So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 300 Questions: Exercises, exercises, consolidation, improvement, optimization training, etc.

Chapter 300 Questions: Exercises, exercises, consolidation, improvement, optimization training, etc. Workbooks, are they books?
"My dear, this plot..."

Hongli stood in a well-lit place in the bookstore, holding the book in both hands, reading the words on the page intently, her smooth face was rosy, she swayed subconsciously, her small mouth was still He kept mumbling something.

"Although I have seen many plots where the heroine appears in time at critical moments after creating an atmosphere of anxiety, this is also the usual method of this author.

But this is indeed a master who wrote the first two wonderful works, and the sequel is as good as ever!

Even this kind of plot can be rendered and described, and the psychological environment of the characters is great, great, except that the foreshadowing is too long...

Well, but yes, all these foreshadowings are necessary, how can the villain be portrayed so that people hate it, it turns out that smart people with bad intentions are more harmful, fortunately our family is all honest children.

But then again, Ma De, I really have a black sun, it's too hot, it's so hot, it's like my whole body is on fire! "

Hong Li's face flushed with excitement, watching the heroine finally take off the disguise dress and put on the battle robe, the red dress fluttered and looked heroic.

The heroine swung a knife and cut a hideous guy in two, then pinched the small head of the mastermind behind the scenes, and smashed his skull to the ground. Amid the villain's screams and wailing, what heart and liver Ah, the lungs, the intestines, what the hell, it’s true to relieve Qi!

"Too spicy! Too spicy! That's the way it should be, and that one, that little boy, who is neither yin nor yang, has been causing trouble, so he must be chopped off too! To say skinning cramps means skinning cramps!
That's right, that's it, I want to see blood flow into rivers!This is what a straightforward and good girl like me should watch!
What were those batches last month?

It’s fine if you’re really high-intelligence, but if you give her a knife at the beginning, nothing will happen, you have to give it a chance, sell your family and master, sell your master and teammates, and finally win out of nowhere?

Why do you win against other villains, I don't understand!hateful!
Tsk, it looks like I'm going to learn badly, let's have more positive energy! "


Hongli closed the book in her hand, took a deep breath, raised her head, showed a cheerful expression, and said happily: "Very good! Add one to the bookshelf boutique collection! Pay and go!"

Hongli hummed a little tune, and was about to turn around and go to pay the bill.


A ball of flames suddenly jumped out of Hongli's hand, instantly devouring the books in her hand, and the smell of burning slowly wafted over!

Hongli wrinkled her nose slightly, tilted her head, and raised the gray "book" in her hand to her eyes, with a dull expression on her face.


The books turned into countless ashes and fell down, Hongli's hands were empty, her pupils shrank fiercely, and a big question mark popped out of her little head.

Who is she, where is she, what is she going to do?
Where is her book?Where is her book?Where is her book?
What is that pile of ashes on the ground, it must not be her lovely book, right?Certainly not!

Hongli's pupils dilated again, and then slowly slackened, her little heart trembled, and the psychological shadow flooded into her mind again.

Chamber of secrets, comics, retreat, breakthrough, flames...

"Black Sun..."

Hong Li froze in place for a few breaths, and then she came back to her senses. She curled her lips in grievance, and subconsciously wanted to call her boyfriend to escort her.

As a result, there was a sudden pain in her throat, as if there was a surge of anger, and her nose was sore. It felt like seeing Hei Yang being washed and tied up in vain and thrown in front of her...


Hongli couldn't help coughing twice, shook the ashes off her hands, took out a large water cup, tapped it with her fingertips, filled it with the condensed water of the spiritual energy, and blew it directly into the bottle.

"ton ton ton..."

"Hey! Xiaoli!"

A hand suddenly stretched out and patted on Hongli's shoulder. Heiyang walked around behind Hongli from the bookshelf, and asked cheerfully, "How is it? Have you found the book you want to read?"

"Ton ton... huh?"

Hongli removed the water glass, swept her hair, and saw Heiyang smiling at herself behind her. She was just about to reply, but before she could swallow the water that filled her cheeks, a gust of anger gushed from her throat again. gush.

"Black... um... poof——"

Heiyang's pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes closed.

thump thump thump~

The trainer [Black Sun] is here to challenge!
[Black Sun] sent himself [Black Sun]

It was decided to be Ni [Hong Li]!
[Red Glass] Use hot water!
General effect.

"Hongli, how capable are you..."

Heiyang rubbed his face and was about to speak, when Hongli spit out water from his mouth, then spewed fire from his eyes, the former looked terrified.

【Black Sun】Used a provocation!
【Hong Li】Being provoked.

[Hongli] used flame jets!

The effect is outstanding!


"You're doing a sneak attack, aren't you!"

