So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 299 The bookstore was very popular that day, the boss lit up a cigarette and talked about th

Chapter 299 The bookstore was very popular that day, the boss lit up a cigarette and talked about the past...


A huge wine jug slammed on the stone table, and the tremor caused a few drops of fine wine to splash out from the spout.

"Oh, Mu Guang, Mu Guang, what are you doing so hard, a lot of wine is spilled!"

Hong Xiaochen stretched out his palm with a distressed face, trying to catch the fine wine spilled from the spout, but it was too late, and the wine had already dripped onto the table.

"Ah! Waste! What a waste! The wine has been brewed for several years, but it has not been drunk. It must be dead!"

Hong Xiaochen looked at the drops of wine on the table, smelled the strong aroma of wine in the air, couldn't help but stretched his neck forward, and moved it there, with the tip of his tongue half exposed...

"Hey, forget it, nine out of ten unhappy people in the world, let's be more open-minded. It's not good to be seen licking the table by someone from my majestic city lord's mansion..."

Hong Xiaochen thought about it, but still heaved a long sigh, unable to make up his mind, so he had to sit back in his original position, still heaving a long sigh.

"Hahaha, it's my younger brother who is wrong, so make amends to my elder brother."

Hei Muguang cheerfully placed the wine utensils in his hands in front of himself and Hong Xiaochen respectively, and reached out to grab the wine pot: "In order to express my apology to the elder brother, the younger brother will punish himself with two glasses first, and give the elder brother a... …Um?"

The smile on Hei Muguang's face froze, looking at Hong Xiaochen who reached out to hold the jug into his arms, the outstretched hand hovered in the air.


Hong Xiaochen's slumped look disappeared in an instant, and he looked at Hei Muguang with a bland smile, and spoke leisurely.

"Mu Guang, this is an old wine that my elder brother has treasured for many years, and I reluctantly took it out in front of you, thinking that we two brothers would have a good drink.

But you don't wait for the eldest brother to try something new, but you have to drink two glasses first, isn't it a bit unkind? "

"Haha, look at what you said, big brother, isn't this little brother apologizing for you, why don't you drink first and then talk about it?"

Hei Muguang was stunned for a moment, then put on a sincere smile as well.

"Just now, my younger brother misbehaved and spilled wine by mistake. Naturally, he will be punished. I don't think there is any problem?"

"Hey, it's not right. This water is clear and there are no fish. If it is full, it will lose. This is the law of nature. You can't force it, so I give this breeze a few scents of wine on credit, and you can drink with the sky!"

Hong Xiaochen smiled boldly, picked up the jug, and was about to pour it into his glass.

"Brother Yu made a slip of the tongue for a while, which shocked the virtuous brother, he should be punished, he should be punished, hahahaha!"


Hei Muguang saw that Hong Xiaochen not only defuses his own tricks, but also reversed the army, so he quickly stretched out his hand to block Hong Xiaochen's arm, preventing the other party's next move.


Hong Xiaochen's smile froze, and he raised his face to look at Hei Muguang: "My dear brother?"

"Big brother!"

Hei Muguang smiled slightly: "My little brother also has some old wine hidden in his house."


Hong Xiaochen's eyelids twitched slightly, and he also smiled.



Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen looked at each other.

Hei Muguang: "..."

Hong Xiaochen: "..."

Suddenly the two laughed out loud together, and their palms loosened slightly.

"My virtuous brother, hurry up and have a drink with my foolish brother!"

"Respect is worse than obedience!"

"Dry it!"*2

Three rounds of wine.

"No, as expected, aged wine!"

With a slightly drunken face, Hei Muguang gave a thumbs up and said sincerely, "Brother, be tough!"

"Hahaha, of course, I, Hong Xiaochen, can still fool my brothers with fake products?!"

Hong Xiaochen refilled his glass again, and cheerfully took off the storage bag on his waist.

"Speaking of ten thousand, no matter how naughty my daughter is, she is still her father's caring little padded jacket.

