying giant eagle, and the latter's sharp claws kept scratching the python's body to release streams of steam!

Heiyang Hongli's weapon is out of hand, and supernatural powers are competing, but the two meet each other with bare hands!


Hei Muguang, Hong Xiaochen entangled with each other and fell to the side of the stone table, their arms kept colliding, they stretched towards the wine glass on the table, and their bodies also moved accordingly.

"Closer, closer, a little closer..."

Hei Muguanghong and Xiaochen's eyes were red, almost!


The fire eagle anaconda let out a mournful cry, and dispersed separately. The fire rain fell, was wetted by the waves and extinguished, and the water in the lake fell back to the river bed again, filling the lake with water!


A loud sound came out, shaking on the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

Under the incredulous gazes of Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen, the wine glass swayed, swayed, pop!


The wine spilled on the floor, as if there was a heartbreaking sound.

Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen petrified in an instant, their eyes unconsciously aimed at the drink on the floor, the petrification was broken in an instant, their eyes met, the two opened their mouths and rushed towards the drink.
But just when the two were about to rush, a little spark fell.


Under the dumbfounded gaze of the two, the drink instantly ignited, followed by the waves as if consciously, "crashing" swept away the flames, including the drink!
"Click, click, click..."

This is the broken voice of the two fathers, cough cough...


"To die, to die, to die!"

On the shore, Heiyang Hongli wrestled on the ground, pulled her hair and poked her nostrils, and rolled around until they realized what they had bumped into.


Heiyang Hongli raised his head.

Two wet middle-aged men looked at them expressionlessly.


"Xiao Li..."

Hei Muguanghong laughed with a faint voice: "You guys, what's going on?"

Heiyang Hongli: "..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !"*2
(End of this chapter)

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