Heiyang pressed Hongli's mouth with a slap, pushed the flame back into Hongli's mouth, and blocked it without any explanation!
"Ah uh..."

The red glass cheeks puffed up again, his eyes widened, his body trembled suddenly, his throat suddenly swallowed, his expression froze, and white smoke came out of his head.

Then she rolled her eyes, kicked her legs, stuck her tongue out and fell down with her head tilted. The fallen corpse coughed...the body was caught by Hei Yang's outstretched arms.

"Good guy, is this dead?"

The corner of Heiyang's mouth twitched, and he stretched out his big slap to Hongli's face... There was a gust of wind next to him, cooling his girlfriend's unreasonably hot face.


"That, that, haha ​​cough cough..."

Hongli covered her face with her hand, looked at the hot water mark on Heiyang's face, wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, bowed her head and apologized: "Well, I didn't, ha, I didn't spray you on purpose, really, you Let me explain!"


Heiyang wiped off the boiled water expressionlessly on his face, his dead fish eyes staring at Hongli.

"Okay, explain, I'll listen."

"Uh, cough cough, just, I feel a little angry..."

Hongli laughed and coughed twice, coughing up a few small flames.

"My throat is itchy and my body is hot. It seems that when I was excited just now, I had a breakthrough in Nirvana, and then what did I do with my throat, I just wanted to drink water, and you suddenly scared me..."


Hei Yang raised his brows: "Is it still my fault?"

"How can..."

Hongli lowered her head and curled her lips, and said quietly: "Master Heiyang, how could you make a mistake? If there is a mistake, it must be the fault of Li, so it's okay!"

"It's almost..."

Heiyang nodded in satisfaction, then looked down at the charred ashes on the ground, with a black line drawn across his head.

"So, I just saw you holding a book and reading it with great interest. Where's the book?"


Hong Li followed Hei Yang's eyes, laughed miserably, and burst into tears: "Hei Yang, the book is dead!

The cremation went away, and it burned very quickly, so it shouldn't be too painful, woo woo woo..."


Heiyang moved to Hongli's side, looked at the "book" on the ground side by side with her, patted Hongli's back, and comforted: "My condolences, at least it walked away peacefully."

"It's a good boy, right? Black Yang."

"Well, it is a strong and optimistic child, and it didn't cry aloud until the last moment."

"Will it be happy over there?"

"Xiaoli, there is no such leader in the roaming world."

Hongli squinted at Heiyang, then turned her head.

"Will it be happy over there?"

"Well, definitely will!"


Heiyang helped Hongli's favorite book to restrain the bones, turned his head to look at the bookshelf beside him, patted Hongli, and urged: "Why are you still standing there, take another one, isn't there a lot of the same ones?" ?"


Hei Yang raised his brows: "From now on, Feng Xin will no longer love you?"


Hongli turned her head, raised her hand, and a ball of flames burst out from the palm of her hand.


Heiyang nodded, helped Hongli take another book from the shelf, shook it in front of Hongli's eyes, and confirmed, "Is it this book?"

"Well, that's right, just cough cough cough!"

Just as Hong Li opened her mouth, another ball of sparks jumped out, stumbling towards the book in Hei Yang's hand.


Heiyang slapped the oncoming sparks away, smiled and looked at the relieved Hongli.


Hong Li gave a thumbs up, Hei Yang, hard!

"Huh? This, the amount of money is not right?"

The old man was still asleep, and it was his granddaughter, a tall girl with a round face, who paid the bill.

Although Hongli saw that most of the girls were tall, ahem... Rumors, rumors!

"Well, you two, this is too much money!"

The round-faced girl frowned and looked at Heiyang Hongli, and explained: "You took one book and gave you the money for two books."


Hongli looked up at Heiyang, she was afraid that talking would give the girls too much warmth, after all, Heiyang is resistant to fire, and girls can't stand the fire of Nirvana!
"Cough, that..."

Heiyang sneered, and stretched out two fingers.

"Actually, we just bought two books, so we should pay for the two books, that's right!"


The round-faced girl froze for a moment, and looked at the two of them suspiciously.

"Then, where's the other one? Bring it."

"This is..."

Hei Yang's expression froze.

The other one has just been burned to ashes by us. (strike out)

"That, another one it..."

Heiyang nodded, and said with a serious face: "It's socially afraid! It's too embarrassing to see people, so don't let it show up!"

Round-faced girl: "???"

Hongli: "???"

Hongli turned her head to look at Heiyang in shock, brother, are you alright?
It's not that you, Hongli, regard them as living beings, so is there a problem with social fear?

Heiyang glared back at Hongli, then looked helplessly at the old gentleman's granddaughter.

"Then we have money and no land to burn, and people are stupid and have a lot of money, so we want to spend two books of money to set off our high-end by prodigal. Is this the head office?"

"Ah? How can you do this?!"