Take a look, the little bag Xiao Li gave can hold several bottles of fine wine!It's greatly facilitated our two brothers to carry out illegal activities behind the scenes cough cough, I mean, it greatly facilitates our two brothers' relationship, it's really good hahahaha! "

(Hongli: ???)
"Ha, my little brother also has this little bag. My Xiaoyang was also a filial child since he was a child!"

Hei Muguang was happy, untied his waist storage bag and put it on the table, proudly said: "Not only is my daughter a sweet padded jacket, but my son is also his father's... er... his father's sweet pants! Ha ha ha ha!"

(Heiyang: ???)
"Well, is there a possibility that the children gave us this, not for wine?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Hahaha, I think so too!"

"For the filial piety of our sons and daughters, let's drink a few more cups!"

"Hahaha, that's exactly what it should be, do it!"


After another three rounds of drinking, the two buddies were already blushing, but they were still relatively sober with the capacity to drink.

"Speaking of brother..."

Hong Xiaochen looked around, pavilions, stone chairs and stone tables, the lake was shining, mountains were lined up, and white clouds were misty.

"You said that we secretly came to this lake pavilion to drink and have fun under the pretext of helping the children to arrange a happy event. We won't be discovered by our daughter-in-law, right?"

"Ah, cough, cough..."

Hei Muguang's eyes were blank, and he looked around guiltily, until he didn't find Qing Yiyi around, then he leaned forward and whispered: "Be confident, haven't we stepped on the spot several times?
In this month's Huxin Pavilion, the lake is about to freeze, and children are restricted by their families not to approach.

Coupled with the cold wind, not to mention the elderly, even young people may not be able to bear it.

No, I saw it a few days ago, even ghosts in this desolate Huxin Pavilion are unwilling to come..."

"Cough cough!"

Hong Xiaochen coughed, and interrupted Hei Muguang: "Well, Brother Xian is right, I think I understand what you mean, so there is no need to say that ghosts don't want to come, after all... Ha, isn't it still There are two of us!"

"Hey, I made a slip of the tongue, forgive me."

Hei Muguang chuckled, and showed a sad expression again: "What I'm thinking about now is not whether I will be discovered while drinking, but how to hide it when I go back!"


Hong Xiaochen frowned: "Heaven knows, the earth knows, you know and I know, can you still reveal your secrets?"

"Heh, how can there be an impenetrable wall in the world?"

Hei Muguang waved his hands, and said with a frustrated face: "We have been married for nearly twenty years, not to mention anything else, as long as our eyes are slightly wrong, they can tell that something is wrong.

Not to mention sleeping with my daughter-in-law in my arms in the middle of the night, if I smell alcohol all over my body, I will be kicked out of bed..."


Hong Xiaochen's eyes widened, and he couldn't help blurting out: "How can this work, then my second child plan is ahem...

Well, I didn't say anything just now, and Mu Guang, you didn't hear anything either. "


Hei Muguang's facial muscles twitched for a while, and finally realized that the business was more important, so he nodded expressionlessly: "Oh."


The corner of Hong Xiaochen's mouth twitched: "Oh? You just: Oh?"

"if not?"

Hei Muguang frowned.

"You don't..."

Hong Xiaochen pointed at the sky with a smirk: "Swear a poisonous oath or something, for example, if you hear it, you will be hit with thunder and thunder?"

"Brother Xiaochen, believe it or not, I'm going home with the wine bottle to find them right now?"

Hei Muguang said softly, "How about we both go home together?"


Hong Xiaochen froze, a picture of himself and Hei Muguang lying in a pool of blood suddenly appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help shivering.

"Ahem, haha, of course, of course, business matters, business matters!"

Hong Xiaochen quickly forced a smile and said, "Let's continue discussing how to keep this matter a secret!"

"That's right!"

Hei Muguang showed a relieved smile, to be honest, he was much more panicked than Hong Xiaochen's elder brother, and his sister-in-law Lan Yuying was a real lady, the kind who had never even killed a chicken before marrying Hong Xiaochen.

At most, after getting married, Hong Xiaochen taught his daughter-in-law how to do it, but that's it, she is still a fair lady in her heart.

But his family Yiyi, hehe, that's the girl who chases wolves with a knife in the middle of twelve...

"Smell of alcohol...smell of alcohol...what should I do?"

Hong Xiaochen tapped his fingers on the stone table with a sad face, while still saying that he continued to drink, the more sad he wanted to drink, the more he drank, the more sad he became.

"Hey! Got it!"

Hong Xiaochen's eyes lit up suddenly, and he drank the wine in one gulp. Seeing Hei Muguang looking over with a puzzled face, he proudly pointed to the surrounding lakes, and said with a smile, "After drinking, you and I, my brother, If you don’t go home, just swim in this lake for a while, and keep the alcohol away, hahaha!”


Hei Mu Guangmin glanced at the lake with icy scum floating, and a bunch of question marks popped out of his head.

No... Although they are indeed strong and have recently begun to practice the exercises brought by their children, he is not used to winter swimming either!


Hei Muguang said with a complicated expression: "Let's find a bathhouse or something...can't we?"

"Your bathhouse is open for the first month!"

"Uh, after fifteen, it will probably be opened?"

The corner of Hei Muguang's mouth twitched, and he shook his head. His eyes were full of people, which made it even more obvious that there was no silver three hundred taels here, so he didn't ask himself.

"and many more……"

Hei Muguang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he slammed the table, attracting Hong Xiaochen's puzzled look: "What's wrong?"

"Have it!"

"Your second child plan has succeeded?!"

"Brother Xiaochen... let's die together."

"Ah, cough cough, brother, please tell me!"

"Hmph, listen up."

Hei Muguang cleared his throat, stretched out a finger, and said leisurely, "Since it's difficult to pretend, then why don't you pretend, just go home after drinking!"


Hong Xiaochen had a question mark on his head, his face full of horror: "Is life 8 going?"

"Look what you said."

Hei Muguang rolled his eyes and continued: "As the saying goes, the most difficult lie is half-truth, half-false. We just need to..."

"Well, now, brother Xiaochen, you remember!"

Hei Muguang looked directly into Hong Xiaochen's bewildered eyes, and said word by word: "After we left home, we immediately contacted helpers and contacts, and arranged for the marriage of our children.

But, you also know that those people are very bad, they always want to cheat us three melons, try their best to make things difficult, evade in every possible way, and refuse to do it without extra money!
In line with the spirit of diligence and thrift in housekeeping, as well as the earnest teachings of my wife and adults, we argued based on theory and quoted scriptures in an attempt to convince him. "


Hong Xiaochen's expression was stiff: "Then... you persuaded it to the wine table?"


Hei Muguang gave his eldest brother a look of approval.

"There's no reason why the negotiation is not at the wine table! Since they invite you to fight for wine, it's less to more. For the sake of my wife and adults, how can we two brothers be easily afraid!
After three rounds of wine and three rounds, refill the glass with aging!
The two of us overcame all obstacles, triumphantly, and got down one opponent after another, and finally! "

"We came home victorious!"

Hong Xiaochen understood, and he beamed brightly and said, "We won this victory!"

"No! We lost badly!"


"Don't be in a hurry."

Hei Muguang stretched out his hand to prevent Hong Xiaochen from asking first, but continued: "We drank so much that our stomachs turned upside down, we vomited heavily, lying on the table with dazed eyes, but we still refused to give up!
In the end, they were moved by our sincerity and perseverance, so they closed their mouths. Does the elder brother understand what the younger brother said? "

"Could this be the legendary..."

Hong Xiaochen's eyes widened, and his voice trembled slightly: "Sell, sell poorly?!"

"That's right! Big brother is so savvy!"

Hei Muguang slapped his thigh violently, and stretched out his finger: "Think about it, after hearing our tragic experience and our strong character, are they willing to scold us again? Not willing!

Instead, they will be distressed, moved, and comfort us in a gentle voice! "

【Mu Guang, you don't have to fight like this, I will feel bad! 】

[Xiaochen, you... Husband, just lie down and rest, let me cook you some hangover soup to warm your stomach...]

The imaginary images popping up on the heads of the two gradually became unsuitable for children, ahem...