The round-faced girl stared, and said seriously: "Do you two know that this is a very bad habit? Could it be that parents' money is just scraped from the sky?"

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang lowered his head: "I'm sorry, we were wrong."

Hong Li: "Hmm! (Hei Yang is right!)"

"There's no end to saying sorry!"

The round-faced girl folded her hands on her chest and said angrily, "Say, which class are you in? Call your parents to come over!"

Heiyang Hongli: "???"


Heiyang beeped softly: "The two of us are no longer students."

"Ah this..."

The round-faced girl was taken aback for a moment, then came back to her senses, and quickly apologized with a smirk: "Haha, I'm sorry about that, because I just took a new class, so...

Well, they couldn't stop coming back from the Chinese New Year, all kinds of mischievous tricks, so they annoy me, you can understand! "


Heiyang Hongli nodded sharply, she can understand, she can understand!

Heiyang said cautiously: "Can we buy one for two copies?"


Heiyang Hongli: "???"

"Although you are not my students..."

The round-faced girl stretched out a finger, turned to look at Grandpa who was sleeping there, and walked forward.

"Grandpa, grandpa, look at them two! They are your students, do you know the contact information of their parents?"

Heiyang Hongli: "!!!"

"Well, don't disturb the old man's rest!"

Hei Yang quickly reached out to stop him, turned around and ran back to the bookstore: "Wait for me!"

In the blink of an eye, Hei Yang held up two identical books one by one, and looked at the round-faced girl.

"Buy two copies! This is the head office!"

"It's almost there!"

The round-faced girl nodded in satisfaction.

"Welcome next time!"


Heiyang Hongli walked out of the shop.

Hongli raised her head and glanced at Heiyang, who entered a state of invisibility with a blank expression.

God hidden!

Heiyang activated his magical powers, turned around and walked back to the bookstore, put one of the books back, and walked out again.

"All right."

Hei Yang waved the book in his hand, and put it into the storage bag under Hong Li's gaze.

"I'll keep it for you first, is that okay?"


Hongli tilted her head and thought for a while, tiptoed and pulled Heiyang's arm down, spread out the opponent's palm, untied the storage bag at his waist, and put it in his hand, then took out the list from his pocket, stuffed it into Heiyang's pocket, Then he took off the necklace around his neck and put it on...

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Heiyang lowered his head, reached out to take the necklace, turned to look at Hongli, and said with a helpless smile, "Isn't it?"

Hongli blinked.

[Hongli: What if?What if it suddenly catches fire and burns out? 】

[Hongli: Nirvana is out of control now, who knows what will happen! 】

[Hongli: I will be sad if the necklace is gone! 】

"Then what do you say..."

Heiyang glanced at Hongli, and pointed at her: "The necklace hanging around your neck may be burned, so what about your clothes?
This cloth is not good enough to prevent ordinary water and fire, but it can't stop the out-of-control Nirvana fire. "

Hongli: "!!!"

Hongli stared, folded her hands on her chest, and looked around vigilantly.

Then he looked at Heiyang suddenly, and under the latter's horrified gaze, he reached out and pulled Heiyang's coat.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

[Hongli: Quickly let me hide under your clothes, it's safer! 】

"Uh, can't you be invisible?"

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes and looked at Hongli: "The only thing that is out of control is Nirvana, and there is no problem with God's disappearance."


Hong Li's eyes lit up, her spiritual power surged, and her figure disappeared.

[Hongli: How is it?How about it? 】


The reddish light in Heiyang's eyes appeared, disappeared, appeared, disappeared, nodded, and affirmed: "Perfect!"


As soon as Heiyang finished speaking, he saw a flame ignited out of thin air and fluttered faintly in the empty place.

[Hongli: What about now? 】


Heiyang scratched his face, and said with a sneer: "The ghost fire girl?"


[Hong Li: What should I do! 】

"Don't panic, don't panic!"

Heiyang stretched out his hand to comfort Hongli's hair. Although this scene was horrifying in the eyes of others, it gradually calmed down Hongli's flustered mood.

"Let's go home first!"

Hei Yang stretched out his finger and explained: "We don't have to be afraid when we get home, as long as we get through the integration period, there will be no problem!"

[Hong Li: No way! 】

Hongli shook her head resolutely.


Hei Yang looked puzzled: "Why not? There is no one else in our family..."

[Hongli: That's our home!What if something burns out!You prodigal man! 】

"Ah this..."

A black line was drawn across Hei Yang's head: "Then you said, if you can't go home, where else can you go?"

[Hongli: I want a remote place, so as not to scare others.

Ask for one with lots of water to suppress the fire.

I want a place to rest, I'm exhausted! 】


Heiyang was stunned, nodded, exchanged a glance with Hongli, and the direction of the Huxin Pavilion!
(End of this chapter)

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