"Haha, let's do that!"

"Problem solved, enough time!"

"Dry it!"*2
"Hahahahaha!" *2


Heiyang scratched his head, with a puzzled look on his face: "I seem to have heard the ghost say, Dad called me big pants???"


Hei Yang shook his head, smiled, and smacked the phantom: "Impossible, impossible, that's my own father, how could he scold me, hahaha..."

"Xiaoyang? What are you mumbling about?"

The old gentleman who was much older than his impression was sitting in the teacher's chair, looking at the most talented student he had ever taught with a puzzled expression.

"Isn't it some of the words and sentences of your young people?"

"Ah, haha, teacher, no, it's nothing, I just thought of something suddenly, it's okay, it's okay haha."

Heiyang was sweating on his forehead, the body leaning against the cabinet subconsciously stood up straight, and changed the subject with a sneer.

"It's you, I didn't expect you to still remember me after so many years of no contact, hahaha."

"Oh, if the old man said that the students I have taught have never forgotten..."

The old gentleman lifted the book, and the muddy eyes under the glasses moved slightly to the right, grinning to reveal few teeth, and said with a sly smile: "That's a lie, I have taught so many dolls, how could it be possible?" Remember, hahaha!"

"However, those who study at the forefront and those who study at the bottom always get into trouble..."

The old gentleman said hehe: "I remember it very clearly, what kind do you think you are?"

"That must be..."

Hei Yang stretched out his thumb confidently, and smiled: "This!"

"Hmm, that's right, you did leave a deep impression on the old man at the beginning, so much so that I would often take you out to attack them a few times later, hahaha!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang laughed twice, not knowing how to answer.

"Hey, he's still shy at such a big age."

The old gentleman chuckled a few times, seeing Hei Yang's appearance, he stopped teasing him, and turned his head to look inside the bookstore.

The old man's Innocence bookstore is very vast, and even if it is compared with those big bookstores in big cities, it is not far behind.

There are many bookshelves and various styles of books, but the old man's store is not only the classics he admires. Although those do occupy a large part of it, the old man is also very tolerant of other types of books.

But, don't ask about the kind where two villains are fighting, it's degrading to ask!

Hei Yang found out that this shop is not run by the old man alone, there are two sons and two daughters, plus a grandson and a granddaughter, who often come to the shop to help and take care of the old man, it is considered a happy family relationship.

"But the old man really didn't expect..."

The old man looked in a certain direction in the store, as if he was going to see another student of his time through a corner covered by bookshelves.

He looked at Heiyang with a smile: "But the old man didn't expect that the two of you are really together. The relationship between the baby, ha, is a bit unexpected."

He still remembered that when Hongli got out of school, the little boy in front of him was lying on the top of the wall, looking forward to see through, and he also knew that they had a very good relationship.

However, at that time, these two children felt like brothers and sisters to him.

"Ahem, hahaha, well, friendship occasionally goes bad!"

Heiyang's face turned red, and he could only laugh repeatedly.

"Okay, okay, don't be nervous, this is a good thing."

The old gentleman waved his hand and said with a smile, "I just don't know. Is there a seat for the old man at the wedding?"

"Yes, yes, you must have it!"

Hei Yang hurriedly nodded his head to confirm: "If there is no seat at that time, I will kill someone who has a bad relationship and make room for you!"

"Heh, it's still not serious..."

The old man cursed with a smile, thinking that the doll seemed to have the same temperament back then, he shook his head with a smile.

"It's no wonder you two... Ha, forget it, go see her, the old man is tired, sleep for a while, ha."


Seeing the old man covering his face with a book, Hei Yang secretly thought, did the teacher sleep like this when he was reading...

"Then, I'll go."


The old man waved his hand.


Heiyang stood up, stretched his waist, and looked at Hongli's position, his sight could really pass through the obstruction of the bookshelf.

"Let me go and see, what book are you reading, you girl, are you so fascinated by it..."

[Your contract object (red glass) is on fire, and the supernatural nirvana (purple) is transforming...]

Hei Yang: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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